; RUN: opt -S -codegenprepare -mtriple=arm64-apple-ios7.0 %s | FileCheck %s %foo = type { i8 } define %foo @test_merge(i32 %in) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test_merge ; CodeGenPrepare was requesting the EVT for { i8 } to determine ; whether the insertvalue user of the trunc was legal. This ; asserted. ; CHECK: insertvalue %foo undef, i8 %byte, 0 %lobit = lshr i32 %in, 31 %byte = trunc i32 %lobit to i8 %struct = insertvalue %foo undef, i8 %byte, 0 ret %"foo" %struct } define i64* @test_merge_PR21548(i32 %a, i64* %p1, i64* %p2, i64* %p3) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test_merge_PR21548 %as = lshr i32 %a, 3 %Tr = trunc i32 %as to i1 br i1 %Tr, label %BB2, label %BB3 BB2: ; Similarly to above: ; CodeGenPrepare was requesting the EVT for i8* to determine ; whether the select user of the trunc was legal. This asserted. ; CHECK: select i1 {{%.*}}, i64* %p1, i64* %p2 %p = select i1 %Tr, i64* %p1, i64* %p2 ret i64* %p BB3: ret i64* %p3 }