#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: ascii -*- r""" ============== CSS Minifier ============== CSS Minifier. The minifier is based on the semantics of the `YUI compressor`_\\, which itself is based on `the rule list by Isaac Schlueter`_\\. :Copyright: Copyright 2011 - 2014 Andr\xe9 Malo or his licensors, as applicable :License: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. This module is a re-implementation aiming for speed instead of maximum compression, so it can be used at runtime (rather than during a preprocessing step). RCSSmin does syntactical compression only (removing spaces, comments and possibly semicolons). It does not provide semantic compression (like removing empty blocks, collapsing redundant properties etc). It does, however, support various CSS hacks (by keeping them working as intended). Here's a feature list: - Strings are kept, except that escaped newlines are stripped - Space/Comments before the very end or before various characters are stripped: ``:{});=>+],!`` (The colon (``:``) is a special case, a single space is kept if it's outside a ruleset.) - Space/Comments at the very beginning or after various characters are stripped: ``{}(=:>+[,!`` - Optional space after unicode escapes is kept, resp. replaced by a simple space - whitespaces inside ``url()`` definitions are stripped - Comments starting with an exclamation mark (``!``) can be kept optionally. - All other comments and/or whitespace characters are replaced by a single space. - Multiple consecutive semicolons are reduced to one - The last semicolon within a ruleset is stripped - CSS Hacks supported: - IE7 hack (``>/**/``) - Mac-IE5 hack (``/*\\*/.../**/``) - The boxmodelhack is supported naturally because it relies on valid CSS2 strings - Between ``:first-line`` and the following comma or curly brace a space is inserted. (apparently it's needed for IE6) - Same for ``:first-letter`` rcssmin.c is a reimplementation of rcssmin.py in C and improves runtime up to factor 100 or so (depending on the input). docs/BENCHMARKS in the source distribution contains the details. Both python 2 (>= 2.4) and python 3 are supported. .. _YUI compressor: https://github.com/yui/yuicompressor/ .. _the rule list by Isaac Schlueter: https://github.com/isaacs/cssmin/ """ if __doc__: # pylint: disable = W0622 __doc__ = __doc__.encode('ascii').decode('unicode_escape') __author__ = r"Andr\xe9 Malo".encode('ascii').decode('unicode_escape') __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" __license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0" __version__ = '1.0.5' __all__ = ['cssmin'] import re as _re def _make_cssmin(python_only=False): """ Generate CSS minifier. :Parameters: `python_only` : ``bool`` Use only the python variant. If true, the c extension is not even tried to be loaded. :Return: Minifier :Rtype: ``callable`` """ # pylint: disable = R0912, R0914, W0612 if not python_only: try: import _rcssmin except ImportError: pass else: return _rcssmin.cssmin nl = r'(?:[\n\f]|\r\n?)' # pylint: disable = C0103 spacechar = r'[\r\n\f\040\t]' unicoded = r'[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}(?:[\040\n\t\f]|\r\n?)?' escaped = r'[^\n\r\f0-9a-fA-F]' escape = r'(?:\\(?:%(unicoded)s|%(escaped)s))' % locals() nmchar = r'[^\000-\054\056\057\072-\100\133-\136\140\173-\177]' #nmstart = r'[^\000-\100\133-\136\140\173-\177]' #ident = (r'(?:' # r'-?(?:%(nmstart)s|%(escape)s)%(nmchar)s*(?:%(escape)s%(nmchar)s*)*' #r')') % locals() comment = r'(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)' # only for specific purposes. The bang is grouped: _bang_comment = r'(?:/\*(!?)[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)' string1 = \ r'(?:\047[^\047\\\r\n\f]*(?:\\[^\r\n\f][^\047\\\r\n\f]*)*\047)' string2 = r'(?:"[^"\\\r\n\f]*(?:\\[^\r\n\f][^"\\\r\n\f]*)*")' strings = r'(?:%s|%s)' % (string1, string2) nl_string1 = \ r'(?:\047[^\047\\\r\n\f]*(?:\\(?:[^\r]|\r\n?)[^\047\\\r\n\f]*)*\047)' nl_string2 = r'(?:"[^"\\\r\n\f]*(?:\\(?:[^\r]|\r\n?)[^"\\\r\n\f]*)*")' nl_strings = r'(?:%s|%s)' % (nl_string1, nl_string2) uri_nl_string1 = r'(?:\047[^\047\\]*(?:\\(?:[^\r]|\r\n?)[^\047\\]*)*\047)' uri_nl_string2 = r'(?:"[^"\\]*(?:\\(?:[^\r]|\r\n?)[^"\\]*)*")' uri_nl_strings = r'(?:%s|%s)' % (uri_nl_string1, uri_nl_string2) nl_escaped = r'(?:\\%(nl)s)' % locals() space = r'(?:%(spacechar)s|%(comment)s)' % locals() ie7hack = r'(?:>/\*\*/)' uri = (r'(?:' # noqa pylint: disable = C0330 r'(?:[^\000-\040"\047()\\\177]*' r'(?:%(escape)s[^\000-\040"\047()\\\177]*)*)' r'(?:' r'(?:%(spacechar)s+|%(nl_escaped)s+)' r'(?:' r'(?:[^\000-\040"\047()\\\177]|%(escape)s|%(nl_escaped)s)' r'[^\000-\040"\047()\\\177]*' r'(?:%(escape)s[^\000-\040"\047()\\\177]*)*' r')+' r')*' r')') % locals() nl_unesc_sub = _re.compile(nl_escaped).sub uri_space_sub = _re.compile(( r'(%(escape)s+)|%(spacechar)s+|%(nl_escaped)s+' ) % locals()).sub uri_space_subber = lambda m: m.groups()[0] or '' space_sub_simple = _re.compile(( r'[\r\n\f\040\t;]+|(%(comment)s+)' ) % locals()).sub space_sub_banged = _re.compile(( r'[\r\n\f\040\t;]+|(%(_bang_comment)s+)' ) % locals()).sub post_esc_sub = _re.compile(r'[\r\n\f\t]+').sub main_sub = _re.compile(( # noqa pylint: disable = C0330 r'([^\\"\047u>@\r\n\f\040\t/;:{}]+)' r'|(?<=[{}(=:>+[,!])(%(space)s+)' r'|^(%(space)s+)' r'|(%(space)s+)(?=(([:{});=>+\],!])|$)?)' r'|;(%(space)s*(?:;%(space)s*)*)(?=(\})?)' r'|(\{)' r'|(\})' r'|(%(strings)s)' r'|(?@\r\n\f\040\t/;:{}]*)' ) % locals()).sub #print main_sub.__self__.pattern def main_subber(keep_bang_comments): """ Make main subber """ in_macie5, in_rule, at_group = [0], [0], [0] if keep_bang_comments: space_sub = space_sub_banged def space_subber(match): """ Space|Comment subber """ if match.lastindex: group1, group2 = match.group(1, 2) if group2: if group1.endswith(r'\*/'): in_macie5[0] = 1 else: in_macie5[0] = 0 return group1 elif group1: if group1.endswith(r'\*/'): if in_macie5[0]: return '' in_macie5[0] = 1 return r'/*\*/' elif in_macie5[0]: in_macie5[0] = 0 return '/**/' return '' else: space_sub = space_sub_simple def space_subber(match): """ Space|Comment subber """ if match.lastindex: if match.group(1).endswith(r'\*/'): if in_macie5[0]: return '' in_macie5[0] = 1 return r'/*\*/' elif in_macie5[0]: in_macie5[0] = 0 return '/**/' return '' def fn_space_post(group): """ space with token after """ if group(5) is None or ( group(6) == ':' and not in_rule[0] and not at_group[0]): return ' ' + space_sub(space_subber, group(4)) return space_sub(space_subber, group(4)) def fn_semicolon(group): """ ; handler """ return ';' + space_sub(space_subber, group(7)) def fn_semicolon2(group): """ ; handler """ if in_rule[0]: return space_sub(space_subber, group(7)) return ';' + space_sub(space_subber, group(7)) def fn_open(_): """ { handler """ if at_group[0]: at_group[0] -= 1 else: in_rule[0] = 1 return '{' def fn_close(_): """ } handler """ in_rule[0] = 0 return '}' def fn_at_group(group): """ @xxx group handler """ at_group[0] += 1 return group(13) def fn_ie7hack(group): """ IE7 Hack handler """ if not in_rule[0] and not at_group[0]: in_macie5[0] = 0 return group(14) + space_sub(space_subber, group(15)) return '>' + space_sub(space_subber, group(15)) table = ( # noqa pylint: disable = C0330 None, None, None, None, fn_space_post, # space with token after fn_space_post, # space with token after fn_space_post, # space with token after fn_semicolon, # semicolon fn_semicolon2, # semicolon fn_open, # { fn_close, # } lambda g: g(11), # string lambda g: 'url(%s)' % uri_space_sub(uri_space_subber, g(12)), # url(...) fn_at_group, # @xxx expecting {...} None, fn_ie7hack, # ie7hack None, lambda g: g(16) + ' ' + space_sub(space_subber, g(17)), # :first-line|letter followed # by [{,] (apparently space # needed for IE6) lambda g: nl_unesc_sub('', g(18)), # nl_string lambda g: post_esc_sub(' ', g(19)), # escape ) def func(match): """ Main subber """ idx, group = match.lastindex, match.group if idx > 3: return table[idx](group) # shortcuts for frequent operations below: elif idx == 1: # not interesting return group(1) #else: # space with token before or at the beginning return space_sub(space_subber, group(idx)) return func def cssmin(style, keep_bang_comments=False): # pylint: disable = W0621 """ Minify CSS. :Parameters: `style` : ``str`` CSS to minify `keep_bang_comments` : ``bool`` Keep comments starting with an exclamation mark? (``/*!...*/``) :Return: Minified style :Rtype: ``str`` """ return main_sub(main_subber(keep_bang_comments), style) return cssmin cssmin = _make_cssmin() if __name__ == '__main__': def main(): """ Main """ import sys as _sys keep_bang_comments = ( '-b' in _sys.argv[1:] or '-bp' in _sys.argv[1:] or '-pb' in _sys.argv[1:] ) if '-p' in _sys.argv[1:] or '-bp' in _sys.argv[1:] \ or '-pb' in _sys.argv[1:]: global cssmin # pylint: disable = W0603 cssmin = _make_cssmin(python_only=True) _sys.stdout.write(cssmin( _sys.stdin.read(), keep_bang_comments=keep_bang_comments )) main()