; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-apple-macosx10.6.6 -mattr=+sse4.1 | FileCheck %s %0 = type { double } %union.anon = type { float } define i32 @double_signbit(double %d1) nounwind uwtable readnone ssp { ; CHECK-LABEL: double_signbit: ; CHECK: ## BB#0: ## %entry ; CHECK-NEXT: movsd %xmm0, -{{[0-9]+}}(%rsp) ; CHECK-NEXT: movsd %xmm0, -{{[0-9]+}}(%rsp) ; CHECK-NEXT: movmskpd %xmm0, %eax ; CHECK-NEXT: andl $1, %eax ; CHECK-NEXT: retq entry: %__x.addr.i = alloca double, align 8 %__u.i = alloca %0, align 8 %0 = bitcast double* %__x.addr.i to i8* %1 = bitcast %0* %__u.i to i8* store double %d1, double* %__x.addr.i, align 8 %__f.i = getelementptr inbounds %0, %0* %__u.i, i64 0, i32 0 store double %d1, double* %__f.i, align 8 %tmp = bitcast double %d1 to i64 %tmp1 = lshr i64 %tmp, 63 %shr.i = trunc i64 %tmp1 to i32 ret i32 %shr.i } define i32 @double_add_signbit(double %d1, double %d2) nounwind uwtable readnone ssp { ; CHECK-LABEL: double_add_signbit: ; CHECK: ## BB#0: ## %entry ; CHECK-NEXT: addsd %xmm1, %xmm0 ; CHECK-NEXT: movsd %xmm0, -{{[0-9]+}}(%rsp) ; CHECK-NEXT: movsd %xmm0, -{{[0-9]+}}(%rsp) ; CHECK-NEXT: movmskpd %xmm0, %eax ; CHECK-NEXT: andl $1, %eax ; CHECK-NEXT: retq entry: %__x.addr.i = alloca double, align 8 %__u.i = alloca %0, align 8 %add = fadd double %d1, %d2 %0 = bitcast double* %__x.addr.i to i8* %1 = bitcast %0* %__u.i to i8* store double %add, double* %__x.addr.i, align 8 %__f.i = getelementptr inbounds %0, %0* %__u.i, i64 0, i32 0 store double %add, double* %__f.i, align 8 %tmp = bitcast double %add to i64 %tmp1 = lshr i64 %tmp, 63 %shr.i = trunc i64 %tmp1 to i32 ret i32 %shr.i } define i32 @float_signbit(float %f1) nounwind uwtable readnone ssp { ; CHECK-LABEL: float_signbit: ; CHECK: ## BB#0: ## %entry ; CHECK-NEXT: movss %xmm0, -{{[0-9]+}}(%rsp) ; CHECK-NEXT: movss %xmm0, -{{[0-9]+}}(%rsp) ; CHECK-NEXT: movmskps %xmm0, %eax ; CHECK-NEXT: andl $1, %eax ; CHECK-NEXT: retq entry: %__x.addr.i = alloca float, align 4 %__u.i = alloca %union.anon, align 4 %0 = bitcast float* %__x.addr.i to i8* %1 = bitcast %union.anon* %__u.i to i8* store float %f1, float* %__x.addr.i, align 4 %__f.i = getelementptr inbounds %union.anon, %union.anon* %__u.i, i64 0, i32 0 store float %f1, float* %__f.i, align 4 %2 = bitcast float %f1 to i32 %shr.i = lshr i32 %2, 31 ret i32 %shr.i } define i32 @float_add_signbit(float %f1, float %f2) nounwind uwtable readnone ssp { ; CHECK-LABEL: float_add_signbit: ; CHECK: ## BB#0: ## %entry ; CHECK-NEXT: addss %xmm1, %xmm0 ; CHECK-NEXT: movss %xmm0, -{{[0-9]+}}(%rsp) ; CHECK-NEXT: movss %xmm0, -{{[0-9]+}}(%rsp) ; CHECK-NEXT: movmskps %xmm0, %eax ; CHECK-NEXT: andl $1, %eax ; CHECK-NEXT: retq entry: %__x.addr.i = alloca float, align 4 %__u.i = alloca %union.anon, align 4 %add = fadd float %f1, %f2 %0 = bitcast float* %__x.addr.i to i8* %1 = bitcast %union.anon* %__u.i to i8* store float %add, float* %__x.addr.i, align 4 %__f.i = getelementptr inbounds %union.anon, %union.anon* %__u.i, i64 0, i32 0 store float %add, float* %__f.i, align 4 %2 = bitcast float %add to i32 %shr.i = lshr i32 %2, 31 ret i32 %shr.i } ; PR11570 ; FIXME: This should also use movmskps; we don't form the FGETSIGN node ; in this case, though. define void @float_call_signbit(double %n) { ; CHECK-LABEL: float_call_signbit: ; CHECK: ## BB#0: ## %entry ; CHECK-NEXT: movd %xmm0, %rdi ; CHECK-NEXT: shrq $63, %rdi ; CHECK-NEXT: ## kill: %EDI %EDI %RDI ; CHECK-NEXT: jmp _float_call_signbit_callee ## TAILCALL entry: %t0 = bitcast double %n to i64 %tobool.i.i.i.i = icmp slt i64 %t0, 0 tail call void @float_call_signbit_callee(i1 zeroext %tobool.i.i.i.i) ret void } declare void @float_call_signbit_callee(i1 zeroext) ; rdar://10247336 ; movmskp{s|d} only set low 4/2 bits, high bits are known zero define i32 @t1(<4 x float> %x, i32* nocapture %indexTable) nounwind uwtable readonly ssp { ; CHECK-LABEL: t1: ; CHECK: ## BB#0: ## %entry ; CHECK-NEXT: movmskps %xmm0, %eax ; CHECK-NEXT: movl (%rdi,%rax,4), %eax ; CHECK-NEXT: retq entry: %0 = tail call i32 @llvm.x86.sse.movmsk.ps(<4 x float> %x) nounwind %idxprom = sext i32 %0 to i64 %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %indexTable, i64 %idxprom %1 = load i32, i32* %arrayidx, align 4 ret i32 %1 } define i32 @t2(<4 x float> %x, i32* nocapture %indexTable) nounwind uwtable readonly ssp { ; CHECK-LABEL: t2: ; CHECK: ## BB#0: ## %entry ; CHECK-NEXT: movmskpd %xmm0, %eax ; CHECK-NEXT: movl (%rdi,%rax,4), %eax ; CHECK-NEXT: retq entry: %0 = bitcast <4 x float> %x to <2 x double> %1 = tail call i32 @llvm.x86.sse2.movmsk.pd(<2 x double> %0) nounwind %idxprom = sext i32 %1 to i64 %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %indexTable, i64 %idxprom %2 = load i32, i32* %arrayidx, align 4 ret i32 %2 } declare i32 @llvm.x86.sse2.movmsk.pd(<2 x double>) nounwind readnone declare i32 @llvm.x86.sse.movmsk.ps(<4 x float>) nounwind readnone