/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "DocumentLoader.h" #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) #include "ApplicationCache.h" #include "ApplicationCacheGroup.h" #include "ApplicationCacheResource.h" #endif #if ENABLE(ARCHIVE) // ANDROID extension: disabled to reduce code size #include "ArchiveFactory.h" #include "ArchiveResourceCollection.h" #else #include "SubstituteResource.h" #endif #include "CachedPage.h" #include "DocLoader.h" #include "Document.h" #include "Event.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "FrameTree.h" #include "HistoryItem.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "MainResourceLoader.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PlatformString.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "SharedBuffer.h" #include "StringBuffer.h" #include "XMLTokenizer.h" #include #include namespace WebCore { /* * Performs four operations: * 1. Convert backslashes to currency symbols * 2. Convert control characters to spaces * 3. Trim leading and trailing spaces * 4. Collapse internal whitespace. */ static inline String canonicalizedTitle(const String& title, Frame* frame) { ASSERT(!title.isEmpty()); const UChar* characters = title.characters(); unsigned length = title.length(); unsigned i; StringBuffer buffer(length); unsigned builderIndex = 0; // Skip leading spaces and leading characters that would convert to spaces for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { UChar c = characters[i]; if (!(c <= 0x20 || c == 0x7F)) break; } if (i == length) return ""; // Replace control characters with spaces, and backslashes with currency symbols, and collapse whitespace. bool previousCharWasWS = false; for (; i < length; ++i) { UChar c = characters[i]; if (c <= 0x20 || c == 0x7F || (WTF::Unicode::category(c) & (WTF::Unicode::Separator_Line | WTF::Unicode::Separator_Paragraph))) { if (previousCharWasWS) continue; buffer[builderIndex++] = ' '; previousCharWasWS = true; } else { buffer[builderIndex++] = c; previousCharWasWS = false; } } // Strip trailing spaces while (builderIndex > 0) { --builderIndex; if (buffer[builderIndex] != ' ') break; } if (!builderIndex && buffer[builderIndex] == ' ') return ""; buffer.shrink(builderIndex + 1); // Replace the backslashes with currency symbols if the encoding requires it. if (frame->document()) frame->document()->displayBufferModifiedByEncoding(buffer.characters(), buffer.length()); return String::adopt(buffer); } static void cancelAll(const ResourceLoaderSet& loaders) { const ResourceLoaderSet copy = loaders; ResourceLoaderSet::const_iterator end = copy.end(); for (ResourceLoaderSet::const_iterator it = copy.begin(); it != end; ++it) (*it)->cancel(); } static void setAllDefersLoading(const ResourceLoaderSet& loaders, bool defers) { const ResourceLoaderSet copy = loaders; ResourceLoaderSet::const_iterator end = copy.end(); for (ResourceLoaderSet::const_iterator it = copy.begin(); it != end; ++it) (*it)->setDefersLoading(defers); } DocumentLoader::DocumentLoader(const ResourceRequest& req, const SubstituteData& substituteData) : m_deferMainResourceDataLoad(true) , m_frame(0) , m_originalRequest(req) , m_substituteData(substituteData) , m_originalRequestCopy(req) , m_request(req) , m_committed(false) , m_isStopping(false) , m_loading(false) , m_gotFirstByte(false) , m_primaryLoadComplete(false) , m_isClientRedirect(false) , m_loadingFromCachedPage(false) , m_stopRecordingResponses(false) , m_substituteResourceDeliveryTimer(this, &DocumentLoader::substituteResourceDeliveryTimerFired) , m_urlForHistoryReflectsClientRedirect(false) #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) , m_candidateApplicationCacheGroup(0) #endif { } FrameLoader* DocumentLoader::frameLoader() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; return m_frame->loader(); } DocumentLoader::~DocumentLoader() { ASSERT(!m_frame || frameLoader()->activeDocumentLoader() != this || !frameLoader()->isLoading()); #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) if (m_applicationCache) m_applicationCache->group()->disassociateDocumentLoader(this); else if (m_candidateApplicationCacheGroup) m_candidateApplicationCacheGroup->disassociateDocumentLoader(this); #endif } PassRefPtr DocumentLoader::mainResourceData() const { if (m_mainResourceData) return m_mainResourceData; if (m_mainResourceLoader) return m_mainResourceLoader->resourceData(); return 0; } const ResourceRequest& DocumentLoader::originalRequest() const { return m_originalRequest; } const ResourceRequest& DocumentLoader::originalRequestCopy() const { return m_originalRequestCopy; } const ResourceRequest& DocumentLoader::request() const { return m_request; } ResourceRequest& DocumentLoader::request() { return m_request; } const KURL& DocumentLoader::url() const { return request().url(); } void DocumentLoader::replaceRequestURLForAnchorScroll(const KURL& url) { m_originalRequestCopy.setURL(url); m_request.setURL(url); } void DocumentLoader::setRequest(const ResourceRequest& req) { // Replacing an unreachable URL with alternate content looks like a server-side // redirect at this point, but we can replace a committed dataSource. bool handlingUnreachableURL = false; handlingUnreachableURL = m_substituteData.isValid() && !m_substituteData.failingURL().isEmpty(); if (handlingUnreachableURL) m_committed = false; // We should never be getting a redirect callback after the data // source is committed, except in the unreachable URL case. It // would be a WebFoundation bug if it sent a redirect callback after commit. ASSERT(!m_committed); KURL oldURL = m_request.url(); m_request = req; // Only send webView:didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame: if URL changed. // Also, don't send it when replacing unreachable URLs with alternate content. if (!handlingUnreachableURL && oldURL != req.url()) frameLoader()->didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame(); } void DocumentLoader::setMainDocumentError(const ResourceError& error) { m_mainDocumentError = error; frameLoader()->setMainDocumentError(this, error); } void DocumentLoader::clearErrors() { m_mainDocumentError = ResourceError(); } void DocumentLoader::mainReceivedError(const ResourceError& error, bool isComplete) { ASSERT(!error.isNull()); #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) ApplicationCacheGroup* group = m_candidateApplicationCacheGroup; if (!group && m_applicationCache) { ASSERT(!mainResourceApplicationCache()); // If the main resource were loaded from a cache, it wouldn't fail. group = m_applicationCache->group(); } if (group) group->failedLoadingMainResource(this); #endif if (!frameLoader()) return; setMainDocumentError(error); if (isComplete) frameLoader()->mainReceivedCompleteError(this, error); } // Cancels the data source's pending loads. Conceptually, a data source only loads // one document at a time, but one document may have many related resources. // stopLoading will stop all loads initiated by the data source, // but not loads initiated by child frames' data sources -- that's the WebFrame's job. void DocumentLoader::stopLoading() { // In some rare cases, calling FrameLoader::stopLoading could set m_loading to false. // (This can happen when there's a single XMLHttpRequest currently loading and stopLoading causes it // to stop loading. Because of this, we need to save it so we don't return early. bool loading = m_loading; if (m_committed) { // Attempt to stop the frame if the document loader is loading, or if it is done loading but // still parsing. Failure to do so can cause a world leak. Document* doc = m_frame->document(); if (loading || (doc && doc->parsing())) m_frame->loader()->stopLoading(false); } // Always cancel multipart loaders cancelAll(m_multipartSubresourceLoaders); if (!loading) return; RefPtr protectFrame(m_frame); RefPtr protectLoader(this); m_isStopping = true; FrameLoader* frameLoader = DocumentLoader::frameLoader(); if (m_mainResourceLoader) // Stop the main resource loader and let it send the cancelled message. m_mainResourceLoader->cancel(); else if (!m_subresourceLoaders.isEmpty()) // The main resource loader already finished loading. Set the cancelled error on the // document and let the subresourceLoaders send individual cancelled messages below. setMainDocumentError(frameLoader->cancelledError(m_request)); else // If there are no resource loaders, we need to manufacture a cancelled message. // (A back/forward navigation has no resource loaders because its resources are cached.) mainReceivedError(frameLoader->cancelledError(m_request), true); stopLoadingSubresources(); stopLoadingPlugIns(); m_isStopping = false; } void DocumentLoader::setupForReplace() { frameLoader()->setupForReplace(); m_committed = false; } void DocumentLoader::commitIfReady() { if (m_gotFirstByte && !m_committed) { m_committed = true; frameLoader()->commitProvisionalLoad(0); } } void DocumentLoader::finishedLoading() { m_gotFirstByte = true; commitIfReady(); if (FrameLoader* loader = frameLoader()) { loader->finishedLoadingDocument(this); loader->end(); } } void DocumentLoader::commitLoad(const char* data, int length) { // Both unloading the old page and parsing the new page may execute JavaScript which destroys the datasource // by starting a new load, so retain temporarily. RefPtr protect(this); commitIfReady(); if (FrameLoader* frameLoader = DocumentLoader::frameLoader()) frameLoader->committedLoad(this, data, length); } bool DocumentLoader::doesProgressiveLoad(const String& MIMEType) const { return !frameLoader()->isReplacing() || MIMEType == "text/html"; } void DocumentLoader::receivedData(const char* data, int length) { m_gotFirstByte = true; if (doesProgressiveLoad(m_response.mimeType())) commitLoad(data, length); } void DocumentLoader::setupForReplaceByMIMEType(const String& newMIMEType) { if (!m_gotFirstByte) return; String oldMIMEType = m_response.mimeType(); if (!doesProgressiveLoad(oldMIMEType)) { frameLoader()->revertToProvisional(this); setupForReplace(); RefPtr resourceData = mainResourceData(); commitLoad(resourceData->data(), resourceData->size()); } frameLoader()->finishedLoadingDocument(this); m_frame->loader()->end(); frameLoader()->setReplacing(); m_gotFirstByte = false; if (doesProgressiveLoad(newMIMEType)) { frameLoader()->revertToProvisional(this); setupForReplace(); } stopLoadingSubresources(); stopLoadingPlugIns(); #if ENABLE(ARCHIVE) // ANDROID extension: disabled to reduce code size clearArchiveResources(); #endif } void DocumentLoader::updateLoading() { ASSERT(this == frameLoader()->activeDocumentLoader()); setLoading(frameLoader()->isLoading()); } void DocumentLoader::setFrame(Frame* frame) { if (m_frame == frame) return; ASSERT(frame && !m_frame); m_frame = frame; attachToFrame(); } void DocumentLoader::attachToFrame() { ASSERT(m_frame); } void DocumentLoader::detachFromFrame() { ASSERT(m_frame); m_frame = 0; } void DocumentLoader::prepareForLoadStart() { ASSERT(!m_isStopping); setPrimaryLoadComplete(false); ASSERT(frameLoader()); clearErrors(); setLoading(true); frameLoader()->prepareForLoadStart(); } void DocumentLoader::setPrimaryLoadComplete(bool flag) { m_primaryLoadComplete = flag; if (flag) { if (m_mainResourceLoader) { m_mainResourceData = m_mainResourceLoader->resourceData(); #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) m_mainResourceApplicationCache = m_mainResourceLoader->applicationCache(); #endif m_mainResourceLoader = 0; } if (this == frameLoader()->activeDocumentLoader()) updateLoading(); } } bool DocumentLoader::isLoadingInAPISense() const { // Once a frame has loaded, we no longer need to consider subresources, // but we still need to consider subframes. if (frameLoader()->state() != FrameStateComplete) { if (!m_primaryLoadComplete && isLoading()) return true; if (!m_subresourceLoaders.isEmpty()) return true; if (Document* doc = m_frame->document()) { if (doc->docLoader()->requestCount()) return true; if (Tokenizer* tok = doc->tokenizer()) if (tok->processingData()) return true; } } return frameLoader()->subframeIsLoading(); } #if ENABLE(ARCHIVE) // ANDROID extension: disabled to reduce code size void DocumentLoader::addAllArchiveResources(Archive* archive) { if (!m_archiveResourceCollection) m_archiveResourceCollection.set(new ArchiveResourceCollection); ASSERT(archive); if (!archive) return; m_archiveResourceCollection->addAllResources(archive); } // FIXME: Adding a resource directly to a DocumentLoader/ArchiveResourceCollection seems like bad design, but is API some apps rely on. // Can we change the design in a manner that will let us deprecate that API without reducing functionality of those apps? void DocumentLoader::addArchiveResource(PassRefPtr resource) { if (!m_archiveResourceCollection) m_archiveResourceCollection.set(new ArchiveResourceCollection); ASSERT(resource); if (!resource) return; m_archiveResourceCollection->addResource(resource); } ArchiveResource* DocumentLoader::archiveResourceForURL(const KURL& url) const { if (!m_archiveResourceCollection) return 0; ArchiveResource* resource = m_archiveResourceCollection->archiveResourceForURL(url); return resource && !resource->shouldIgnoreWhenUnarchiving() ? resource : 0; } PassRefPtr DocumentLoader::popArchiveForSubframe(const String& frameName) { return m_archiveResourceCollection ? m_archiveResourceCollection->popSubframeArchive(frameName) : 0; } void DocumentLoader::clearArchiveResources() { m_archiveResourceCollection.clear(); m_substituteResourceDeliveryTimer.stop(); } void DocumentLoader::setParsedArchiveData(PassRefPtr data) { m_parsedArchiveData = data; } SharedBuffer* DocumentLoader::parsedArchiveData() const { return m_parsedArchiveData.get(); } PassRefPtr DocumentLoader::mainResource() const { const ResourceResponse& r = response(); RefPtr mainResourceBuffer = mainResourceData(); if (!mainResourceBuffer) mainResourceBuffer = SharedBuffer::create(); return ArchiveResource::create(mainResourceBuffer, r.url(), r.mimeType(), r.textEncodingName(), frame()->tree()->name()); } PassRefPtr DocumentLoader::subresource(const KURL& url) const { if (!isCommitted()) return 0; Document* doc = m_frame->document(); if (!doc) return archiveResourceForURL(url); CachedResource* resource = doc->docLoader()->cachedResource(url); if (!resource || resource->preloadResult() == CachedResource::PreloadReferenced) return archiveResourceForURL(url); return ArchiveResource::create(resource->data(), url, resource->response()); } void DocumentLoader::getSubresources(Vector >& subresources) const { if (!isCommitted()) return; Document* document = m_frame->document(); if (!document) return; const DocLoader::DocumentResourceMap& allResources = document->docLoader()->allCachedResources(); DocLoader::DocumentResourceMap::const_iterator end = allResources.end(); for (DocLoader::DocumentResourceMap::const_iterator it = allResources.begin(); it != end; ++it) { RefPtr subresource = this->subresource(KURL(it->second->url())); if (subresource) subresources.append(subresource.release()); } return; } #endif void DocumentLoader::deliverSubstituteResourcesAfterDelay() { if (m_pendingSubstituteResources.isEmpty()) return; ASSERT(m_frame && m_frame->page()); if (m_frame->page()->defersLoading()) return; if (!m_substituteResourceDeliveryTimer.isActive()) m_substituteResourceDeliveryTimer.startOneShot(0); } void DocumentLoader::substituteResourceDeliveryTimerFired(Timer*) { if (m_pendingSubstituteResources.isEmpty()) return; ASSERT(m_frame && m_frame->page()); if (m_frame->page()->defersLoading()) return; SubstituteResourceMap copy; copy.swap(m_pendingSubstituteResources); SubstituteResourceMap::const_iterator end = copy.end(); for (SubstituteResourceMap::const_iterator it = copy.begin(); it != end; ++it) { RefPtr loader = it->first; SubstituteResource* resource = it->second.get(); if (resource) { SharedBuffer* data = resource->data(); loader->didReceiveResponse(resource->response()); loader->didReceiveData(data->data(), data->size(), data->size(), true); loader->didFinishLoading(); } else { // A null resource means that we should fail the load. // FIXME: Maybe we should use another error here - something like "not in cache". loader->didFail(loader->cannotShowURLError()); } } } #ifndef NDEBUG bool DocumentLoader::isSubstituteLoadPending(ResourceLoader* loader) const { return m_pendingSubstituteResources.contains(loader); } #endif void DocumentLoader::cancelPendingSubstituteLoad(ResourceLoader* loader) { if (m_pendingSubstituteResources.isEmpty()) return; m_pendingSubstituteResources.remove(loader); if (m_pendingSubstituteResources.isEmpty()) m_substituteResourceDeliveryTimer.stop(); } #if ENABLE(ARCHIVE) // ANDROID extension: disabled to reduce code size bool DocumentLoader::scheduleArchiveLoad(ResourceLoader* loader, const ResourceRequest& request, const KURL& originalURL) { ArchiveResource* resource = 0; if (request.url() == originalURL) resource = archiveResourceForURL(originalURL); if (!resource) { // WebArchiveDebugMode means we fail loads instead of trying to fetch them from the network if they're not in the archive. bool shouldFailLoad = m_frame->settings()->webArchiveDebugModeEnabled() && ArchiveFactory::isArchiveMimeType(responseMIMEType()); if (!shouldFailLoad) return false; } m_pendingSubstituteResources.set(loader, resource); deliverSubstituteResourcesAfterDelay(); return true; } #endif void DocumentLoader::addResponse(const ResourceResponse& r) { if (!m_stopRecordingResponses) m_responses.append(r); } void DocumentLoader::stopRecordingResponses() { m_stopRecordingResponses = true; } void DocumentLoader::setTitle(const String& title) { if (title.isEmpty()) return; String trimmed = canonicalizedTitle(title, m_frame); if (!trimmed.isEmpty() && m_pageTitle != trimmed) { frameLoader()->willChangeTitle(this); m_pageTitle = trimmed; frameLoader()->didChangeTitle(this); } } KURL DocumentLoader::urlForHistory() const { // Return the URL to be used for history and B/F list. // Returns nil for WebDataProtocol URLs that aren't alternates // for unreachable URLs, because these can't be stored in history. if (m_substituteData.isValid()) return unreachableURL(); return m_originalRequestCopy.url(); } bool DocumentLoader::urlForHistoryReflectsFailure() const { return m_substituteData.isValid() || m_response.httpStatusCode() >= 400; } void DocumentLoader::loadFromCachedPage(PassRefPtr cachedPage) { LOG(PageCache, "WebCorePageCache: DocumentLoader %p loading from cached page %p", this, cachedPage.get()); prepareForLoadStart(); setLoadingFromCachedPage(true); setCommitted(true); frameLoader()->commitProvisionalLoad(cachedPage); } const KURL& DocumentLoader::originalURL() const { return m_originalRequestCopy.url(); } const KURL& DocumentLoader::requestURL() const { return request().url(); } const KURL& DocumentLoader::responseURL() const { return m_response.url(); } const String& DocumentLoader::responseMIMEType() const { return m_response.mimeType(); } const KURL& DocumentLoader::unreachableURL() const { return m_substituteData.failingURL(); } void DocumentLoader::setDefersLoading(bool defers) { if (m_mainResourceLoader) m_mainResourceLoader->setDefersLoading(defers); setAllDefersLoading(m_subresourceLoaders, defers); setAllDefersLoading(m_plugInStreamLoaders, defers); if (!defers) deliverSubstituteResourcesAfterDelay(); } void DocumentLoader::stopLoadingPlugIns() { cancelAll(m_plugInStreamLoaders); } void DocumentLoader::stopLoadingSubresources() { cancelAll(m_subresourceLoaders); } void DocumentLoader::addSubresourceLoader(ResourceLoader* loader) { m_subresourceLoaders.add(loader); setLoading(true); } void DocumentLoader::removeSubresourceLoader(ResourceLoader* loader) { m_subresourceLoaders.remove(loader); updateLoading(); if (Frame* frame = m_frame) frame->loader()->checkLoadComplete(); } void DocumentLoader::addPlugInStreamLoader(ResourceLoader* loader) { m_plugInStreamLoaders.add(loader); setLoading(true); } void DocumentLoader::removePlugInStreamLoader(ResourceLoader* loader) { m_plugInStreamLoaders.remove(loader); updateLoading(); } bool DocumentLoader::isLoadingMainResource() const { return !!m_mainResourceLoader; } bool DocumentLoader::isLoadingSubresources() const { return !m_subresourceLoaders.isEmpty(); } bool DocumentLoader::isLoadingPlugIns() const { return !m_plugInStreamLoaders.isEmpty(); } bool DocumentLoader::isLoadingMultipartContent() const { return m_mainResourceLoader && m_mainResourceLoader->isLoadingMultipartContent(); } bool DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource(unsigned long identifier) { ASSERT(!m_mainResourceLoader); m_mainResourceLoader = MainResourceLoader::create(m_frame); m_mainResourceLoader->setIdentifier(identifier); // FIXME: Is there any way the extra fields could have not been added by now? // If not, it would be great to remove this line of code. frameLoader()->addExtraFieldsToMainResourceRequest(m_request); if (!m_mainResourceLoader->load(m_request, m_substituteData)) { // FIXME: If this should really be caught, we should just ASSERT this doesn't happen; // should it be caught by other parts of WebKit or other parts of the app? LOG_ERROR("could not create WebResourceHandle for URL %s -- should be caught by policy handler level", m_request.url().string().ascii().data()); m_mainResourceLoader = 0; return false; } return true; } void DocumentLoader::cancelMainResourceLoad(const ResourceError& error) { m_mainResourceLoader->cancel(error); } void DocumentLoader::subresourceLoaderFinishedLoadingOnePart(ResourceLoader* loader) { m_multipartSubresourceLoaders.add(loader); m_subresourceLoaders.remove(loader); updateLoading(); if (Frame* frame = m_frame) frame->loader()->checkLoadComplete(); } void DocumentLoader::iconLoadDecisionAvailable() { if (m_frame) m_frame->loader()->iconLoadDecisionAvailable(); } #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) void DocumentLoader::setCandidateApplicationCacheGroup(ApplicationCacheGroup* group) { ASSERT(!m_applicationCache); m_candidateApplicationCacheGroup = group; } void DocumentLoader::setApplicationCache(PassRefPtr applicationCache) { if (m_candidateApplicationCacheGroup) { ASSERT(!m_applicationCache); m_candidateApplicationCacheGroup = 0; } m_applicationCache = applicationCache; } ApplicationCache* DocumentLoader::mainResourceApplicationCache() const { if (m_mainResourceApplicationCache) return m_mainResourceApplicationCache.get(); if (m_mainResourceLoader) return m_mainResourceLoader->applicationCache(); return 0; } bool DocumentLoader::shouldLoadResourceFromApplicationCache(const ResourceRequest& request, ApplicationCacheResource*& resource) { ApplicationCache* cache = applicationCache(); if (!cache || !cache->isComplete()) return false; // If the resource is not a HTTP/HTTPS GET, then abort if (!ApplicationCache::requestIsHTTPOrHTTPSGet(request)) return false; // If the resource's URL is an master entry, the manifest, an explicit entry, a fallback entry, or a dynamic entry // in the application cache, then get the resource from the cache (instead of fetching it). resource = cache->resourceForURL(request.url()); // Resources that match fallback namespaces or online whitelist entries are fetched from the network, // unless they are also cached. if (!resource && (cache->urlMatchesFallbackNamespace(request.url()) || cache->isURLInOnlineWhitelist(request.url()))) return false; // Resources that are not present in the manifest will always fail to load (at least, after the // cache has been primed the first time), making the testing of offline applications simpler. return true; } bool DocumentLoader::getApplicationCacheFallbackResource(const ResourceRequest& request, ApplicationCacheResource*& resource, ApplicationCache* cache) { if (!cache) { cache = applicationCache(); if (!cache) return false; } if (!cache->isComplete()) return false; // If the resource is not a HTTP/HTTPS GET, then abort if (!ApplicationCache::requestIsHTTPOrHTTPSGet(request)) return false; KURL fallbackURL; if (!cache->urlMatchesFallbackNamespace(request.url(), &fallbackURL)) return false; resource = cache->resourceForURL(fallbackURL); ASSERT(resource); return true; } bool DocumentLoader::scheduleApplicationCacheLoad(ResourceLoader* loader, const ResourceRequest& request, const KURL& originalURL) { if (!frameLoader()->frame()->settings() || !frameLoader()->frame()->settings()->offlineWebApplicationCacheEnabled()) return false; if (request.url() != originalURL) return false; ApplicationCacheResource* resource; if (!shouldLoadResourceFromApplicationCache(request, resource)) return false; m_pendingSubstituteResources.set(loader, resource); deliverSubstituteResourcesAfterDelay(); return true; } bool DocumentLoader::scheduleLoadFallbackResourceFromApplicationCache(ResourceLoader* loader, const ResourceRequest& request, ApplicationCache* cache) { if (!frameLoader()->frame()->settings() || !frameLoader()->frame()->settings()->offlineWebApplicationCacheEnabled()) return false; ApplicationCacheResource* resource; if (!getApplicationCacheFallbackResource(request, resource, cache)) return false; m_pendingSubstituteResources.set(loader, resource); deliverSubstituteResourcesAfterDelay(); return true; } #endif // ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) }