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6 // PER_ISOLATE_* macros: We have a lot of per-isolate properties
7 // and adding and maintaining their getters and setters by hand would be
8 // difficult so let's make the preprocessor generate them for us.
9 //
10 // In each macro, `V` is expected to be the name of a macro or function which
11 // accepts the number of arguments provided in each tuple in the macro body,
12 // typically two. The named function will be invoked against each tuple.
13 //
14 // Make sure that any macro V defined for use with the PER_ISOLATE_* macros is
15 // undefined again after use.
17 // Private symbols are per-isolate primitives but Environment proxies them
18 // for the sake of convenience.  Strings should be ASCII-only and have a
19 // "node:" prefix to avoid name clashes with third-party code.
20 #define PER_ISOLATE_PRIVATE_SYMBOL_PROPERTIES(V)                               \
21   V(arrow_message_private_symbol, "node:arrowMessage")                         \
22   V(contextify_context_private_symbol, "node:contextify:context")              \
23   V(decorated_private_symbol, "node:decorated")                                \
24   V(host_defined_option_symbol, "node:host_defined_option_symbol")             \
25   V(jsvm_type_tag, "node:napi:type_tag")                                       \
26   V(jsvm_wrapper, "node:napi:wrapper")                                         \
27   V(untransferable_object_private_symbol, "node:untransferableObject")         \
28   V(exiting_aliased_Uint32Array, "node:exiting_aliased_Uint32Array")           \
29   V(require_private_symbol, "node:require_private_symbol")
31 // Symbols are per-isolate primitives but Environment proxies them
32 // for the sake of convenience.
33 #define PER_ISOLATE_SYMBOL_PROPERTIES(V)                                       \
34   V(default_host_defined_options, "default_host_defined_options")              \
35   V(fs_use_promises_symbol, "fs_use_promises_symbol")                          \
36   V(async_id_symbol, "async_id_symbol")                                        \
37   V(handle_onclose_symbol, "handle_onclose")                                   \
38   V(no_message_symbol, "no_message_symbol")                                    \
39   V(messaging_deserialize_symbol, "messaging_deserialize_symbol")              \
40   V(messaging_transfer_symbol, "messaging_transfer_symbol")                    \
41   V(messaging_clone_symbol, "messaging_clone_symbol")                          \
42   V(messaging_transfer_list_symbol, "messaging_transfer_list_symbol")          \
43   V(oninit_symbol, "oninit")                                                   \
44   V(owner_symbol, "owner_symbol")                                              \
45   V(onpskexchange_symbol, "onpskexchange")                                     \
46   V(resource_symbol, "resource_symbol")                                        \
47   V(trigger_async_id_symbol, "trigger_async_id_symbol")                        \
48   V(vm_dynamic_import_missing_flag, "vm_dynamic_import_missing_flag")
50 // Strings are per-isolate primitives but Environment proxies them
51 // for the sake of convenience.  Strings should be ASCII-only.
52 #define PER_ISOLATE_STRING_PROPERTIES(V)                                       \
53   V(ack_string, "ack")                                                         \
54   V(address_string, "address")                                                 \
55   V(aliases_string, "aliases")                                                 \
56   V(alpn_callback_string, "ALPNCallback")                                      \
57   V(args_string, "args")                                                       \
58   V(asn1curve_string, "asn1Curve")                                             \
59   V(async_ids_stack_string, "async_ids_stack")                                 \
60   V(bits_string, "bits")                                                       \
61   V(block_list_string, "blockList")                                            \
62   V(buffer_string, "buffer")                                                   \
63   V(bytes_parsed_string, "bytesParsed")                                        \
64   V(bytes_read_string, "bytesRead")                                            \
65   V(bytes_written_string, "bytesWritten")                                      \
66   V(ca_string, "ca")                                                           \
67   V(cached_data_produced_string, "cachedDataProduced")                         \
68   V(cached_data_rejected_string, "cachedDataRejected")                         \
69   V(cached_data_string, "cachedData")                                          \
70   V(cache_key_string, "cacheKey")                                              \
71   V(change_string, "change")                                                   \
72   V(channel_string, "channel")                                                 \
73   V(chunks_sent_since_last_write_string, "chunksSentSinceLastWrite")           \
74   V(clone_unsupported_type_str, "Cannot transfer object of unsupported type.") \
75   V(code_string, "code")                                                       \
76   V(commonjs_string, "commonjs")                                               \
77   V(config_string, "config")                                                   \
78   V(constants_string, "constants")                                             \
79   V(crypto_dh_string, "dh")                                                    \
80   V(crypto_dsa_string, "dsa")                                                  \
81   V(crypto_ec_string, "ec")                                                    \
82   V(crypto_ed25519_string, "ed25519")                                          \
83   V(crypto_ed448_string, "ed448")                                              \
84   V(crypto_x25519_string, "x25519")                                            \
85   V(crypto_x448_string, "x448")                                                \
86   V(crypto_rsa_string, "rsa")                                                  \
87   V(crypto_rsa_pss_string, "rsa-pss")                                          \
88   V(cwd_string, "cwd")                                                         \
89   V(data_string, "data")                                                       \
90   V(default_is_true_string, "defaultIsTrue")                                   \
91   V(deserialize_info_string, "deserializeInfo")                                \
92   V(dest_string, "dest")                                                       \
93   V(destroyed_string, "destroyed")                                             \
94   V(detached_string, "detached")                                               \
95   V(dh_string, "DH")                                                           \
96   V(divisor_length_string, "divisorLength")                                    \
97   V(dns_a_string, "A")                                                         \
98   V(dns_aaaa_string, "AAAA")                                                   \
99   V(dns_caa_string, "CAA")                                                     \
100   V(dns_critical_string, "critical")                                           \
101   V(dns_cname_string, "CNAME")                                                 \
102   V(dns_mx_string, "MX")                                                       \
103   V(dns_naptr_string, "NAPTR")                                                 \
104   V(dns_ns_string, "NS")                                                       \
105   V(dns_ptr_string, "PTR")                                                     \
106   V(dns_soa_string, "SOA")                                                     \
107   V(dns_srv_string, "SRV")                                                     \
108   V(dns_txt_string, "TXT")                                                     \
109   V(done_string, "done")                                                       \
110   V(duration_string, "duration")                                               \
111   V(ecdh_string, "ECDH")                                                       \
112   V(emit_string, "emit")                                                       \
113   V(emit_warning_string, "emitWarning")                                        \
114   V(empty_object_string, "{}")                                                 \
115   V(encoding_string, "encoding")                                               \
116   V(entries_string, "entries")                                                 \
117   V(entry_type_string, "entryType")                                            \
118   V(env_pairs_string, "envPairs")                                              \
119   V(env_var_settings_string, "envVarSettings")                                 \
120   V(errno_string, "errno")                                                     \
121   V(error_string, "error")                                                     \
122   V(exchange_string, "exchange")                                               \
123   V(exit_code_string, "exitCode")                                              \
124   V(expire_string, "expire")                                                   \
125   V(exponent_string, "exponent")                                               \
126   V(exports_string, "exports")                                                 \
127   V(ext_key_usage_string, "ext_key_usage")                                     \
128   V(external_stream_string, "_externalStream")                                 \
129   V(family_string, "family")                                                   \
130   V(fatal_exception_string, "_fatalException")                                 \
131   V(fd_string, "fd")                                                           \
132   V(fields_string, "fields")                                                   \
133   V(file_string, "file")                                                       \
134   V(filename_string, "filename")                                               \
135   V(fingerprint256_string, "fingerprint256")                                   \
136   V(fingerprint512_string, "fingerprint512")                                   \
137   V(fingerprint_string, "fingerprint")                                         \
138   V(flags_string, "flags")                                                     \
139   V(flowlabel_string, "flowlabel")                                             \
140   V(fragment_string, "fragment")                                               \
141   V(frames_received_string, "framesReceived")                                  \
142   V(frames_sent_string, "framesSent")                                          \
143   V(function_string, "function")                                               \
144   V(get_string, "get")                                                         \
145   V(get_data_clone_error_string, "_getDataCloneError")                         \
146   V(get_shared_array_buffer_id_string, "_getSharedArrayBufferId")              \
147   V(gid_string, "gid")                                                         \
148   V(h2_string, "h2")                                                           \
149   V(handle_string, "handle")                                                   \
150   V(hash_algorithm_string, "hashAlgorithm")                                    \
151   V(help_text_string, "helpText")                                              \
152   V(homedir_string, "homedir")                                                 \
153   V(host_string, "host")                                                       \
154   V(hostmaster_string, "hostmaster")                                           \
155   V(http_1_1_string, "http/1.1")                                               \
156   V(id_string, "id")                                                           \
157   V(identity_string, "identity")                                               \
158   V(ignore_string, "ignore")                                                   \
159   V(infoaccess_string, "infoAccess")                                           \
160   V(inherit_string, "inherit")                                                 \
161   V(input_string, "input")                                                     \
162   V(internal_binding_string, "internalBinding")                                \
163   V(internal_string, "internal")                                               \
164   V(ipv4_string, "IPv4")                                                       \
165   V(ipv6_string, "IPv6")                                                       \
166   V(isclosing_string, "isClosing")                                             \
167   V(issuer_string, "issuer")                                                   \
168   V(issuercert_string, "issuerCertificate")                                    \
169   V(jwk_crv_string, "crv")                                                     \
170   V(jwk_d_string, "d")                                                         \
171   V(jwk_dp_string, "dp")                                                       \
172   V(jwk_dq_string, "dq")                                                       \
173   V(jwk_dsa_string, "DSA")                                                     \
174   V(jwk_e_string, "e")                                                         \
175   V(jwk_ec_string, "EC")                                                       \
176   V(jwk_g_string, "g")                                                         \
177   V(jwk_k_string, "k")                                                         \
178   V(jwk_p_string, "p")                                                         \
179   V(jwk_q_string, "q")                                                         \
180   V(jwk_qi_string, "qi")                                                       \
181   V(jwk_kty_string, "kty")                                                     \
182   V(jwk_n_string, "n")                                                         \
183   V(jwk_oct_string, "oct")                                                     \
184   V(jwk_okp_string, "OKP")                                                     \
185   V(jwk_rsa_string, "RSA")                                                     \
186   V(jwk_x_string, "x")                                                         \
187   V(jwk_y_string, "y")                                                         \
188   V(kill_signal_string, "killSignal")                                          \
189   V(kind_string, "kind")                                                       \
190   V(length_string, "length")                                                   \
191   V(library_string, "library")                                                 \
192   V(mac_string, "mac")                                                         \
193   V(max_buffer_string, "maxBuffer")                                            \
194   V(max_concurrent_streams_string, "maxConcurrentStreams")                     \
195   V(message_port_constructor_string, "MessagePort")                            \
196   V(message_port_string, "messagePort")                                        \
197   V(message_string, "message")                                                 \
198   V(messageerror_string, "messageerror")                                       \
199   V(mgf1_hash_algorithm_string, "mgf1HashAlgorithm")                           \
200   V(minttl_string, "minttl")                                                   \
201   V(module_string, "module")                                                   \
202   V(modulus_string, "modulus")                                                 \
203   V(modulus_length_string, "modulusLength")                                    \
204   V(name_string, "name")                                                       \
205   V(named_curve_string, "namedCurve")                                          \
206   V(netmask_string, "netmask")                                                 \
207   V(next_string, "next")                                                       \
208   V(nistcurve_string, "nistCurve")                                             \
209   V(node_string, "node")                                                       \
210   V(nsname_string, "nsname")                                                   \
211   V(object_string, "Object")                                                   \
212   V(ocsp_request_string, "OCSPRequest")                                        \
213   V(oncertcb_string, "oncertcb")                                               \
214   V(onchange_string, "onchange")                                               \
215   V(onclienthello_string, "onclienthello")                                     \
216   V(oncomplete_string, "oncomplete")                                           \
217   V(onconnection_string, "onconnection")                                       \
218   V(ondone_string, "ondone")                                                   \
219   V(onerror_string, "onerror")                                                 \
220   V(onexit_string, "onexit")                                                   \
221   V(onhandshakedone_string, "onhandshakedone")                                 \
222   V(onhandshakestart_string, "onhandshakestart")                               \
223   V(onkeylog_string, "onkeylog")                                               \
224   V(onmessage_string, "onmessage")                                             \
225   V(onnewsession_string, "onnewsession")                                       \
226   V(onocspresponse_string, "onocspresponse")                                   \
227   V(onreadstart_string, "onreadstart")                                         \
228   V(onreadstop_string, "onreadstop")                                           \
229   V(onshutdown_string, "onshutdown")                                           \
230   V(onsignal_string, "onsignal")                                               \
231   V(onunpipe_string, "onunpipe")                                               \
232   V(onwrite_string, "onwrite")                                                 \
233   V(openssl_error_stack, "opensslErrorStack")                                  \
234   V(options_string, "options")                                                 \
235   V(order_string, "order")                                                     \
236   V(output_string, "output")                                                   \
237   V(overlapped_string, "overlapped")                                           \
238   V(parse_error_string, "Parse Error")                                         \
239   V(password_string, "password")                                               \
240   V(path_string, "path")                                                       \
241   V(pending_handle_string, "pendingHandle")                                    \
242   V(pid_string, "pid")                                                         \
243   V(ping_rtt_string, "pingRTT")                                                \
244   V(pipe_source_string, "pipeSource")                                          \
245   V(pipe_string, "pipe")                                                       \
246   V(pipe_target_string, "pipeTarget")                                          \
247   V(port1_string, "port1")                                                     \
248   V(port2_string, "port2")                                                     \
249   V(port_string, "port")                                                       \
250   V(preference_string, "preference")                                           \
251   V(primordials_string, "primordials")                                         \
252   V(priority_string, "priority")                                               \
253   V(process_string, "process")                                                 \
254   V(promise_string, "promise")                                                 \
255   V(psk_string, "psk")                                                         \
256   V(pubkey_string, "pubkey")                                                   \
257   V(public_exponent_string, "publicExponent")                                  \
258   V(query_string, "query")                                                     \
259   V(rate_string, "rate")                                                       \
260   V(raw_string, "raw")                                                         \
261   V(read_host_object_string, "_readHostObject")                                \
262   V(readable_string, "readable")                                               \
263   V(reason_string, "reason")                                                   \
264   V(refresh_string, "refresh")                                                 \
265   V(regexp_string, "regexp")                                                   \
266   V(rename_string, "rename")                                                   \
267   V(replacement_string, "replacement")                                         \
268   V(require_string, "require")                                                 \
269   V(retry_string, "retry")                                                     \
270   V(salt_length_string, "saltLength")                                          \
271   V(scheme_string, "scheme")                                                   \
272   V(scopeid_string, "scopeid")                                                 \
273   V(serial_number_string, "serialNumber")                                      \
274   V(serial_string, "serial")                                                   \
275   V(servername_string, "servername")                                           \
276   V(service_string, "service")                                                 \
277   V(session_id_string, "sessionId")                                            \
278   V(set_string, "set")                                                         \
279   V(shell_string, "shell")                                                     \
280   V(signal_string, "signal")                                                   \
281   V(sink_string, "sink")                                                       \
282   V(size_string, "size")                                                       \
283   V(sni_context_err_string, "Invalid SNI context")                             \
284   V(sni_context_string, "sni_context")                                         \
285   V(source_string, "source")                                                   \
286   V(source_map_url_string, "sourceMapURL")                                     \
287   V(stack_string, "stack")                                                     \
288   V(standard_name_string, "standardName")                                      \
289   V(start_time_string, "startTime")                                            \
290   V(state_string, "state")                                                     \
291   V(stats_string, "stats")                                                     \
292   V(status_string, "status")                                                   \
293   V(stdio_string, "stdio")                                                     \
294   V(stream_average_duration_string, "streamAverageDuration")                   \
295   V(stream_count_string, "streamCount")                                        \
296   V(subject_string, "subject")                                                 \
297   V(subjectaltname_string, "subjectaltname")                                   \
298   V(syscall_string, "syscall")                                                 \
299   V(target_string, "target")                                                   \
300   V(thread_id_string, "threadId")                                              \
301   V(ticketkeycallback_string, "onticketkeycallback")                           \
302   V(timeout_string, "timeout")                                                 \
303   V(time_to_first_byte_string, "timeToFirstByte")                              \
304   V(time_to_first_byte_sent_string, "timeToFirstByteSent")                     \
305   V(time_to_first_header_string, "timeToFirstHeader")                          \
306   V(tls_ticket_string, "tlsTicket")                                            \
307   V(transfer_string, "transfer")                                               \
308   V(ttl_string, "ttl")                                                         \
309   V(type_string, "type")                                                       \
310   V(uid_string, "uid")                                                         \
311   V(unknown_string, "<unknown>")                                               \
312   V(url_special_ftp_string, "ftp:")                                            \
313   V(url_special_file_string, "file:")                                          \
314   V(url_special_http_string, "http:")                                          \
315   V(url_special_https_string, "https:")                                        \
316   V(url_special_ws_string, "ws:")                                              \
317   V(url_special_wss_string, "wss:")                                            \
318   V(url_string, "url")                                                         \
319   V(username_string, "username")                                               \
320   V(valid_from_string, "valid_from")                                           \
321   V(valid_to_string, "valid_to")                                               \
322   V(value_string, "value")                                                     \
323   V(verify_error_string, "verifyError")                                        \
324   V(version_string, "version")                                                 \
325   V(weight_string, "weight")                                                   \
326   V(windows_hide_string, "windowsHide")                                        \
327   V(windows_verbatim_arguments_string, "windowsVerbatimArguments")             \
328   V(wrap_string, "wrap")                                                       \
329   V(writable_string, "writable")                                               \
330   V(write_host_object_string, "_writeHostObject")                              \
331   V(write_queue_size_string, "writeQueueSize")                                 \
332   V(x_forwarded_string, "x-forwarded-for")
334 #define PER_ISOLATE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES(V)                                     \
335   V(async_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                            \
336   V(async_wrap_object_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                     \
337   V(base_object_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                           \
338   V(binding_data_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                          \
339   V(blob_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                           \
340   V(blocklist_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                      \
341   V(contextify_global_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                            \
342   V(contextify_wrapper_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                           \
343   V(crypto_key_object_handle_constructor, v8::FunctionTemplate)                \
344   V(env_proxy_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                                    \
345   V(env_proxy_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                             \
346   V(dir_instance_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                                 \
347   V(fd_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                               \
348   V(fdclose_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                          \
349   V(filehandlereadwrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                           \
350   V(fsreqpromise_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                     \
351   V(handle_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                           \
352   V(histogram_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                             \
353   V(http2settings_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                    \
354   V(http2stream_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                      \
355   V(http2ping_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                        \
356   V(i18n_converter_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                               \
357   V(intervalhistogram_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)              \
358   V(libuv_stream_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                     \
359   V(message_port_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                   \
360   V(microtask_queue_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                       \
361   V(pipe_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                           \
362   V(promise_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                                 \
363   V(sab_lifetimepartner_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)            \
364   V(script_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                 \
365   V(secure_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                 \
366   V(shutdown_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                                \
367   V(socketaddress_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                  \
368   V(streambaseoutputstream_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)           \
369   V(qlogoutputstream_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                 \
370   V(tcp_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                            \
371   V(tty_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)                            \
372   V(write_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                                   \
373   V(worker_heap_snapshot_taker_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)                   \
374   V(x509_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate)
376 #define PER_REALM_STRONG_PERSISTENT_VALUES(V)                                  \
377   V(async_hooks_after_function, v8::Function)                                  \
378   V(async_hooks_before_function, v8::Function)                                 \
379   V(async_hooks_callback_trampoline, v8::Function)                             \
380   V(async_hooks_binding, v8::Object)                                           \
381   V(async_hooks_destroy_function, v8::Function)                                \
382   V(async_hooks_init_function, v8::Function)                                   \
383   V(async_hooks_promise_resolve_function, v8::Function)                        \
384   V(buffer_prototype_object, v8::Object)                                       \
385   V(crypto_key_object_constructor, v8::Function)                               \
386   V(crypto_key_object_private_constructor, v8::Function)                       \
387   V(crypto_key_object_public_constructor, v8::Function)                        \
388   V(crypto_key_object_secret_constructor, v8::Function)                        \
389   V(domexception_function, v8::Function)                                       \
390   V(enhance_fatal_stack_after_inspector, v8::Function)                         \
391   V(enhance_fatal_stack_before_inspector, v8::Function)                        \
392   V(get_source_map_error_source, v8::Function)                                 \
393   V(host_import_module_dynamically_callback, v8::Function)                     \
394   V(host_initialize_import_meta_object_callback, v8::Function)                 \
395   V(http2session_on_altsvc_function, v8::Function)                             \
396   V(http2session_on_error_function, v8::Function)                              \
397   V(http2session_on_frame_error_function, v8::Function)                        \
398   V(http2session_on_goaway_data_function, v8::Function)                        \
399   V(http2session_on_headers_function, v8::Function)                            \
400   V(http2session_on_origin_function, v8::Function)                             \
401   V(http2session_on_ping_function, v8::Function)                               \
402   V(http2session_on_priority_function, v8::Function)                           \
403   V(http2session_on_settings_function, v8::Function)                           \
404   V(http2session_on_stream_close_function, v8::Function)                       \
405   V(http2session_on_stream_trailers_function, v8::Function)                    \
406   V(internal_binding_loader, v8::Function)                                     \
407   V(immediate_callback_function, v8::Function)                                 \
408   V(inspector_console_extension_installer, v8::Function)                       \
409   V(inspector_disable_async_hooks, v8::Function)                               \
410   V(inspector_enable_async_hooks, v8::Function)                                \
411   V(maybe_cache_generated_source_map, v8::Function)                            \
412   V(messaging_deserialize_create_object, v8::Function)                         \
413   V(message_port, v8::Object)                                                  \
414   V(builtin_module_require, v8::Function)                                      \
415   V(performance_entry_callback, v8::Function)                                  \
416   V(performance_entry_template, v8::Function)                                  \
417   V(prepare_stack_trace_callback, v8::Function)                                \
418   V(process_object, v8::Object)                                                \
419   V(primordials, v8::Object)                                                   \
420   V(primordials_safe_map_prototype_object, v8::Object)                         \
421   V(primordials_safe_set_prototype_object, v8::Object)                         \
422   V(primordials_safe_weak_map_prototype_object, v8::Object)                    \
423   V(primordials_safe_weak_set_prototype_object, v8::Object)                    \
424   V(promise_hook_handler, v8::Function)                                        \
425   V(promise_reject_callback, v8::Function)                                     \
426   V(snapshot_serialize_callback, v8::Function)                                 \
427   V(snapshot_deserialize_callback, v8::Function)                               \
428   V(snapshot_deserialize_main, v8::Function)                                   \
429   V(source_map_cache_getter, v8::Function)                                     \
430   V(tick_callback_function, v8::Function)                                      \
431   V(timers_callback_function, v8::Function)                                    \
432   V(tls_wrap_constructor_function, v8::Function)                               \
433   V(trace_category_state_function, v8::Function)                               \
434   V(udp_constructor_function, v8::Function)                                    \
435   V(url_constructor_function, v8::Function)                                    \
436   V(wasm_streaming_compilation_impl, v8::Function)                             \
437   V(wasm_streaming_object_constructor, v8::Function)
441 #endif  // SRC_ENV_PROPERTIES_H_