agetty autotest autotestd autotestd_monit check_ethernet. chrome chrome-sandbox cras_test_clien crash_reporter endpoint evemu-device flock grep init logger login nacl_helper nacl_helper_boo nacl_helper_non ping ply-image ps recover_duts sleep sshd sudo tail x11vnc # TODO: We should use a diff name to check against here (i.e. the script). bash dash python python2 python2.7 python3 python3.4 python3.5 python3.6 python3.7 sh # This script gets launched from time to time based on hardware events. laptop_mode # The minijail daemon itself isn't useful to track as it just launches other # daemons. Plus, it usually runs as root so it can drop privs for daemons. minijail0 minijail-init # When systemd starts an additional serial-getty, the process name is initially # '(agetty)', and it takes some time until the name changes to 'agetty'. (agetty) # Test images sometimes end up with an 'adb' process. # Exclude for now, should eventually move to the baseline. adb