; RUN: llc -march=x86 -stop-after expand-isel-pseudos <%s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s target datalayout = "e-m:e-p:32:32-f64:32:64-f80:32-n8:16:32-S128" target triple = "i386-unknown-linux-gnu" ; This test checks to make sure the lshr in %then1 block gets expanded using ; GR16_ABCD pattern rather than GR32_ABCD pattern. By using the 16-bit pattern ; this doesn't make the register liveness information look like the whole ; 32-bit register is a live value, and allows generally better live register ; analysis. ; CHECK-LABEL: bb.1.then1: ; CHECK-NOT: IMPLICIT_DEF ; CHECK-NOT: INSERT_SUBREG ; CHECK: sub_8bit_hi ; CHECK-LABEL: bb.2.endif1: define i16 @foo4(i32 %prec, i8 *%dst, i16 *%src) { entry: %cnd = icmp ne i32 %prec, 0 %t0 = load i16, i16 *%src, align 2 br i1 %cnd, label %then1, label %endif1 then1: %shr = lshr i16 %t0, 8 %conv = trunc i16 %shr to i8 store i8 %conv, i8 *%dst, align 1 br label %endif1 endif1: %t2 = phi i16 [0, %then1], [%t0, %entry] ret i16 %t2 }