# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """This is an audio quality test over headphone using the Chameleon board.""" import logging import os import time from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error from autotest_lib.client.cros.audio import audio_test_data from autotest_lib.client.cros.chameleon import audio_test_utils from autotest_lib.client.cros.chameleon import chameleon_audio_ids from autotest_lib.client.cros.chameleon import chameleon_audio_helper from autotest_lib.server.cros.audio import audio_test from autotest_lib.server.cros.multimedia import remote_facade_factory class audio_MediaBasicVerification(audio_test.AudioTest): """Server side audio quality test over 3.5 headphones. This test talks to a Chameleon board and a Cros device to verify headphone audio quality of the Cros device. """ version = 1 DELAY_BEFORE_RECORD_SECONDS = 0.5 RECORD_SECONDS = 10 DELAY_AFTER_BINDING = 0.5 UNSUPPORTED_BOARD_TYPES = ['CHROMEBIT'] def run_once(self, host, audio_test_file): if host.get_board_type() in self.UNSUPPORTED_BOARD_TYPES: raise error.TestNAError( 'DUT is not supported for this scenario. Skipping test.') chameleon_board = host.chameleon factory = remote_facade_factory.RemoteFacadeFactory( host, results_dir=self.resultsdir) chameleon_board.setup_and_reset(self.outputdir) widget_factory = chameleon_audio_helper.AudioWidgetFactory( factory, host) source = widget_factory.create_widget( chameleon_audio_ids.CrosIds.HEADPHONE) recorder = widget_factory.create_widget( chameleon_audio_ids.ChameleonIds.LINEIN) binder = widget_factory.create_binder(source, recorder) with chameleon_audio_helper.bind_widgets(binder): # Checks the node selected by cras is correct. time.sleep(self.DELAY_AFTER_BINDING) audio_facade = factory.create_audio_facade() audio_test_utils.dump_cros_audio_logs( host, audio_facade, self.resultsdir, 'after_binding') audio_test_utils.check_audio_nodes(audio_facade, (['HEADPHONE'], None)) # Starts playing, waits for some time, and then starts recording. # This is to avoid artifact caused by codec initialization. logging.info('Start playing %s on Cros device', audio_test_file) browser_facade = factory.create_browser_facade() tab_descriptor = browser_facade.new_tab(audio_test_file) time.sleep(self.DELAY_BEFORE_RECORD_SECONDS) logging.info('Start recording from Chameleon.') recorder.start_recording() time.sleep(self.RECORD_SECONDS) recorder.stop_recording() logging.info('Stopped recording from Chameleon.') browser_facade.close_tab(tab_descriptor) audio_test_utils.dump_cros_audio_logs( host, audio_facade, self.resultsdir, 'after_recording') recorder.read_recorded_binary() logging.info('Read recorded binary from Chameleon.') recorded_file = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'recorded.raw') logging.info('Saving recorded data to %s', recorded_file) recorder.save_file(recorded_file) # Removes the beginning of recorded data. This is to avoid artifact # caused by Chameleon codec initialization in the beginning of # recording. recorder.remove_head(0.5) # Removes noise by a lowpass filter. recorder.lowpass_filter(4000) recorded_file = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'recorded_filtered.raw') logging.info('Saving filtered data to %s', recorded_file) recorder.save_file(recorded_file) # Compares data by frequency. Headphone audio signal has gone through # analog processing. This suffers from codec artifacts and noise on the # path. Comparing data by frequency is more robust than comparing by # correlation, which is suitable for fully-digital audio path like USB # and HDMI. audio_test_utils.check_recorded_frequency( audio_test_data.MEDIA_HEADPHONE_TEST_FILE, recorder, check_anomaly=True)