# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. AUTHOR = "chromeos-performance" NAME = "graphics_WebGLAquarium.memory_pressure" PURPOSE = "Execute the WebGL aquarium test suite under memory pressure." CRITERIA = "All suite tests must not crash/hang." ATTRIBUTES = "suite:crosbolt_perf_weekly" # TODO(ihf): cleanup-reboot is suspected to not work properly (crbug.com/829219). # Once we know this is fixed, change TIME = "MEDIUM". DEPENDENCIES = "cleanup-reboot" # FAST tests tend to run towards the end of a suite, where memory_pressure can do less damage # to tests that follow. TIME = "FAST" TEST_CATEGORY = "Performance" TEST_CLASS = "graphics" TEST_TYPE = "client" DOC = """ This runs the WebGL aquarium test under memory pressure. """ job.run_test('graphics_WebGLAquarium', memory_pressure={'memory_to_reserve_mb': 200})