#!/usr/bin/perl -w #--*-Perl-*-- # NOTES: # # 'tagscan' refers to the procedure of examining the CVS data (rlog output # for each file) and determining what bug IDs exist between two tags. # # 'dcuthelp' refers to the procedures of examining the CVS rlog cache # given a tag and a list of bugs, and helping to incorporate those bug # fixes into the tag. For this to occur, in each file, any changes after # tag within the bug list must be contiguous and must begin in the tag's # revision. # # Params: # debug - if set, output debugging info # user - user name # path_info - override actual path info, for debugging, e.g., "/form" # mod - module(s) list # include_attic - if set, include Attic during search (ignored by default) use strict; use CGI; #use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); # Do NOT use this -- doesn't work use File::Path; use IO::Handle; use Time::Local 'timelocal_nocheck'; use Carp; #use Data::Dumper; use vars qw($QUERY $DEBUG $USER $TITLE $CLDR $DIFF_URL $DIFF_URL_SUFFIX $CVSWEB_REP_ID $CVSWEB_REP_SUFF $LOG_URL_SUFFIX $SHOW_URL $SHOW_URL_SUFFIX $LOG_URL $CVSROOT $BASE_REV %MOD_ABBREV $DEFAULT_MOD $NO_JITTERBUG $CACHE $INSTA $INSTA_ATTIC $UPDATE_COUNT $UPDATE_ATTIC_COUNT $UPDATE_NONATTIC_COUNT $TAGSCAN_TAG_LO $TAGSCAN_TAG_HI %TAGSCAN_IDS $TAGSCAN_COUNT $TAGSCAN_TAG_HI_DATE %TAGSCAN_ALLTAGS %TAGSCAN_WHY $DCUTHELP_TAG %DCUTHELP_IDS @DCUTHELP_BADFILES $DCUTHELP_COUNT @DCUTHELP_RETAGS @TAGLESS_FILES @BRANCHED_FILES @NO_JITTERBUG_FILES %MODE_MAP $NOW $YEAR $CVS_MSG_KW ); &initGlobals; &main; exit(0); #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub initGlobals() { $QUERY = new CGI; $DEBUG = $QUERY->param('debug'); $CLDR=1; # User name, if any. We try to propagate the user name so a logged-in # jitterbug user can stay that way. $USER = $QUERY->param('user'); $CVSWEB_REP_ID = "ICU"; if ($CLDR == 0) { $TITLE="ICU Jitterbug Diffs"; } else { $TITLE="CLDR Jitterbug Diffs"; } #$CVSWEB_REP_SUFF = "&cvsroot=" . $CVSWEB_REP_ID; $CVSWEB_REP_SUFF = ""; # The following URLs should be suffixed with a module name # such as "icu/icu". # Display the diffs between two revisions of a file # E.g., suffix with "/icu/icu/license.html.diff?r1=1.2&r2=1.3" $DIFF_URL = "http://www.unicode.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi"; # No trailing "/" $DIFF_URL_SUFFIX = $CVSWEB_REP_SUFF; # Display a specific file revision # E.g., suffix with "/icu/icu/license.html?rev=1.1$SHOW_URL_SUFFIX" $SHOW_URL = $DIFF_URL; # No trailing "/" $SHOW_URL_SUFFIX = "&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup" . $CVSWEB_REP_SUFF; # Display the CVS log for a file # E.g., suffix with "/icu/icu/license.html" $LOG_URL = $DIFF_URL; # No trailing "/" $LOG_URL_SUFFIX = $CVSWEB_REP_SUFF; # CVS root if ( $CLDR == 0 ) { $CVSROOT = "/data/mirrors/icu"; # Must NOT end with "/" } else { $CVSROOT = "/home/cvsroot"; } # A fake revision number indicating the slot before the oldest revision in # the rlog history. Not user visible. $BASE_REV = "0"; if ($CLDR == 0) { # Recognized abbreviated module names. %MOD_ABBREV = ( icu => 'icu', icuapps => 'icuapps', icu4j => 'icu4j', icu4jni => 'icu4jni', unicodetools => 'unicodetools', charset => 'charset', ); # Default modules to search $DEFAULT_MOD = 'icu icu4j'; } else { # Recognized abbreviated module names. %MOD_ABBREV = ( cldr => 'cldr', common => 'cldr/common', ); # Default modules to search $DEFAULT_MOD = 'common'; } # Magic Jitterbug ID used when a CVS checkin does not include a # Jitterbug ID. Should be unlikely (or impossible) to be a real # Jitterbug ID. $NO_JITTERBUG = 9999987; # Root of our cache of CVS meta-information. Right now this cache # takes the form of a mirror of /usr/cvs. We only mirror # /usr/cvs/icu/icu and /usr/cvs/icu4j/icu4j at this point. All CVS # files (*,v) have an identically named file in the same location in # the cache. Currently the cache file is the output of rlog. In the # future a more compressed form could be used (although there isn't # much to be gained, maybe 10%). Instead of grepping over the CVS # repository, we grep over the cache. This cuts the grep time by # about 90%. Before using the cache, we update it by walking through # the CVS repository and checking file mod dates. Any file that's # been changed gets updated in the cache. # Use real path; link causes problems. #$CACHE = "/www/software10/cgi-bin/icu/grepj.cache"; if($CLDR==0) { $CACHE = "/tmp/icu-grepj.cache"; # No trailing "/" } else { $CACHE = "/tmp/icu-grepj-cldr.cache"; # No trailing "/" } # Another cache that holds the results of the last searches. # Invalidate this cache whenever the main cache needs updating. # This cache consists of files named "1234". Each file # contains the final HTML for that bug ID. Searches that include # the attic are kept in a subdirectory 'Attic'. $INSTA = "$CACHE/insta"; $INSTA_ATTIC = "$INSTA/Attic"; # Count of updated cache files $UPDATE_COUNT = 0; $UPDATE_ATTIC_COUNT = 0; $UPDATE_NONATTIC_COUNT = 0; # Dispatch table mapping path_info to sub %MODE_MAP = ( '/top' => \&emit_top, '/form' => \&emit_form, '/difflist' => \&emit_difflist, '/nav' => \&emit_nav, '/result' => \&emit_result, '/help' => \&emit_help, '/admintop' => \&emit_admintop, '/adminform' => \&emit_adminform, '/adminresult' => \&emit_adminresult, '/localdiff' => \&emit_localdiff, ); $NOW = time(); $YEAR = 1900+@{[localtime]}[5]; # Get the current year # Regex for grepping for jitterbug checkin comments # Will be surrounded by parens if($CLDR == 0) { $CVS_MSG_KW = "jitterbug|fixed"; } else { $CVS_MSG_KW = "cldrbug"; } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # This script generates various frames within framesets. The 'mode' # parameter determines which frame is generated. sub main() { STDOUT->autoflush(1); # Make progress output appear progressively... my $needed = 'h'; # next up: 'h'eader or 'e'nd_html eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; # disable installed DIE hooks local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { die $_[0]; }; # transmute warnings # The path info specifies what we are being called to emit. # This script emits the frameset and the frames within it # depending on this param. For the URL # "http://oss.software.ibm.com/cvs/icu-jinfo/foo", the path # info is "/foo". The path info can be overridden (for debugging) # with a CGI param of "path_info=/bar". my $path_info = $QUERY->path_info; if ($QUERY->param('path_info')) { $path_info = $QUERY->param('path_info'); } # Simplify it: "/foo/..." or "/foo&..." => "/foo" $path_info =~ s|(\w)\W.*|$1|; $path_info ||= '/top'; # default my $fn = $MODE_MAP{$path_info}; die "unknown path_info \"$path_info\"" unless ($fn); if ($path_info ne '/localdiff') { print $QUERY->header; $needed = 'e'; } $fn->(); }; if ($@) { if ($needed eq 'h') { print $QUERY->header; $needed = 'e'; } print "
Internal error: ", $@, "
Please contact Alan
"; } if ($needed eq 'e') { print $QUERY->end_html; } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create URL for the reviewer index # @param user (or empty string if none) sub reviewersURL { my $user = shift || ''; $user = "?user=$user" if ($user); return "http://bugs.icu-project.org/cgibin/private/byname/review$user"; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create URL for jitterbug # @param user (or empty string if none) # @param ID (or empty if none); sub jitterbugURL { my $user = shift || ''; my $id = shift || ''; if($CLDR == 0) { if ($id ne '') { if ($user) { return "http://bugs.icu-project.org/cgibin/private/icu-bugs-private?;user=$user;findid=$id"; } else { return "http://bugs.icu-project.org/cgibin/icu-bugs?findid=$id"; } } else { if ($user) { return "http://bugs.icu-project.org/cgibin/private/icu-bugs-private?;user=$user;"; } else { return "http://bugs.icu-project.org/cgibin/icu-bugs"; } } } else { if ($id ne '') { if ($user) { return "http://bugs.icu-project.org/cgibin/cldr/locale-bugs-private?;user=$user;findid=$id"; } else { return "http://bugs.icu-project.org/cgibin/locale-bugs?findid=$id"; } } else { if ($user) { return "http://bugs.icu-project.org/cgibin/cldr/locale-bugs-private?;user=$user;"; } else { return "http://bugs.icu-project.org/cgibin/locale-bugs"; } } } } ###################################################################### # HTML GUI ###################################################################### # Emit the HTML for the top frameset in normal (bug diffs) mode sub emit_top { # Propagate url parameters down to the frames within the frameset my $self = $QUERY->url(-full=>1, -query=>1); my $f = urlPathInfo($self, '/form'); my $dl = urlPathInfo($self, '/difflist'); my $n = urlPathInfo($self, '/nav'); my $r = urlPathInfo($self, '/result'); print <$TITLE END # # # # } sub emit_form { print $QUERY->start_html(-title=>$TITLE, -target=>'difflist'); my $script_name = $QUERY->script_name; print $QUERY->startform(-action=>urlPathInfo($script_name, '/difflist'), -target=>'difflist', -method=>'GET'); my $user = $QUERY->param('user') || ''; print "

$TITLE"; # h1 too big print " ($user)" if ($user); print "

"; print "ID? ",$QUERY->textfield(-name=>'id',-size=>5) , $QUERY->submit(-name=>'Search') , " Help"; print "\ " , "Admin"; print "
\nModules: "; print $QUERY->textfield(-name=>'mod', -default=>$DEFAULT_MOD, -size=>30); print "
\n"; print ""; print $QUERY->checkbox(-name=>"include_attic", -label=>"Incl. Attic"); print $QUERY->checkbox(-name=>"localdiff", -label=>"Local Diff"); print ""; print "\ Reviewers"; print "\ Jitterbug"; # Propagate params that don't have corresponding form elements print $QUERY->hidden('user'); print $QUERY->hidden('debug'); if($CLDR==1) { print $QUERY->hidden('cldr'); } print $QUERY->end_form; } sub emit_nav { print $QUERY->start_html(-title=>$TITLE, -target=>'result'); print "Under construction: Navigation bar goes here"; } sub emit_difflist { print $QUERY->start_html(-title=>$TITLE, -target=>'result'); ############################################################ # ID my $ID = $QUERY->param('id') || ''; $ID =~ s/\s//g; #print "
query:"; #print $QUERY->Dump; #print "
"; if ($ID eq '') { print "(Warning: search, but No ID given.)
\n"; &emit_help; return; } if ($ID =~ /^0*(\d+)$/) { $ID = $1; } else { print "\"$ID\" is not a valid Jitterbug ID. Please "; print "enter one or more decimal digits."; return; } ############################################################ # User my $user = $QUERY->param('user'); ############################################################ # Modules my @m; return if (!parseMod(\@m)); # what modules are we searching? my $localDiff = $QUERY->param('localdiff'); # Only use the INSTA cache for standard module searches. my $isStd = (join(' ', sort @m) eq 'icu/icu icu4j/icu4j') && !$localDiff; ############################################################ # Output print "What is Jitterbug ", jitterbugLink($user, $ID), "?"; foreach (@m) { updateCacheDir($_); } # If the cache has been updated then the instaCache entries # are all invalid and must be deleted. Otherwise try to # look up the diffs from the instaCache. mkpath($INSTA_ATTIC, 0, 0777); if ($UPDATE_COUNT) { print "done ($UPDATE_NONATTIC_COUNT,$UPDATE_ATTIC_COUNT)."; resetInstaCache(0); } elsif ($isStd) { my $diffs = instaGet($ID); if ($diffs) { print $diffs; print "
(Results from cache)"; return; } } # If we don't find the ID in the instaCache, then generate # the diffs the hard way and store the result in the # instaCache. my $diffs; foreach my $module (@m) { debugOut("module $module") if ($DEBUG); my $m = $module; $m =~ s|^.+/||; $diffs .= out("
", uc($m), "

"); debugOut("+generateDiffsList($ID, $module)") if ($DEBUG); $diffs .= generateDiffsList($ID, $module); debugOut("-generateDiffsList($ID, $module)") if ($DEBUG); } instaPut($ID, $diffs) if ($isStd); } sub emit_localdiff { print $QUERY->header(-type=>'application/octet-stream', -attachment=>'localdiff.bat'); my $file = $QUERY->param('file'); my $r1 = $QUERY->param('r1'); my $r2 = $QUERY->param('r2'); my $mod = $QUERY->param('m'); my $leaf = $file; $leaf =~ s|.*[/\\]([^/\\]+)+$|$1|; $file = "$mod/$file"; my $eol = "\015\012"; # DOS eol print "cd %TEMP%$eol"; print "mkdir grepj$eol"; print "cd grepj$eol"; print "set CVSROOT=:pserver:$USER\@oss.software.ibm.com:/usr/cvs/$mod$eol"; print "cvs checkout -p -r $r1 $file > $leaf-$r1$eol"; print "cvs checkout -p -r $r2 $file > $leaf-$r2$eol"; print "start wincmp $leaf-$r1 $leaf-$r2$eol"; print "del \%0$eol"; } sub emit_result { print $QUERY->start_html(-title=>$TITLE); } sub emit_help { my $x = join(" ", sort keys(%MOD_ABBREV)); print <For a change to be recognized, its commit comment must start with "Jitterbug n", where n is the bug ID.

The search generates a list of all files changes for this bug, together with the specific revisions in each file that are relevant (there may be more than one).

In the diff list, select a file name link to see the CVS log for that file.

Select a revision link to see changes checked in against that revision. "Diff" revision links show diffs against the previous revision. "View" links show initial check in revisions.

If a file contains more than one revision relevant to this Jitterbug ID, then an overall revision link will be available. Use this to see the effect of all changes at once. If the revisions are not contiguous, then this diff will contain changes not related to this Jitterbug. In that case you may prefer to view the individual diffs instead.

Incl. Attic causes files under any directory named "Attic" to be included.

Local Diff enables special links that look like this [*] which cause your browser to download a Windows batch file. The batch file, when executed, will bring up the relevant diffs in Compare It!. For this to work, you need the following:

Modules lists the modules to be searched. By default this is "icu icu4j" but any modules (under /usr/cvs) may be listed. Full module names (e.g., "icu/icuapps") may be used. The following abbreviations are recognized: $x. END } ###################################################################### # Admin GUI ###################################################################### # Emit the HTML for the top frameset in admin mode sub emit_admintop { # Propagate url parameters down to the frames within the frameset my $self = $QUERY->url(-full=>1, -query=>1); my $f = urlPathInfo($self, '/adminform'); my $r = urlPathInfo($self, '/adminresult'); my $TITLETXT = $TITLE; #if ($id ne '') { #`h TITLETXT = "$id - $TITLETXT"; # } print <$TITLE END } # Print the admin input form. sub emit_adminform { print $QUERY->start_html(-title=>$TITLE, -target=>'adminresult'); my $script_name = $QUERY->script_name; print $QUERY->startform(-action=>urlPathInfo($script_name, '/adminresult'), -TARGET=>'adminresult'); print "Administrative Tools"; my $user = $QUERY->param('user'); my $u = $user ? "?user=$user" : ''; print "\ " , "Back
"; print 'Tags may be specified in full, e.g. ' , '"release-2-4", or as release numbers, such as "2.4". ', 'Specify module(s) here for commands below.', '
'; print "Modules: "; print $QUERY->textfield(-name=>'mod', -default=>$DEFAULT_MOD, -size=>30); print "

"; print "List Bugs Between CVS Tags
"; print "
Start Tag:"; print $QUERY->textfield(-name=>'tag_lo',-size=>30); print "
End Tag:"; print $QUERY->textfield(-name=>'tag_hi',-size=>30); print "
"; print $QUERY->submit(-name=>'Find Bugs'); print "
"; print 'Bugs are listed that occur after the start tag, up to and including the end tag. Specify module(s) above.'; print "
\n"; print "DCUT Helper
"; print "
Tag:"; print $QUERY->textfield(-name=>'dcut_tag',-size=>33); print "
Bug IDs:"; print $QUERY->textarea(-name=>'dcut_ids',-rows=>8,-columns=>26); print "
"; print $QUERY->submit(-name=>'Check'); print "
"; print 'Enter a CVS tag and list of bugs to incorporate ' , 'those bugs into the tag. ' , 'Specify module(s) above.'; print "
\n"; print $QUERY->submit(-name=>'Reset Insta Cache'), "
"; print 'The insta cache contains the HTML output for previous' , ' bug diff search results. In some cases (typically during script' , ' development), it can get out of sync.'; print "
\n"; print $QUERY->submit(-name=>'Delete Cache File:'), " "; print $QUERY->textfield(-name=>'del_cache',-size=>17), "
"; print 'Delete a file from the cache. Path is relative' , ' to cache root and must begin with the module path' , ' (e.g. "icu/icu").'; # Propagate params that don't have corresponding form elements print $QUERY->hidden('user'); print $QUERY->hidden('debug'); print $QUERY->end_form; } # Implement the admin functions. sub emit_adminresult { print $QUERY->start_html(-title=>$TITLE); if ($QUERY->param('Find Bugs')) { &do_tagscan; return; } if ($QUERY->param('Check')) { &do_dcuthelp; return; } if ($QUERY->param('Reset Insta Cache')) { resetInstaCache(1); print "Cache at $INSTA has been erased."; return; } if ($QUERY->param('Delete Cache File:')) { my $f = $QUERY->param('del_cache'); # Careful here -- don't let the user delete anything but a # legitimate cache file. Watch out for "..", "~", "$", etc. if ($f !~ m|^[a-z0-9_]+(/[a-z0-9_]+)+\.[a-z0-9]+$|i) { print "\"$f\" does not look like a valid path."; return; } $f = $CACHE . '/' . $f . ',v'; if (! -e $f) { print "\"$f\" does not exist."; return; } if (! -f $f) { print "\"$f\" is not a file."; return; } unlink($f); # This check doesn't seem to work. #if (! -e $f) { # print "Error: Could not delete \"$f\"."; # return; #} else { print "Cache file \"$f\" deleted."; #} return; } } ###################################################################### # Jitterbug diffs ###################################################################### #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find the diffs for a jitterbug and display them. # Also display other useful links for this bug. # Param: ID number # Param: module name ("icu/icu" or "icu4j/icu4j" or other) # Return: The generated HTML. Also print it to STDOUT # on the fly. sub generateDiffsList { my $ID = shift; my $module = shift; my $result; my $greproot = "$CACHE/$module"; my $log_url = "$LOG_URL/$module/"; my $show_url = "$SHOW_URL/$module/"; my $diff_url = "$DIFF_URL/$module/"; # ID matching pattern my $pat = "0*$ID"; # During merging, the bug IDs 1-98 for icu4j were migrated to # 1301-1398. Therefore, when the user requests a bug in the range # 1301-1398, we search under both n and n-1300 in icu4j # repository. if ($module =~ /^icu4j/ && $ID >= 1301 && $ID <= 1398) { my $ID2 = $ID - 1300; $pat = "($pat|0*$ID2)"; } # -E use extended regexp # -i ignore case # -I ignore binary files # -l stop at first match and list file name # -r recurse # N/A now that we cache the rlog output #my $flags = $ignoreBinaries ? "-EiIlr" : "-Eilr"; # (1 of 3 REGEXPS) SEE ALSO other regexps; keep them in sync # TODO improve error handling in following line my @files = `grep -Eilr "($CVS_MSG_KW)[ \\t]*$pat\\b" $greproot`; if (!$QUERY->param('include_attic')) { @files = grep(!m|/attic/|i, @files); } if (@files < 1) { $result .= out("No changes found for Jitterbug $ID.\n"); return $result; } $result .= out(""); my $first = 1; foreach my $f (sort cmpfiles @files) { my @r = findRevisions($f, $pat); if ($first) { $first = 0; } else { $result .= out("
\n"); } my $localDiff = $QUERY->param('localdiff'); my $relFile = $f; $relFile =~ s/^$greproot\///; $relFile =~ s/,v//; my $a = ''; my $b = $relFile; if ($b =~ m|(.*/)(.+)|) { ($a ,$b) = ($1, $2); } $result .= out("$a$b
"); if (@r > 1) { # Show diff of earliest to latest. my $discontiguous = 0; for (my $i=0; $i<$#r; $i++) { # [sic] from first to last-1 if ($r[$i]->{old} ne $r[$i+1]->{new}) { $discontiguous = 1; last; } } my $new = $r[0]->{new}; my $old = $r[$#r]->{old}; $result .= out("
"); if ($discontiguous) { $result .= out("Contains other changes: "); } if ($old eq $BASE_REV) { $result .= out(""); $result .= out("View $new"); } else { $result .= out(""); $result .= out("Diff $new vs $old"); if ($localDiff) { my $self = $QUERY->url(-full=>1, -query=>1); my $url = urlPathInfo($self, '/localdiff'); my $mod = $module; $mod =~ s|/.+||; out(" [*]"); } } # Construct contiguous ranges if the overall diff is # discontiguous. if ($discontiguous) { my @ranges; my $start = 0; for (my $i=0; $i<$#r; $i++) { # [sic] from first to last-1 if ($r[$i]->{old} ne $r[$i+1]->{new}) { push @ranges, [$start, $i]; $start = $i+1; } } push @ranges, [$start, $#r]; my $first = 1; foreach my $range (@ranges) { my $new = $r[$range->[0]]->{new}; my $old = $r[$range->[1]]->{old}; if ($first) { $result .= out("
\n("); $first = 0; } else { $result .= out("
\n"); } if ($old eq $BASE_REV) { $result .= out(""); $result .= out("View $new"); } else { $result .= out(""); $result .= out("Diff $new vs $old"); if ($localDiff) { my $self = $QUERY->url(-full=>1, -query=>1); my $url = urlPathInfo($self, '/localdiff'); my $mod = $module; $mod =~ s|/.+||; out(" [*]"); } } } $result .= out(")"); } $result .= out("
"); } for (my $i=0; $i<@r; $i++) { my $h = $r[$i]; my $new = $h->{new}; my $old = $h->{old}; if ($old eq $BASE_REV) { $result .= out(""); $result .= out("View $new"); } else { $result .= out(""); $result .= out("Diff $new"); if ($localDiff) { my $self = $QUERY->url(-full=>1, -query=>1); my $url = urlPathInfo($self, '/localdiff'); my $mod = $module; $mod =~ s|/.+||; out(" [*]"); } } $result .= out(" ", $h->{date}, " by ", $h->{author}, "
"); $result .= out($h->{comment}); $result .= out("
\n"); } } $result .= out("
"); $result; } # Sort criterion for file diffs sub cmpfiles { my $aa = $a; my $bb = $b; $aa =~ s|/unicode(/[^/]+)$|$1|; $bb =~ s|/unicode(/[^/]+)$|$1|; $aa =~ s|\.h,|.1h,|; $bb =~ s|\.h,|.1h,|; return $aa cmp $bb; } # Sort criterion for revision numbers, e.g. "1.9" vs "1.10" sub cmprevs { my @a = split('\.', $a); my @b = split('\.', $b); for (my $i=0; $i<=$#a && $i<=$#b; ++$i) { my $c = $b[$i] - $a[$i]; return $c if ($c); } return $#b - $#a; } ###################################################################### # tagscan ###################################################################### # Perform a "tagscan" and emit the results. A tagscan is a scan of # the CVS rlog cache in which bug IDs between two tags are compiled. # If a file is marked 'dead' it is ignored. If it was created after # the latest date of the HI tag (as determined by checking _every_ # file's date for that tag) then it is ignored. sub do_tagscan { $TAGSCAN_TAG_LO = expandTag($QUERY->param('tag_lo')); $TAGSCAN_TAG_HI = expandTag($QUERY->param('tag_hi')); $TAGSCAN_TAG_HI_DATE = ''; if (!$TAGSCAN_TAG_LO || !$TAGSCAN_TAG_HI) { print "Please enter two CVS tags and try again."; return; } my $user = $QUERY->param('user'); my @m; return if (!parseMod(\@m)); # what modules are we searching? # Slight limitation -- our tagLink will only refer to the first module print "Searching module(s) ", join(", ", @m) , " for bugs after tag ", tagLink($TAGSCAN_TAG_LO,$m[0],'grepj_2'), " up to and including tag ", tagLink($TAGSCAN_TAG_HI,$m[0],'grepj_2'), ". Note: Dead files and Attic files will be ignored.
\n"; foreach (@m) { updateCacheDir($_); } if ($UPDATE_COUNT) { print "done ($UPDATE_NONATTIC_COUNT,$UPDATE_ATTIC_COUNT)."; } %TAGSCAN_IDS = (); #at %TAGSCAN_ALLTAGS = (); %TAGSCAN_WHY = (); $TAGSCAN_COUNT = 0; print "
Scanning CVS tree for bug IDs..."; foreach (@m) { tagscanDir($_); } print "done.
"; # Filter out tagless files that were created after the HI tag # date. my @a; foreach my $f (@TAGLESS_FILES) { my $d = getRev11Date("$CACHE/$f"); if ($d && $d le $TAGSCAN_TAG_HI_DATE) { push @a, $f; } } @TAGLESS_FILES = @a; if (@NO_JITTERBUG_FILES) { print "The following revisions have no associated Jitterbug, or the bug number could not be parsed from the checkin comment.\n"; print "Checkins older than a year are not listed.\n"; print "
"; print join("
\n", map {logLink($_->[0],'grepj_2') . ", " . $_->[1] . "
" . $_->[2] . ""} @NO_JITTERBUG_FILES); print "

\n"; } if (@TAGLESS_FILES) { print "The following ", scalar @TAGLESS_FILES , " files were ignored because they are missing one or both tags." , " Files created after $TAGSCAN_TAG_HI should not be listed" , " here.\n
"; print join("
\n", map {logLink($_,'grepj_2')} @TAGLESS_FILES) , "

\n"; } if (@BRANCHED_FILES) { print "The following ", scalar @BRANCHED_FILES , " files were ignored because the tags occur on different" , " branches.\n
"; print join("
\n", map {logLink($_->[0],'grepj_2') . ": " . $_->[1] . " => " . $_->[2]} @BRANCHED_FILES) , "

\n"; } #at print "Other tags seen: ", #at join(" ", #at map {my $a=tagToRelease($_); $a?"$_($a)":"$_*"} #at sort keys %TAGSCAN_ALLTAGS), "\n
"; print "Details: " , join("; ", map {"(" . jitterbugLink($user, $_, 'grepj_2') . ": " . join(", ", map {s|^.+?/||; s|,v$||; $_} sort keys %{$TAGSCAN_WHY{$_}}) . ")"} sort {$a<=>$b} keys %TAGSCAN_WHY) , "
\n"; print "Jitterbug IDs found (",scalar keys %TAGSCAN_IDS,"): " , join(", ", map {jitterbugLink($user, $_, 'grepj_2')} sort {$a<=>$b} keys %TAGSCAN_IDS); my $bugs = join(',', sort {$a<=>$b} keys %TAGSCAN_IDS); print < END my $bugs2 = join(' ', sort {$a<=>$b} keys %TAGSCAN_IDS); print < END print < END } # Given a relative path to $CVSROOT, tagscan the # corresponding item under $CACHE. Path may point to a # file or a directory. # @param relative directory, not ending in "/", e.g. "icu/icu" # @param item name in that directory sub tagscanEntry { my $relDir = shift; my $item = shift; # A file or dir in $CVSROOT/$relDir if (-d "$CACHE/$relDir/$item") { tagscanDir("$relDir/$item"); } elsif ($item =~ /,v$/) { tagscanFile("$relDir/$item"); } } # Given a relative directory path to $CACHE, tagscan the # underlying files. # @param relative directory, not ending in "/", e.g. "icu/icu" sub tagscanDir { my $relDir = shift; # Ignore stuff in the Attic return if ($relDir eq 'Attic'); debugOut("+tagscanDir($relDir)") if ($DEBUG); my $cacheDir = "$CACHE/$relDir"; # First tagscan files in this directory opendir(DIR, $cacheDir); my @cacheList = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); # Tagscan each individual entry foreach (@cacheList) { tagscanEntry($relDir, $_); } debugOut("-tagscanDir($relDir)") if ($DEBUG); } # Given a relative file path to $CVSROOT, tagscan the # corresponding file under $CACHE, if necessary. # @param relative file path sub tagscanFile { my $relFile = shift; # Display progress; it takes awhile if (++$TAGSCAN_COUNT % 100 == 0) { print " $TAGSCAN_COUNT..."; } # This file contains the output of rlog. my $file = "$CACHE/$relFile"; # Parse the rlog file. Start by extracting the tag names. Look # for the TAGSCAN_TAG_LO and TAGSCAN_TAG_HI's associated revision # numbers. open(IN, $file); while () { last if (/^symbolic names:\s*$/); } my $rev_lo; my $rev_hi; my $rel_min; # lowest release number seen my @odd_tags; if ($TAGSCAN_TAG_HI eq 'HEAD') { $rev_hi = 'HEAD'; } while () { last if (/^\S/); if (!$rev_lo && /^\s+$TAGSCAN_TAG_LO:\s*(\S+)/) { $rev_lo = $1; } elsif (!$rev_hi && /^\s+$TAGSCAN_TAG_HI:\s*(\S+)/) { $rev_hi = $1; } elsif (/^\s+(\S+?):/) { my $tag = $1; #at $TAGSCAN_ALLTAGS{$tag} = 1; my $r = tagToRelease($tag); if ($r) { if (!$rel_min) { $rel_min = $r; } elsif ($r < $rel_min) { $rel_min = $r; } } else { push @odd_tags, $tag; } } } # Check for dead files. Look ahead and find the state of the head # revision. my $pos = tell(IN); my $state = ''; while () { if (/^date:.+state: ([A-Za-z]+)/) { $state = $1; last; } } seek(IN,$pos,0); # If this file is 'dead', we're done. return if ($state eq 'dead'); # Usually we find both tags. However, in several special cases one # or both tags will be missing. if (!$rev_lo || !$rev_hi) { my $ok = 0; # If we see the high tag, but not the low, then this may be a # new file (created after the low tag). To check for this, examine # the other tags. If this is a new file; we can just scan # from rev_hi all the end of the log (with rev_lo set to '1.1'). if ($rev_hi) { if (!$rel_min) { # The only tag seen was the HI tag. $ok = 1; } else { my $lo = tagToRelease($TAGSCAN_TAG_LO); if ($lo && $rel_min > $lo && (scalar @odd_tags)==0) { # Other tags were seen, but all were above the LO tag. $ok = 1; } } $rev_lo = '1.1'; } if (!$ok) { push @TAGLESS_FILES, $relFile; return; } } # If the low and high revisions are the same then there are no bugs # to record from this file. if ($rev_lo eq $rev_hi) { # Scan down to get the date of the rev_hi while () { if (/^revision $rev_hi\s*$/) { $_ = ; # Read date line if (/^date: (.+?);/) { $TAGSCAN_TAG_HI_DATE = $1 if ($TAGSCAN_TAG_HI_DATE lt $1); } else { cantParse('date', $relFile, $_, $rev_hi); } } } return; } my $inRange; my @result; # The rlog output (the CACHE file) contains a series # of groups of lines, like so: #|---------------------------- #|revision 1.40 #|date: 2001/08/02 18:24:58; author: grhoten; state: Exp; lines: +82 -73 #|jitterbug 1080: general readme.html updates # That is, the first line has the revision #. # The third line has the bug ID. # Are revisions on the same branch? my $branch_lo = revToBranch($rev_lo); my $branch_hi = revToBranch($rev_hi); if ($branch_lo eq $branch_hi) { while () { if (/^-{20,}$/) { $_ = ; # Read revision line if (/revision (\S+)/) { my $rev = $1; last if ($rev eq $rev_lo); if (!$inRange) { if ($rev eq $rev_hi || $rev_hi eq 'HEAD') { $inRange = 1; } } if ($inRange) { my $date = ; # Read date line $_ = ; # Read comment or branches: line $_ = if (/^branches:/); # Read line after branches: my $id; if (/^\s*jitterbug\s+0*(\d+)/i) { $id = $1; } else { push @NO_JITTERBUG_FILES, [$relFile, $rev, $_] if (noJitterbugFilter($rev, $date)); $id = $NO_JITTERBUG; } push @result, [$rev, $id, $date]; } } else { cantParse('revision', $relFile, $_); last; # This is very bad - bail out } } } } elsif ($branch_hi =~ /^\Q$branch_lo\E\./) { # Special case: E.g., going from 1.25 => means # going from branch 1 to 1.25.2. We can handle this. my @revs = traverseRevisions($rev_lo, $rev_hi); #print "[$relFile: ", join(",",@revs), "]"; shift(@revs); # discard rev_lo my %revs; foreach (@revs) { $revs{$_} = 1; } # convert to hash while () { if (/^-{20,}$/) { $_ = ; # Read revision line if (/revision (\S+)/) { my $rev = $1; if (exists $revs{$rev}) { delete $revs{$rev}; my $date = ; # Read date line if ($rev eq $rev_hi) { # Record latest date corresponding to HI tag if ($date =~ /^date: (.+?);/) { $TAGSCAN_TAG_HI_DATE = $1 if ($TAGSCAN_TAG_HI_DATE lt $1); } else { cantParse('date', $relFile, $date, $rev); } } $_ = ; # Read comment or branches: line $_ = if (/^branches:/); # Read line after branches: my $id; if (/^\s*jitterbug\s+0*(\d+)/i) { $id = $1; $TAGSCAN_WHY{$id}->{$relFile} = 1; } else { push @NO_JITTERBUG_FILES, [$relFile, $rev, $_] if (noJitterbugFilter($rev, $date)); $id = $NO_JITTERBUG; } $TAGSCAN_IDS{$id} = 1; last unless (%revs); } } else { cantParse('revision', $relFile, $_); last; # This is very bad - bail out } } } } else { # Tags on different branches push @BRANCHED_FILES, [$relFile, $rev_lo, $rev_hi]; } close(IN); my $a = \@result; foreach my $revision (@$a) { # $revision->[ revision, jitterbug ID, date: line ] $TAGSCAN_IDS{$revision->[1]} = 1; $TAGSCAN_WHY{$revision->[1]}->{$relFile} = 1; } if (@$a) { # Record latest date corresponding to HI tag if ($a->[0]->[2] =~ /^date: (.+?);/) { $TAGSCAN_TAG_HI_DATE = $1 if ($TAGSCAN_TAG_HI_DATE lt $1); } else { cantParse('date', $relFile, $a->[0]->[2], $a->[0]->[0]); } } } ###################################################################### # dcuthelp ###################################################################### # Perform a "dcuthelp" and emit the results. sub do_dcuthelp { $DCUTHELP_TAG = expandTag($QUERY->param('dcut_tag')); my $ids = $QUERY->param('dcut_ids'); my $user = $QUERY->param('user'); # Process the ID list; create a hash of IDs in %DCUTHELP_IDS $ids =~ s/,/ /g; my @ids = grep { /\S/ } split(/\s+/, $ids); my @bogus = grep { !/^\d+$/ } @ids; if (@bogus) { print "These are not valid Jitterbug IDs: ", join(", ", @bogus); return; } foreach my $id (@ids) { local $_ = $id; s/^0+//; if (!$_) { print "0 is not a valid Jitterbug ID."; return; } if (exists $DCUTHELP_IDS{$_}) { print "$id is duplicated in the Jitterbug ID list."; return; } $DCUTHELP_IDS{$_} = 1; } if ($DCUTHELP_TAG!~/\S/ || 0==scalar keys %DCUTHELP_IDS) { print "Please enter a CVS tag and list of Jitterbug IDs and try again."; return; } my @m; return if (!parseMod(\@m)); # what modules are we searching? # Announce our intentions print "Performing a DCUT check in module(s) ", join(", ", @m) , " against tag ", tagLink($DCUTHELP_TAG,$m[0],'grepj_2'), ""; print " with Jitterbug IDs "; print join(", ", map {jitterbugLink($user, $_, 'grepj_2')} sort {$a<=>$b} keys %DCUTHELP_IDS) , ""; print ".\n"; foreach (@m) { updateCacheDir($_); } if ($UPDATE_COUNT) { print "done ($UPDATE_NONATTIC_COUNT,$UPDATE_ATTIC_COUNT)."; } $DCUTHELP_COUNT = 0; print "
Scanning CVS tree..."; foreach (@m) { dcuthelpDir($_); } print "done."; if (@NO_JITTERBUG_FILES) { print "
The following revisions have no associated Jitterbug, or the bug number could not be parsed from the checkin comment.\n"; print "Checkins older than a year are not listed.\n"; print "
"; print join("
\n", map {logLink($_->[0],'grepj_2') . ", " . $_->[1] . "
" . $_->[2] . ""} @NO_JITTERBUG_FILES); print "
\n"; } my %tagless; if (@TAGLESS_FILES) { print "
The following ", scalar @TAGLESS_FILES , " files are missing the tag " , $DCUTHELP_TAG, ". They were treated as if the tag existed " , "on the initial revision.\n
"; print join("
\n", map {logLink($_, 'grepj_2')} @TAGLESS_FILES); print "
\n"; for my $f (@TAGLESS_FILES) { $tagless{$f} = 1; } } if (@BRANCHED_FILES) { print "
Error: The following ", scalar @BRANCHED_FILES , " files contain the listed bug changes on different " , " branches.\n
"; print join("
\n", map {logLink($_->[0],'grepj_2') . ": " . $_->[1] . ", " . $_->[2]} @BRANCHED_FILES) , "
\n"; } if (@DCUTHELP_BADFILES) { print "
Error: The following " , scalar @DCUTHELP_BADFILES, " files contain intermingled bug fixes not specified in the list.", "\n
"; my %badids; foreach (@DCUTHELP_BADFILES) { my $relFile = $_->[0]; my $ids = $_->[1]; print logLink($relFile, 'grepj_2'), ": " , join(", ", map {jitterbugLink($user, $_, 'grepj_2')} @$ids) , "
\n"; foreach my $i (@$ids) { $badids{$i} = 1; } } print "
\n"; print "Jitterbug changes not in the list: " , join(", ", map {jitterbugLink($user, $_, 'grepj_2')} sort {$a<=>$b} keys %badids) , "\n"; } if (@DCUTHELP_RETAGS) { print "
CVS commands to update the tags in files containing " ,"only the listed bugs (copy & paste into a shell window)."; if (@DCUTHELP_BADFILES || @BRANCHED_FILES) { print "WARNING! Some files (see above) contain other bug changes! Files below are all \"legal\" but you may wish to address above problems before retagging."; } print "

"; print "cd $CVSROOT
\n"; # Two passes, one for normal files, another for tagless my $tagless_count = 0; for (my $pass=0; $pass<2; ++$pass) { print "# The following files do not contain the tag $DCUTHELP_TAG
\n" if ($pass); foreach (@DCUTHELP_RETAGS) { my $relFile = $_->[0]; if ($pass == 0) { if ($tagless{$relFile}) { ++$tagless_count; next; } } else { next unless ($tagless{$relFile}); } my $rev_hi = $_->[1]; $relFile =~ s/,v$//; my $onBranch = ($rev_hi =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/); print "" if ($onBranch); print "cvs tag -F -r $rev_hi $DCUTHELP_TAG $relFile"; print "" if ($onBranch); print "
\n"; } last unless ($tagless_count); print "
\n" if ($pass); } print "
"; } else { print "
Nothing to do; no clean checkins for bugs " , join(", ", map {jitterbugLink($user, $_, 'grepj_2')} sort {$a<=>$b} keys %DCUTHELP_IDS) , " after " , tagLink($DCUTHELP_TAG,$m[0],'grepj_2') , " in module(s) " , join(", ", @m), ".\n" ; } } # Given a relative path to $CVSROOT, dcuthelp the # corresponding item under $CACHE. Path may point to a # file or a directory. # @param relative directory, not ending in "/", e.g. "icu/icu" # @param item name in that directory sub dcuthelpEntry { my $relDir = shift; my $item = shift; # A file or dir in $CVSROOT/$relDir # Ignore stuff in the Attic return if ($item eq 'Attic'); if (-d "$CACHE/$relDir/$item") { dcuthelpDir("$relDir/$item"); } elsif ($item =~ /,v$/) { dcuthelpFile("$relDir/$item"); } } # Given a relative directory path to $CACHE, dcuthelp the # underlying files. # @param relative directory, not ending in "/", e.g. "icu/icu" sub dcuthelpDir { my $relDir = shift; debugOut("dcuthelpDir($relDir)") if ($DEBUG); my $cacheDir = "$CACHE/$relDir"; # First dcuthelp files in this directory opendir(DIR, $cacheDir); my @cacheList = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); # Dcuthelp each individual entry foreach (@cacheList) { dcuthelpEntry($relDir, $_); } } # Given a relative file path to $CVSROOT, dcuthelp the # corresponding file under $CACHE. # @param relative file path sub dcuthelpFile { my $relFile = shift; # Display progress; it takes awhile if (++$DCUTHELP_COUNT % 100 == 0) { print " $DCUTHELP_COUNT..."; } # This file contains the output of rlog. my $file = "$CACHE/$relFile"; # Parse the rlog file. Start by extracting the tag names. Look # for the DCUTHELP_TAG and its associated revision # number. open(IN, $file); while () { last if (/^symbolic names:\s*$/); } my $rev_tag = ''; while () { last if (/^\S/); if (/^\s+$DCUTHELP_TAG:\s*(\S+)/) { $rev_tag = $1; last; } } # Check for dead files. Look ahead and find the state of the head # revision. my $pos = tell(IN); my $state = ''; while () { if (/^date:.+state: ([A-Za-z]+)/) { $state = $1; last; } } seek(IN,$pos,0); # If this file is 'dead', we're done. return if ($state eq 'dead'); # If the tag is missing, record the fact. Continue to process # the file as if the tag existed on the earliest revision. # This allows the tagging of newly added files. if (!$rev_tag) { push @TAGLESS_FILES, $relFile; } # I'm going to assume the rlog output (the CACHE file) contains a series # of groups of lines, like so: #|---------------------------- #|revision 1.40 #|date: 2001/08/02 18:24:58; author: grhoten; state: Exp; lines: +82 -73 #|jitterbug 1080: general readme.html updates # That is, the first line has the revision #. # The third line has the bug ID. Sometimes the third line has a # branch field. # Find bug IDs later than the given tag, and record any that aren't # on the allowed list. Locate $rev_hi - the high # revision of any bug found in the list. my @problem_ids; # Bug IDs between $rev_tag and $rev_hi not in the list my $rev_hi; my $bottom_rev = ''; # Last revision in the file while () { if (/^-{20,}$/) { $_ = ; # Read revision line if (/revision (\S+)/) { my $rev = $1; $bottom_rev = $rev; if ($rev eq $rev_tag) { # Scan remainder of file to record last rev while () { if (/^-{20,}$/) { $_ = ; # Read revision line $bottom_rev = $1 if (/revision (\S+)/); } } last; } my $date = ; # Read date line $_ = ; # Read comment or branches: line $_ = if (/^branches:/); # Read line after branches: my $id; if (/^\s*jitterbug\s+0*(\d+)/i) { $id = $1; } else { push @NO_JITTERBUG_FILES, [$relFile, $rev, $_] if (noJitterbugFilter($rev, $date)); $id = $NO_JITTERBUG; } my $in_list = (exists $DCUTHELP_IDS{$id}); # # Handle tagless files a little differently # if (!$rev_tag) { # if (!$rev_hi) { # if ($in_list) { # $rev_hi = $rev; # } else { # } # } # # } if (!$rev_hi) { if ($in_list) { $rev_hi = $rev; } } else { if (!$in_list) { push @problem_ids, $id; } } } else { cantParse('revision', $relFile, $_); } } } # If the bottom revision looks like a branch, then we need # to do extra processing. Branch revisions are listed at the # end of the rlog output. if ($bottom_rev =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ && $bottom_rev ne '') { # This file contains branches; do special handling # Parse all the revisions and form a branch tree. # Construct a hash (%tree) of revision numbers to jitterbugs. # In addition, "$rev-" maps to a ref to an array of branches, # if any. my %tree; seek(IN,0,0); # rewind to start while () { if (/^-{20,}$/) { $_ = ; # Read revision line if (/revision (\S+)/) { my $rev = $1; my $date = ; # Read date line $_ = ; # Read comment or branches: line if (/^branches:\s*(.*)/) { my @branches = split(/;\s*/, $1); $tree{$rev . '-'} = \@branches; $_ = ; # Read comment line } my $id; if (/^\s*jitterbug\s+0*(\d+)/i) { $id = $1; } else { push @NO_JITTERBUG_FILES, [$relFile, $rev, $_] if (noJitterbugFilter($rev, $date)); $id = $NO_JITTERBUG; } $tree{$rev} = $id; } else { cantParse('revision', $relFile, $_); } } } # print "[$relFile: "; # print join("; ", # map {$_ . " => " . # (ref($tree{$_}) # ?("(".join(",",@{$tree{$_}}).")") # :$tree{$_})} # sort keys %tree); $rev_hi = dcuthelpScan(\%tree, $rev_tag, 1); # print ": scan=>$rev_hi]"; @problem_ids = (); if ($rev_hi =~ /;/) { # Tags on different branches my @a = split(/;/, $rev_hi); unshift @a, $relFile; push @BRANCHED_FILES, \@a; return; } elsif ($rev_hi) { my @revs = traverseRevisions($rev_tag, $rev_hi); shift(@revs); # discard rev_lo my %revs; foreach (@revs) { $revs{$_} = 1; } # convert to hash seek(IN,0,0); # rewind to start while () { if (/^-{20,}$/) { $_ = ; # Read revision line if (/revision (\S+)/) { my $rev = $1; if (exists $revs{$rev}) { delete $revs{$rev}; my $date = ; # Read date line $_ = ; # Read comment or branches: line $_ = if (/^branches:/); # Read line after branches: my $id; if (/^\s*jitterbug\s+0*(\d+)/i) { $id = $1; } else { push @NO_JITTERBUG_FILES, [$relFile, $rev, $_] if (noJitterbugFilter($rev, $date)); $id = $NO_JITTERBUG; } if (!exists $DCUTHELP_IDS{$id}) { push @problem_ids, $id; } last unless (%revs); } } else { cantParse('revision', $relFile, $_); last; # This is very bad - bail out } } } } } if (@problem_ids) { my @a = sortedUniqueInts(@problem_ids); push @DCUTHELP_BADFILES, [$relFile, \@a]; } elsif ($rev_hi) { # This file is okay; record the data needed for moving the tag push @DCUTHELP_RETAGS, [$relFile, $rev_hi]; } close(IN); } # Given a revision tree (see dcuthelpFile), look for %DCUTHELP_IDS # bugs along various branches, starting at a given revision. Proceed # along the branch of the given revision by incrementing it using # incRev(). If any revision along the way is a branch point, follow # that branch by recursing. If found on two split branches, # return 'rev;rev'. If not found at all, return ''. If found on # exactly one branch, return the furthest revision at which it was # found. # # @param tree, as created by dcuthelpFile # @param first revision to examine # @param if true, exclude given revision from bug search # but not from branch analysis. # # @return either a revision, or 'rev;rev' if the bugs occur # on two split branches, or '' if the bugs aren't seen. sub dcuthelpScan { my $tree = shift; # parsed revision tree; see dcuthelpFile my $rev = shift; # rev to start at my $exclusive = shift || ''; # is $rev exclusive? # print "[scan $tree $rev $exclusive]"; # If there are no branches between $rev and the end of its branch, # then return the top revision at which one of %DCUTHELP_IDS is seen. my $branchrev = ''; # First rev at which branch was seen, if any my $lastbugrev = ''; # Last rev at which bug was seen my $r; for ($r=$rev ;exists $tree->{$r}; $r=incRev($r)) { # print "{$r}"; if (exists $DCUTHELP_IDS{$tree->{$r}}) { $lastbugrev = $r; } if (exists $tree->{"$r-"}) { $branchrev = $r; last; } } # If $exclusive it true, can't return this rev. if ($exclusive && ($lastbugrev eq $rev)) { $lastbugrev = ''; } # If there are no branches we are done. if (!$branchrev) { return $lastbugrev; } # Otherwise, examine the n branches and the continuation of # this branch separately. Convert branch revisions to the first # rev on each branch, e.g., "1.14.2" => "" my @branches = map {"$_.1"} @{$tree->{"$branchrev-"}}; $r = incRev($branchrev); push @branches, $r if (exists $tree->{$r}); $r = ''; foreach (@branches) { my $a = dcuthelpScan($tree, $_); return $a if ($a =~ /;/); if ($a) { if ($r) { # Our bugs were seen on more than one branch return "$r;$a"; } $r = $a; } } # If we haven't seen it on any branches, use result up to the # branch point, found above. $r ||= $lastbugrev; return $r; } ###################################################################### # CVS rlog cache ###################################################################### #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Given a relative path to $CVSROOT, update the # corresponding item under $CACHE. Path may point to a # file or a directory. # @param relative directory, not ending in "/", e.g. "icu/icu" # @param item name in that directory sub updateCacheEntry { my $relDir = shift; my $item = shift; # A file or dir in $CVSROOT/$relDir if (-d "$CVSROOT/$relDir/$item") { updateCacheDir("$relDir/$item"); } elsif ($item =~ /,v$/) { updateCacheFile("$relDir/$item"); } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Given a relative directory path to $CVSROOT, update the # corresponding directory under $CACHE. # @param relative directory, not ending in "/", e.g. "icu/icu" sub updateCacheDir { my $relDir = shift; debugOut("+updateCacheDir($relDir)") if ($DEBUG); my $cvsDir = "$CVSROOT/$relDir"; my $cacheDir = "$CACHE/$relDir"; # First update files in this directory opendir(DIR, $cvsDir); my @cvsList = grep !/^\.\.?$/ && $_ ne 'CVS', readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); my %cvsPruneHash; foreach (@cvsList) { $cvsPruneHash{$_} = 1; } if (!$QUERY->param('include_attic')) { @cvsList = grep !/^attic$/i, @cvsList; } my %cvsHash; foreach (@cvsList) { $cvsHash{$_} = 1; } # Update/create the cache directory. If it doesn't exist, # create it. If it does, prune out any obsolete entries. if (-d $cacheDir) { if (!opendir(DIR, $cacheDir)) { print "Can't open dir $cacheDir: $!"; debugOut("-!updateCacheDir($relDir)") if ($DEBUG); return; } my @cacheList = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); # Delete things that don't exist in CVS foreach (@cacheList) { if (!exists $cvsPruneHash{$_}) { debugOut ( " Removing $cacheDir/$_ .." ) if ($DEBUG); rmtree("$cacheDir/$_", 0, 1); } } } else { mkpath($cacheDir, 0, 0777); } # Update each individual entry foreach (@cvsList) { updateCacheEntry($relDir, $_); } debugOut("-updateCacheDir($relDir)") if ($DEBUG); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Given a relative file path to $CVSROOT, update the # corresponding file under $CACHE, if necessary. # @param relative file path sub updateCacheFile { my $relFile = shift; if (! -e "$CACHE/$relFile" || (-M "$CACHE/$relFile" > -M "$CVSROOT/$relFile")) { if (!$UPDATE_COUNT) { print "
Updating cache..."; if(! -e "$CACHE/$relFile") { debugOut ( " because $CACHE/$relFile was not cached.." ) if ($DEBUG); } else { debugOut ( " because $relFile was updated.." ) if ($DEBUG); } } elsif ($UPDATE_COUNT % 25 == 0) { print " $UPDATE_COUNT..."; } ++$UPDATE_COUNT; if ($relFile =~ m|/attic/|i) { ++$UPDATE_ATTIC_COUNT; } else { ++$UPDATE_NONATTIC_COUNT; } my $f = "$CACHE/$relFile"; command("rlog $CVSROOT/$relFile > $f", $f); my $size = -s $f; if ($size <= 0) { print " {Fatal Error: rlog of $relFile failed} "; unlink($f); } command("touch -r $CVSROOT/$relFile $f"); } } ###################################################################### # instaCache ###################################################################### #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Lookup an ID in the instaCache, and return the diffs stored # there. If there is no entry for the ID, then return the # empty string. The ID will be suffixed with 'a' if the # Attic is included. sub instaGet { my $id = shift; my $diffs; my $dir = $QUERY->param('include_attic') ? $INSTA_ATTIC : $INSTA; my $file = "$dir/$id"; if (-e $file) { if (open(IN, $file)) { while () { $diffs .= $_; } close(IN); } } return $diffs; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Store diffs for the given ID in the instaCache. The ID will be # suffixed with 'a' if the Attic is included. sub instaPut { my $id = shift; my $diffs = shift; my $dir = $QUERY->param('include_attic') ? $INSTA_ATTIC : $INSTA; my $file = "$dir/$id"; open(IN, ">$file") or return; print IN $diffs; close(IN); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reset the instaCache by deleting all entries. We need # to do this whenever the main cache is invalidated. # Param: if true, then force reset of all instaCaches. # Otherwise do a smart reset based on the update counts. sub resetInstaCache { if (shift) { command("rm -rf $INSTA"); # Recursive return; } # If there have been changes to non-Attic files, we # have to reset everything. if ($UPDATE_NONATTIC_COUNT) { # The following will fail with: # rm: cannot remove `/tmp/icu-grepj.cache/insta/Attic': Is a directory #command("rm -f $INSTA/*") if (-d $INSTA); command("find $INSTA -type f -maxdepth 1 -exec rm {} \\;") if (-d $INSTA); } else { # Otherwise just clear the attic instaCache command("rm -f $INSTA_ATTIC/*") if (-d $INSTA_ATTIC); } } ###################################################################### # CVS Utilities ###################################################################### #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the date corresponding to the revision 1.1 in the # given rlog output. We use this as the "creation date" for the # corresponding CVS file. # @param absolute rlog output file path (in the cache) # @return date string of the form "2002/08/23 23:21:38" sub getRev11Date { my $file = shift; # Parse the rlog file. Return the date line for 1.1 open(IN, $file); while () { if (/^-{20,}$/) { $_ = ; if (/revision 1.1$/) { $_ = ; if (/^date: (.+?);/) { return $1; } } } } close(IN); ''; # Parse failure - should never happen } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Given a ,v file, find the revisions containing the # jitterbug ID change. Return an array of hash refs. # Newest revision is first, that is, it is $result[0]. # Each hash has: # new (revision#) # old (revision#) # date # author # comment # If the very first revision is labeled with the jitterbug # $ID, then {old} will be $BASE_REV. # sub findRevisions { my $file = shift; my $pat = shift; my @result; # rlog output: #|revision 1.3 #|date: 1999/10/14 22:14:04; author: schererm; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 #|jitterbug 14: echo off now and use the Release versions of the tools #|---------------------------- #|revision 1.2 #|date: 1999/10/13 01:10:24; author: schererm; state: Exp; lines: +9 -6 #|jitterbug 15: windows: genrb puts .res files into the current directory #|more text #|---------------------------- #|revision 1.1 #|date: 1999/10/12 21:50:30; author: schererm; state: Exp; #|jitterbug 14: Windows: create a batch file to make the /icu/data files #|============================================================================= # We read our rlog info from the cache now my %log; # $log{} = my $l=''; my $r=''; open(IN, $file); while () { if (/^-{20,}$/) { $log{$r} = $l if ($r); $l = $r = ''; } elsif ($r) { $l .= $_; } else { if (/revision\s+(\S+)/) { $r = $1; die "Duplicate revision $r in $file" if (exists $log{$r}); } } } close(IN); $log{$r} = $l if ($r); for $r (sort cmprevs keys %log) { local $_ = $log{$r}; # (2 of 3 REGEXPS) SEE ALSO other regexps; keep them in sync if (/^\s*(?:$CVS_MSG_KW)\s*$pat\b/im) { my %h; $h{new} = $r; my $rold = decRev($r); if (exists $log{$rold}) { $h{old} = $rold; } else { $h{old} = $BASE_REV; } if (/date:\s*(.+?);/) { $h{date} = $1; } if (/author:\s*(.+?);/) { $h{author} = $1; } # (3 of 3 REGEXPS) SEE ALSO other regexps; keep them in sync if (/^\s*(?:$CVS_MSG_KW)\s*$pat\b(.*)/ism) { local $_ = $1; s/^\s*:?\s*//; s/\s*----+\s*$//; s/\s*====+\s*$//; s/\s*\n+\s*/ /g; $h{comment} = $_; } push @result, \%h; } } @result; } ###################################################################### # CVS tag parsing ###################################################################### #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Given a tag name like this: "2.1", expand it to "release-2-1". # Convert 'head' (case insens.) to 'HEAD'. # Otherwise leave it alone. sub expandTag { local $_ = shift; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; if (/^\d+(\.\d+)/) { s|\.|-|g; $_ = "release-" . $_; } elsif (/^head$/i) { $_ = 'HEAD'; } $_; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Given a tag name like this: "release-1-5-0-d03", return a normalized # release number. The release number in this case would be 1500003. # The final release (no 'd') "release-1-5-0" is 1500099; that is, it # behaves like "d99". Up to 5 digits are allowed prior to the 'd' # number (if any). This should suffice; in practice we use only 4 # (e.g., "release-1-4-1-2"). Assume all numbers are single digits # except for the 'd' number. The tag must start with /release-?/. # All digits must be separated by '-', except the '-' before the 'd03' # may be omitted. One or two digits are allowed after the 'd'. # Trailing text after an otherwise valid tag, with no 'd', is treated # as a 'd' of 00, e.g., "release-2-0-2s-branch". # # @param a tag string, like "release-1-5-0-d03" # @param a release integer, that can be compared numerically, # like 1500003, or if the tag can't be parsed. sub tagToRelease { local $_ = shift; if (s/^release-?//i) { my @a; my $d = -1; for (;;) { if (s/^(\d)-// || s/^(\d)$// || s/(\d)(\D)/$2/) { # e.g., "release-1-4-2d01" push @a, $1; } elsif ($d<0 && s/^d(\d{1,2})$//) { $d = $1; } else { last; } } # If we have some trailing non-standard text, and no 'd', # then treat it as a 'd' of 00. if ($_ && $d<0 && (scalar @a)>0) { $_ = ''; $d = 0; } if (!$_) { push @a, (0, 0, 0, 0); # Pad with 0's @a = @a[0..4]; return join('',@a) . sprintf("%02d", $d<0?99:$d); } } 0; # parse failure } ###################################################################### # Utilities ###################################################################### # Output a string in debug mode # Usage: debugOut("string") if ($DEBUG); sub debugOut { print "

", join(" ", @_), "

"; } #|# Set or change a GET param of a URL. If the param exists, #|# change it. If it doesn't, add it. #|# @param a URL, with or without trailing parameters #|# @param a parameter string of the form a=b, a=, or a #|# @param modified URL #|sub urlParam { #| my $url = shift; #| my $param = shift; #| my $key = $param; #| $key =~ s/=.*//; #| if ($url =~ s/([\?&;])$key=[^&;]*/$1$param/ || #| $url =~ s/([\?&;])$key$/$1$param/) { #| return $url; #| } #| $url . ($url =~ /\?/ ? '&' : '?') . $param; #|} # Append the given path-info to the given URL # Param: URL, possibly including '?xxx=yyy' params, NOT ending in '/' # Param: Path info, MUST start with '/' sub urlPathInfo { my $url = shift; my $pi = shift; if ($url =~ s|\?|$pi?|) { } else { $url .= $pi; } $url; } # Parse the module params given by the user # @param ref to array to receive list of modules. Prior contents will # be lost. # @return 1 on success, or 0 if bad or no modules were seen. sub parseMod { my $m = shift; # ref to array my @badMod; my $mod = $QUERY->param('mod') || $DEFAULT_MOD; $mod =~ s|^\s+||; $mod =~ s|\s+$||; $mod =~ s|\s+| |g; @$m = split(' ', $mod); foreach (@$m) { # !Modify element of @m in place! $_ = $MOD_ABBREV{$_} if (exists $MOD_ABBREV{$_}); push @badMod, $_ if (! -d "$CVSROOT/$_"); } if (@badMod) { print "Invalid modules: ", join(" ", @badMod), ""; print "
Did you try the full module name (e.g. \"icu/charset\")? Only some modules can be abbreviated: ", join(" ", sort keys %MOD_ABBREV), "."; return 0; } 1; } # Return the HTML for a link to the given jitterbug. # @param user # @param bug ID # @param OPTIONAL target # @return HTML for A tag sub jitterbugLink { my $user = shift; my $id = shift; my $targ = shift || ''; if ($id eq $NO_JITTERBUG) { return "no jitterbug"; } $targ = " target=\"$targ\"" if ($targ); "$id"; } # Return the HTML for a link to the WebCVS log of a file. # @param relative path (from $CVSROOT) to file, optionally with # trailing ",v" # @param OPTIONAL target # @return HTML for A tag sub logLink { my $relFile = shift; my $targ = shift; $targ = " target=\"$targ\"" if ($targ); $relFile =~ s/,v$//; "$relFile"; } # Return the HTML for a link to the WebCVS "tag" page. This will # just be the page for the root of the given module, with the given # tag selected. # @param tag # @param module, e.g., "icu/icu" # @param OPTIONAL target # @return HTML for A tag sub tagLink { my $tag = shift; my $mod = shift; my $targ = shift; $targ = " target=\"$targ\"" if ($targ); "$tag"; } # Emit an error (in HTML) about failing to parse a line. # @param what can't be parsed, e.g., 'revision' # @param relative file path, e.g., 'icu/icu/readme.html' # @param the line that can't be parsed # @param revision sub cantParse { my $what = shift; my $relFile = shift; my $line = shift; my $rev = shift; $rev = ', '.$rev if ($rev); print "
Error: Can't parse $what in " , logLink($relFile, 'grepj_2'), "$rev:
\n"; print "$line
"; } # Print the given string(s) to STDOUT and also return the # output as a single string. sub out { local $_ = join('', @_); print; $_; } # Given an array of numbers, return a sorted unique list. sub sortedUniqueInts { my @a = @_; my %a; foreach (@a) { s/^0+(\d)/$1/; $a{$_} = 1; } sort {$a<=>$b} keys %a; } # Convert a revision number to a branch number. # Generally this means dropping the last dotted integer, but if # the last two dotted integers are 0.n, then the 0. must be dropped: # => 1.14.2. (This is a magic CVS revision representing # the branch.) Also 'HEAD' is branch '1'. sub revToBranch { local $_ = shift; s/\.0(\.\d+)$/$1/ || s/\.\d+$// || s/HEAD/1/; $_; } # Given two CVS revisions, return a sequence of revisions traversing # the logical path between them. # # WARNING!: The revisions must actually have a path between them. If # you pass in 1.4 => 1.2 or 1.5 => the sub will run # infinitely. # # @param low revision, e.g. 1.2 or # @param high revision, e.g., # @return an array of revisions from low to high inclusive sub traverseRevisions { my $rev_lo = shift; my $rev_hi = shift; my @a = split(/\./, $rev_lo); my @limit = split(/\./, $rev_hi); my @list; for (;;) { push @list, join('.', @a); if (@a == @limit) { last if ($a[-1] == $limit[-1]); # Fall through } else { my $a = join('.', @a); if ($rev_hi =~ /^\Q$a\E\./) { push @a, $limit[@a]; push @a, 1; next; } # Else fall through } if ($a[-2] == 0) { # Handle magic CVS revisions like $a[-2] = $a[-1]; $a[-1] = 1; } else { $a[-1]++; } } @list; } # Given a CVS numeric revision, increment it (increment last integer) sub incRev { local $_ = shift; if (/(\d+)$/) { my $i = $1 + 1; s/\d+$/$i/; return $_; } die "Can't increment $_"; } # Given a CVS numeric revisions, decrement it. This handles # branches. If the resulting revision number goes to zero, # return BASE_REV. Does not handle magic revisions like # 1.3 => 1.2 # => 1.3 # => sub decRev { local $_ = shift; if (/(\d+)$/) { my $i = $1 - 1; if ($i >= 1) { s/\d+$/$i/; } elsif (s/(^1\.\d+)\.2\.1$/$1/) { # => 1.3 } else { return $BASE_REV; } return $_; } die "Can't decrement $_"; } # Given a date string, in CVS format, like "2003/05/29 22:10:17", # return the duration $NOW - x, in days. sub ageInDays { local $_ = shift; if (m|(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)|) { my ($y,$m,$d,$H,$M,$S) = ($1,$2-1,$3,$4,$5,$6); if ($y =~ /^\d\d$/) { $y = 100*int($YEAR / 100) + $y; $y -= 100 if ($y > $YEAR); } return ($NOW - timelocal_nocheck($S,$M,$H,$d,$m,$y)) / 86400.0; } else { die "Can't parse date $_\n"; } } # Filter for which files we care about that don't have jitterbugs. # Our rule is that if the checkin is over a year old, we don't care # about it. We used to also require the revision to be 1.1 or # to be ignored, but we dropped this. sub noJitterbugFilter { my $rev = shift; my $date = shift; #if ($rev eq '1.1' || $rev eq '') { return ageInDays($date) <= 365.25; #} #1; } # Execute a command, trapping errors. # Options second arg: Path to a file to delete upon failure sub command { my $cmd = shift; my $fileToDeleteOnFailure = shift; my $err = "$CACHE/grepj.stderr"; my $status = system($cmd . " 2> $err"); if ($status != 0) { unlink($fileToDeleteOnFailure) if defined($fileToDeleteOnFailure); print "
Fatal Error: " . "\"$cmd\" exited with value " . ($status >> 8) . " (signal " . ($status & 127) . ")" . (($status & 128) ? " (core dumped)" : "") . "
"; print "stderr:
"; if (open(IN, $err)) { while () { print $_, "
"; } close(IN); } croak "Couldn't execute \"$cmd\""; } } #eof