; Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project ; ; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ; You may obtain a copy of the License at ; ; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ; ; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ; limitations under the License. .class blort .super java/lang/Object .method public ()V .limit locals 1 aload_0 invokespecial java/lang/Object/()V return .end method ; dead code after the last reachable instruction in a method .method public test_deadend1()V return aload_0 .end method ; dead code after the last reachable instruction in a method .method public test_deadend2()V ireturn aload_0 aload_0 .end method ; dead code after the last reachable instruction in a method .method public test_deadend3()V aconst_null athrow sipush 0x1234 .end method ; make sure an exception handler for a dead range doesn't get enlivened .method public test_dead_exception_handler()V return nop blort: nop nop return handler: nop return .catch all from blort to handler using handler .end method ; dead code after goto instruction .method public test_dead_goto()V goto blort nop blort: return .end method ; dead code after ret instruction .method public test_dead_ret()V ifeq blort ret 0 iconst_m1 blort: return .end method ; dead code after tableswitch instruction .method public test_dead_tableswitch()V tableswitch 0x10 blort default: blort nop nop nop aload_0 aload_1 aload_2 aload_3 blort: return .end method ; dead code after lookupswitch instruction .method public test_dead_lookupswitch()V lookupswitch 0x10: blort 0x20: blort default: blort ldc "WHYA REYO UREA DING THIS ?" blort: return .end method ; dead code after ireturn instruction .method public test_dead_ireturn()V ifeq blort ireturn iconst_1 blort: return .end method ; dead code after lreturn instruction .method public test_dead_lreturn()V ifeq blort lreturn iconst_1 blort: return .end method ; dead code after freturn instruction .method public test_dead_freturn()V ifeq blort freturn iconst_1 blort: return .end method ; dead code after dreturn instruction .method public test_dead_dreturn()V ifeq blort dreturn iconst_1 blort: return .end method ; dead code after areturn instruction .method public test_dead_areturn()V ifeq blort areturn iconst_1 blort: return .end method ; dead code after return instruction .method public test_dead_return()V ifeq blort return iconst_1 blort: return .end method ; dead code after athrow instruction .method public test_dead_athrow()V ifeq blort athrow iconst_1 blort: return .end method ; dead code after wide ret instruction .method public test_dead_wideret()V ifeq blort ret 0x0100 iconst_1 blort: return .end method ; dead code after goto_w instruction .method public test_dead_goto_w()V goto_w blort iconst_1 blort: return .end method