# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # """This module contains unit tests for the classes in the validators module.""" import glob import os.path import unittest import common_unittest_utils import common_util import test_conf as conf import validators from common_unittest_utils import create_mocked_devices, parse_tests_data from firmware_constants import AXIS, GV, MTB, PLATFORM, VAL from firmware_log import MetricNameProps from geometry.elements import Point from touch_device import TouchDevice from validators import (CountPacketsValidator, CountTrackingIDValidator, DiscardInitialSecondsValidator, DrumrollValidator, HysteresisValidator, LinearityValidator, MtbSanityValidator, NoGapValidator, NoLevelJumpValidator, NoReversedMotionValidator, PhysicalClickValidator, PinchValidator, RangeValidator, ReportRateValidator, StationaryFingerValidator, StationaryTapValidator, ) unittest_path_lumpy = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tests/logs/lumpy') mocked_device = create_mocked_devices() # Make short aliases for supported platforms alex = mocked_device[PLATFORM.ALEX] lumpy = mocked_device[PLATFORM.LUMPY] link = mocked_device[PLATFORM.LINK] # Some tests do not care what device is used. dontcare = 'dontcare' class CountTrackingIDValidatorTest(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for CountTrackingIDValidator class.""" def _test_count_tracking_id(self, filename, criteria, device): packets = parse_tests_data(filename) validator = CountTrackingIDValidator(criteria, device=device) vlog = validator.check(packets) return vlog.score def test_two_finger_id_change(self): """Two two fingers id change. Issue 7867: Cyapa : Two finger scroll, tracking ids change """ filename = 'two_finger_id_change.dat' score = self._test_count_tracking_id(filename, '== 2', lumpy) self.assertTrue(score == 0) def test_one_finger_fast_swipe_id_split(self): """One finger fast swipe resulting in IDs split. Issue: 7869: Lumpy: Tracking ID reassigned during quick-2F-swipe """ filename = 'one_finger_fast_swipe_id_split.dat' score = self._test_count_tracking_id(filename, '== 1', lumpy) self.assertTrue(score == 0) def test_two_fingers_fast_flick_id_split(self): """Two figners fast flick resulting in IDs split. Issue: 7869: Lumpy: Tracking ID reassigned during quick-2F-swipe """ filename = 'two_finger_fast_flick_id_split.dat' score = self._test_count_tracking_id(filename, '== 2', lumpy) self.assertTrue(score == 0) class DrumrollValidatorTest(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for DrumrollValidator class.""" def setUp(self): self.criteria = conf.drumroll_criteria def _test_drumroll(self, filename, criteria, device): packets = parse_tests_data(filename) validator = DrumrollValidator(criteria, device=device) vlog = validator.check(packets) return vlog.score def _get_drumroll_metrics(self, filename, criteria, device): packets = parse_tests_data(filename, gesture_dir=unittest_path_lumpy) validator = DrumrollValidator(criteria, device=device) metrics = validator.check(packets).metrics return metrics def test_drumroll_lumpy(self): """Should catch the drumroll on lumpy. Issue 7809: Lumpy: Drumroll bug in firmware Max distance: 52.02 px """ filename = 'drumroll_lumpy.dat' score = self._test_drumroll(filename, self.criteria, lumpy) self.assertTrue(score == 0) def test_drumroll_lumpy_1(self): """Should catch the drumroll on lumpy. Issue 7809: Lumpy: Drumroll bug in firmware Max distance: 43.57 px """ filename = 'drumroll_lumpy_1.dat' score = self._test_drumroll(filename, self.criteria, lumpy) self.assertTrue(score <= 0.15) def test_no_drumroll_link(self): """Should pass (score == 1) when there is no drumroll. Issue 7809: Lumpy: Drumroll bug in firmware Max distance: 2.92 px """ filename = 'no_drumroll_link.dat' score = self._test_drumroll(filename, self.criteria, link) self.assertTrue(score == 1) def test_drumroll_metrics(self): """Test the drumroll metrics.""" expected_max_values = { '20130506_030025-fw_11.27-robot_sim/' 'drumroll.fast-lumpy-fw_11.27-manual-20130528_044804.dat': 2.29402908535, '20130506_030025-fw_11.27-robot_sim/' 'drumroll.fast-lumpy-fw_11.27-manual-20130528_044820.dat': 0.719567771497, '20130506_031746-fw_11.27-robot_sim/' 'drumroll.fast-lumpy-fw_11.27-manual-20130528_044728.dat': 0.833491481592, '20130506_032458-fw_11.23-robot_sim/' 'drumroll.fast-lumpy-fw_11.23-manual-20130528_044856.dat': 1.18368539364, '20130506_032458-fw_11.23-robot_sim/' 'drumroll.fast-lumpy-fw_11.23-manual-20130528_044907.dat': 0.851161282019, '20130506_032659-fw_11.23-robot_sim/' 'drumroll.fast-lumpy-fw_11.23-manual-20130528_044933.dat': 2.64245519251, '20130506_032659-fw_11.23-robot_sim/' 'drumroll.fast-lumpy-fw_11.23-manual-20130528_044947.dat': 0.910624022916, } criteria = self.criteria for filename, expected_max_value in expected_max_values.items(): metrics = self._get_drumroll_metrics(filename, criteria, lumpy) actual_max_value = max([m.value for m in metrics]) self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_max_value, actual_max_value) class LinearityValidatorTest(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for LinearityValidator class.""" def setUp(self): self.validator = LinearityValidator(conf.linearity_criteria, device=lumpy, finger=0) self.validator.init_check() def test_simple_linear_regression0(self): """A perfect y-t line from bottom left to top right""" list_y = [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160] list_t = [i * 0.1 for i in range(len(list_y))] (max_err_px, rms_err_px) = self.validator._calc_errors_single_axis( list_t, list_y) self.assertAlmostEqual(max_err_px, 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(rms_err_px, 0) def test_simple_linear_regression0b(self): """An imperfect y-t line from bottom left to top right with the first and the last entries as outliers. In this test case: begin segment = [1,] end segment = [188, 190] middle segment = [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160] the simple linear regression line is calculated based on the middle segment, and is y = 20 * t the error = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 10] """ list_y = [1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 188, 190] list_t = range(len(list_y)) expected_errs_dict = { VAL.WHOLE: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 10], VAL.BEGIN: [1, ], VAL.END: [8, 10], VAL.BOTH_ENDS: [1, 8, 10], } for segment_flag, expected_errs in expected_errs_dict.items(): self.validator._segments= segment_flag (max_err, rms_err) = self.validator._calc_errors_single_axis(list_t, list_y) expected_max_err = max(expected_errs) expected_rms_err = (sum([i ** 2 for i in expected_errs]) / len(expected_errs)) ** 0.5 self.assertAlmostEqual(max_err, expected_max_err) self.assertAlmostEqual(rms_err, expected_rms_err) def test_log_details_and_metrics(self): """Test the axes in _log_details_and_metrics""" # gesture_dir: tests/data/linearity gesture_dir = 'linearity' filenames_axes = { 'two_finger_tracking.right_to_left.slow-lumpy-fw_11.27-robot-' '20130227_204458.dat': [AXIS.X], 'one_finger_to_edge.center_to_top.slow-lumpy-fw_11.27-robot-' '20130227_203228.dat': [AXIS.Y], 'two_finger_tracking.bottom_left_to_top_right.normal-lumpy-' 'fw_11.27-robot-20130227_204902.dat': [AXIS.X, AXIS.Y], } for filename, expected_axes in filenames_axes.items(): packets = parse_tests_data(filename, gesture_dir=gesture_dir) # get the direction of the gesture direction = [filename.split('-')[0].split('.')[1]] self.validator.check(packets, direction) actual_axes = sorted(self.validator.list_coords.keys()) self.assertEqual(actual_axes, expected_axes) def _test_simple_linear_regression1(self): """A y-t line taken from a real example. Refer to the "Numerical example" in the wiki page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_linear_regression """ list_t = [1.47, 1.50, 1.52, 1.55, 1.57, 1.60, 1.63, 1.65, 1.68, 1.70, 1.73, 1.75, 1.78, 1.80, 1.83] list_y = [52.21, 53.12, 54.48, 55.84, 57.20, 58.57, 59.93, 61.29, 63.11, 64.47, 66.28, 68.10, 69.92, 72.19, 74.46] expected_max_err = 1.3938545467809007 expected_rms_err = 0.70666155991311708 (max_err, rms_err) = self.validator._calc_errors_single_axis( list_t, list_y) self.assertAlmostEqual(max_err, expected_max_err) self.assertAlmostEqual(rms_err, expected_rms_err) class NoGapValidatorTest(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for NoGapValidator class.""" GAPS_SUBDIR = 'gaps' def setUp(self): self.criteria = conf.no_gap_criteria def _test_no_gap(self, filename, criteria, device, slot): file_subpath = os.path.join(self.GAPS_SUBDIR, filename) packets = parse_tests_data(file_subpath) validator = NoGapValidator(criteria, device=device, slot=slot) vlog = validator.check(packets) return vlog.score def test_two_finger_scroll_gaps(self): """Test that there are gaps in the two finger scroll gesture. Issue 7552: Cyapa : two finger scroll motion produces gaps in tracking """ filename = 'two_finger_gaps.horizontal.dat' score0 = self._test_no_gap(filename, self.criteria, lumpy, 0) score1 = self._test_no_gap(filename, self.criteria, lumpy, 1) self.assertTrue(score0 <= 0.1) self.assertTrue(score1 <= 0.1) def test_gap_new_finger_arriving_or_departing(self): """Test gap when new finger arriving or departing. Issue: 8005: Cyapa : gaps appear when new finger arrives or departs """ filename = 'gap_new_finger_arriving_or_departing.dat' score = self._test_no_gap(filename, self.criteria, lumpy, 0) self.assertTrue(score <= 0.3) def test_one_stationary_finger_2nd_finger_moving_gaps(self): """Test one stationary finger resulting in 2nd finger moving gaps.""" filename = 'one_stationary_finger_2nd_finger_moving_gaps.dat' score = self._test_no_gap(filename, self.criteria, lumpy, 1) self.assertTrue(score <= 0.1) def test_resting_finger_2nd_finger_moving_gaps(self): """Test resting finger resulting in 2nd finger moving gaps. Issue 7648: Cyapa : Resting finger plus one finger move generates a gap """ filename = 'resting_finger_2nd_finger_moving_gaps.dat' score = self._test_no_gap(filename, self.criteria, lumpy, 1) self.assertTrue(score <= 0.3) class PhysicalClickValidatorTest(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for PhysicalClickValidator class.""" def setUp(self): self.device = lumpy self.criteria = '== 1' self.mnprops = MetricNameProps() def _test_physical_clicks(self, gesture_dir, files, expected_score): gesture_path = os.path.join(unittest_path_lumpy, gesture_dir) for filename, fingers in files.items(): packets = parse_tests_data(os.path.join(gesture_path, filename)) validator = PhysicalClickValidator(self.criteria, fingers=fingers, device=self.device) vlog = validator.check(packets) actual_score = vlog.score self.assertTrue(actual_score == expected_score) def test_physical_clicks_success(self): """All physcial click files in the gesture_dir should pass.""" gesture_dir = '20130506_030025-fw_11.27-robot_sim' gesture_path = os.path.join(unittest_path_lumpy, gesture_dir) # Get all 1f physical click files. file_prefix = 'one_finger_physical_click' fingers = 1 files1 = [(filepath, fingers) for filepath in glob.glob( os.path.join(gesture_path, file_prefix + '*.dat'))] # Get all 2f physical click files. file_prefix = 'two_fingers_physical_click' fingers = 2 files2 = [(filepath, fingers) for filepath in glob.glob( os.path.join(gesture_path, file_prefix + '*.dat'))] # files is a dictionary of {filename: fingers} files = dict(files1 + files2) expected_score = 1.0 self._test_physical_clicks(gesture_dir, files, expected_score) def test_physical_clicks_failure(self): """All physcial click files specified below should fail.""" gesture_dir = '20130506_032458-fw_11.23-robot_sim' # files is a dictionary of {filename: fingers} files = { 'one_finger_physical_click.bottom_side-lumpy-fw_11.23-complete-' '20130614_065744.dat': 1, 'one_finger_physical_click.center-lumpy-fw_11.23-complete-' '20130614_065727.dat': 1, 'two_fingers_physical_click-lumpy-fw_11.23-complete-' '20130614_065757.dat': 2, } expected_score = 0.0 self._test_physical_clicks(gesture_dir, files, expected_score) def test_physical_clicks_by_finger_IDs(self): """Test that some physical clicks may come with or without correct finger IDs. """ # files is a dictionary of { # filename: (number_fingers, (actual clicks, expected clicks))} files = { # An incorrect case with 1 finger: the event sequence comprises # Event: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, value 284 # Event: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, value -1 # Event: BTN_LEFT, value 1 # Event: BTN_LEFT, value 0 # In this case, the BTN_LEFT occurs when there is no finger. '1f_click_incorrect_behind_tid.dat': (1, (0, 1)), # A correct case with 1 finger: the event sequence comprises # Event: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, value 284 # Event: BTN_LEFT, value 1 # Event: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, value -1 # Event: BTN_LEFT, value 0 # In this case, the BTN_LEFT occurs when there is no finger. '1f_click.dat': (1, (1, 1)), # An incorrect case with 2 fingers: the event sequence comprises # Event: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, value 18 # Event: BTN_LEFT, value 1 # Event: BTN_LEFT, value 0 # Event: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, value 19 # Event: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, value -1 # Event: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, value -1 # In this case, the BTN_LEFT occurs when there is only 1 finger. '2f_clicks_incorrect_before_2nd_tid.dat': (2, (0, 1)), # An incorrect case with 2 fingers: the event sequence comprises # Event: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, value 18 # Event: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, value 19 # Event: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, value -1 # Event: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, value -1 # Event: BTN_LEFT, value 1 # Event: BTN_LEFT, value 0 # In this case, the BTN_LEFT occurs when there is only 1 finger. '2f_clicks_incorrect_behind_2_tids.dat': (2, (0, 1)), # A correct case with 2 fingers: the event sequence comprises # Event: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, value 18 # Event: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, value 19 # Event: BTN_LEFT, value 1 # Event: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, value -1 # Event: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, value -1 # Event: BTN_LEFT, value 0 # In this case, the BTN_LEFT occurs when there is only 1 finger. '2f_clicks.dat': (2, (1, 1)), } for filename, (fingers, expected_value) in files.items(): packets = parse_tests_data(filename) validator = PhysicalClickValidator(self.criteria, fingers=fingers, device=dontcare) vlog = validator.check(packets) metric_name = self.mnprops.CLICK_CHECK_TIDS.format(fingers) for metric in vlog.metrics: if metric.name == metric_name: self.assertEqual(metric.value, expected_value) class RangeValidatorTest(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for RangeValidator class.""" def setUp(self): self.device = lumpy def _test_range(self, filename, expected_short_of_range_px): filepath = os.path.join(unittest_path_lumpy, filename) packets = parse_tests_data(filepath) validator = RangeValidator(conf.range_criteria, device=self.device) # Extract the gesture variation from the filename variation = (filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[1],) # Determine the axis based on the direction in the gesture variation axis = (self.device.axis_x if validator.is_horizontal(variation) else self.device.axis_y if validator.is_vertical(variation) else None) self.assertTrue(axis is not None) # Convert from pixels to mms. expected_short_of_range_mm = self.device.pixel_to_mm_single_axis( expected_short_of_range_px, axis) vlog = validator.check(packets, variation) # There is only one metric in the metrics list. self.assertEqual(len(vlog.metrics), 1) actual_short_of_range_mm = vlog.metrics[0].value self.assertEqual(actual_short_of_range_mm, expected_short_of_range_mm) def test_range(self): """All physical click files specified below should fail.""" # files_px is a dictionary of {filename: short_of_range_px} files_px = { '20130506_030025-fw_11.27-robot_sim/' 'one_finger_to_edge.center_to_left.slow-lumpy-fw_11.27-' 'robot_sim-20130506_031554.dat': 0, '20130506_030025-fw_11.27-robot_sim/' 'one_finger_to_edge.center_to_left.slow-lumpy-fw_11.27-' 'robot_sim-20130506_031608.dat': 0, '20130506_032458-fw_11.23-robot_sim/' 'one_finger_to_edge.center_to_left.slow-lumpy-fw_11.23-' 'robot_sim-20130506_032538.dat': 1, '20130506_032458-fw_11.23-robot_sim/' 'one_finger_to_edge.center_to_left.slow-lumpy-fw_11.23-' 'robot_sim-20130506_032549.dat': 1, } for filename, short_of_range_px in files_px.items(): self._test_range(filename, short_of_range_px) class StationaryFingerValidatorTest(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for StationaryFingerValidator class.""" def setUp(self): self.criteria = conf.stationary_finger_criteria def _get_max_distance(self, filename, criteria, device): packets = parse_tests_data(filename) validator = StationaryFingerValidator(criteria, device=device) vlog = validator.check(packets) return vlog.metrics[0].value def test_stationary_finger_shift(self): """Test that the stationary shift due to 2nd finger tapping. Issue 7442: Cyapa : Second finger tap events influence stationary finger position """ filename = 'stationary_finger_shift_with_2nd_finger_tap.dat' max_distance = self._get_max_distance(filename, self.criteria, lumpy) self.assertAlmostEqual(max_distance, 5.464430436926) def test_stationary_strongly_affected_by_2nd_moving_finger(self): """Test stationary finger strongly affected by 2nd moving finger with gaps. Issue 5812: [Cypress] reported positions of stationary finger strongly affected by nearby moving finger """ filename = ('stationary_finger_strongly_affected_by_2nd_moving_finger_' 'with_gaps.dat') max_distance = self._get_max_distance(filename, self.criteria, lumpy) self.assertAlmostEqual(max_distance, 4.670861210146) class StationaryTapValidatorTest(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for StationaryTapValidator class.""" def setUp(self): self.criteria = conf.stationary_tap_criteria def test_stationary_tap(self): filenames = {'1f_click.dat': 1.718284027744, '1f_clickb.dat': 0.577590781705} for filename, expected_max_distance in filenames.items(): packets = parse_tests_data(filename) validator = StationaryTapValidator(self.criteria, device=lumpy) vlog = validator.check(packets) actual_max_distance = vlog.metrics[0].value self.assertAlmostEqual(actual_max_distance, expected_max_distance) class NoLevelJumpValidatorTest(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for NoLevelJumpValidator class.""" def setUp(self): self.criteria = conf.no_level_jump_criteria self.gesture_dir = 'drag_edge_thumb' def _get_score(self, filename, device): validator = NoLevelJumpValidator(self.criteria, device=device, slots=[0,]) packets = parse_tests_data(filename, gesture_dir=self.gesture_dir) vlog = validator.check(packets) score = vlog.score return score def test_level_jumps(self): """Test files with level jumps.""" filenames = [ 'drag_edge_thumb.horizontal.dat', 'drag_edge_thumb.horizontal_2.dat', 'drag_edge_thumb.horizontal_3.no_points.dat', 'drag_edge_thumb.vertical.dat', 'drag_edge_thumb.vertical_2.dat', 'drag_edge_thumb.diagonal.dat', ] for filename in filenames: self.assertTrue(self._get_score(filename, lumpy) <= 0.6) def test_no_level_jumps(self): """Test files without level jumps.""" filenames = [ 'drag_edge_thumb.horizontal.curvy.dat', 'drag_edge_thumb.horizontal_2.curvy.dat', 'drag_edge_thumb.vertical.curvy.dat', 'drag_edge_thumb.vertical_2.curvy.dat', ] for filename in filenames: self.assertTrue(self._get_score(filename, lumpy) == 1.0) class ReportRateValidatorTest(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for ReportRateValidator class.""" def setUp(self): self.criteria = '>= 60' def _get_score(self, filename, device): validator = ReportRateValidator(self.criteria, device=device, chop_off_pauses=False) packets = parse_tests_data(filename) vlog = validator.check(packets) score = vlog.score return score def test_report_rate_scores(self): """Test the score of the report rate.""" filename = '2f_scroll_diagonal.dat' self.assertTrue(self._get_score(filename, device=lumpy) <= 0.5) filename = 'one_finger_with_slot_0.dat' self.assertTrue(self._get_score(filename, device=lumpy) >= 0.9) filename = 'two_close_fingers_merging_changed_ids_gaps.dat' self.assertTrue(self._get_score(filename, device=lumpy) <= 0.5) def test_report_rate_without_slot(self): """Test report rate without specifying any slot.""" filename_report_rate_pair = [ ('2f_scroll_diagonal.dat', 40.31), ('one_finger_with_slot_0.dat', 148.65), ('two_close_fingers_merging_changed_ids_gaps.dat', 53.12), ] for filename, expected_report_rate in filename_report_rate_pair: validator = ReportRateValidator(self.criteria, device=dontcare, chop_off_pauses=False) validator.check(parse_tests_data(filename)) actual_report_rate = round(validator.report_rate, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(actual_report_rate, expected_report_rate) def test_report_rate_with_slot(self): """Test report rate with slot=1""" # Compute actual_report_rate filename = ('stationary_finger_strongly_affected_by_2nd_moving_finger_' 'with_gaps.dat') validator = ReportRateValidator(self.criteria, device=dontcare, finger=1, chop_off_pauses=False) validator.check(parse_tests_data(filename)) actual_report_rate = validator.report_rate # Compute expected_report_rate first_syn_time = 2597.682925 last_syn_time = 2604.543335 num_packets = 592 - 1 expected_report_rate = num_packets / (last_syn_time - first_syn_time) self.assertAlmostEqual(actual_report_rate, expected_report_rate) def _test_report_rate_metrics(self, filename, expected_values): packets = parse_tests_data(filename) validator = ReportRateValidator(self.criteria, device=lumpy, chop_off_pauses=False) vlog = validator.check(packets) # Verify that there are 3 metrics number_metrics = 3 self.assertEqual(len(vlog.metrics), number_metrics) # Verify the values of the 3 metrics. for i in range(number_metrics): actual_value = vlog.metrics[i].value if isinstance(actual_value, tuple): self.assertEqual(actual_value, expected_values[i]) else: self.assertAlmostEqual(actual_value, expected_values[i]) def test_report_rate_metrics(self): """Test the metrics of the report rates.""" # files is a dictionary of # {filename: ((# long_intervals, # all intervals), # ave_interval, max_interval)} files = { '2f_scroll_diagonal.dat': ((33, 33), 24.8057272727954, 26.26600000075996), 'one_finger_with_slot_0.dat': ((1, 12), 6.727166666678386, 20.411999998032115), 'two_close_fingers_merging_changed_ids_gaps.dat': ((13, 58), 18.82680942272318, 40.936946868896484), } for filename, values in files.items(): self._test_report_rate_metrics(filename, values) def _test_chop_off_both_ends(self, xy_pairs, distance, expected_middle): """Verify if the actual middle is equal to the expected middle.""" points = [Point(*xy) for xy in xy_pairs] validator = ReportRateValidator(self.criteria, device=dontcare) actual_middle = validator._chop_off_both_ends(points, distance) self.assertEqual(actual_middle, expected_middle) def test_chop_off_both_ends0(self): """Test chop_off_both_ends() with distinct distances.""" xy_pairs = [ # pauses (100, 20), (100, 21), (101, 22), (102, 24), (103, 26), # moving segment (120, 30), (122, 29), (123, 32), (123, 33), (126, 35), (126, 32), (142, 29), (148, 30), (159, 31), (162, 30), (170, 32), (183, 32), (194, 32), (205, 32), (208, 32), # pauses (230, 30), (231, 31), (232, 30), (231, 30), (230, 30), ] distance = 20 expected_begin_index = 5 expected_end_index = 19 expected_middle = [expected_begin_index, expected_end_index] self._test_chop_off_both_ends(xy_pairs, distance, expected_middle) distance = 0 expected_begin_index = 0 expected_end_index = len(xy_pairs) - 1 expected_middle = [expected_begin_index, expected_end_index] self._test_chop_off_both_ends(xy_pairs, distance, expected_middle) def test_chop_off_both_ends1(self): """Test chop_off_both_ends() with some corner cases""" distance = 20 xy_pairs = [(120, 50), (120, 50)] expected_middle = None self._test_chop_off_both_ends(xy_pairs, distance, expected_middle) xy_pairs = [(120, 50), (150, 52), (200, 51)] expected_middle = [1, 1] self._test_chop_off_both_ends(xy_pairs, distance, expected_middle) xy_pairs = [(120, 50), (120, 51), (200, 52), (200, 51)] expected_middle = None self._test_chop_off_both_ends(xy_pairs, distance, expected_middle) class HysteresisValidatorTest(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for HysteresisValidator class.""" def setUp(self): self.criteria = conf.hysteresis_criteria def test_hysteresis(self): """Test that the hysteresis causes an initial jump.""" filenames = {'center_to_right_normal_link.dat': 4.6043458, 'center_to_right_slow_link.dat': 16.8671278} for filename, expected_value in filenames.items(): packets = parse_tests_data(filename) validator = HysteresisValidator(self.criteria, device=link) vlog = validator.check(packets) self.assertAlmostEqual(vlog.metrics[0].value, expected_value) def test_click_data(self): """Test that the validator handles None distances well. In this test, distance1 = None and distance2 = None. This results in ratio = infinity. There should be no error incurred. """ packets = parse_tests_data('2f_clicks_test_hysteresis.dat') validator = HysteresisValidator(self.criteria, device=link) vlog = validator.check(packets) self.assertEqual(vlog.metrics[0].value, float('infinity')) class MtbSanityValidatorTest(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for MtbSanityValidator class.""" def setUp(self): import fake_input_device self.fake_device_info = fake_input_device.FakeInputDevice() def _get_number_errors(self, filename): packets = parse_tests_data(filename) validator = MtbSanityValidator(device=link, device_info=self.fake_device_info) vlog = validator.check(packets) number_errors, _ = vlog.metrics[1].value return number_errors def test_sanity_found_errors(self): """Test that the tracking id is set to -1 before being assigned a positive value. """ filenames = ['finger_crossing.top_right_to_bottom_left.slow.dat', 'two_finger_tap.vertical.dat'] for filename in filenames: number_errors = self._get_number_errors(filename) self.assertTrue(number_errors > 0) def test_sanity_pass(self): """Test that the MTB format is correct.""" filenames = ['2f_scroll_diagonal.dat', 'drumroll_lumpy.dat'] for filename in filenames: number_errors = self._get_number_errors(filename) self.assertTrue(number_errors == 0) class DiscardInitialSecondsValidatorTest(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for DiscardInitialSecondsValidator class.""" def setUp(self): import fake_input_device self.fake_device_info = fake_input_device.FakeInputDevice() def _get_score(self, filename, criteria_str): packets = parse_tests_data(filename) validator = DiscardInitialSecondsValidator( validator=CountTrackingIDValidator(criteria_str, device=link), device=link) vlog = validator.check(packets) return vlog.score def test_single_finger_hold(self): """Test that the state machine reads one finger if only one finger was held for over a second.""" filename = 'one_finger_long_hold.dat' score = self._get_score(filename, '== 1') self.assertTrue(score == 1) def test_double_finger_hold(self): """Test that the state machine reads two fingers if two fingers were held for over a second.""" filename = 'two_finger_long_hold.dat' score = self._get_score(filename, '== 2') self.assertTrue(score == 1) def test_double_tap_single_hold(self): """Test that the validator discards the initial double tap and only validates on the single finger long hold at the end. """ filename = 'two_finger_tap_one_finger_hold.dat' score = self._get_score(filename, '== 1') self.assertTrue(score == 1) def test_discard_initial_seconds(self): """Test that discard_initial_seconds() cuts at the proper packet. Note: to print the final_state_packet, use the following statements: import mtb print mtb.make_pretty_packet(final_state_packet) """ packets = parse_tests_data('noise_stationary_extended.dat') validator = DiscardInitialSecondsValidator( validator=CountTrackingIDValidator('== 1', device=link), device=link) validator.init_check(packets) packets = validator._discard_initial_seconds(packets, 1) final_state_packet = packets[0] self.assertTrue(len(final_state_packet) == 11) # Assert the correctness of the 1st finger data in the order of # SLOT, TRACKING_ID, POSITION_X, POSITION_Y, PRESSURE self.assertTrue(final_state_packet[0][MTB.EV_VALUE] == 2) self.assertTrue(final_state_packet[1][MTB.EV_VALUE] == 2427) self.assertTrue(final_state_packet[2][MTB.EV_VALUE] == 670) self.assertTrue(final_state_packet[3][MTB.EV_VALUE] == 361) self.assertTrue(final_state_packet[4][MTB.EV_VALUE] == 26) # Assert the correctness of the 2nd finger data in the order of # SLOT, TRACKING_ID, POSITION_X, POSITION_Y, PRESSURE self.assertTrue(final_state_packet[5][MTB.EV_VALUE] == 3) self.assertTrue(final_state_packet[6][MTB.EV_VALUE] == 2426) self.assertTrue(final_state_packet[7][MTB.EV_VALUE] == 670) self.assertTrue(final_state_packet[8][MTB.EV_VALUE] == 368) self.assertTrue(final_state_packet[9][MTB.EV_VALUE] == 21) # EVENT TIME self.assertTrue(final_state_packet[0][MTB.EV_TIME] == 1412021965.723953) def test_get_snapshot_after_discarding_init_packets(self): """Test that get_snapshot() handles non-ready packet properly after discard_initial_seconds(). A non-ready packet is one that the attributes such as X, Y, and Z are not all ready. """ packets = parse_tests_data('non_ready_events_in_final_state_packet.dat') validator = DiscardInitialSecondsValidator( validator=CountTrackingIDValidator('== 1', device=link), device=link) validator.init_check(packets) packets = validator._discard_initial_seconds(packets, 1) final_state_packet = packets[0] self.assertTrue(len(final_state_packet) == 4) # Assert the correctness of the finger data in the order of # SLOT, TRACKING_ID, and POSITION_Y self.assertTrue(final_state_packet[0][MTB.EV_VALUE] == 0) self.assertTrue(final_state_packet[1][MTB.EV_VALUE] == 102) self.assertTrue(final_state_packet[2][MTB.EV_VALUE] == 1316) # EVENT TIME self.assertTrue(final_state_packet[0][MTB.EV_TIME] == 1412888977.716634) def test_noise_line_with_all_fingers_left(self): """In this test case, all fingers left. The final_state_packet is [].""" packets=parse_tests_data('noise_line.dat') validator = DiscardInitialSecondsValidator(ReportRateValidator('>= 60')) validator.init_check(packets) packets = validator._discard_initial_seconds(packets, 1) validator.validator.init_check(packets) list_syn_time = validator.validator.packets.get_list_syn_time([]) self.assertEqual(len(packets), 84) self.assertEqual(len(list_syn_time), 84) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()