1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
2 * test_g2g.c *
3 * *
4 * Copyright 2007, 2008 Nuance Communciations, Inc. *
5 * *
6 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); *
7 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. *
8 * *
9 * You may obtain a copy of the License at *
10 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 *
11 * *
12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software *
13 * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, *
14 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. *
15 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and *
16 * limitations under the License. *
17 * *
18 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
22 #include "pstdio.h"
23 #include "pmemory.h"
24 #include "plog.h"
25 #include "HashMap.h"
26 #include "SR_Grammar.h"
27 #include "SR_Vocabulary.h"
28 #include "SR_SemanticResult.h"
29 #include "ESR_Session.h"
30 #include "ESR_Locale.h"
31 #include "ESR_CommandLine.h"
32 #include "LCHAR.h"
34 #include "PFileSystem.h"
35 #include "PANSIFileSystem.h"
37 #include "SR_GrammarImpl.h"
39 #include "simapi.h"
40 #include "srec_context.h"
41 #include "srec_arb.h"
43 /**
44 * @todo document
45 */
46 typedef struct
47 {
48 unsigned short nnodes;
49 unsigned long size;
50 long phoneme;
51 unsigned short node_pos;
52 unsigned long node_off;
53 short low_genone_no;
54 short high_genone_no;
55 short low_pel_no;
56 short high_pel_no;
57 }
58 tree_head;
usage(LCHAR * exename)61 int usage(LCHAR* exename)
62 {
63 pfprintf(PSTDOUT,"usage: %s -base <basefilename> \n",exename);
64 pfprintf(PSTDOUT,"<basefilename> can be a file.g2g or @g2gfilelist\n");
65 pfprintf(PSTDOUT,"[-checkword id] .. also checks word id in the file\n");
66 pfprintf(PSTDOUT,"[-swiarb esr/config/lang/models/generic.swiarb] ... enables word check\n");
67 return 1;
68 }
70 /* protos */
71 ESR_ReturnCode find_phonemes_for_ihmms( CA_Arbdata* ca_arbdata, modelID* ihmms, int num_hmms);
72 ESR_ReturnCode Parse(SR_Grammar* grammar, LCHAR* trans, PFile* fout);
73 int CheckG2G(CA_Arbdata* arbdata, int* p4pTable, const char* base, int wordid, char* outbase);
74 void load_filelist(char* filelist, char*** pfiles, int *pnum_files);
75 int *phonemecode_for_pel_table(CA_Arbdata* arbdata);
77 int debug = 0;
78 #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 256
79 #define MAX_STR_LENGTH 80
80 #define MAX_SEM_RESULTS 3
81 #define MAX_KEYS 30
83 /* main */
main(int argc,char ** argv)85 int main (int argc, char **argv)
86 {
87 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
88 LCHAR base[P_PATH_MAX] = L("");
89 int i;
90 CA_Arbdata* ca_arbdata;
91 char* arbfile = NULL;
92 char** g2glist;
93 int g2glist_len;
94 char* outbase = NULL;
95 int *p4pTable;
96 int wordid = 0;
97 int log_level = 0;
99 /*
100 * Initialize portable library.
101 */
102 CHKLOG(rc, PMemInit());
103 /* CHKLOG(rc, PFileSystemCreate());
104 CHKLOG(rc, PANSIFileSystemCreate());
105 CHKLOG(rc, PANSIFileSystemAddPath(L("/dev/ansi"), L("/")));*/
107 /* Set ANSI file-system as default file-system */
108 /* CHKLOG(rc, PANSIFileSystemSetDefault(ESR_TRUE));*/
109 /* Set virtual current working directory to native current working directory */
110 /* len = P_PATH_MAX;
111 CHKLOG(rc, PANSIFileSystemGetcwd(cwd, &len));
112 CHKLOG(rc, PFileSystemChdir(cwd));*/
114 if( argc <= 1)
115 {
116 usage(argv[0]);
117 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
118 }
120 for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
121 {
122 if(!LSTRCMP(argv[i], L("-base")))
123 {
124 ++i;
125 LSTRCPY(base, argv[i]);
126 }
127 else if(!LSTRCMP(argv[i],L("-out")))
128 {
129 outbase = argv[++i];
130 }
131 else if(!LSTRCMP(argv[i],L("-swiarb")))
132 {
133 arbfile = argv[++i];
134 }
135 else if(!LSTRCMP(argv[i],L("-checkword")))
136 {
137 wordid = atoi(argv[++i]);
138 }
139 else if(!LSTRCMP(argv[i],L("-log")))
140 {
141 log_level = 10;
142 }
143 else
144 {
145 printf("unrecog'd argument %s\n", argv[i]);
146 exit(1);
147 }
148 }
150 CHK(rc, PLogInit(NULL, log_level));
152 if(arbfile) {
153 ca_arbdata = CA_LoadArbdata(arbfile);
154 if(!ca_arbdata) {
155 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "Error: loading arbfile %s\n", arbfile);
156 goto CLEANUP;
157 }
158 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "arbdata done\n");
159 p4pTable = phonemecode_for_pel_table(ca_arbdata);
160 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "p4pTable done\n");
161 } else {
162 ca_arbdata = 0;
163 p4pTable = 0;
164 }
166 if(base[0] == '@') {
167 load_filelist(base+1, &g2glist, &g2glist_len);
168 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "g2glist %s .. %d entries\n", g2glist_len);
169 for(i=0; i<g2glist_len; i++)
170 CheckG2G( ca_arbdata, p4pTable, g2glist[i], wordid, outbase);
171 }
172 else {
173 CheckG2G( ca_arbdata, p4pTable, base, wordid, outbase);
174 }
177 PLogShutdown();
178 /* PANSIFileSystemDestroy();
179 PFileSystemDestroy();*/
180 PMemSetLogFile(PSTDOUT);
181 PMemDumpLogFile();
182 PMemShutdown();
183 return rc;
184 }
CheckG2G(CA_Arbdata * ca_arbdata,int * p4pTable,const char * base,int wordid,char * outbase)186 int CheckG2G(CA_Arbdata* ca_arbdata, int* p4pTable, const char* base, int wordid, char* outbase)
187 {
188 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
189 SR_GrammarImpl *grammarImpl;
190 SR_Grammar* grammar = NULL;
191 srec_context* fst;
192 CA_Syntax* syntax;
193 modelID ilabels_preceding[64], num_ilabels_preceding;
194 modelID ilabels_following[64], num_ilabels_following;
195 modelID ilabels[128], num_ilabels;
196 int i,j;
197 unsigned long g2gsize;
199 if(1) {
200 FILE* fp;
201 fp = fopen(base, "rb");
202 if(!fp) g2gsize = 0;
203 else {
204 fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
205 g2gsize = ftell(fp);
206 fclose(fp);
207 }
208 }
210 rc = SR_GrammarLoad(base, &grammar);
211 if(rc != ESR_SUCCESS) {
212 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "%s failed at load\n", base);
213 goto CLEANUP;
214 }
216 grammarImpl = (SR_GrammarImpl*)grammar;
217 syntax = grammarImpl->syntax;
218 if(outbase) {
219 CA_DumpSyntax( syntax, outbase);
220 }
222 fst = syntax->synx;
223 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "%s %d arcs %d/%d/%d nodes %d/%d/%d words %d/%d chars %d/%d modelver %d\n",
224 base, g2gsize,
225 fst->num_arcs, fst->num_base_arcs, fst->FSMarc_list_len,
226 fst->num_nodes, fst->num_base_nodes, fst->FSMnode_list_len,
227 fst->olabels->num_words, fst->olabels->max_words,
228 fst->olabels->next_chars-fst->olabels->chars,
229 fst->olabels->max_chars,
230 #ifdef IMAGE_FORMAT_V2
231 fst->modelid
232 #else
233 -1
234 #endif
235 );
237 if(wordid == 0 || ca_arbdata == 0)
238 goto CLEANUP;
240 if(wordid >= fst->olabels->num_words) {
241 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "%s failed 'cuz numwords(%d) < %d\n", base,
242 fst->olabels->num_words, wordid);
243 goto CLEANUP;
244 }
246 for(i=0; i<fst->num_arcs; i++) {
247 if(fst->FSMarc_list[i].olabel == wordid) {
248 FSMnode* node;
249 FSMarc* arc = &fst->FSMarc_list[i];
250 nodeID fr_node = arc->fr_node;
251 arcID iarc;
252 ilabels_following[0] = arc->ilabel;
253 num_ilabels_following = 1;
254 num_ilabels_preceding = 0;
255 for( ; fr_node!=fst->start_node; fr_node=arc->fr_node) {
256 node = &fst->FSMnode_list[fr_node];
257 iarc = node->first_prev_arc;
258 for( ; iarc!=MAXarcID; iarc=arc->linkl_prev_arc) {
259 arc = &fst->FSMarc_list[iarc];
260 if(arc->fr_node != fr_node) break;
261 }
262 if(iarc == MAXarcID) {
263 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "%s failed at 11\n", base);
264 goto CLEANUP;
265 }
266 if(arc->ilabel == WORD_BOUNDARY) break;
267 ilabels_preceding[num_ilabels_preceding++] = arc->ilabel;
268 }
269 arc = &fst->FSMarc_list[i];
270 fr_node = arc->to_node;
271 for( ; fr_node!=fst->end_node; fr_node=arc->to_node) {
272 node = &fst->FSMnode_list[fr_node];
273 iarc = node->un_ptr.first_next_arc;
274 for( ; iarc!=MAXarcID; iarc=arc->linkl_next_arc) {
275 arc = &fst->FSMarc_list[iarc];
276 if(arc->to_node != fr_node) break;
277 }
278 if(iarc == MAXarcID) {
279 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "%s failed at 12\n", base);
280 goto CLEANUP;
281 }
282 ilabels_following[num_ilabels_following++] = arc->ilabel;
283 if(arc->ilabel == WORD_BOUNDARY) break;
284 }
285 num_ilabels = 0;
286 for(j=0; j<num_ilabels_preceding; j++)
287 ilabels[num_ilabels++] = ilabels_preceding[num_ilabels_preceding-1-j];
288 for(j=0; j<num_ilabels_following; j++)
289 ilabels[num_ilabels++] = ilabels_following[j];
290 if(ilabels[num_ilabels-1] == WORD_BOUNDARY)
291 num_ilabels--;
292 for(j=0; j<num_ilabels; j++) {
293 if(ilabels[j]<fst->hmm_ilabel_offset) {
294 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "%s failed at 15\n", base);
295 goto CLEANUP;
296 } else
297 ilabels[j] = ilabels[j] - (labelID)fst->hmm_ilabel_offset;
298 }
299 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "%s (W%d) ihmms ", fst->olabels->words[wordid], wordid);
300 for(j=0;j<num_ilabels;j++)
301 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, " %d", ilabels[j]);
302 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "\n");
303 if(num_ilabels < 2) {
304 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "%s failed at 1\n", base);
305 goto CLEANUP;
306 }
307 if(p4pTable)
308 rc = find_phonemes_for_ihmms( ca_arbdata, ilabels, num_ilabels);
309 else {
310 rc = ESR_SUCCESS;
311 for(j=0; j<num_ilabels; j++) {
312 if(p4pTable[ ilabels[j]]<0) {
314 ilabels[j] = MAXmodelID;
315 } else {
316 ilabels[j] = (modelID)p4pTable[ ilabels[j]];
317 }
318 }
319 }
321 if(rc) {
322 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "%s failed at 2\n", base);
323 goto CLEANUP;
324 }
325 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "%s ", fst->olabels->words[wordid]);
326 for(j=0;j<num_ilabels;j++) pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "%c", ilabels[j]);
327 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "\n");
328 rc = Parse( grammar, fst->olabels->words[wordid], PSTDOUT);
329 if(rc) {
330 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "%s failed at 3\n", base);
331 goto CLEANUP;
332 }
333 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "%s PASSED (on %s)\n", base, fst->olabels->words[wordid]);
334 break;
335 }
336 }
338 return 0;
340 if(grammar) SR_GrammarDestroy(grammar);
341 return 1;
343 }
traverse_tree(tree_node * node,tree_head * tree_topo,int * num_terminal_nodes)346 int traverse_tree(tree_node* node, tree_head *tree_topo, int *num_terminal_nodes)
347 {
348 if(node)
349 tree_topo->nnodes++;
351 if(node->node.quest_index < 0) {
352 if(num_terminal_nodes)
353 (*num_terminal_nodes)++;
354 if( node->term.pelid < tree_topo->low_pel_no)
355 tree_topo->low_pel_no = tree_topo->low_genone_no = node->term.pelid;
356 if( node->term.pelid > tree_topo->high_pel_no)
357 tree_topo->high_pel_no = tree_topo->high_genone_no = node->term.pelid;
358 } else {
359 traverse_tree( (tree_node*)node->node.fail, tree_topo, num_terminal_nodes);
360 traverse_tree( (tree_node*)node->node.pass, tree_topo, num_terminal_nodes);
361 }
362 return 0;
364 }
num_nodes_in_tree(tree_node * node,int * num_terminal_nodes)366 int num_nodes_in_tree(tree_node* node, int *num_terminal_nodes)
367 {
368 tree_head topo;
369 *num_terminal_nodes = 0;
370 topo.nnodes = 0;
371 traverse_tree(node, &topo, num_terminal_nodes);
372 return topo.nnodes;
373 }
find_phonemes_for_ihmms(CA_Arbdata * ca_arbdata,modelID * ihmms,int num_ihmms)375 ESR_ReturnCode find_phonemes_for_ihmms( CA_Arbdata* ca_arbdata, modelID* ihmms, int num_ihmms)
376 {
377 int ii, i;
378 int num_hmms_in_phoneme;
379 tree_head topo;
380 srec_arbdata* a = (srec_arbdata*)ca_arbdata;
381 int num_phonemes_for_ihmms = 0;
383 for(ii=0; ii<num_ihmms; ii++) {
384 for(i=0; i<a->num_phonemes; i++) {
385 num_hmms_in_phoneme = 0;
386 topo.low_pel_no = 32567;
387 topo.high_pel_no = 0;
388 traverse_tree(a->pdata[i].model_nodes, &topo, &num_hmms_in_phoneme);
389 if(debug)printf("phoneme %d num_hmms %d (%d-%d)\n", i, num_hmms_in_phoneme,
390 topo.low_pel_no, topo.high_pel_no);
391 if(ihmms[ii] >= topo.low_pel_no && ihmms[ii]<= topo.high_pel_no) {
392 ihmms[ii] = (modelID)i;
393 num_phonemes_for_ihmms++;
394 break;
395 }
396 }
397 if( i==a->num_phonemes) {
398 if(ihmms[ii]<=5) {
399 ihmms[ii] = 0;
400 num_phonemes_for_ihmms++;
401 } else {
402 PLogError("error: could not find hmm%d under any phoneme! ",ihmms[ii]);
403 }
404 }
406 }
407 if(num_phonemes_for_ihmms != num_ihmms)
409 else {
410 for(ii=0; ii<num_ihmms; ii++) ihmms[ii] = a->pdata[ ihmms[ii]].code;
411 return ESR_SUCCESS;
412 }
413 }
display_results(SR_SemanticResult * result,PFile * fout)415 void display_results(SR_SemanticResult *result, PFile* fout)
416 {
417 size_t i, size, len;
418 LCHAR* keys[MAX_KEYS]; /* array of pointers to strings */
420 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
422 size = MAX_KEYS;
423 rc = result->getKeyList(result, (LCHAR**) &keys, &size); /* get the key list */
424 if(rc == ESR_SUCCESS)
425 {
426 for(i=0; i<size; i++)
427 {
428 len = MAX_STR_LENGTH;
429 if ((rc = result->getValue(result,keys[i],value,&len)) == ESR_SUCCESS)
430 pfprintf(fout,"{%s : %s}\n",keys[i],value);
431 else
432 pfprintf(fout,"Error: %s\n",ESR_rc2str(rc));
433 }
434 }
435 else
436 pfprintf(fout,"Error: %s\n",ESR_rc2str(rc));
437 }
Parse(SR_Grammar * grammar,LCHAR * trans,PFile * fout)439 ESR_ReturnCode Parse(SR_Grammar* grammar, LCHAR* trans, PFile* fout)
440 {
441 ESR_ReturnCode rc;
442 int i, result_count;
443 SR_SemanticResult* semanticResults[MAX_SEM_RESULTS];
445 result_count = MAX_SEM_RESULTS; /* initially not greater than MAX */
446 for(i =0; i<result_count; i++)
447 SR_SemanticResultCreate(&semanticResults[i]); /* create the result holders */
449 lstrtrim(trans);
451 rc = grammar->checkParse(grammar, trans, semanticResults, (size_t*) &result_count);
452 if(rc != ESR_SUCCESS)
453 return rc;
455 if(result_count < 1)
456 {
457 pfprintf(fout,"no parse\n\n");
458 return ESR_NO_MATCH_ERROR;
459 }
460 else
461 {
462 pfprintf(fout,"parse ok (%d results)\n", result_count);
463 for(i=0; i < result_count; i++)
464 display_results(semanticResults[i],fout);
466 for(i=0; i < MAX_SEM_RESULTS; i++)
467 {
468 rc = semanticResults[i]->destroy(semanticResults[i]);
469 if(rc != ESR_SUCCESS)
470 return rc;
471 }
472 return ESR_SUCCESS;
473 }
474 }
load_filelist(char * filelist,char *** pfiles,int * pnum_files)476 void load_filelist(char* filelist, char*** pfiles, int *pnum_files)
477 {
478 int i = 0;
479 FILE* fp;
480 char line[512];
481 char **files = 0, *file;
482 int num_files = 0;
484 fp = fopen(filelist, "r");
485 if(!fp) {
486 pfprintf(PSTDOUT, "failed to open %s\n", filelist);
487 goto DONE;
488 }
490 while( fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) {
491 if(line[0] == '#') continue;
492 i++;
493 }
494 fclose(fp);
496 num_files = i;
497 *files = CALLOC( num_files, sizeof(char*), __FILE__);
498 fp = fopen(filelist, "r");
499 for(i=0; fgets(line,sizeof(line),fp) && i<num_files; i++) {
500 if(line[0] == '#') continue;
501 strtok(line,"\n\r\t");
502 file = files[i++] = CALLOC(strlen(line)+1,sizeof(char),__FILE__);
503 strcpy( file, line);
504 }
505 fclose(fp);
506 num_files = i;
508 DONE:
509 *pfiles = files;
510 *pnum_files = num_files;
511 }
phonemecode_for_pel_table(CA_Arbdata * ca_arbdata)513 int* phonemecode_for_pel_table(CA_Arbdata* ca_arbdata)
514 {
515 static int table[2048];
516 int i,j;
517 tree_head topo;
518 srec_arbdata* a = (srec_arbdata*)ca_arbdata;
519 int num_hmms_in_phoneme;
521 for(j=0; j< (int)(sizeof(table)/sizeof(int)); j++)
522 table[j] = 0;
524 for(i=0; i<a->num_phonemes; i++) {
525 num_hmms_in_phoneme = 0;
526 topo.low_pel_no = 32567;
527 topo.high_pel_no = 0;
528 traverse_tree(a->pdata[i].model_nodes, &topo, &num_hmms_in_phoneme);
529 if(debug)printf("phoneme %d num_hmms %d (%d-%d)\n", i, num_hmms_in_phoneme,
530 topo.low_pel_no, topo.high_pel_no);
532 for(j=topo.low_pel_no; j<=topo.high_pel_no; j++)
533 table[j] = a->pdata[i].code;
534 }
535 return &table[0];
536 }