# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. AUTHOR = "The Chromium OS Authors" NAME = "platform_PrinterPpds.100_dump_debug" TIME = "SHORT" TEST_TYPE = "client" CRITERIA = """ The test fails in case of malfunctioning of CUPS printing stack (cupsd, cupstestppd, cups filters) for at least one of tested PPD files. """ TEST_CATEGORY = "Functional" TEST_CLASS = "platform" JOB_RETRIES = 0 DOC = """ This is a test that for chosen 100 PPD files (from ppds_100 directory) runs the following procedure: 1. Add an Generic printer to CUPS server (user-provided ppd file). 2. Print test PDF documents (from docs directory). 3. Check CUPS logs for any errors. 4. Extract a printing pipeline from CUPS logs and rerun it as a shell script. 5. Dump acquired outputs and logs to the directory specified in the parameter path_outputs. 6. Remove the printer. When printing the PDF, the printing request sent to a printer is caught by a fake printer. All output documents are saved on the device in the directory specified in the parameter path_outputs. This test calculates also digests files and saves them in the same directory. See readme.txt for details. """ job.run_test( 'platform_PrinterPpds', path_docs='docs', path_ppds='ppds_100', path_outputs='/tmp/PrinterPpds_outputs', debug_mode=True)