# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. AUTHOR = "The Chromium OS Authors" NAME = "platform_PrinterPpds.100_dump" TIME = "SHORT" TEST_TYPE = "client" CRITERIA = """ The test fails in case of malfunctioning of CUPS printing stack (cupsd, cupstestppd, cups filters) for at least one of tested PPD files. """ TEST_CATEGORY = "Functional" TEST_CLASS = "platform" JOB_RETRIES = 0 DOC = """ This is a test that for chosen 100 PPD files (from ppds_100 directory) runs the following procedure: 1. Add an Generic printer to CUPS server (user-provided ppd file). 2. Print test PDF documents (from docs directory). 3. Check CUPS logs for any errors. 4. Dump acquired outputs and logs to the directory specified in the parameter path_outputs. 5. Remove the printer. When printing the PDF, the printing request sent to a printer is caught by a fake printer. All output documents are saved on the device in the directory specified in the parameter path_outputs. This test calculates also digests files and saves them in the same directory. See readme.txt for details. """ job.run_test( 'platform_PrinterPpds', path_docs='docs', path_ppds='ppds_100', path_outputs='/tmp/PrinterPpds_outputs')