1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include <stddef.h>
7 #include <iterator>
9 #include "gn/err.h"
10 #include "gn/label.h"
11 #include "gn/value.h"
12 #include "util/build_config.h"
13 #include "util/test/test.h"
15 namespace {
17 struct ParseDepStringCase {
18 const char* cur_dir;
19 const char* str;
20 bool success;
21 const char* expected_dir;
22 const char* expected_name;
23 const char* expected_toolchain_dir;
24 const char* expected_toolchain_name;
25 };
27 } // namespace
TEST(Label,Resolve)29 TEST(Label, Resolve) {
30 ParseDepStringCase cases[] = {
31 {"//chrome/", "", false, "", "", "", ""},
32 {"//chrome/", "/", false, "", "", "", ""},
33 {"//chrome/", ":", false, "", "", "", ""},
34 {"//chrome/", "/:", false, "", "", "", ""},
35 {"//chrome/", "blah", true, "//chrome/blah/", "blah", "//t/", "d"},
36 {"//chrome/", "blah:bar", true, "//chrome/blah/", "bar", "//t/", "d"},
37 // Absolute paths.
38 {"//chrome/", "/chrome:bar", true, "/chrome/", "bar", "//t/", "d"},
39 {"//chrome/", "/chrome/:bar", true, "/chrome/", "bar", "//t/", "d"},
40 #if defined(OS_WIN)
41 {"//chrome/", "/C:/chrome:bar", true, "/C:/chrome/", "bar", "//t/", "d"},
42 {"//chrome/", "/C:/chrome/:bar", true, "/C:/chrome/", "bar", "//t/", "d"},
43 {"//chrome/", "C:/chrome:bar", true, "/C:/chrome/", "bar", "//t/", "d"},
44 #endif
45 // Refers to root dir.
46 {"//chrome/", "//:bar", true, "//", "bar", "//t/", "d"},
47 // Implicit directory
48 {"//chrome/", ":bar", true, "//chrome/", "bar", "//t/", "d"},
49 {"//chrome/renderer/", ":bar", true, "//chrome/renderer/", "bar", "//t/",
50 "d"},
51 // Implicit names.
52 {"//chrome/", "//base", true, "//base/", "base", "//t/", "d"},
53 {"//chrome/", "//base/i18n", true, "//base/i18n/", "i18n", "//t/", "d"},
54 {"//chrome/", "//base/i18n:foo", true, "//base/i18n/", "foo", "//t/", "d"},
55 {"//chrome/", "//", false, "", "", "", ""},
56 // Toolchain parsing.
57 {"//chrome/", "//chrome:bar(//t:n)", true, "//chrome/", "bar", "//t/", "n"},
58 {"//chrome/", "//chrome:bar(//t)", true, "//chrome/", "bar", "//t/", "t"},
59 {"//chrome/", "//chrome:bar(//t:)", true, "//chrome/", "bar", "//t/", "t"},
60 {"//chrome/", "//chrome:bar()", true, "//chrome/", "bar", "//t/", "d"},
61 {"//chrome/", "//chrome:bar(foo)", true, "//chrome/", "bar",
62 "//chrome/foo/", "foo"},
63 {"//chrome/", "//chrome:bar(:foo)", true, "//chrome/", "bar", "//chrome/",
64 "foo"},
65 // TODO(brettw) it might be nice to make this an error:
66 //{"//chrome/", "//chrome:bar())", false, "", "", "", "" },
67 {"//chrome/", "//chrome:bar(//t:bar(tc))", false, "", "", "", ""},
68 {"//chrome/", "//chrome:bar(()", false, "", "", "", ""},
69 {"//chrome/", "(t:b)", false, "", "", "", ""},
70 {"//chrome/", ":bar(//t/b)", true, "//chrome/", "bar", "//t/b/", "b"},
71 {"//chrome/", ":bar(/t/b)", true, "//chrome/", "bar", "/t/b/", "b"},
72 {"//chrome/", ":bar(t/b)", true, "//chrome/", "bar", "//chrome/t/b/", "b"},
73 };
75 Label default_toolchain(SourceDir("//t/"), "d");
77 for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(cases); i++) {
78 const ParseDepStringCase& cur = cases[i];
80 std::string location, name;
81 Err err;
82 Value v(nullptr, Value::STRING);
83 v.string_value() = cur.str;
84 Label result = Label::Resolve(SourceDir(cur.cur_dir), std::string_view(),
85 default_toolchain, v, &err);
86 EXPECT_EQ(cur.success, !err.has_error()) << i << " " << cur.str;
87 if (!err.has_error() && cur.success) {
88 EXPECT_EQ(cur.expected_dir, result.dir().value()) << i << " " << cur.str;
89 EXPECT_EQ(cur.expected_name, result.name()) << i << " " << cur.str;
90 EXPECT_EQ(cur.expected_toolchain_dir, result.toolchain_dir().value())
91 << i << " " << cur.str;
92 EXPECT_EQ(cur.expected_toolchain_name, result.toolchain_name())
93 << i << " " << cur.str;
94 }
95 }
96 }
98 // Tests the case where the path resolves to something above "//". It should get
99 // converted to an absolute path "/foo/bar".
TEST(Label,ResolveAboveRootBuildDir)100 TEST(Label, ResolveAboveRootBuildDir) {
101 Label default_toolchain(SourceDir("//t/"), "d");
103 std::string location, name;
104 Err err;
106 SourceDir cur_dir("//cur/");
107 std::string source_root("/foo/bar/baz");
109 // No source root given, should not go above the root build dir.
110 Label result = Label::Resolve(cur_dir, std::string_view(), default_toolchain,
111 Value(nullptr, "../../..:target"), &err);
112 EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error());
113 EXPECT_EQ("//", result.dir().value()) << result.dir().value();
114 EXPECT_EQ("target", result.name());
116 // Source root provided, it should go into that.
117 result = Label::Resolve(cur_dir, source_root, default_toolchain,
118 Value(nullptr, "../../..:target"), &err);
119 EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error());
120 EXPECT_EQ("/foo/", result.dir().value()) << result.dir().value();
121 EXPECT_EQ("target", result.name());
123 // It shouldn't go up higher than the system root.
124 result = Label::Resolve(cur_dir, source_root, default_toolchain,
125 Value(nullptr, "../../../../..:target"), &err);
126 EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error());
127 EXPECT_EQ("/", result.dir().value()) << result.dir().value();
128 EXPECT_EQ("target", result.name());
130 // Test an absolute label that goes above the source root. This currently
131 // stops at the source root. It should arguably keep going and produce "/foo/"
132 // but this test just makes sure the current behavior isn't regressed by
133 // accident.
134 result = Label::Resolve(cur_dir, source_root, default_toolchain,
135 Value(nullptr, "//../.."), &err);
136 EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error()) << err.message();
137 EXPECT_EQ("/foo/", result.dir().value()) << result.dir().value();
138 EXPECT_EQ("foo", result.name());
139 }