Recovery Image Generator ------------------------- This program uses java.awt.Graphics2D to generate the background text files used under recovery mode. And thus we don't need to do the manual work by running emulators with different dpi. # Usage: `java -jar path_to_jar --image_width imageWidth --text_name textName --font_dir fontDirectory --resource_dir resourceDirectory --output_file outputFilename` # Description of the parameters: 1. `imageWidth`: The number of pixels per line; and the text strings will be wrapped accordingly. 2. `textName`: The description of the text string, e.g. "recovery_erasing", "recovery_installing_security" 3. `fontDirectory`: The directory that contains all the support .ttf | .ttc files, e.g. $OUT/system/fonts/ 4. `resourceDirectory`: The resource directory that contains all the translated strings in xml format, e.g. bootable/recovery/tools/recovery_l10n/res/ 5. `outputFilename`: Path to the generated image.