#ifndef _RRPRIMITIVEASSEMBLER_HPP #define _RRPRIMITIVEASSEMBLER_HPP /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements Quality Program Reference Renderer * ----------------------------------------------- * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief Primitive assembler *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "rrDefs.hpp" #include "rrVertexPacket.hpp" namespace rr { namespace pa { struct Triangle { enum { NUM_VERTICES = 3 }; Triangle (void) : v0 (DE_NULL) , v1 (DE_NULL) , v2 (DE_NULL) , provokingIndex (-1) { } Triangle (VertexPacket* v0_, VertexPacket* v1_, VertexPacket* v2_, int provokingIndex_) : v0 (v0_) , v1 (v1_) , v2 (v2_) , provokingIndex (provokingIndex_) { } VertexPacket* getProvokingVertex (void) { switch (provokingIndex) { case 0: return v0; case 1: return v1; case 2: return v2; default: DE_ASSERT(false); return DE_NULL; } } VertexPacket* v0; VertexPacket* v1; VertexPacket* v2; int provokingIndex; } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; struct Triangles { template static void exec (Iterator outputIterator, VertexPacket* const* vertices, size_t numVertices, rr::ProvokingVertex provokingConvention) { const int provokingOffset = (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (0) : (2); for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx + 2 < numVertices; ndx += 3) *(outputIterator++) = Triangle(vertices[ndx], vertices[ndx+1], vertices[ndx+2], provokingOffset); } static size_t getPrimitiveCount (size_t vertices) { return vertices / 3; } } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; struct TriangleStrip { template static void exec (Iterator outputIterator, VertexPacket* const* vertices, size_t numVertices, rr::ProvokingVertex provokingConvention) { if (numVertices < 3) { } else { VertexPacket* vert0 = vertices[0]; VertexPacket* vert1 = vertices[1]; size_t ndx = 2; for (;;) { { if (ndx >= numVertices) break; *(outputIterator++) = Triangle(vert0, vert1, vertices[ndx], (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (0) : (2)); vert0 = vertices[ndx]; ndx++; } { if (ndx >= numVertices) break; *(outputIterator++) = Triangle(vert0, vert1, vertices[ndx], (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (1) : (2)); vert1 = vertices[ndx]; ndx++; } } } } static size_t getPrimitiveCount (size_t vertices) { return (vertices < 3) ? (0) : (vertices - 2); } } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; struct TriangleFan { template static void exec (Iterator outputIterator, VertexPacket* const* vertices, size_t numVertices, rr::ProvokingVertex provokingConvention) { if (numVertices == 0) { } else { const int provokingOffset = (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (1) : (2); VertexPacket* const first = vertices[0]; for (size_t ndx = 1; ndx + 1 < numVertices; ++ndx) *(outputIterator++) = Triangle(first, vertices[ndx], vertices[ndx+1], provokingOffset); } } static size_t getPrimitiveCount (size_t vertices) { return (vertices < 3) ? (0) : (vertices - 2); } } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; struct Line { enum { NUM_VERTICES = 2 }; Line (void) : v0 (DE_NULL) , v1 (DE_NULL) , provokingIndex (-1) { } Line (VertexPacket* v0_, VertexPacket* v1_, int provokingIndex_) : v0 (v0_) , v1 (v1_) , provokingIndex (provokingIndex_) { } VertexPacket* getProvokingVertex (void) { switch (provokingIndex) { case 0: return v0; case 1: return v1; default: DE_ASSERT(false); return DE_NULL; } } VertexPacket* v0; VertexPacket* v1; int provokingIndex; } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; struct Lines { template static void exec (Iterator outputIterator, VertexPacket* const* vertices, size_t numVertices, rr::ProvokingVertex provokingConvention) { const int provokingOffset = (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (0) : (1); for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx + 1 < numVertices; ndx += 2) *(outputIterator++) = Line(vertices[ndx], vertices[ndx+1], provokingOffset); } static size_t getPrimitiveCount (size_t vertices) { return vertices / 2; } } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; struct LineStrip { template static void exec (Iterator outputIterator, VertexPacket* const* vertices, size_t numVertices, rr::ProvokingVertex provokingConvention) { if (numVertices == 0) { } else { VertexPacket* prev = vertices[0]; for (size_t ndx = 1; ndx < numVertices; ++ndx) { *(outputIterator++) = Line(prev, vertices[ndx], (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (0) : (1)); prev = vertices[ndx]; } } } static size_t getPrimitiveCount (size_t vertices) { return (vertices < 2) ? (0) : (vertices - 1); } } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; struct LineLoop { template static void exec (Iterator outputIterator, VertexPacket* const* vertices, size_t numVertices, rr::ProvokingVertex provokingConvention) { if (numVertices < 2) { } else { VertexPacket* prev = vertices[0]; for (size_t ndx = 1; ndx < numVertices; ++ndx) { *(outputIterator++) = Line(prev, vertices[ndx], (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (0) : (1)); prev = vertices[ndx]; } *(outputIterator++) = Line(prev, vertices[0], (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (0) : (1)); } } static size_t getPrimitiveCount (size_t vertices) { return (vertices < 2) ? (0) : (vertices); } } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; struct Point { enum { NUM_VERTICES = 1 }; Point (void) : v0(DE_NULL) { } Point (VertexPacket* v0_) : v0(v0_) { } VertexPacket* v0; } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; struct Points { template static void exec (Iterator outputIterator, VertexPacket* const* vertices, size_t numVertices, rr::ProvokingVertex provokingConvention) { DE_UNREF(provokingConvention); for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numVertices; ++ndx) *(outputIterator++) = Point(vertices[ndx]); } static size_t getPrimitiveCount (size_t vertices) { return (vertices); } } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; struct LineAdjacency { enum { NUM_VERTICES = 4 }; LineAdjacency (void) : v0 (DE_NULL) , v1 (DE_NULL) , v2 (DE_NULL) , v3 (DE_NULL) , provokingIndex (-1) { } LineAdjacency (VertexPacket* v0_, VertexPacket* v1_, VertexPacket* v2_, VertexPacket* v3_, int provokingIndex_) : v0 (v0_) , v1 (v1_) , v2 (v2_) , v3 (v3_) , provokingIndex (provokingIndex_) { } VertexPacket* getProvokingVertex (void) { switch (provokingIndex) { case 1: return v1; case 2: return v2; default: DE_ASSERT(false); return DE_NULL; } } VertexPacket* v0; VertexPacket* v1; VertexPacket* v2; VertexPacket* v3; int provokingIndex; } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; struct LinesAdjacency { template static void exec (Iterator outputIterator, VertexPacket* const* vertices, size_t numVertices, rr::ProvokingVertex provokingConvention) { const int provokingOffset = (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (1) : (2); for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx + 3 < numVertices; ndx += 4) *(outputIterator++) = LineAdjacency(vertices[ndx], vertices[ndx+1], vertices[ndx+2], vertices[ndx+3], provokingOffset); } static size_t getPrimitiveCount (size_t vertices) { return vertices / 4; } } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; struct LineStripAdjacency { template static void exec (Iterator outputIterator, VertexPacket* const* vertices, size_t numVertices, rr::ProvokingVertex provokingConvention) { const int provokingOffset = (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (1) : (2); for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx + 3 < numVertices; ++ndx) *(outputIterator++) = LineAdjacency(vertices[ndx], vertices[ndx+1], vertices[ndx+2], vertices[ndx+3], provokingOffset); } static size_t getPrimitiveCount (size_t vertices) { return (vertices < 4) ? (0) : (vertices - 3); } } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; struct TriangleAdjacency { enum { NUM_VERTICES = 6 }; TriangleAdjacency (void) : v0 (DE_NULL) , v1 (DE_NULL) , v2 (DE_NULL) , v3 (DE_NULL) , v4 (DE_NULL) , v5 (DE_NULL) , provokingIndex (-1) { } TriangleAdjacency (VertexPacket* v0_, VertexPacket* v1_, VertexPacket* v2_, VertexPacket* v3_, VertexPacket* v4_, VertexPacket* v5_, int provokingIndex_) : v0 (v0_) , v1 (v1_) , v2 (v2_) , v3 (v3_) , v4 (v4_) , v5 (v5_) , provokingIndex (provokingIndex_) { } VertexPacket* getProvokingVertex (void) { switch (provokingIndex) { case 0: return v0; case 2: return v2; case 4: return v4; default: DE_ASSERT(false); return DE_NULL; } } VertexPacket* v0; VertexPacket* v1; //!< adjacent VertexPacket* v2; VertexPacket* v3; //!< adjacent VertexPacket* v4; VertexPacket* v5; //!< adjacent int provokingIndex; } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; struct TrianglesAdjacency { template static void exec (Iterator outputIterator, VertexPacket* const* vertices, size_t numVertices, rr::ProvokingVertex provokingConvention) { const int provokingOffset = (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (0) : (4); for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx + 5 < numVertices; ndx += 6) *(outputIterator++) = TriangleAdjacency(vertices[ndx], vertices[ndx+1], vertices[ndx+2], vertices[ndx+3], vertices[ndx+4], vertices[ndx+5], provokingOffset); } static size_t getPrimitiveCount (size_t vertices) { return vertices / 6; } } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; struct TriangleStripAdjacency { template static void exec (Iterator outputIterator, VertexPacket* const* vertices, size_t numVertices, rr::ProvokingVertex provokingConvention) { if (numVertices < 6) { } else if (numVertices < 8) { *(outputIterator++) = TriangleAdjacency(vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2], vertices[5], vertices[4], vertices[3], (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (0) : (4)); } else { const size_t primitiveCount = getPrimitiveCount(numVertices); size_t i; // first *(outputIterator++) = TriangleAdjacency(vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2], vertices[6], vertices[4], vertices[3], (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (0) : (4)); // middle for (i = 1; i + 1 < primitiveCount; ++i) { // odd if (i % 2 == 1) { *(outputIterator++) = TriangleAdjacency(vertices[2*i+2], vertices[2*i-2], vertices[2*i+0], vertices[2*i+3], vertices[2*i+4], vertices[2*i+6], (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (2) : (4)); } // even else { *(outputIterator++) = TriangleAdjacency(vertices[2*i+0], vertices[2*i-2], vertices[2*i+2], vertices[2*i+6], vertices[2*i+4], vertices[2*i+3], (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (0) : (4)); } } // last // odd if (i % 2 == 1) *(outputIterator++) = TriangleAdjacency(vertices[2*i+2], vertices[2*i-2], vertices[2*i+0], vertices[2*i+3], vertices[2*i+4], vertices[2*i+5], (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (2) : (4)); // even else *(outputIterator++) = TriangleAdjacency(vertices[2*i+0], vertices[2*i-2], vertices[2*i+2], vertices[2*i+5], vertices[2*i+4], vertices[2*i+3], (provokingConvention == rr::PROVOKINGVERTEX_FIRST) ? (0) : (4)); } } static size_t getPrimitiveCount (size_t vertices) { return (vertices < 6) ? 0 : ((vertices - 4) / 2); } } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; } // pa } // rr #endif // _RRPRIMITIVEASSEMBLER_HPP