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2 * Copyright (C) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 *
7 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 *
9 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 * limitations under the License.
14 */
16import { LitTable } from '../../../../base-ui/table/lit-table';
17import { NativeMemoryExpression } from '../../../bean/NativeHook';
19export function resizeObserver(
20  parentEl: HTMLElement,
21  tableEl: LitTable,
22  tblOffsetHeight: number = 50,
23  loadingPage?: HTMLElement,
24  loadingPageOffsetHeight: number = 24
25): void {
26  new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
27    if (parentEl.clientHeight !== 0) {
28      if (tableEl) {
29        // @ts-ignore
30        tableEl.shadowRoot.querySelector('.table').style.height = parentEl.clientHeight - tblOffsetHeight + 'px';
31        tableEl.reMeauseHeight();
32      }
33      if (loadingPage) {
34        loadingPage.style.height = parentEl.clientHeight - loadingPageOffsetHeight + 'px';
35      }
36    }
37  }).observe(parentEl);
40export function resizeObserverFromMemory(
41  parentElement: HTMLElement,
42  tableEl: LitTable,
43  filterEl: HTMLElement,
44  tblOffsetHeight: number = 45
45): void {
46  new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
47    let filterHeight = 0;
48    if (parentElement.clientHeight !== 0) {
49      if (tableEl) {
50        // @ts-ignore
51        tableEl.shadowRoot.querySelector('.table').style.height = parentElement.clientHeight - tblOffsetHeight + 'px';
52        tableEl.reMeauseHeight();
53      }
54    }
55    if (filterEl!.clientHeight > 0) {
56      filterHeight = filterEl!.clientHeight;
57    }
58    if (parentElement!.clientHeight > filterHeight) {
59      filterEl!.style.display = 'flex';
60    } else {
61      filterEl!.style.display = 'none';
62    }
63  }).observe(parentElement);
66export function showButtonMenu(filter: unknown, isShow: boolean): void {
67  if (isShow) {
68    // @ts-ignore
69    filter.setAttribute('tree', '');
70    // @ts-ignore
71    filter.setAttribute('input', '');
72    // @ts-ignore
73    filter.setAttribute('inputLeftText', '');
74  } else {
75    // @ts-ignore
76    filter.removeAttribute('tree');
77    // @ts-ignore
78    filter.removeAttribute('input');
79    // @ts-ignore
80    filter.removeAttribute('inputLeftText');
81  }
84export function compare<T extends CompareStruct>(base: T[], target: T[]): T[] {
85  const diffMap = new Map<string, T>();
87  for (const item of base) {
88    diffMap.set(item.key, item.clone(true) as T);
89  }
91  for (const item of target) {
92    if (diffMap.has(item.key)) {
93      const diffItem = diffMap.get(item.key);
94      diffItem!.value = diffItem!.value - item.value;
95    } else {
96      diffMap.set(item.key, item.clone() as T);
97    }
98  }
99  return [...diffMap.values()];
102export class CompareStruct {
103  key: string;
104  value: number;
106  constructor(key: string, value: number) {
107    this.key = key;
108    this.value = value;
109  }
111  clone(isBase?: boolean): CompareStruct {
112    const value = isBase ? this.value : -this.value;
113    return new CompareStruct(this.key, value);
114  }
117export class ParseExpression {
118  private expression: string; //输入的表达式
119  private libTreeMap: Map<string, string[]> = new Map<string, string[]>();
120  private expressionStruct: NativeMemoryExpression;
121  constructor(expression: string) {
122    this.expressionStruct = new NativeMemoryExpression();
123    this.expression = expression.trim();
124  }
126  /**
127   * 解析用户输入的表达式
128   * @returns string:sql/ null: 非法表达式
129   */
130  public parse(): NativeMemoryExpression | null {
131    // 表达式必须以@开头
132    if (!this.expression.startsWith('@')) {
133      return null;
134    }
136    const expressions: string[] = [];
137    // 包含- 表示可能有两组表达式
138    if (this.expression.includes('-')) {
139      const multiExpression = this.expression.split('-');
140      if (multiExpression.length === 0 || multiExpression.length > 2) {
141        return null;
142      }
143      expressions.push(...multiExpression);
144    } else {
145      expressions.push(this.expression);
146    }
147    let include = true;
148    for (let expression of expressions) {
149      this.paseSingleExpression(expression, include);
150      include = false;
151    }
152    return this.expressionStruct;
153  }
155  private paseSingleExpression(expression: string, includes: boolean): void {
156    const regex = /\((.*?)\)/; // 匹配括号内的内容
157    const match = expression.match(regex);
158    if (match && match.length > 1) {
159      expression = match[1];
161      const libs = expression.split(','); // 逗号拆分lib
162      for (let lib of libs) {
163        lib = lib.trim();
164        const items = lib.split(' '); // 空格拆分函数
165        if (items.length > 0) {
166          const path = items[0];
167          items.splice(0, 1);
168          if (this.libTreeMap.has(path)) {
169            continue;
170          }
171          if (includes) {
172            this.expressionStruct.includeLib.set(`${path}`, items);
173          } else {
174            this.expressionStruct.abandonLib.set(`${path}`, items);
175          }
176        }
177      }
178    }
179  }
182export function initSort(table: LitTable, sortKey: string, sortType: number, filterValue?: string): void {
183  sortKey = '';
184  sortType = 0;
185  if (filterValue) {
186    filterValue = '';
187  }
188  const theadTable = table!.shadowRoot?.querySelector('.thead');
189  const thTable = theadTable?.querySelector('.th');
190  const list = thTable!.querySelectorAll('div');
191  if (theadTable!.hasAttribute('sort')) {
192    list.forEach((item) => {
193      item.querySelectorAll('svg').forEach((svg): void => {
194        svg.style.display = 'none';
195      });
196    });
197  }