/third_party/typescript/tests/baselines/reference/ |
D | quickInfoDisplayPartsTypeParameterInInterface.baseline | 17 "text": "interface", 21 "text": " ", 25 "text": "I", 29 "text": "<", 33 "text": "T", 37 "text": ">", 59 "text": "(", 63 "text": "type parameter", 64 "kind": "text" 67 "text": ")", [all …]
D | completionsCommentsCommentParsing.baseline | 26 "text": [ 28 "text": "a", 32 "text": " ", 36 "text": "first number", 37 "kind": "text" 44 "text": "(", 48 "text": "parameter", 49 "kind": "text" 52 "text": ")", 56 "text": " ", [all …]
D | quickInfoCommentsCommentParsing.baseline | 17 "text": "function", 21 "text": " ", 25 "text": "simple", 29 "text": "(", 33 "text": ")", 37 "text": ":", 41 "text": " ", 45 "text": "void", 67 "text": "function", 71 "text": " ", [all …]
D | quickInfoJsDocInheritage.baseline | 17 "text": "(", 21 "text": "property", 22 "kind": "text" 25 "text": ")", 29 "text": " ", 33 "text": "C", 37 "text": ".", 41 "text": "foo1", 45 "text": ":", 49 "text": " ", [all …]
D | completionEntryForUnionMethod.baseline | 26 "text": [ 28 "text": "items", 32 "text": " ", 36 "text": "Additional arrays and/or items to add to the end of the array.", 37 "kind": "text" 43 "text": [ 45 "text": "items", 49 "text": " ", 53 "text": "Additional arrays and/or items to add to the end of the array.", 54 "kind": "text" [all …]
D | completionsCommentsClassMembers.baseline | 25 "text": "(", 29 "text": "property", 30 "kind": "text" 33 "text": ")", 37 "text": " ", 41 "text": "c1", 45 "text": ".", 49 "text": "nc_p1", 53 "text": ":", 57 "text": " ", [all …]
D | signatureHelpCommentsCommentParsing.baseline | 14 "text": "simple", 18 "text": "(", 24 "text": ")", 28 "text": ":", 32 "text": " ", 36 "text": "void", 42 "text": ",", 46 "text": " ", 76 "text": "multiLine", 80 "text": "(", [all …]
D | quickInfoDisplayPartsTypeParameterInClass.baseline | 17 "text": "class", 21 "text": " ", 25 "text": "c", 29 "text": "<", 33 "text": "T", 37 "text": ">", 59 "text": "(", 63 "text": "type parameter", 64 "kind": "text" 67 "text": ")", [all …]
D | quickInfoCommentsClassMembers.baseline | 17 "text": "class", 21 "text": " ", 25 "text": "c1", 31 "text": "This is comment for c1", 32 "kind": "text" 52 "text": "(", 56 "text": "property", 57 "kind": "text" 60 "text": ")", 64 "text": " ", [all …]
D | quickInfoDisplayPartsLocalFunction.baseline | 17 "text": "function", 21 "text": " ", 25 "text": "outerFoo", 29 "text": "(", 33 "text": ")", 37 "text": ":", 41 "text": " ", 45 "text": "void", 67 "text": "(", 71 "text": "local function", [all …]
D | quickInfoDisplayPartsFunction.baseline | 17 "text": "function", 21 "text": " ", 25 "text": "foo", 29 "text": "(", 33 "text": "param", 37 "text": ":", 41 "text": " ", 45 "text": "string", 49 "text": ",", 53 "text": " ", [all …]
D | completionsCommentsFunctionExpression.baseline | 25 "text": "(", 29 "text": "parameter", 30 "kind": "text" 33 "text": ")", 37 "text": " ", 41 "text": "a", 45 "text": ":", 49 "text": " ", 53 "text": "number", 59 "text": "param a", [all …]
D | completionsCommentsFunctionDeclaration.baseline | 26 "text": [ 28 "text": "a", 32 "text": " ", 36 "text": "a string", 37 "kind": "text" 44 "text": "function", 48 "text": " ", 52 "text": "fn", 56 "text": "(", 60 "text": "a", [all …]
D | completionsStringMethods.baseline | 22 "text": [ 24 "text": "pos", 28 "text": " ", 32 "text": "The zero-based index of the desired character.", 33 "kind": "text" 40 "text": "(", 44 "text": "method", 45 "kind": "text" 48 "text": ")", 52 "text": " ", [all …]
D | signatureHelpTypeArguments2.baseline | 14 "text": "f", 18 "text": "<", 24 "text": ">", 28 "text": "(", 32 "text": "a", 36 "text": ":", 40 "text": " ", 44 "text": "number", 48 "text": ",", 52 "text": " ", [all …]
D | quickInfoCommentsFunctionExpression.baseline | 17 "text": "var", 21 "text": " ", 25 "text": "lambdaFoo", 29 "text": ":", 33 "text": " ", 37 "text": "(", 41 "text": "a", 45 "text": ":", 49 "text": " ", 53 "text": "number", [all …]
D | quickInfoJsDocGetterSetter.baseline | 17 "text": "(", 21 "text": "getter", 22 "kind": "text" 25 "text": ")", 29 "text": " ", 33 "text": "A", 37 "text": ".", 41 "text": "x", 45 "text": ":", 49 "text": " ", [all …]
D | quickInfoDisplayPartsClassConstructor.baseline | 17 "text": "constructor", 21 "text": " ", 25 "text": "c", 29 "text": "(", 33 "text": ")", 37 "text": ":", 41 "text": " ", 45 "text": "c", 67 "text": "var", 71 "text": " ", [all …]
D | completionsCommentsClass.baseline | 21 "text": "class", 25 "text": " ", 29 "text": "a", 42 "text": "class", 46 "text": " ", 50 "text": "c2", 56 "text": "This is class c2 without constructor", 57 "kind": "text" 68 "text": "class", 72 "text": " ", [all …]
D | quickInfoDisplayPartsVar.baseline | 17 "text": "var", 21 "text": " ", 25 "text": "a", 29 "text": ":", 33 "text": " ", 37 "text": "number", 59 "text": "(", 63 "text": "local var", 64 "kind": "text" 67 "text": ")", [all …]
D | quickInfoDisplayPartsConst.baseline | 17 "text": "const", 21 "text": " ", 25 "text": "a", 29 "text": ":", 33 "text": " ", 37 "text": "10", 59 "text": "const", 63 "text": " ", 67 "text": "b", 71 "text": ":", [all …]
D | jsDocFunctionSignatures6.baseline | 14 "text": "f1", 18 "text": "(", 24 "text": ")", 28 "text": ":", 32 "text": " ", 36 "text": "void", 42 "text": ",", 46 "text": " ", 55 "text": "- A string param", 56 "kind": "text" [all …]
D | quickInfoDisplayPartsClassAccessors.baseline | 17 "text": "(", 21 "text": "getter", 22 "kind": "text" 25 "text": ")", 29 "text": " ", 33 "text": "c", 37 "text": ".", 41 "text": "publicProperty", 45 "text": ":", 49 "text": " ", [all …]
D | quickInfoDisplayPartsTypeParameterInFunction.baseline | 17 "text": "function", 21 "text": " ", 25 "text": "foo", 29 "text": "<", 33 "text": "U", 37 "text": ">", 41 "text": "(", 45 "text": "a", 49 "text": ":", 53 "text": " ", [all …]
D | quickInfoJsDocTextFormatting1.baseline | 14 "text": "f1", 18 "text": "(", 24 "text": ")", 28 "text": ":", 32 "text": " ", 36 "text": "void", 42 "text": ",", 46 "text": " ", 55 "text": "**Highlighted text**", 56 "kind": "text" [all …]