; Test 64-bit signed comparison in which the second operand is sign-extended ; from an i16 memory value. ; ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=s390x-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s ; Check CGH with no displacement. define void @f1(i64 %lhs, i16 *%src, i64 *%dst) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f1: ; CHECK: cgh %r2, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: br %r14 %half = load i16 , i16 *%src %rhs = sext i16 %half to i64 %cond = icmp slt i64 %lhs, %rhs %res = select i1 %cond, i64 100, i64 200 store i64 %res, i64 *%dst ret void } ; Check the high end of the aligned CGH range. define void @f2(i64 %lhs, i16 *%src, i64 *%dst) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f2: ; CHECK: cgh %r2, 524286(%r3) ; CHECK: br %r14 %ptr = getelementptr i16, i16 *%src, i64 262143 %half = load i16 , i16 *%ptr %rhs = sext i16 %half to i64 %cond = icmp slt i64 %lhs, %rhs %res = select i1 %cond, i64 100, i64 200 store i64 %res, i64 *%dst ret void } ; Check the next halfword up, which needs separate address logic. ; Other sequences besides this one would be OK. define void @f3(i64 %lhs, i16 *%src, i64 *%dst) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f3: ; CHECK: agfi %r3, 524288 ; CHECK: cgh %r2, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: br %r14 %ptr = getelementptr i16, i16 *%src, i64 262144 %half = load i16 , i16 *%ptr %rhs = sext i16 %half to i64 %cond = icmp slt i64 %lhs, %rhs %res = select i1 %cond, i64 100, i64 200 store i64 %res, i64 *%dst ret void } ; Check the high end of the negative aligned CGH range. define void @f4(i64 %lhs, i16 *%src, i64 *%dst) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f4: ; CHECK: cgh %r2, -2(%r3) ; CHECK: br %r14 %ptr = getelementptr i16, i16 *%src, i64 -1 %half = load i16 , i16 *%ptr %rhs = sext i16 %half to i64 %cond = icmp slt i64 %lhs, %rhs %res = select i1 %cond, i64 100, i64 200 store i64 %res, i64 *%dst ret void } ; Check the low end of the CGH range. define void @f5(i64 %lhs, i16 *%src, i64 *%dst) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f5: ; CHECK: cgh %r2, -524288(%r3) ; CHECK: br %r14 %ptr = getelementptr i16, i16 *%src, i64 -262144 %half = load i16 , i16 *%ptr %rhs = sext i16 %half to i64 %cond = icmp slt i64 %lhs, %rhs %res = select i1 %cond, i64 100, i64 200 store i64 %res, i64 *%dst ret void } ; Check the next halfword down, which needs separate address logic. ; Other sequences besides this one would be OK. define void @f6(i64 %lhs, i16 *%src, i64 *%dst) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f6: ; CHECK: agfi %r3, -524290 ; CHECK: cgh %r2, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: br %r14 %ptr = getelementptr i16, i16 *%src, i64 -262145 %half = load i16 , i16 *%ptr %rhs = sext i16 %half to i64 %cond = icmp slt i64 %lhs, %rhs %res = select i1 %cond, i64 100, i64 200 store i64 %res, i64 *%dst ret void } ; Check that CGH allows an index. define void @f7(i64 %lhs, i64 %base, i64 %index, i64 *%dst) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f7: ; CHECK: cgh %r2, 4096({{%r4,%r3|%r3,%r4}}) ; CHECK: br %r14 %add1 = add i64 %base, %index %add2 = add i64 %add1, 4096 %ptr = inttoptr i64 %add2 to i16 * %half = load i16 , i16 *%ptr %rhs = sext i16 %half to i64 %cond = icmp slt i64 %lhs, %rhs %res = select i1 %cond, i64 100, i64 200 store i64 %res, i64 *%dst ret void } ; Check the comparison can be reversed if that allows CGH to be used. define double @f8(double %a, double %b, i64 %rhs, i16 *%src) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f8: ; CHECK: cgh %r2, 0(%r3) ; CHECK-NEXT: bhr %r14 ; CHECK: ldr %f0, %f2 ; CHECK: br %r14 %half = load i16 , i16 *%src %lhs = sext i16 %half to i64 %cond = icmp slt i64 %lhs, %rhs %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res }