# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import ast import ctypes import logging import os import pprint import re import time import uuid from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error from autotest_lib.server import test from autotest_lib.server.cros import vboot_constants as vboot from autotest_lib.server.cros.faft.config.config import Config as FAFTConfig from autotest_lib.server.cros.faft.rpc_proxy import RPCProxy from autotest_lib.server.cros.faft.utils import mode_switcher from autotest_lib.server.cros.faft.utils.faft_checkers import FAFTCheckers from autotest_lib.server.cros.servo import chrome_base_ec from autotest_lib.server.cros.servo import chrome_cr50 from autotest_lib.server.cros.servo import chrome_ec ConnectionError = mode_switcher.ConnectionError class FAFTBase(test.test): """The base class of FAFT classes. It launches the FAFTClient on DUT, such that the test can access its firmware functions and interfaces. It also provides some methods to handle the reboot mechanism, in order to ensure FAFTClient is still connected after reboot. """ def initialize(self, host): """Create a FAFTClient object and install the dependency.""" self.servo = host.servo self.servo.initialize_dut() self._client = host self.faft_client = RPCProxy(host) self.lockfile = '/var/tmp/faft/lock' class FirmwareTest(FAFTBase): """ Base class that sets up helper objects/functions for firmware tests. TODO: add documentaion as the FAFT rework progresses. """ version = 1 # Mapping of partition number of kernel and rootfs. KERNEL_MAP = {'a':'2', 'b':'4', '2':'2', '4':'4', '3':'2', '5':'4'} ROOTFS_MAP = {'a':'3', 'b':'5', '2':'3', '4':'5', '3':'3', '5':'5'} OTHER_KERNEL_MAP = {'a':'4', 'b':'2', '2':'4', '4':'2', '3':'4', '5':'2'} OTHER_ROOTFS_MAP = {'a':'5', 'b':'3', '2':'5', '4':'3', '3':'5', '5':'3'} CHROMEOS_MAGIC = "CHROMEOS" CORRUPTED_MAGIC = "CORRUPTD" # Delay for waiting client to return before EC suspend EC_SUSPEND_DELAY = 5 # Delay between EC suspend and wake WAKE_DELAY = 10 # Delay between closing and opening lid LID_DELAY = 1 _SERVOD_LOG = '/var/log/servod.log' _ROOTFS_PARTITION_NUMBER = 3 _backup_firmware_sha = () _backup_kernel_sha = dict() _backup_cgpt_attr = dict() _backup_gbb_flags = None _backup_dev_mode = None # Class level variable, keep track the states of one time setup. # This variable is preserved across tests which inherit this class. _global_setup_done = { 'gbb_flags': False, 'reimage': False, 'usb_check': False, } @classmethod def check_setup_done(cls, label): """Check if the given setup is done. @param label: The label of the setup. """ return cls._global_setup_done[label] @classmethod def mark_setup_done(cls, label): """Mark the given setup done. @param label: The label of the setup. """ cls._global_setup_done[label] = True @classmethod def unmark_setup_done(cls, label): """Mark the given setup not done. @param label: The label of the setup. """ cls._global_setup_done[label] = False def initialize(self, host, cmdline_args, ec_wp=None): super(FirmwareTest, self).initialize(host) self.run_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) logging.info('FirmwareTest initialize begin (id=%s)', self.run_id) # Parse arguments from command line args = {} self.power_control = host.POWER_CONTROL_RPM for arg in cmdline_args: match = re.search("^(\w+)=(.+)", arg) if match: args[match.group(1)] = match.group(2) if 'power_control' in args: self.power_control = args['power_control'] if self.power_control not in host.POWER_CONTROL_VALID_ARGS: raise error.TestError('Valid values for --args=power_control ' 'are %s. But you entered wrong argument ' 'as "%s".' % (host.POWER_CONTROL_VALID_ARGS, self.power_control)) self._no_ec_sync = False if 'no_ec_sync' in args: if 'true' in args['no_ec_sync'].lower(): self._no_ec_sync = True if not self.faft_client.system.dev_tpm_present(): raise error.TestError('/dev/tpm0 does not exist on the client') self.faft_config = FAFTConfig( self.faft_client.system.get_platform_name()) self.checkers = FAFTCheckers(self) self.switcher = mode_switcher.create_mode_switcher(self) if self.faft_config.chrome_ec: self.ec = chrome_ec.ChromeEC(self.servo) # Check for presence of a USBPD console if self.faft_config.chrome_usbpd: self.usbpd = chrome_ec.ChromeUSBPD(self.servo) elif self.faft_config.chrome_ec: # If no separate USBPD console, then PD exists on EC console self.usbpd = self.ec # Get plankton console self.plankton = host.plankton self.plankton_host = host._plankton_host # Create the BaseEC object. None if not available. self.base_ec = chrome_base_ec.create_base_ec(self.servo) self._setup_uart_capture() self._setup_servo_log() self._record_system_info() self.fw_vboot2 = self.faft_client.system.get_fw_vboot2() logging.info('vboot version: %d', 2 if self.fw_vboot2 else 1) if self.fw_vboot2: self.faft_client.system.set_fw_try_next('A') if self.faft_client.system.get_crossystem_value('mainfw_act') == 'B': logging.info('mainfw_act is B. rebooting to set it A') self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot() self._setup_gbb_flags() self.faft_client.updater.stop_daemon() self._create_faft_lockfile() self._setup_ec_write_protect(ec_wp) # See chromium:239034 regarding needing this sync. self.blocking_sync() logging.info('FirmwareTest initialize done (id=%s)', self.run_id) def cleanup(self): """Autotest cleanup function.""" # Unset state checker in case it's set by subclass logging.info('FirmwareTest cleaning up (id=%s)', self.run_id) try: self.faft_client.system.is_available() except: # Remote is not responding. Revive DUT so that subsequent tests # don't fail. self._restore_routine_from_timeout() self.switcher.restore_mode() self._restore_ec_write_protect() self._restore_servo_v4_role() self._restore_gbb_flags() self.faft_client.updater.start_daemon() self.faft_client.updater.cleanup() self._remove_faft_lockfile() self._record_servo_log() self._record_faft_client_log() self._cleanup_uart_capture() super(FirmwareTest, self).cleanup() logging.info('FirmwareTest cleanup done (id=%s)', self.run_id) def _record_system_info(self): """Record some critical system info to the attr keyval. This info is used by generate_test_report later. """ system_info = { 'hwid': self.faft_client.system.get_crossystem_value('hwid'), 'ec_version': self.faft_client.ec.get_version(), 'ro_fwid': self.faft_client.system.get_crossystem_value('ro_fwid'), 'rw_fwid': self.faft_client.system.get_crossystem_value('fwid'), 'servod_version': self._client._servo_host.run( 'servod --version').stdout.strip(), 'os_version': self._client.get_release_builder_path(), 'servo_type': self.servo.get_servo_version() } # Record the servo v4 and servo micro versions when possible if 'servo_micro' in system_info['servo_type']: system_info['servo_micro_version'] = self.servo.get( 'servo_micro_version') if 'servo_v4' in system_info['servo_type']: system_info['servo_v4_version'] = self.servo.get('servo_v4_version') if hasattr(self, 'cr50'): system_info['cr50_version'] = self.servo.get('cr50_version') logging.info('System info:\n%s', pprint.pformat(system_info)) self.write_attr_keyval(system_info) def invalidate_firmware_setup(self): """Invalidate all firmware related setup state. This method is called when the firmware is re-flashed. It resets all firmware related setup states so that the next test setup properly again. """ self.unmark_setup_done('gbb_flags') def _retrieve_recovery_reason_from_trap(self): """Try to retrieve the recovery reason from a trapped recovery screen. @return: The recovery_reason, 0 if any error. """ recovery_reason = 0 logging.info('Try to retrieve recovery reason...') if self.servo.get_usbkey_direction() == 'dut': self.switcher.bypass_rec_mode() else: self.servo.switch_usbkey('dut') try: self.switcher.wait_for_client() lines = self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command_get_output( 'crossystem recovery_reason') recovery_reason = int(lines[0]) logging.info('Got the recovery reason %d.', recovery_reason) except ConnectionError: logging.error('Failed to get the recovery reason due to connection ' 'error.') return recovery_reason def _reset_client(self): """Reset client to a workable state. This method is called when the client is not responsive. It may be caused by the following cases: - halt on a firmware screen without timeout, e.g. REC_INSERT screen; - corrupted firmware; - corrutped OS image. """ # DUT may halt on a firmware screen. Try cold reboot. logging.info('Try cold reboot...') self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot(reboot_type='cold', sync_before_boot=False, wait_for_dut_up=False) self.switcher.wait_for_client_offline() self.switcher.bypass_dev_mode() try: self.switcher.wait_for_client() return except ConnectionError: logging.warn('Cold reboot doesn\'t help, still connection error.') # DUT may be broken by a corrupted firmware. Restore firmware. # We assume the recovery boot still works fine. Since the recovery # code is in RO region and all FAFT tests don't change the RO region # except GBB. if self.is_firmware_saved(): self._ensure_client_in_recovery() logging.info('Try restore the original firmware...') if self.is_firmware_changed(): try: self.restore_firmware() return except ConnectionError: logging.warn('Restoring firmware doesn\'t help, still ' 'connection error.') # Perhaps it's kernel that's broken. Let's try restoring it. if self.is_kernel_saved(): self._ensure_client_in_recovery() logging.info('Try restore the original kernel...') if self.is_kernel_changed(): try: self.restore_kernel() return except ConnectionError: logging.warn('Restoring kernel doesn\'t help, still ' 'connection error.') # DUT may be broken by a corrupted OS image. Restore OS image. self._ensure_client_in_recovery() logging.info('Try restore the OS image...') self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command('chromeos-install --yes') self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot(wait_for_dut_up=False) self.switcher.wait_for_client_offline() self.switcher.bypass_dev_mode() try: self.switcher.wait_for_client() logging.info('Successfully restore OS image.') return except ConnectionError: logging.warn('Restoring OS image doesn\'t help, still connection ' 'error.') def _ensure_client_in_recovery(self): """Ensure client in recovery boot; reboot into it if necessary. @raise TestError: if failed to boot the USB image. """ logging.info('Try boot into USB image...') self.switcher.reboot_to_mode(to_mode='rec', sync_before_boot=False, wait_for_dut_up=False) self.servo.switch_usbkey('host') self.switcher.bypass_rec_mode() try: self.switcher.wait_for_client() except ConnectionError: raise error.TestError('Failed to boot the USB image.') def _restore_routine_from_timeout(self): """A routine to try to restore the system from a timeout error. This method is called when FAFT failed to connect DUT after reboot. @raise TestFail: This exception is already raised, with a decription why it failed. """ # DUT is disconnected. Capture the UART output for debug. self._record_uart_capture() # TODO(waihong@chromium.org): Implement replugging the Ethernet to # identify if it is a network flaky. recovery_reason = self._retrieve_recovery_reason_from_trap() # Reset client to a workable state. self._reset_client() # Raise the proper TestFail exception. if recovery_reason: raise error.TestFail('Trapped in the recovery screen (reason: %d) ' 'and timed out' % recovery_reason) else: raise error.TestFail('Timed out waiting for DUT reboot') def assert_test_image_in_usb_disk(self, usb_dev=None): """Assert an USB disk plugged-in on servo and a test image inside. @param usb_dev: A string of USB stick path on the host, like '/dev/sdc'. If None, it is detected automatically. @raise TestError: if USB disk not detected or not a test image. """ if self.check_setup_done('usb_check'): return if usb_dev: assert self.servo.get_usbkey_direction() == 'host' else: self.servo.switch_usbkey('host') usb_dev = self.servo.probe_host_usb_dev() if not usb_dev: raise error.TestError( 'An USB disk should be plugged in the servo board.') rootfs = '%s%s' % (usb_dev, self._ROOTFS_PARTITION_NUMBER) logging.info('usb dev is %s', usb_dev) tmpd = self.servo.system_output('mktemp -d -t usbcheck.XXXX') self.servo.system('mount -o ro %s %s' % (rootfs, tmpd)) try: usb_lsb = self.servo.system_output('cat %s' % os.path.join(tmpd, 'etc/lsb-release')) logging.debug('Dumping lsb-release on USB stick:\n%s', usb_lsb) dut_lsb = '\n'.join(self.faft_client.system. run_shell_command_get_output('cat /etc/lsb-release')) logging.debug('Dumping lsb-release on DUT:\n%s', dut_lsb) if not re.search(r'RELEASE_TRACK=.*test', usb_lsb): raise error.TestError('USB stick in servo is no test image') usb_board = re.search(r'BOARD=(.*)', usb_lsb).group(1) dut_board = re.search(r'BOARD=(.*)', dut_lsb).group(1) if usb_board != dut_board: raise error.TestError('USB stick in servo contains a %s ' 'image, but DUT is a %s' % (usb_board, dut_board)) finally: for cmd in ('umount -l %s' % tmpd, 'sync', 'rm -rf %s' % tmpd): self.servo.system(cmd) self.mark_setup_done('usb_check') def setup_usbkey(self, usbkey, host=None, used_for_recovery=None): """Setup the USB disk for the test. It checks the setup of USB disk and a valid ChromeOS test image inside. It also muxes the USB disk to either the host or DUT by request. @param usbkey: True if the USB disk is required for the test, False if not required. @param host: Optional, True to mux the USB disk to host, False to mux it to DUT, default to do nothing. @param used_for_recovery: Optional, True if the USB disk is used for recovery boot; False if the USB disk is not used for recovery boot, like Ctrl-U USB boot. """ if usbkey: self.assert_test_image_in_usb_disk() elif host is None: # USB disk is not required for the test. Better to mux it to host. host = True if host is True: self.servo.switch_usbkey('host') elif host is False: self.servo.switch_usbkey('dut') if used_for_recovery is None: # Default value is True if usbkey == True. # As the common usecase of USB disk is for recovery boot. Tests # can define it explicitly if not. used_for_recovery = usbkey if used_for_recovery: # In recovery boot, the locked EC RO doesn't support PD for most # of the CrOS devices. The default servo v4 power role is a SRC. # The DUT becomes a SNK. Lack of PD makes CrOS unable to do the # data role swap from UFP to DFP; as a result, DUT can't see the # USB disk and the Ethernet dongle on servo v4. # # This is a workaround to set servo v4 as a SNK, for every FAFT # test which boots into the USB disk in the recovery mode. # # TODO(waihong): Add a check to see if the battery level is too # low and sleep for a while for charging. self.set_servo_v4_role_to_snk() def set_servo_v4_role_to_snk(self): """Set the servo v4 role to SNK.""" self._needed_restore_servo_v4_role = True self.servo.set_servo_v4_role('snk') def _restore_servo_v4_role(self): """Restore the servo v4 role to default SRC.""" if not hasattr(self, '_needed_restore_servo_v4_role'): return if self._needed_restore_servo_v4_role: self.servo.set_servo_v4_role('src') def get_usbdisk_path_on_dut(self): """Get the path of the USB disk device plugged-in the servo on DUT. Returns: A string representing USB disk path, like '/dev/sdb', or None if no USB disk is found. """ cmd = 'ls -d /dev/s*[a-z]' original_value = self.servo.get_usbkey_direction() # Make the dut unable to see the USB disk. self.servo.switch_usbkey('off') no_usb_set = set( self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command_get_output(cmd)) # Make the dut able to see the USB disk. self.servo.switch_usbkey('dut') time.sleep(self.faft_config.usb_plug) has_usb_set = set( self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command_get_output(cmd)) # Back to its original value. if original_value != self.servo.get_usbkey_direction(): self.servo.switch_usbkey(original_value) diff_set = has_usb_set - no_usb_set if len(diff_set) == 1: return diff_set.pop() else: return None def _create_faft_lockfile(self): """Creates the FAFT lockfile.""" logging.info('Creating FAFT lockfile...') command = 'touch %s' % (self.lockfile) self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command(command) def _remove_faft_lockfile(self): """Removes the FAFT lockfile.""" logging.info('Removing FAFT lockfile...') command = 'rm -f %s' % (self.lockfile) self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command(command) def clear_set_gbb_flags(self, clear_mask, set_mask): """Clear and set the GBB flags in the current flashrom. @param clear_mask: A mask of flags to be cleared. @param set_mask: A mask of flags to be set. """ gbb_flags = self.faft_client.bios.get_gbb_flags() new_flags = gbb_flags & ctypes.c_uint32(~clear_mask).value | set_mask self.gbb_flags = new_flags if new_flags != gbb_flags: self._backup_gbb_flags = gbb_flags logging.info('Changing GBB flags from 0x%x to 0x%x.', gbb_flags, new_flags) self.faft_client.bios.set_gbb_flags(new_flags) # If changing FORCE_DEV_SWITCH_ON or DISABLE_EC_SOFTWARE_SYNC flag, # reboot to get a clear state if ((gbb_flags ^ new_flags) & (vboot.GBB_FLAG_FORCE_DEV_SWITCH_ON | vboot.GBB_FLAG_DISABLE_EC_SOFTWARE_SYNC)): self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot() else: logging.info('Current GBB flags look good for test: 0x%x.', gbb_flags) def check_ec_capability(self, required_cap=None, suppress_warning=False): """Check if current platform has required EC capabilities. @param required_cap: A list containing required EC capabilities. Pass in None to only check for presence of Chrome EC. @param suppress_warning: True to suppress any warning messages. @return: True if requirements are met. Otherwise, False. """ if not self.faft_config.chrome_ec: if not suppress_warning: logging.warn('Requires Chrome EC to run this test.') return False if not required_cap: return True for cap in required_cap: if cap not in self.faft_config.ec_capability: if not suppress_warning: logging.warn('Requires EC capability "%s" to run this ' 'test.', cap) return False return True def check_root_part_on_non_recovery(self, part): """Check the partition number of root device and on normal/dev boot. @param part: A string of partition number, e.g.'3'. @return: True if the root device matched and on normal/dev boot; otherwise, False. """ return self.checkers.root_part_checker(part) and \ self.checkers.crossystem_checker({ 'mainfw_type': ('normal', 'developer'), }) def _join_part(self, dev, part): """Return a concatenated string of device and partition number. @param dev: A string of device, e.g.'/dev/sda'. @param part: A string of partition number, e.g.'3'. @return: A concatenated string of device and partition number, e.g.'/dev/sda3'. >>> seq = FirmwareTest() >>> seq._join_part('/dev/sda', '3') '/dev/sda3' >>> seq._join_part('/dev/mmcblk0', '2') '/dev/mmcblk0p2' """ if 'mmcblk' in dev: return dev + 'p' + part elif 'nvme' in dev: return dev + 'p' + part else: return dev + part def copy_kernel_and_rootfs(self, from_part, to_part): """Copy kernel and rootfs from from_part to to_part. @param from_part: A string of partition number to be copied from. @param to_part: A string of partition number to be copied to. """ root_dev = self.faft_client.system.get_root_dev() logging.info('Copying kernel from %s to %s. Please wait...', from_part, to_part) self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command('dd if=%s of=%s bs=4M' % (self._join_part(root_dev, self.KERNEL_MAP[from_part]), self._join_part(root_dev, self.KERNEL_MAP[to_part]))) logging.info('Copying rootfs from %s to %s. Please wait...', from_part, to_part) self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command('dd if=%s of=%s bs=4M' % (self._join_part(root_dev, self.ROOTFS_MAP[from_part]), self._join_part(root_dev, self.ROOTFS_MAP[to_part]))) def ensure_kernel_boot(self, part): """Ensure the request kernel boot. If not, it duplicates the current kernel to the requested kernel and sets the requested higher priority to ensure it boot. @param part: A string of kernel partition number or 'a'/'b'. """ if not self.checkers.root_part_checker(part): if self.faft_client.kernel.diff_a_b(): self.copy_kernel_and_rootfs( from_part=self.OTHER_KERNEL_MAP[part], to_part=part) self.reset_and_prioritize_kernel(part) self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot() def ensure_dev_internal_boot(self, original_dev_boot_usb): """Ensure internal device boot in developer mode. If not internal device boot, it will try to reboot the device and bypass dev mode to boot into internal device. @param original_dev_boot_usb: Original dev_boot_usb value. """ logging.info('Checking internal device boot.') if self.faft_client.system.is_removable_device_boot(): logging.info('Reboot into internal disk...') self.faft_client.system.set_dev_boot_usb(original_dev_boot_usb) self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot() self.check_state((self.checkers.dev_boot_usb_checker, False, 'Device not booted from internal disk properly.')) def set_hardware_write_protect(self, enable): """Set hardware write protect pin. @param enable: True if asserting write protect pin. Otherwise, False. """ self.servo.set('fw_wp_state', 'force_on' if enable else 'force_off') def set_ec_write_protect_and_reboot(self, enable): """Set EC write protect status and reboot to take effect. The write protect state is only activated if both hardware write protect pin is asserted and software write protect flag is set. This method asserts/deasserts hardware write protect pin first, and set corresponding EC software write protect flag. If the device uses non-Chrome EC, set the software write protect via flashrom. If the device uses Chrome EC, a reboot is required for write protect to take effect. Since the software write protect flag cannot be unset if hardware write protect pin is asserted, we need to deasserted the pin first if we are deactivating write protect. Similarly, a reboot is required before we can modify the software flag. @param enable: True if activating EC write protect. Otherwise, False. """ self.set_hardware_write_protect(enable) if self.faft_config.chrome_ec: self.set_chrome_ec_write_protect_and_reboot(enable) else: self.faft_client.ec.set_write_protect(enable) self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot() def set_chrome_ec_write_protect_and_reboot(self, enable): """Set Chrome EC write protect status and reboot to take effect. @param enable: True if activating EC write protect. Otherwise, False. """ if enable: # Set write protect flag and reboot to take effect. self.ec.set_flash_write_protect(enable) self.sync_and_ec_reboot() else: # Reboot after deasserting hardware write protect pin to deactivate # write protect. And then remove software write protect flag. self.sync_and_ec_reboot() self.ec.set_flash_write_protect(enable) def _setup_ec_write_protect(self, ec_wp): """Setup for EC write-protection. It makes sure the EC in the requested write-protection state. If not, it flips the state. Flipping the write-protection requires DUT reboot. @param ec_wp: True to request EC write-protected; False to request EC not write-protected; None to do nothing. """ if ec_wp is None: self._old_wpsw_boot = None return self._old_wpsw_cur = self.checkers.crossystem_checker( {'wpsw_cur': '1'}, suppress_logging=True) self._old_wpsw_boot = self.checkers.crossystem_checker( {'wpsw_boot': '1'}, suppress_logging=True) if not (ec_wp == self._old_wpsw_cur == self._old_wpsw_boot): if not self.faft_config.ap_access_ec_flash: raise error.TestNAError( "Cannot change EC write-protect for this device") logging.info('The test required EC is %swrite-protected. Reboot ' 'and flip the state.', '' if ec_wp else 'not ') self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot( 'custom', lambda:self.set_ec_write_protect_and_reboot(ec_wp)) wpsw_boot = wpsw_cur = '1' if ec_wp == True else '0' self.check_state((self.checkers.crossystem_checker, { 'wpsw_boot': wpsw_boot, 'wpsw_cur': wpsw_cur})) def _restore_ec_write_protect(self): """Restore the original EC write-protection.""" if (not hasattr(self, '_old_wpsw_boot')) or (self._old_wpsw_boot is None): return if not self.checkers.crossystem_checker({'wpsw_boot': '1' if self._old_wpsw_boot else '0'}, suppress_logging=True): logging.info('Restore original EC write protection and reboot.') self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot( 'custom', lambda:self.set_ec_write_protect_and_reboot( self._old_wpsw_boot)) self.check_state((self.checkers.crossystem_checker, { 'wpsw_boot': '1' if self._old_wpsw_boot else '0'})) def _setup_uart_capture(self): """Setup the CPU/EC/PD UART capture.""" self.cpu_uart_file = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'cpu_uart.txt') self.servo.set('cpu_uart_capture', 'on') self.cr50_uart_file = None self.ec_uart_file = None self.servo_micro_uart_file = None self.servo_v4_uart_file = None self.usbpd_uart_file = None try: # Check that the console works before declaring the cr50 console # connection exists and enabling uart capture. self.servo.get('cr50_version') self.servo.set('cr50_uart_capture', 'on') self.cr50_uart_file = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'cr50_uart.txt') self.cr50 = chrome_cr50.ChromeCr50(self.servo) except error.TestFail as e: if 'No control named' in str(e): logging.warn('cr50 console not supported.') if self.faft_config.chrome_ec: try: self.servo.set('ec_uart_capture', 'on') self.ec_uart_file = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'ec_uart.txt') except error.TestFail as e: if 'No control named' in str(e): logging.warn('The servod is too old that ec_uart_capture ' 'not supported.') # Log separate PD console if supported if self.check_ec_capability(['usbpd_uart'], suppress_warning=True): try: self.servo.set('usbpd_uart_capture', 'on') self.usbpd_uart_file = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'usbpd_uart.txt') except error.TestFail as e: if 'No control named' in str(e): logging.warn('The servod is too old that ' 'usbpd_uart_capture is not supported.') else: logging.info('Not a Google EC, cannot capture ec console output.') try: self.servo.set('servo_micro_uart_capture', 'on') self.servo_micro_uart_file = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'servo_micro_uart.txt') except error.TestFail as e: if 'No control named' in str(e): logging.warn('servo micro console not supported.') try: self.servo.set('servo_v4_uart_capture', 'on') self.servo_v4_uart_file = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'servo_v4_uart.txt') except error.TestFail as e: if 'No control named' in str(e): logging.warn('servo v4 console not supported.') def _record_uart_capture(self): """Record the CPU/EC/PD UART output stream to files.""" if self.cpu_uart_file: with open(self.cpu_uart_file, 'a') as f: f.write(ast.literal_eval(self.servo.get('cpu_uart_stream'))) if self.cr50_uart_file: with open(self.cr50_uart_file, 'a') as f: f.write(ast.literal_eval(self.servo.get('cr50_uart_stream'))) if self.ec_uart_file and self.faft_config.chrome_ec: with open(self.ec_uart_file, 'a') as f: f.write(ast.literal_eval(self.servo.get('ec_uart_stream'))) if self.servo_micro_uart_file: with open(self.servo_micro_uart_file, 'a') as f: f.write(ast.literal_eval(self.servo.get( 'servo_micro_uart_stream'))) if self.servo_v4_uart_file: with open(self.servo_v4_uart_file, 'a') as f: f.write(ast.literal_eval(self.servo.get( 'servo_v4_uart_stream'))) if (self.usbpd_uart_file and self.faft_config.chrome_ec and self.check_ec_capability(['usbpd_uart'], suppress_warning=True)): with open(self.usbpd_uart_file, 'a') as f: f.write(ast.literal_eval(self.servo.get('usbpd_uart_stream'))) def _cleanup_uart_capture(self): """Cleanup the CPU/EC/PD UART capture.""" # Flush the remaining UART output. self._record_uart_capture() self.servo.set('cpu_uart_capture', 'off') if self.cr50_uart_file: self.servo.set('cr50_uart_capture', 'off') if self.ec_uart_file and self.faft_config.chrome_ec: self.servo.set('ec_uart_capture', 'off') if self.servo_micro_uart_file: self.servo.set('servo_micro_uart_capture', 'off') if self.servo_v4_uart_file: self.servo.set('servo_v4_uart_capture', 'off') if (self.usbpd_uart_file and self.faft_config.chrome_ec and self.check_ec_capability(['usbpd_uart'], suppress_warning=True)): self.servo.set('usbpd_uart_capture', 'off') def _get_power_state(self, power_state): """ Return the current power state of the AP """ return self.ec.send_command_get_output("powerinfo", [power_state]) def wait_power_state(self, power_state, retries): """ Wait for certain power state. @param power_state: power state you are expecting @param retries: retries. This is necessary if AP is powering down and transitioning through different states. """ logging.info('Checking power state "%s" maximum %d times.', power_state, retries) while retries > 0: logging.info("try count: %d", retries) try: retries = retries - 1 ret = self._get_power_state(power_state) return True except error.TestFail: pass return False def suspend(self): """Suspends the DUT.""" cmd = '(sleep %d; powerd_dbus_suspend) &' % self.EC_SUSPEND_DELAY self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command(cmd) time.sleep(self.EC_SUSPEND_DELAY) def _fetch_servo_log(self): """Fetch the servo log.""" cmd = '[ -e %s ] && cat %s || echo NOTFOUND' % ((self._SERVOD_LOG,) * 2) servo_log = self.servo.system_output(cmd) return None if servo_log == 'NOTFOUND' else servo_log def _setup_servo_log(self): """Setup the servo log capturing.""" self.servo_log_original_len = -1 if self.servo.is_localhost(): # No servo log recorded when servod runs locally. return servo_log = self._fetch_servo_log() if servo_log: self.servo_log_original_len = len(servo_log) else: logging.warn('Servo log file not found.') def _record_servo_log(self): """Record the servo log to the results directory.""" if self.servo_log_original_len != -1: servo_log = self._fetch_servo_log() servo_log_file = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'servod.log') with open(servo_log_file, 'a') as f: f.write(servo_log[self.servo_log_original_len:]) def _record_faft_client_log(self): """Record the faft client log to the results directory.""" client_log = self.faft_client.system.dump_log(True) client_log_file = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'faft_client.log') with open(client_log_file, 'w') as f: f.write(client_log) def _setup_gbb_flags(self): """Setup the GBB flags for FAFT test.""" if self.check_setup_done('gbb_flags'): return logging.info('Set proper GBB flags for test.') # Ensure that GBB flags are set to 0x140. flags_to_set = (vboot.GBB_FLAG_FAFT_KEY_OVERIDE | vboot.GBB_FLAG_ENTER_TRIGGERS_TONORM) # And if the "no_ec_sync" argument is set, then disable EC software # sync. if self._no_ec_sync: flags_to_set |= vboot.GBB_FLAG_DISABLE_EC_SOFTWARE_SYNC self.clear_set_gbb_flags(0xffffffff, flags_to_set) self.mark_setup_done('gbb_flags') def drop_backup_gbb_flags(self): """Drops the backup GBB flags. This can be used when a test intends to permanently change GBB flags. """ self._backup_gbb_flags = None def _restore_gbb_flags(self): """Restore GBB flags to their original state.""" if self._backup_gbb_flags is None: return # Setting up and restoring the GBB flags take a lot of time. For # speed-up purpose, don't restore it. logging.info('***') logging.info('*** Please manually restore the original GBB flags to: ' '0x%x ***', self._backup_gbb_flags) logging.info('***') self.unmark_setup_done('gbb_flags') def setup_tried_fwb(self, tried_fwb): """Setup for fw B tried state. It makes sure the system in the requested fw B tried state. If not, it tries to do so. @param tried_fwb: True if requested in tried_fwb=1; False if tried_fwb=0. """ if tried_fwb: if not self.checkers.crossystem_checker({'tried_fwb': '1'}): logging.info( 'Firmware is not booted with tried_fwb. Reboot into it.') self.faft_client.system.set_try_fw_b() else: if not self.checkers.crossystem_checker({'tried_fwb': '0'}): logging.info( 'Firmware is booted with tried_fwb. Reboot to clear.') def power_on(self): """Switch DUT AC power on.""" self._client.power_on(self.power_control) def power_off(self): """Switch DUT AC power off.""" self._client.power_off(self.power_control) def power_cycle(self): """Power cycle DUT AC power.""" self._client.power_cycle(self.power_control) def setup_rw_boot(self, section='a'): """Make sure firmware is in RW-boot mode. If the given firmware section is in RO-boot mode, turn off the RO-boot flag and reboot DUT into RW-boot mode. @param section: A firmware section, either 'a' or 'b'. """ flags = self.faft_client.bios.get_preamble_flags(section) if flags & vboot.PREAMBLE_USE_RO_NORMAL: flags = flags ^ vboot.PREAMBLE_USE_RO_NORMAL self.faft_client.bios.set_preamble_flags(section, flags) self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot() def setup_kernel(self, part): """Setup for kernel test. It makes sure both kernel A and B bootable and the current boot is the requested kernel part. @param part: A string of kernel partition number or 'a'/'b'. """ self.ensure_kernel_boot(part) logging.info('Checking the integrity of kernel B and rootfs B...') if (self.faft_client.kernel.diff_a_b() or not self.faft_client.rootfs.verify_rootfs('B')): logging.info('Copying kernel and rootfs from A to B...') self.copy_kernel_and_rootfs(from_part=part, to_part=self.OTHER_KERNEL_MAP[part]) self.reset_and_prioritize_kernel(part) def reset_and_prioritize_kernel(self, part): """Make the requested partition highest priority. This function also reset kerenl A and B to bootable. @param part: A string of partition number to be prioritized. """ root_dev = self.faft_client.system.get_root_dev() # Reset kernel A and B to bootable. self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command( 'cgpt add -i%s -P1 -S1 -T0 %s' % (self.KERNEL_MAP['a'], root_dev)) self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command( 'cgpt add -i%s -P1 -S1 -T0 %s' % (self.KERNEL_MAP['b'], root_dev)) # Set kernel part highest priority. self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command('cgpt prioritize -i%s %s' % (self.KERNEL_MAP[part], root_dev)) def do_blocking_sync(self, device): """Run a blocking sync command.""" logging.info("Blocking sync for %s", device) if 'mmcblk' in device: # For mmc devices, use `mmc status get` command to send an # empty command to wait for the disk to be available again. self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command('mmc status get %s' % device) elif 'nvme' in device: # Get a list of NVMe namespace and flush them individually # Assumes the output format from nvme list-ns command will # be something like follows: # [ 0]:0x1 # [ 1]:0x2 available_ns = self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command_get_output( 'nvme list-ns %s -a' % device) for ns in available_ns: ns = ns.split(':')[-1] # For NVMe devices, use `nvme flush` command to commit data # and metadata to non-volatile media. self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command( 'nvme flush %s -n %s' % (device, ns)) else: # For other devices, hdparm sends TUR to check if # a device is ready for transfer operation. self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command('hdparm -f %s' % device) def blocking_sync(self): """Sync root device and internal device.""" # The double calls to sync fakes a blocking call # since the first call returns before the flush # is complete, but the second will wait for the # first to finish. self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command('sync') self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command('sync') # sync only sends SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE but doesn't check the status. # This function will perform a device-specific sync command. root_dev = self.faft_client.system.get_root_dev() self.do_blocking_sync(root_dev) # Also sync the internal device if booted from removable media. if self.faft_client.system.is_removable_device_boot(): internal_dev = self.faft_client.system.get_internal_device() self.do_blocking_sync(internal_dev) def sync_and_ec_reboot(self, flags=''): """Request the client sync and do a EC triggered reboot. @param flags: Optional, a space-separated string of flags passed to EC reboot command, including: default: EC soft reboot; 'hard': EC cold/hard reboot. """ self.blocking_sync() self.ec.reboot(flags) time.sleep(self.faft_config.ec_boot_to_console) self.check_lid_and_power_on() def reboot_and_reset_tpm(self): """Reboot into recovery mode, reset TPM, then reboot back to disk.""" self.switcher.reboot_to_mode(to_mode='rec') self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command('chromeos-tpm-recovery') self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot() def full_power_off_and_on(self): """Shutdown the device by pressing power button and power on again.""" boot_id = self.get_bootid() # Press power button to trigger Chrome OS normal shutdown process. # We use a customized delay since the normal-press 1.2s is not enough. self.servo.power_key(self.faft_config.hold_pwr_button_poweroff) # device can take 44-51 seconds to restart, # add buffer from the default timeout of 60 seconds. self.switcher.wait_for_client_offline(timeout=100, orig_boot_id=boot_id) time.sleep(self.faft_config.shutdown) if self.check_ec_capability(['x86'], suppress_warning=True): self.check_shutdown_power_state("G3", pwr_retries=5) # Short press power button to boot DUT again. self.servo.power_key(self.faft_config.hold_pwr_button_poweron) def check_shutdown_power_state(self, power_state, pwr_retries): """Check whether the device entered into requested EC power state after shutdown. @param power_state: EC power state has to be checked. Either S5 or G3. @param pwr_retries: Times to check if the DUT in expected power state. @raise TestFail: If device failed to enter into requested power state. """ if not self.wait_power_state(power_state, pwr_retries): raise error.TestFail('System not shutdown properly and EC fails ' 'to enter into %s state.' % power_state) logging.info('System entered into %s state..', power_state) def check_lid_and_power_on(self): """ On devices with EC software sync, system powers on after EC reboots if lid is open. Otherwise, the EC shuts down CPU after about 3 seconds. This method checks lid switch state and presses power button if necessary. """ if self.servo.get("lid_open") == "no": time.sleep(self.faft_config.software_sync) self.servo.power_short_press() def _modify_usb_kernel(self, usb_dev, from_magic, to_magic): """Modify the kernel header magic in USB stick. The kernel header magic is the first 8-byte of kernel partition. We modify it to make it fail on kernel verification check. @param usb_dev: A string of USB stick path on the host, like '/dev/sdc'. @param from_magic: A string of magic which we change it from. @param to_magic: A string of magic which we change it to. @raise TestError: if failed to change magic. """ assert len(from_magic) == 8 assert len(to_magic) == 8 # USB image only contains one kernel. kernel_part = self._join_part(usb_dev, self.KERNEL_MAP['a']) read_cmd = "sudo dd if=%s bs=8 count=1 2>/dev/null" % kernel_part current_magic = self.servo.system_output(read_cmd) if current_magic == to_magic: logging.info("The kernel magic is already %s.", current_magic) return if current_magic != from_magic: raise error.TestError("Invalid kernel image on USB: wrong magic.") logging.info('Modify the kernel magic in USB, from %s to %s.', from_magic, to_magic) write_cmd = ("echo -n '%s' | sudo dd of=%s oflag=sync conv=notrunc " " 2>/dev/null" % (to_magic, kernel_part)) self.servo.system(write_cmd) if self.servo.system_output(read_cmd) != to_magic: raise error.TestError("Failed to write new magic.") def corrupt_usb_kernel(self, usb_dev): """Corrupt USB kernel by modifying its magic from CHROMEOS to CORRUPTD. @param usb_dev: A string of USB stick path on the host, like '/dev/sdc'. """ self._modify_usb_kernel(usb_dev, self.CHROMEOS_MAGIC, self.CORRUPTED_MAGIC) def restore_usb_kernel(self, usb_dev): """Restore USB kernel by modifying its magic from CORRUPTD to CHROMEOS. @param usb_dev: A string of USB stick path on the host, like '/dev/sdc'. """ self._modify_usb_kernel(usb_dev, self.CORRUPTED_MAGIC, self.CHROMEOS_MAGIC) def _call_action(self, action_tuple, check_status=False): """Call the action function with/without arguments. @param action_tuple: A function, or a tuple (function, args, error_msg), in which, args and error_msg are optional. args is either a value or a tuple if multiple arguments. This can also be a list containing multiple function or tuple. In this case, these actions are called in sequence. @param check_status: Check the return value of action function. If not succeed, raises a TestFail exception. @return: The result value of the action function. @raise TestError: An error when the action function is not callable. @raise TestFail: When check_status=True, action function not succeed. """ if isinstance(action_tuple, list): return all([self._call_action(action, check_status=check_status) for action in action_tuple]) action = action_tuple args = () error_msg = 'Not succeed' if isinstance(action_tuple, tuple): action = action_tuple[0] if len(action_tuple) >= 2: args = action_tuple[1] if not isinstance(args, tuple): args = (args,) if len(action_tuple) >= 3: error_msg = action_tuple[2] if action is None: return if not callable(action): raise error.TestError('action is not callable!') info_msg = 'calling %s' % action.__name__ if args: info_msg += ' with args %s' % str(args) logging.info(info_msg) ret = action(*args) if check_status and not ret: raise error.TestFail('%s: %s returning %s' % (error_msg, info_msg, str(ret))) return ret def run_shutdown_process(self, shutdown_action, pre_power_action=None, run_power_action=True, post_power_action=None, shutdown_timeout=None): """Run shutdown_action(), which makes DUT shutdown, and power it on. @param shutdown_action: function which makes DUT shutdown, like pressing power key. @param pre_power_action: function which is called before next power on. @param run_power_action: power_key press by default, set to None to skip. @param post_power_action: function which is called after next power on. @param shutdown_timeout: a timeout to confirm DUT shutdown. @raise TestFail: if the shutdown_action() failed to turn DUT off. """ self._call_action(shutdown_action) logging.info('Wait to ensure DUT shut down...') try: if shutdown_timeout is None: shutdown_timeout = self.faft_config.shutdown_timeout self.switcher.wait_for_client(timeout=shutdown_timeout) raise error.TestFail( 'Should shut the device down after calling %s.' % shutdown_action.__name__) except ConnectionError: if self.check_ec_capability(['x86'], suppress_warning=True): self.check_shutdown_power_state("G3", pwr_retries=5) logging.info( 'DUT is surely shutdown. We are going to power it on again...') if pre_power_action: self._call_action(pre_power_action) if run_power_action: self.servo.power_key(self.faft_config.hold_pwr_button_poweron) if post_power_action: self._call_action(post_power_action) def get_bootid(self, retry=3): """ Return the bootid. """ boot_id = None while retry: try: boot_id = self._client.get_boot_id() break except error.AutoservRunError: retry -= 1 if retry: logging.info('Retry to get boot_id...') else: logging.warning('Failed to get boot_id.') logging.info('boot_id: %s', boot_id) return boot_id def check_state(self, func): """ Wrapper around _call_action with check_status set to True. This is a helper function to be used by tests and is currently implemented by calling _call_action with check_status=True. TODO: This function's arguments need to be made more stringent. And its functionality should be moved over to check functions directly in the future. @param func: A function, or a tuple (function, args, error_msg), in which, args and error_msg are optional. args is either a value or a tuple if multiple arguments. This can also be a list containing multiple function or tuple. In this case, these actions are called in sequence. @return: The result value of the action function. @raise TestFail: If the function does notsucceed. """ logging.info("-[FAFT]-[ start stepstate_checker ]----------") self._call_action(func, check_status=True) logging.info("-[FAFT]-[ end state_checker ]----------------") def get_current_firmware_sha(self): """Get current firmware sha of body and vblock. @return: Current firmware sha follows the order ( vblock_a_sha, body_a_sha, vblock_b_sha, body_b_sha) """ current_firmware_sha = (self.faft_client.bios.get_sig_sha('a'), self.faft_client.bios.get_body_sha('a'), self.faft_client.bios.get_sig_sha('b'), self.faft_client.bios.get_body_sha('b')) if not all(current_firmware_sha): raise error.TestError('Failed to get firmware sha.') return current_firmware_sha def is_firmware_changed(self): """Check if the current firmware changed, by comparing its SHA. @return: True if it is changed, otherwise Flase. """ # Device may not be rebooted after test. self.faft_client.bios.reload() current_sha = self.get_current_firmware_sha() if current_sha == self._backup_firmware_sha: return False else: corrupt_VBOOTA = (current_sha[0] != self._backup_firmware_sha[0]) corrupt_FVMAIN = (current_sha[1] != self._backup_firmware_sha[1]) corrupt_VBOOTB = (current_sha[2] != self._backup_firmware_sha[2]) corrupt_FVMAINB = (current_sha[3] != self._backup_firmware_sha[3]) logging.info('Firmware changed:') logging.info('VBOOTA is changed: %s', corrupt_VBOOTA) logging.info('VBOOTB is changed: %s', corrupt_VBOOTB) logging.info('FVMAIN is changed: %s', corrupt_FVMAIN) logging.info('FVMAINB is changed: %s', corrupt_FVMAINB) return True def backup_firmware(self, suffix='.original'): """Backup firmware to file, and then send it to host. @param suffix: a string appended to backup file name """ remote_temp_dir = self.faft_client.system.create_temp_dir() remote_bios_path = os.path.join(remote_temp_dir, 'bios') self.faft_client.bios.dump_whole(remote_bios_path) self._client.get_file(remote_bios_path, os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'bios' + suffix)) if self.faft_config.chrome_ec: remote_ec_path = os.path.join(remote_temp_dir, 'ec') self.faft_client.ec.dump_whole(remote_ec_path) self._client.get_file(remote_ec_path, os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'ec' + suffix)) self._client.run('rm -rf %s' % remote_temp_dir) logging.info('Backup firmware stored in %s with suffix %s', self.resultsdir, suffix) self._backup_firmware_sha = self.get_current_firmware_sha() def is_firmware_saved(self): """Check if a firmware saved (called backup_firmware before). @return: True if the firmware is backuped; otherwise False. """ return self._backup_firmware_sha != () def clear_saved_firmware(self): """Clear the firmware saved by the method backup_firmware.""" self._backup_firmware_sha = () def restore_firmware(self, suffix='.original', restore_ec=True): """Restore firmware from host in resultsdir. @param suffix: a string appended to backup file name @param restore_ec: True to restore the ec firmware; False not to do. """ if not self.is_firmware_changed(): return # Backup current corrupted firmware. self.backup_firmware(suffix='.corrupt') # Restore firmware. remote_temp_dir = self.faft_client.system.create_temp_dir() self._client.send_file(os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'bios' + suffix), os.path.join(remote_temp_dir, 'bios')) self.faft_client.bios.write_whole( os.path.join(remote_temp_dir, 'bios')) if self.faft_config.chrome_ec and restore_ec: self._client.send_file(os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'ec' + suffix), os.path.join(remote_temp_dir, 'ec')) self.faft_client.ec.write_whole( os.path.join(remote_temp_dir, 'ec')) self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot() logging.info('Successfully restore firmware.') def setup_firmwareupdate_shellball(self, shellball=None): """Setup a shellball to use in firmware update test. Check if there is a given shellball, and it is a shell script. Then, send it to the remote host. Otherwise, use the /usr/sbin/chromeos-firmwareupdate in the image and replace its inside BIOS and EC images with the active firmware images. @param shellball: path of a shellball or default to None. """ if shellball: # Determine the firmware file is a shellball or a raw binary. is_shellball = (utils.system_output("file %s" % shellball).find( "shell script") != -1) if is_shellball: logging.info('Device will update firmware with shellball %s', shellball) temp_path = self.faft_client.updater.get_temp_path() working_shellball = os.path.join(temp_path, 'chromeos-firmwareupdate') self._client.send_file(shellball, working_shellball) self.faft_client.updater.extract_shellball() else: raise error.TestFail( 'The given shellball is not a shell script.') else: logging.info('No shellball given, use the original shellball and ' 'replace its BIOS and EC images.') work_path = self.faft_client.updater.get_work_path() bios_in_work_path = os.path.join( work_path, self.faft_client.updater.get_bios_relative_path()) ec_in_work_path = os.path.join( work_path, self.faft_client.updater.get_ec_relative_path()) logging.info('Writing current BIOS to: %s', bios_in_work_path) self.faft_client.bios.dump_whole(bios_in_work_path) if self.faft_config.chrome_ec: logging.info('Writing current EC to: %s', ec_in_work_path) self.faft_client.ec.dump_firmware(ec_in_work_path) self.faft_client.updater.repack_shellball() def is_kernel_changed(self): """Check if the current kernel is changed, by comparing its SHA1 hash. @return: True if it is changed; otherwise, False. """ changed = False for p in ('A', 'B'): backup_sha = self._backup_kernel_sha.get(p, None) current_sha = self.faft_client.kernel.get_sha(p) if backup_sha != current_sha: changed = True logging.info('Kernel %s is changed', p) return changed def backup_kernel(self, suffix='.original'): """Backup kernel to files, and the send them to host. @param suffix: a string appended to backup file name. """ remote_temp_dir = self.faft_client.system.create_temp_dir() for p in ('A', 'B'): remote_path = os.path.join(remote_temp_dir, 'kernel_%s' % p) self.faft_client.kernel.dump(p, remote_path) self._client.get_file( remote_path, os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'kernel_%s%s' % (p, suffix))) self._backup_kernel_sha[p] = self.faft_client.kernel.get_sha(p) logging.info('Backup kernel stored in %s with suffix %s', self.resultsdir, suffix) def is_kernel_saved(self): """Check if kernel images are saved (backup_kernel called before). @return: True if the kernel is saved; otherwise, False. """ return len(self._backup_kernel_sha) != 0 def clear_saved_kernel(self): """Clear the kernel saved by backup_kernel().""" self._backup_kernel_sha = dict() def restore_kernel(self, suffix='.original'): """Restore kernel from host in resultsdir. @param suffix: a string appended to backup file name. """ if not self.is_kernel_changed(): return # Backup current corrupted kernel. self.backup_kernel(suffix='.corrupt') # Restore kernel. remote_temp_dir = self.faft_client.system.create_temp_dir() for p in ('A', 'B'): remote_path = os.path.join(remote_temp_dir, 'kernel_%s' % p) self._client.send_file( os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'kernel_%s%s' % (p, suffix)), remote_path) self.faft_client.kernel.write(p, remote_path) self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot() logging.info('Successfully restored kernel.') def backup_cgpt_attributes(self): """Backup CGPT partition table attributes.""" self._backup_cgpt_attr = self.faft_client.cgpt.get_attributes() def restore_cgpt_attributes(self): """Restore CGPT partition table attributes.""" current_table = self.faft_client.cgpt.get_attributes() if current_table == self._backup_cgpt_attr: return logging.info('CGPT table is changed. Original: %r. Current: %r.', self._backup_cgpt_attr, current_table) self.faft_client.cgpt.set_attributes(self._backup_cgpt_attr) self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot() logging.info('Successfully restored CGPT table.') def try_fwb(self, count=0): """set to try booting FWB count # times Wrapper to set fwb_tries for vboot1 and fw_try_count,fw_try_next for vboot2 @param count: an integer specifying value to program into fwb_tries(vb1)/fw_try_next(vb2) """ if self.fw_vboot2: self.faft_client.system.set_fw_try_next('B', count) else: # vboot1: we need to boot into fwb at least once if not count: count = count + 1 self.faft_client.system.set_try_fw_b(count)