constErrors.frag ERROR: 0:14: 'non-constant initializer' : not supported for this version or the enabled extensions ERROR: 0:17: '' : array size must be a constant integer expression ERROR: 0:18: '' : array size must be a constant integer expression ERROR: 0:19: '' : array size must be a constant integer expression ERROR: 0:27: '=' : global const initializers must be constant ' const structure{ global 3-component vector of float v3, global 2-component vector of int iv2}' ERROR: 0:33: '=' : global const initializers must be constant ' const structure{ global 3-component vector of float v3, global 2-component vector of int iv2, global 2X4 matrix of float m}' ERROR: 6 compilation errors. No code generated. Shader version: 330 ERROR: node is still EOpNull! 0:10 Function Definition: main( ( global void) 0:10 Function Parameters: 0:? Sequence 0:14 Sequence 0:14 move second child to first child ( temp int) 0:14 'a3' ( const (read only) int) 0:14 'uniformInt' ( uniform int) 0:? Linker Objects 0:? 'inVar' ( smooth in 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'outVar' ( out 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'constInt' ( const int) 0:? 3 (const int) 0:? 'uniformInt' ( uniform int) 0:? 's' ( temp structure{ global 3-component vector of float v3, global 2-component vector of int iv2}) 0:? 's2' ( temp structure{ global 3-component vector of float v3, global 2-component vector of int iv2, global 2X4 matrix of float m}) 0:? 'f' ( const float) 0:? 3.000000 Linked fragment stage: Shader version: 330 ERROR: node is still EOpNull! 0:10 Function Definition: main( ( global void) 0:10 Function Parameters: 0:? Sequence 0:14 Sequence 0:14 move second child to first child ( temp int) 0:14 'a3' ( const (read only) int) 0:14 'uniformInt' ( uniform int) 0:? Linker Objects 0:? 'inVar' ( smooth in 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'outVar' ( out 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'constInt' ( const int) 0:? 3 (const int) 0:? 'uniformInt' ( uniform int) 0:? 's' ( temp structure{ global 3-component vector of float v3, global 2-component vector of int iv2}) 0:? 's2' ( temp structure{ global 3-component vector of float v3, global 2-component vector of int iv2, global 2X4 matrix of float m}) 0:? 'f' ( const float) 0:? 3.000000