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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6  *
7  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8  *
9  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  * limitations under the License.
14  */
15 #include "host_usb.h"
16 #include <stdlib.h>
17 #include <thread>
19 #include "server.h"
20 namespace Hdc {
HdcHostUSB(const bool serverOrDaemonIn,void * ptrMainBase,void * ctxUSBin)21 HdcHostUSB::HdcHostUSB(const bool serverOrDaemonIn, void *ptrMainBase, void *ctxUSBin)
22     : HdcUSBBase(serverOrDaemonIn, ptrMainBase)
23 {
24     modRunning = false;
25     HdcServer *pServer = (HdcServer *)ptrMainBase;
26     ctxUSB = (libusb_context *)ctxUSBin;
27     uv_timer_init(&pServer->loopMain, &devListWatcher);
28 }
~HdcHostUSB()30 HdcHostUSB::~HdcHostUSB()
31 {
32     if (modRunning) {
33         Stop();
34     }
35     WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "~HdcHostUSB");
36 }
Stop()38 void HdcHostUSB::Stop()
39 {
40     if (!ctxUSB) {
41         return;
42     }
43     Base::TryCloseHandle((uv_handle_t *)&devListWatcher);
44     modRunning = false;
45 }
Initial()47 int HdcHostUSB::Initial()
48 {
49     if (!ctxUSB) {
50         WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "USB mod ctxUSB is nullptr, recompile please");
51         return -1;
52     }
53     WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "HdcHostUSB init");
54     modRunning = true;
55     StartupUSBWork();  // Main thread registration, IO in sub-thread
56     return 0;
57 }
UsbLogHandler(libusb_context * ctx,enum libusb_log_level level,const char * str)59 static void UsbLogHandler(libusb_context* ctx, enum libusb_log_level level, const char* str)
60 {
61     int l = -1;
62     switch (level) {
63         case LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR:
64             l = LOG_FATAL;
65             break;
67             l = LOG_WARN;
68             break;
69         case LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO:
70             l = LOG_INFO;
71             break;
72         case LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG:
73             l = LOG_DEBUG;
74             break;
75         default:
76             break;
77     }
78     if (l >= 0) {
79         char *newStr = strdup(str);
80         if (!newStr) {
81             return;
82         }
83         char *p = strstr(newStr, "libusb:");
84         if (!p) {
85             p = newStr;
86         }
87         char *q = strrchr(newStr, '\n');
88         if (q) {
89             *q = '\0';
90         }
91         WRITE_LOG(l, "%s", p);
92         free(newStr);
93     }
94 }
InitLogging(void * ctxUSB)95 void HdcHostUSB::InitLogging(void *ctxUSB)
96 {
97     if (ctxUSB == nullptr) {
98         WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "InitLogging failed ctxUSB is nullptr");
99         return;
100     }
101     std::string debugEnv = "LIBUSB_DEBUG";
102     libusb_log_level debugLevel;
104     switch (static_cast<Hdc::LogLevel>(Base::GetLogLevel())) {
105         case LOG_WARN:
106             debugLevel = LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR;
107             break;
108         case LOG_INFO:
109             debugLevel = LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING;
110             break;
111         case LOG_DEBUG:
112             debugLevel = LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO;
113             break;
114         case LOG_VERBOSE:
115             debugLevel = LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG;
116             break;
117         case LOG_FATAL:
118             // pass through to no libusb logging
119         default:
120             debugLevel = LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_NONE;
121             break;
122     }
124     libusb_set_option((libusb_context *)ctxUSB, LIBUSB_OPTION_LOG_LEVEL, debugLevel);
125     libusb_set_log_cb((libusb_context *)ctxUSB, UsbLogHandler,
126                       LIBUSB_LOG_CB_CONTEXT | LIBUSB_LOG_CB_GLOBAL);
128 #ifdef _WIN32
129     debugEnv += "=";
130     debugEnv += std::to_string(debugLevel);
131     _putenv(debugEnv.c_str());
132 #else
133     setenv(debugEnv.c_str(), std::to_string(debugLevel).c_str(), 1);
134 #endif
135 }
DetectMyNeed(libusb_device * device,string & sn)137 bool HdcHostUSB::DetectMyNeed(libusb_device *device, string &sn)
138 {
139     HUSB hUSB = new(std::nothrow) HdcUSB();
140     if (hUSB == nullptr) {
141         WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "DetectMyNeed new hUSB failed");
142         return false;
143     }
144     hUSB->device = device;
145     // just get usb SN, close handle immediately
146     int childRet = OpenDeviceMyNeed(hUSB);
147     if (childRet < 0) {
148         WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "DetectMyNeed OpenDeviceMyNeed childRet:%d", childRet);
149         delete hUSB;
150         return false;
151     }
152     libusb_release_interface(hUSB->devHandle, hUSB->interfaceNumber);
153     libusb_close(hUSB->devHandle);
154     hUSB->devHandle = nullptr;
156     WRITE_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Needed device found, busid:%d devid:%d connectkey:%s", hUSB->busId, hUSB->devId,
157               hUSB->serialNumber.c_str());
158     // USB device is automatically connected after recognition, auto connect USB
159     UpdateUSBDaemonInfo(hUSB, nullptr, STATUS_READY);
160     HdcServer *hdcServer = (HdcServer *)clsMainBase;
161     HSession hSession = hdcServer->MallocSession(true, CONN_USB, this);
162     if (!hSession) {
163         WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "malloc usb session failed sn:%s", sn.c_str());
164         return false;
165     }
166     hSession->connectKey = hUSB->serialNumber;
167     uv_timer_t *waitTimeDoCmd = new(std::nothrow) uv_timer_t;
168     if (waitTimeDoCmd == nullptr) {
169         WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "DetectMyNeed new waitTimeDoCmd failed");
170         delete hUSB;
171         hdcServer->FreeSession(hSession->sessionId);
172         return false;
173     }
174     uv_timer_init(&hdcServer->loopMain, waitTimeDoCmd);
175     waitTimeDoCmd->data = hSession;
176     uv_timer_start(waitTimeDoCmd, hdcServer->UsbPreConnect, 0, DEVICE_CHECK_INTERVAL);
177     mapIgnoreDevice[sn] = HOST_USB_REGISTER;
178     delete hUSB;
179     return true;
180 }
KickoutZombie(HSession hSession)182 void HdcHostUSB::KickoutZombie(HSession hSession)
183 {
184     HdcServer *ptrConnect = (HdcServer *)hSession->classInstance;
185     HUSB hUSB = hSession->hUSB;
186     if (!hUSB->devHandle) {
187         WRITE_LOG(LOG_WARN, "KickoutZombie devHandle:%p isDead:%d", hUSB->devHandle, hSession->isDead);
188         return;
189     }
190     if (LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE != libusb_kernel_driver_active(hUSB->devHandle, hUSB->interfaceNumber)) {
191         return;
192     }
193     WRITE_LOG(LOG_WARN, "KickoutZombie LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE serialNumber:%s", hUSB->serialNumber.c_str());
194     ptrConnect->FreeSession(hSession->sessionId);
195 }
RemoveIgnoreDevice(string & mountInfo)197 void HdcHostUSB::RemoveIgnoreDevice(string &mountInfo)
198 {
199     if (mapIgnoreDevice.count(mountInfo)) {
200         mapIgnoreDevice.erase(mountInfo);
201     }
202 }
ReviewUsbNodeLater(string & nodeKey)204 void HdcHostUSB::ReviewUsbNodeLater(string &nodeKey)
205 {
206     HdcServer *hdcServer = (HdcServer *)clsMainBase;
207     // add to ignore list
208     mapIgnoreDevice[nodeKey] = HOST_USB_IGNORE;
209     int delayRemoveFromList = DEVICE_CHECK_INTERVAL * MINOR_TIMEOUT;  // wait little time for daemon reinit
210     Base::DelayDo(&hdcServer->loopMain, delayRemoveFromList, 0, nodeKey, nullptr,
211                   [this](const uint8_t flag, string &msg, const void *) -> void { RemoveIgnoreDevice(msg); });
212 }
WatchUsbNodeChange(uv_timer_t * handle)214 void HdcHostUSB::WatchUsbNodeChange(uv_timer_t *handle)
215 {
216     HdcHostUSB *thisClass = static_cast<HdcHostUSB *>(handle->data);
217     HdcServer *ptrConnect = static_cast<HdcServer *>(thisClass->clsMainBase);
218     libusb_device **devs = nullptr;
219     libusb_device *dev = nullptr;
220     // kick zombie
221     ptrConnect->EnumUSBDeviceRegister(KickoutZombie);
222     // find new
223     ssize_t cnt = libusb_get_device_list(thisClass->ctxUSB, &devs);
224     if (cnt < 0) {
225         WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Failed to get device list");
226         return;
227     }
228     int i = 0;
229     // linux replug devid increment,windows will be not
230     while ((dev = devs[i++]) != nullptr) {  // must postfix++
231         string szTmpKey = Base::StringFormat("%d-%d", libusb_get_bus_number(dev), libusb_get_device_address(dev));
232         // check is in ignore list
233         UsbCheckStatus statusCheck = thisClass->mapIgnoreDevice[szTmpKey];
234         if (statusCheck == HOST_USB_IGNORE || statusCheck == HOST_USB_REGISTER) {
235             continue;
236         }
237         string sn = szTmpKey;
238         if (thisClass->HasValidDevice(dev) && !thisClass->DetectMyNeed(dev, sn)) {
239             thisClass->ReviewUsbNodeLater(szTmpKey);
240         }
241     }
242     libusb_free_device_list(devs, 1);
243 }
HasValidDevice(libusb_device * device)245 bool HdcHostUSB::HasValidDevice(libusb_device *device)
246 {
247     struct libusb_config_descriptor *descConfig = nullptr;
248     int ret = libusb_get_active_config_descriptor(device, &descConfig);
249     if (ret != 0) {
250         WRITE_LOG(LOG_WARN, "get active config des fail, errno is %d.", errno);
251         return false;
252     }
253     bool hasValid = false;
254     for (unsigned int j = 0; j < descConfig->bNumInterfaces; ++j) {
255         const struct libusb_interface *interface = &descConfig->interface[j];
256         if (interface->num_altsetting < 1) {
257             continue;
258         }
259         const struct libusb_interface_descriptor *ifDescriptor = &interface->altsetting[0];
260         if (!IsDebuggableDev(ifDescriptor)) {
261             continue;
262         }
263         hasValid = true;
264         break;
265     }
266     return hasValid;
267 }
269 // Main thread USB operates in this thread
UsbWorkThread(void * arg)270 void HdcHostUSB::UsbWorkThread(void *arg)
271 {
272     HdcHostUSB *thisClass = (HdcHostUSB *)arg;
273     constexpr uint8_t usbHandleTimeout = 30;  // second
274     while (thisClass->modRunning) {
275         struct timeval zerotime;
276         zerotime.tv_sec = usbHandleTimeout;
277         zerotime.tv_usec = 0;  // if == 0,windows will be high CPU load
278         libusb_handle_events_timeout(thisClass->ctxUSB, &zerotime);
279     }
280     WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Host Sessionbase usb workthread finish");
281 }
StartupUSBWork()283 int HdcHostUSB::StartupUSBWork()
284 {
285     // Because libusb(winusb backend) does not support hotplug under win32, we use list mode for all platforms
286     WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "USBHost loopfind mode");
287     devListWatcher.data = this;
288     uv_timer_start(&devListWatcher, WatchUsbNodeChange, 0, DEVICE_CHECK_INTERVAL);
289     // Running pendding in independent threads does not significantly improve the efficiency
290     uv_thread_create(&threadUsbWork, UsbWorkThread, this);
291     return 0;
292 }
CheckDescriptor(HUSB hUSB,libusb_device_descriptor & desc)294 int HdcHostUSB::CheckDescriptor(HUSB hUSB, libusb_device_descriptor& desc)
295 {
296     char serialNum[BUF_SIZE_MEDIUM] = "";
297     int childRet = 0;
298     uint8_t curBus = libusb_get_bus_number(hUSB->device);
299     uint8_t curDev = libusb_get_device_address(hUSB->device);
300     hUSB->busId = curBus;
301     hUSB->devId = curDev;
302     if (libusb_get_device_descriptor(hUSB->device, &desc)) {
303         WRITE_LOG(LOG_WARN, "CheckDescriptor libusb_get_device_descriptor failed %d-%d", curBus, curDev);
304         return -1;
305     }
306     // Get the serial number of the device, if there is no serial number, use the ID number to replace
307     // If the device is not in time, occasionally can't get it, this is determined by the external factor, cannot be
308     // changed. LIBUSB_SUCCESS
309     childRet = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(hUSB->devHandle, desc.iSerialNumber, (uint8_t *)serialNum,
310                                                   sizeof(serialNum));
311     if (childRet < 0) {
312         WRITE_LOG(LOG_WARN, "CheckDescriptor libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii failed %d-%d", curBus, curDev);
313         return -1;
314     } else {
315         hUSB->serialNumber = serialNum;
316     }
317     WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "CheckDescriptor busId-devId:%d-%d serialNum:%s", curBus, curDev, serialNum);
318     return 0;
319 }
321 // hSession can be null
UpdateUSBDaemonInfo(HUSB hUSB,HSession hSession,uint8_t connStatus)322 void HdcHostUSB::UpdateUSBDaemonInfo(HUSB hUSB, HSession hSession, uint8_t connStatus)
323 {
324     // add to list
325     HdcServer *pServer = (HdcServer *)clsMainBase;
326     HdcDaemonInformation di;
327     di.connectKey = hUSB->serialNumber;
328     di.connType = CONN_USB;
329     di.connStatus = connStatus;
330     di.hSession = hSession;
331     di.usbMountPoint = "";
332     di.usbMountPoint = Base::StringFormat("%d-%d", hUSB->busId, hUSB->devId);
334     HDaemonInfo pDi = nullptr;
335     HDaemonInfo hdiNew = &di;
336     pServer->AdminDaemonMap(OP_QUERY, hUSB->serialNumber, pDi);
337     if (!pDi) {
338         pServer->AdminDaemonMap(OP_ADD, hUSB->serialNumber, hdiNew);
339     } else {
340         pServer->AdminDaemonMap(OP_UPDATE, hUSB->serialNumber, hdiNew);
341     }
342 }
IsDebuggableDev(const struct libusb_interface_descriptor * ifDescriptor)344 bool HdcHostUSB::IsDebuggableDev(const struct libusb_interface_descriptor *ifDescriptor)
345 {
346     constexpr uint8_t harmonyEpNum = 2;
347     constexpr uint8_t harmonyClass = 0xff;
348     constexpr uint8_t harmonySubClass = 0x50;
349     constexpr uint8_t harmonyProtocol = 0x01;
351     if (ifDescriptor->bInterfaceClass != harmonyClass || ifDescriptor->bInterfaceSubClass != harmonySubClass ||
352         ifDescriptor->bInterfaceProtocol != harmonyProtocol) {
353         return false;
354     }
355     if (ifDescriptor->bNumEndpoints != harmonyEpNum) {
356         return false;
357     }
358     return true;
359 }
CheckActiveConfig(libusb_device * device,HUSB hUSB,libusb_device_descriptor & desc)361 int HdcHostUSB::CheckActiveConfig(libusb_device *device, HUSB hUSB, libusb_device_descriptor& desc)
362 {
363     struct libusb_config_descriptor *descConfig = nullptr;
364     int ret = libusb_get_active_config_descriptor(device, &descConfig);
365     if (ret != 0) {
366 #ifdef HOST_MAC
367         if ((desc.bDeviceClass == 0xFF)
368             && (desc.bDeviceSubClass == 0xFF)
369             && (desc.bDeviceProtocol == 0xFF)) {
370             ret = libusb_set_configuration(hUSB->devHandle, 1);
371             if (ret != 0) {
372                 WRITE_LOG(LOG_WARN, "set config failed ret:%d", ret);
373                 return -1;
374             }
375         }
377         ret = libusb_get_active_config_descriptor(device, &descConfig);
378         if (ret != 0) {
379 #endif
380             WRITE_LOG(LOG_WARN, "get active config descriptor failed ret:%d", ret);
381             return -1;
382         }
383 #ifdef HOST_MAC
384     }
385 #endif
387     ret = -1;
388     CheckUsbEndpoint(ret, hUSB, descConfig);
389     libusb_free_config_descriptor(descConfig);
390     return ret;
391 }
CheckUsbEndpoint(int & ret,HUSB hUSB,libusb_config_descriptor * descConfig)393 void HdcHostUSB::CheckUsbEndpoint(int& ret, HUSB hUSB, libusb_config_descriptor *descConfig)
394 {
395     unsigned int j = 0;
396     for (j = 0; j < descConfig->bNumInterfaces; ++j) {
397         const struct libusb_interface *interface = &descConfig->interface[j];
398         if (interface->num_altsetting < 1) {
399             WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "interface->num_altsetting = 0, j = %d", j);
400             continue;
401         }
402         const struct libusb_interface_descriptor *ifDescriptor = &interface->altsetting[0];
403         if (!IsDebuggableDev(ifDescriptor)) {
404             WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "IsDebuggableDev fail, j = %d", j);
405             continue;
406         }
407         WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "CheckActiveConfig IsDebuggableDev passed and then check endpoint attr");
408         hUSB->interfaceNumber = ifDescriptor->bInterfaceNumber;
409         unsigned int k = 0;
410         for (k = 0; k < ifDescriptor->bNumEndpoints; ++k) {
411             const struct libusb_endpoint_descriptor *ep_desc = &ifDescriptor->endpoint[k];
412             if ((ep_desc->bmAttributes & 0x03) != LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK) {
413                 WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "check ep_desc->bmAttributes fail, all %d k = %d, bmAttributes %d",
414                     ifDescriptor->bNumEndpoints, k, ep_desc->bmAttributes);
415                 continue;
416             }
417             if (ep_desc->bEndpointAddress & LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN) {
418                 hUSB->hostBulkIn.endpoint = ep_desc->bEndpointAddress;
419                 hUSB->hostBulkIn.bulkInOut = true;
420             } else {
421                 hUSB->hostBulkOut.endpoint = ep_desc->bEndpointAddress;
422                 hUSB->wMaxPacketSizeSend = ep_desc->wMaxPacketSize;
423                 hUSB->hostBulkOut.bulkInOut = false;
424             }
425         }
426         if (hUSB->hostBulkIn.endpoint == 0 || hUSB->hostBulkOut.endpoint == 0) {
427             WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "hostBulkIn.endpoint %d hUSB->hostBulkOut.endpoint %d",
428                     hUSB->hostBulkIn.endpoint, hUSB->hostBulkOut.endpoint);
429             break;
430         }
431         ret = 0;
432     }
433 }
435 // multi-thread calll
CancelUsbIo(HSession hSession)436 void HdcHostUSB::CancelUsbIo(HSession hSession)
437 {
438     WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "HostUSB CancelUsbIo, ref:%u", uint32_t(hSession->ref));
439     HUSB hUSB = hSession->hUSB;
440     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(hUSB->lockDeviceHandle);
441     if (!hUSB->hostBulkIn.isShutdown) {
442         if (!hUSB->hostBulkIn.isComplete) {
443             libusb_cancel_transfer(hUSB->hostBulkIn.transfer);
444             hUSB->hostBulkIn.cv.notify_one();
445         } else {
446             hUSB->hostBulkIn.isShutdown = true;
447         }
448     }
449     if (!hUSB->hostBulkOut.isShutdown) {
450         if (!hUSB->hostBulkOut.isComplete) {
451             libusb_cancel_transfer(hUSB->hostBulkOut.transfer);
452             hUSB->hostBulkOut.cv.notify_one();
453         } else {
454             hUSB->hostBulkOut.isShutdown = true;
455         }
456     }
457 }
459 // 3rd write child-hdc-workthread
460 // no use uvwrite, raw write to socketpair's fd
UsbToHdcProtocol(uv_stream_t * stream,uint8_t * appendData,int dataSize)461 int HdcHostUSB::UsbToHdcProtocol(uv_stream_t *stream, uint8_t *appendData, int dataSize)
462 {
463     HSession hSession = (HSession)stream->data;
464     unsigned int fd = hSession->dataFd[STREAM_MAIN];
465     fd_set fdSet;
466     struct timeval timeout = { 3, 0 };
467     FD_ZERO(&fdSet);
468     FD_SET(fd, &fdSet);
469     int index = 0;
470     int childRet = 0;
472     while (index < dataSize) {
473         childRet = select(fd + 1, nullptr, &fdSet, nullptr, &timeout);
474         if (childRet <= 0) {
475             constexpr int bufSize = 1024;
476             char buf[bufSize] = { 0 };
477 #ifdef _WIN32
478             strerror_s(buf, bufSize, errno);
479 #else
480             strerror_r(errno, buf, bufSize);
481 #endif
482             WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "select error:%d [%s][%d]", errno, buf, childRet);
483             break;
484         }
485         childRet = send(fd, reinterpret_cast<const char *>(appendData) + index, dataSize - index, 0);
486         if (childRet < 0) {
487             constexpr int bufSize = 1024;
488             char buf[bufSize] = { 0 };
489 #ifdef _WIN32
490             strerror_s(buf, bufSize, errno);
491 #else
492             strerror_r(errno, buf, bufSize);
493 #endif
494             WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "UsbToHdcProtocol senddata err:%d [%s]", errno, buf);
495             break;
496         }
497         index += childRet;
498     }
499     if (index != dataSize) {
500         WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "UsbToHdcProtocol partialsenddata err:%d [%d]", index, dataSize);
501         return ERR_IO_FAIL;
502     }
503     return index;
504 }
USBBulkCallback(struct libusb_transfer * transfer)506 void LIBUSB_CALL HdcHostUSB::USBBulkCallback(struct libusb_transfer *transfer)
507 {
508     auto *ep = reinterpret_cast<HostUSBEndpoint *>(transfer->user_data);
509     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(ep->mutexIo);
510     bool retrySumit = false;
511     int childRet = 0;
512     do {
513         if (transfer->status != LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED) {
514             WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "USBBulkCallback1 failed, ret:%d", transfer->status);
515             break;
516         }
517         if (!ep->bulkInOut && transfer->actual_length != transfer->length) {
518             transfer->length -= transfer->actual_length;
519             transfer->buffer += transfer->actual_length;
520             retrySumit = true;
521             break;
522         }
523     } while (false);
524     while (retrySumit) {
525         childRet = libusb_submit_transfer(transfer);
526         if (childRet != 0) {
527             WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "USBBulkCallback2 failed, ret:%d", childRet);
528             transfer->status = LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR;
529             break;
530         }
531         return;
532     }
533     ep->isComplete = true;
534     ep->cv.notify_one();
535 }
SubmitUsbBio(HSession hSession,bool sendOrRecv,uint8_t * buf,int bufSize)537 int HdcHostUSB::SubmitUsbBio(HSession hSession, bool sendOrRecv, uint8_t *buf, int bufSize)
538 {
539     HUSB hUSB = hSession->hUSB;
540     int timeout = 0;
541     int childRet = 0;
542     int ret = ERR_IO_FAIL;
543     HostUSBEndpoint *ep = nullptr;
545     if (sendOrRecv) {
546         timeout = GLOBAL_TIMEOUT * TIME_BASE;
547         ep = &hUSB->hostBulkOut;
548     } else {
549         timeout = 0;  // infinity
550         ep = &hUSB->hostBulkIn;
551     }
552     hUSB->lockDeviceHandle.lock();
553     ep->isComplete = false;
554     do {
555         std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(ep->mutexIo);
556         libusb_fill_bulk_transfer(ep->transfer, hUSB->devHandle, ep->endpoint, buf, bufSize, USBBulkCallback, ep,
557                                   timeout);
558         childRet = libusb_submit_transfer(ep->transfer);
559         hUSB->lockDeviceHandle.unlock();
560         if (childRet < 0) {
561             WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "SubmitUsbBio libusb_submit_transfer failed, ret:%d", childRet);
562             break;
563         }
564         ep->cv.wait(lock, [ep]() { return ep->isComplete; });
565         if (ep->transfer->status != 0) {
566             WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "SubmitUsbBio transfer failed, status:%d", ep->transfer->status);
567             break;
568         }
569         ret = ep->transfer->actual_length;
570     } while (false);
571     return ret;
572 }
BeginUsbRead(HSession hSession)574 void HdcHostUSB::BeginUsbRead(HSession hSession)
575 {
576     HUSB hUSB = hSession->hUSB;
577     hUSB->hostBulkIn.isShutdown = false;
578     hUSB->hostBulkOut.isShutdown = false;
579     ++hSession->ref;
580     // loop read
581     std::thread([this, hSession, hUSB]() {
582         int childRet = 0;
583         int nextReadSize = 0;
584         int bulkInSize = hUSB->hostBulkIn.sizeEpBuf;
585         while (!hSession->isDead) {
586             // if readIO < wMaxPacketSizeSend, libusb report overflow
587             nextReadSize = (childRet < hUSB->wMaxPacketSizeSend ?
588                                        hUSB->wMaxPacketSizeSend : std::min(childRet, bulkInSize));
589             childRet = SubmitUsbBio(hSession, false, hUSB->hostBulkIn.buf, nextReadSize);
590             if (childRet < 0) {
591                 WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Read usb failed, ret:%d", childRet);
592                 break;
593             }
594             childRet = SendToHdcStream(hSession, reinterpret_cast<uv_stream_t *>(&hSession->dataPipe[STREAM_MAIN]),
595                                        hUSB->hostBulkIn.buf, childRet);
596             if (childRet < 0) {
597                 WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "SendToHdcStream failed, ret:%d", childRet);
598                 break;
599             }
600         }
601         --hSession->ref;
602         auto server = reinterpret_cast<HdcServer *>(clsMainBase);
603         hUSB->hostBulkIn.isShutdown = true;
604         server->FreeSession(hSession->sessionId);
605         RemoveIgnoreDevice(hUSB->usbMountPoint);
606         WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Usb loop read finish");
607     }).detach();
608 }
610 // ==0 Represents new equipment and is what we need,<0  my need
OpenDeviceMyNeed(HUSB hUSB)611 int HdcHostUSB::OpenDeviceMyNeed(HUSB hUSB)
612 {
613     libusb_device *device = hUSB->device;
614     int ret = -1;
615     int OpenRet = libusb_open(device, &hUSB->devHandle);
616     if (OpenRet != LIBUSB_SUCCESS) {
617         WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "libusb_open fail xret %d", OpenRet);
618         return ERR_LIBUSB_OPEN;
619     }
620     while (modRunning) {
621         libusb_device_handle *handle = hUSB->devHandle;
622         struct libusb_device_descriptor desc;
623         if (CheckDescriptor(hUSB, desc)) {
624             break;
625         }
626         if (CheckActiveConfig(device, hUSB, desc)) {
627             break;
628         }
629         // USB filter rules are set according to specific device pedding device
630         ret = libusb_claim_interface(handle, hUSB->interfaceNumber);
631         WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "libusb_claim_interface ret %d, interfaceNumber %d",
632             ret, hUSB->interfaceNumber);
633         break;
634     }
635     if (ret) {
636         // not my need device, release the device
637         libusb_close(hUSB->devHandle);
638         hUSB->devHandle = nullptr;
639     }
640     return ret;
641 }
SendUSBRaw(HSession hSession,uint8_t * data,const int length)643 int HdcHostUSB::SendUSBRaw(HSession hSession, uint8_t *data, const int length)
644 {
645     int ret = ERR_GENERIC;
646     HdcSessionBase *server = reinterpret_cast<HdcSessionBase *>(hSession->classInstance);
647     ++hSession->ref;
648     ret = SubmitUsbBio(hSession, true, data, length);
649     if (ret < 0) {
650         WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Send usb failed, ret:%d", ret);
651         CancelUsbIo(hSession);
652         hSession->hUSB->hostBulkOut.isShutdown = true;
653         server->FreeSession(hSession->sessionId);
654     }
655     --hSession->ref;
656     return ret;
657 }
FindDeviceByID(HUSB hUSB,const char * usbMountPoint,libusb_context * ctxUSB)659 bool HdcHostUSB::FindDeviceByID(HUSB hUSB, const char *usbMountPoint, libusb_context *ctxUSB)
660 {
661     libusb_device **listDevices = nullptr;
662     bool ret = false;
663     char tmpStr[BUF_SIZE_TINY] = "";
664     int busNum = 0;
665     int devNum = 0;
666     int curBus = 0;
667     int curDev = 0;
669     int device_num = libusb_get_device_list(ctxUSB, &listDevices);
670     WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "device_num:%d", device_num);
671     if (device_num <= 0) {
672         libusb_free_device_list(listDevices, 1);
673         return false;
674     }
675     WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "usbMountPoint:%s", usbMountPoint);
676     if (strchr(usbMountPoint, '-') && EOK == strcpy_s(tmpStr, sizeof(tmpStr), usbMountPoint)) {
677         *strchr(tmpStr, '-') = '\0';
678         busNum = atoi(tmpStr);
679         devNum = atoi(tmpStr + strlen(tmpStr) + 1);
680     } else {
681         return false;
682     }
683     WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "busNum:%d devNum:%d", busNum, devNum);
685     int i = 0;
686     for (i = 0; i < device_num; ++i) {
687         struct libusb_device_descriptor desc;
688         if (LIBUSB_SUCCESS != libusb_get_device_descriptor(listDevices[i], &desc)) {
689             WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "libusb_get_device_descriptor failed i:%d", i);
690             continue;
691         }
692         curBus = libusb_get_bus_number(listDevices[i]);
693         curDev = libusb_get_device_address(listDevices[i]);
694         WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "curBus:%d curDev:%d", curBus, curDev);
695         if ((curBus == busNum && curDev == devNum)) {
696             hUSB->device = listDevices[i];
697             int childRet = OpenDeviceMyNeed(hUSB);
698             WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "OpenDeviceMyNeed childRet:%d", childRet);
699             if (!childRet) {
700                 ret = true;
701             } else {
702                 string key = string(usbMountPoint);
703                 RemoveIgnoreDevice(key);
704             }
705             break;
706         }
707     }
708     libusb_free_device_list(listDevices, 1);
709     return ret;
710 }
ReadyForWorkThread(HSession hSession)712 bool HdcHostUSB::ReadyForWorkThread(HSession hSession)
713 {
714     HdcUSBBase::ReadyForWorkThread(hSession);
715     return true;
716 };
718 // Determines that daemonInfo must have the device
ConnectDetectDaemon(const HSession hSession,const HDaemonInfo pdi)719 HSession HdcHostUSB::ConnectDetectDaemon(const HSession hSession, const HDaemonInfo pdi)
720 {
721     HdcServer *pServer = (HdcServer *)clsMainBase;
722     HUSB hUSB = hSession->hUSB;
723     hUSB->usbMountPoint = pdi->usbMountPoint;
724     hUSB->ctxUSB = ctxUSB;
725     if (!FindDeviceByID(hUSB, hUSB->usbMountPoint.c_str(), hUSB->ctxUSB)) {
726         pServer->FreeSession(hSession->sessionId);
727         RemoveIgnoreDevice(hUSB->usbMountPoint);
728         WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "FindDeviceByID fail");
729         return nullptr;
730     }
731     UpdateUSBDaemonInfo(hUSB, hSession, STATUS_CONNECTED);
732     BeginUsbRead(hSession);
733     hUSB->usbMountPoint = pdi->usbMountPoint;
734     WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "HSession HdcHostUSB::ConnectDaemon");
736     Base::StartWorkThread(&pServer->loopMain, pServer->SessionWorkThread, Base::FinishWorkThread, hSession);
737     // wait for thread up
738     while (hSession->childLoop.active_handles == 0) {
739         uv_sleep(1);
740     }
741     auto ctrl = pServer->BuildCtrlString(SP_START_SESSION, 0, nullptr, 0);
742     Base::SendToPollFd(hSession->ctrlFd[STREAM_MAIN], ctrl.data(), ctrl.size());
743     return hSession;
744 }
745 }  // namespace Hdc