// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // The messages in this file comprise the DBus/Proto interface for bootlockboxd. syntax = "proto2"; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; package cryptohome; enum BootLockboxErrorCode { BOOTLOCKBOX_ERROR_NOT_SET = 0; BOOTLOCKBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_STORE = 1; BOOTLOCKBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_READ = 2; BOOTLOCKBOX_ERROR_TPM_COMM_ERROR = 3; } message BootLockboxBaseReply { optional BootLockboxErrorCode error = 1; extensions 1000 to max; } message StoreBootLockboxRequest { // The key for the data. optional bytes key = 1; // The data to be stored. optional bytes data = 2; } message ReadBootLockboxRequest { // The key for the data to read. optional bytes key = 1; } message ReadBootLockboxReply { extend BootLockboxBaseReply { optional ReadBootLockboxReply reply = 1001; } optional bytes data = 1; } message FinalizeNVRamBootLockboxRequest { }