// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. import html from 'remark-html'; import { unified } from 'unified'; import { selectAll } from 'unist-util-select'; import * as common from './common.mjs'; // Unified processor: input is https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast, // output is: https://gist.github.com/1777387. export function jsonAPI({ filename }) { return (tree, file) => { const exampleHeading = /^example/i; const metaExpr = /\n*/g; const stabilityExpr = /^Stability: ([0-5])(?:\s*-\s*)?(.*)$/s; // Extract definitions. const definitions = selectAll('definition', tree); // Determine the start, stop, and depth of each section. const sections = []; let section = null; tree.children.forEach((node, i) => { if (node.type === 'heading' && !exampleHeading.test(textJoin(node.children, file))) { if (section) section.stop = i - 1; section = { start: i, stop: tree.children.length, depth: node.depth }; sections.push(section); } }); // Collect and capture results. const result = { type: 'module', source: filename }; while (sections.length > 0) { doSection(sections.shift(), result); } file.json = result; // Process a single section (recursively, including subsections). function doSection(section, parent) { if (section.depth - parent.depth > 1) { throw new Error('Inappropriate heading level\n' + JSON.stringify(section)); } const current = newSection(tree.children[section.start], file); let nodes = tree.children.slice(section.start + 1, section.stop + 1); // Sometimes we have two headings with a single blob of description. // Treat as a clone. if ( nodes.length === 0 && sections.length > 0 && section.depth === sections[0].depth ) { nodes = tree.children.slice(sections[0].start + 1, sections[0].stop + 1); } // Extract (and remove) metadata that is not directly inferable // from the markdown itself. nodes.forEach((node, i) => { // Input: ; output: {name: module}. if (node.type === 'html') { node.value = node.value.replace(metaExpr, (_0, key, value) => { current[key.trim()] = value.trim(); return ''; }); if (!node.value.trim()) delete nodes[i]; } // Process metadata: // if (node.type === 'html' && common.isYAMLBlock(node.value)) { current.meta = common.extractAndParseYAML(node.value); delete nodes[i]; } // Stability marker: > Stability: ... if ( node.type === 'blockquote' && node.children.length === 1 && node.children[0].type === 'paragraph' && nodes.slice(0, i).every((node) => node.type === 'list') ) { const text = textJoin(node.children[0].children, file); const stability = stabilityExpr.exec(text); if (stability) { current.stability = parseInt(stability[1], 10); current.stabilityText = stability[2].replaceAll('\n', ' ').trim(); delete nodes[i]; } } }); // Compress the node array. nodes = nodes.filter(() => true); // If the first node is a list, extract it. const list = nodes[0] && nodes[0].type === 'list' ? nodes.shift() : null; // Now figure out what this list actually means. // Depending on the section type, the list could be different things. const values = list ? list.children.map((child) => parseListItem(child, file)) : []; switch (current.type) { case 'ctor': case 'classMethod': case 'method': { // Each item is an argument, unless the name is 'return', // in which case it's the return value. const sig = {}; sig.params = values.filter((value) => { if (value.name === 'return') { sig.return = value; return false; } return true; }); parseSignature(current.textRaw, sig); current.signatures = [sig]; break; } case 'property': // There should be only one item, which is the value. // Copy the data up to the section. if (values.length) { const signature = values[0]; // Shove the name in there for properties, // since they are always just going to be the value etc. signature.textRaw = `\`${current.name}\` ${signature.textRaw}`; for (const key in signature) { if (signature[key]) { if (key === 'type') { current.typeof = signature.type; } else { current[key] = signature[key]; } } } } break; case 'event': // Event: each item is an argument. current.params = values; break; default: // If list wasn't consumed, put it back in the nodes list. if (list) nodes.unshift(list); } // Convert remaining nodes to a 'desc'. // Unified expects to process a string; but we ignore that as we // already have pre-parsed input that we can inject. if (nodes.length) { if (current.desc) current.shortDesc = current.desc; current.desc = unified() .use(function() { this.Parser = () => ( { type: 'root', children: nodes.concat(definitions) } ); }) .use(html, { sanitize: false }) .processSync('').toString().trim(); if (!current.desc) delete current.desc; } // Process subsections. while (sections.length > 0 && sections[0].depth > section.depth) { doSection(sections.shift(), current); } // If type is not set, default type based on parent type, and // set displayName and name properties. if (!current.type) { current.type = (parent.type === 'misc' ? 'misc' : 'module'); current.displayName = current.name; current.name = current.name.toLowerCase() .trim().replace(/\s+/g, '_'); } // Pluralize type to determine which 'bucket' to put this section in. let plur; if (current.type.slice(-1) === 's') { plur = `${current.type}es`; } else if (current.type.slice(-1) === 'y') { plur = current.type.replace(/y$/, 'ies'); } else { plur = `${current.type}s`; } // Classes sometimes have various 'ctor' children // which are actually just descriptions of a constructor class signature. // Merge them into the parent. if (current.type === 'class' && current.ctors) { current.signatures = current.signatures || []; const sigs = current.signatures; current.ctors.forEach((ctor) => { ctor.signatures = ctor.signatures || [{}]; ctor.signatures.forEach((sig) => { sig.desc = ctor.desc; }); sigs.push(...ctor.signatures); }); delete current.ctors; } // Properties are a bit special. // Their "type" is the type of object, not "property". if (current.type === 'property') { if (current.typeof) { current.type = current.typeof; delete current.typeof; } else { delete current.type; } } // If the parent's type is 'misc', then it's just a random // collection of stuff, like the "globals" section. // Make the children top-level items. if (current.type === 'misc') { Object.keys(current).forEach((key) => { switch (key) { case 'textRaw': case 'name': case 'type': case 'desc': case 'miscs': return; default: if (parent.type === 'misc') { return; } if (parent[key] && Array.isArray(parent[key])) { parent[key] = parent[key].concat(current[key]); } else if (!parent[key]) { parent[key] = current[key]; } } }); } // Add this section to the parent. Sometimes we have two headings with a // single blob of description. If the preceding entry at this level // shares a name and is lacking a description, copy it backwards. if (!parent[plur]) parent[plur] = []; const prev = parent[plur].slice(-1)[0]; if (prev && prev.name === current.name && !prev.desc) { prev.desc = current.desc; } parent[plur].push(current); } }; } const paramExpr = /\((.+)\);?$/; // text: "someobject.someMethod(a[, b=100][, c])" function parseSignature(text, sig) { const list = []; let [, sigParams] = text.match(paramExpr) || []; if (!sigParams) return; sigParams = sigParams.split(','); let optionalLevel = 0; const optionalCharDict = { '[': 1, ' ': 0, ']': -1 }; sigParams.forEach((sigParam, i) => { sigParam = sigParam.trim(); if (!sigParam) { throw new Error(`Empty parameter slot: ${text}`); } let listParam = sig.params[i]; let optional = false; let defaultValue; // For grouped optional params such as someMethod(a[, b[, c]]). let pos; for (pos = 0; pos < sigParam.length; pos++) { const levelChange = optionalCharDict[sigParam[pos]]; if (levelChange === undefined) break; optionalLevel += levelChange; } sigParam = sigParam.substring(pos); optional = (optionalLevel > 0); for (pos = sigParam.length - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) { const levelChange = optionalCharDict[sigParam[pos]]; if (levelChange === undefined) break; optionalLevel += levelChange; } sigParam = sigParam.substring(0, pos + 1); const eq = sigParam.indexOf('='); if (eq !== -1) { defaultValue = sigParam.substr(eq + 1); sigParam = sigParam.substr(0, eq); } // At this point, the name should match. If it doesn't find one that does. // Example: shared signatures for: // ### new Console(stdout[, stderr][, ignoreErrors]) // ### new Console(options) if (!listParam || sigParam !== listParam.name) { listParam = null; for (const param of sig.params) { if (param.name === sigParam) { listParam = param; } else if (param.options) { for (const option of param.options) { if (option.name === sigParam) { listParam = Object.assign({}, option); } } } } if (!listParam) { if (sigParam.startsWith('...')) { listParam = { name: sigParam }; } else { throw new Error( `Invalid param "${sigParam}"\n` + ` > ${JSON.stringify(listParam)}\n` + ` > ${text}`, ); } } } if (optional) listParam.optional = true; if (defaultValue !== undefined) listParam.default = defaultValue.trim(); list.push(listParam); }); sig.params = list; } const returnExpr = /^returns?\s*:?\s*/i; const nameExpr = /^['`"]?([^'`": {]+)['`"]?\s*:?\s*/; const typeExpr = /^\{([^}]+)\}\s*/; const leadingHyphen = /^-\s*/; const defaultExpr = /\s*\*\*Default:\*\*\s*([^]+)$/i; function parseListItem(item, file) { const current = {}; current.textRaw = item.children.filter((node) => node.type !== 'list') .map((node) => ( file.value.slice(node.position.start.offset, node.position.end.offset)), ) .join('').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(//sg, ''); let text = current.textRaw; if (!text) { throw new Error(`Empty list item: ${JSON.stringify(item)}`); } // The goal here is to find the name, type, default. // Anything left over is 'desc'. if (returnExpr.test(text)) { current.name = 'return'; text = text.replace(returnExpr, ''); } else { const [, name] = text.match(nameExpr) || []; if (name) { current.name = name; text = text.replace(nameExpr, ''); } } const [, type] = text.match(typeExpr) || []; if (type) { current.type = type; text = text.replace(typeExpr, ''); } text = text.replace(leadingHyphen, ''); const [, defaultValue] = text.match(defaultExpr) || []; if (defaultValue) { current.default = defaultValue.replace(/\.$/, ''); text = text.replace(defaultExpr, ''); } if (text) current.desc = text; const options = item.children.find((child) => child.type === 'list'); if (options) { current.options = options.children.map((child) => ( parseListItem(child, file) )); } return current; } // This section parses out the contents of an H# tag. // To reduce escape slashes in RegExp string components. const r = String.raw; const eventPrefix = '^Event: +'; const classPrefix = '^[Cc]lass: +'; const ctorPrefix = '^(?:[Cc]onstructor: +)?`?new +'; const classMethodPrefix = '^Static method: +'; const maybeClassPropertyPrefix = '(?:Class property: +)?'; const maybeQuote = '[\'"]?'; const notQuotes = '[^\'"]+'; const maybeBacktick = '`?'; // To include constructs like `readable\[Symbol.asyncIterator\]()` // or `readable.\_read(size)` (with Markdown escapes). const simpleId = r`(?:(?:\\?_)+|\b)\w+\b`; const computedId = r`\\?\[[\w\.]+\\?\]`; const id = `(?:${simpleId}|${computedId})`; const classId = r`[A-Z]\w+`; const ancestors = r`(?:${id}\.?)+`; const maybeAncestors = r`(?:${id}\.?)*`; const callWithParams = r`\([^)]*\)`; const maybeExtends = `(?: +extends +${maybeAncestors}${classId})?`; const headingExpressions = [ { type: 'event', re: RegExp( `${eventPrefix}${maybeBacktick}${maybeQuote}(${notQuotes})${maybeQuote}${maybeBacktick}$`, 'i') }, { type: 'class', re: RegExp( `${classPrefix}${maybeBacktick}(${maybeAncestors}${classId})${maybeExtends}${maybeBacktick}$`, '') }, { type: 'ctor', re: RegExp( `${ctorPrefix}(${maybeAncestors}${classId})${callWithParams}${maybeBacktick}$`, '') }, { type: 'classMethod', re: RegExp( `${classMethodPrefix}${maybeBacktick}${maybeAncestors}(${id})${callWithParams}${maybeBacktick}$`, 'i') }, { type: 'method', re: RegExp( `^${maybeBacktick}${maybeAncestors}(${id})${callWithParams}${maybeBacktick}$`, 'i') }, { type: 'property', re: RegExp( `^${maybeClassPropertyPrefix}${maybeBacktick}${ancestors}(${id})${maybeBacktick}$`, 'i') }, ]; function newSection(header, file) { const text = textJoin(header.children, file); // Infer the type from the text. for (const { type, re } of headingExpressions) { const [, name] = text.match(re) || []; if (name) { return { textRaw: text, type, name }; } } return { textRaw: text, name: text }; } function textJoin(nodes, file) { return nodes.map((node) => { if (node.type === 'linkReference') { return file.value.slice(node.position.start.offset, node.position.end.offset); } else if (node.type === 'inlineCode') { return `\`${node.value}\``; } else if (node.type === 'strong') { return `**${textJoin(node.children, file)}**`; } else if (node.type === 'emphasis') { return `_${textJoin(node.children, file)}_`; } else if (node.children) { return textJoin(node.children, file); } return node.value; }).join(''); }