; RUN: sed -e s/.T1:// %s | not llvm-as -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK1 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T2:// %s | not llvm-as -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK2 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T3:// %s | not llvm-as -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK3 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T4:// %s | not llvm-as -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK4 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T5:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK5 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T6:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK6 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T7:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK7 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T8:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK8 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T9:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK9 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T10:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK10 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T11:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK11 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T12:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK12 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T13:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK13 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T14:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK14 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T15:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK15 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T16:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK16 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T17:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK17 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T18:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK18 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T19:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK19 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T20:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK20 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T21:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK21 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T22:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK22 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T23:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK23 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T24:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK24 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T25:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK25 %s ; RUN: sed -e s/.T26:// %s | not opt -verify -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK26 %s declare void @g() ;T1: define void @f() { ;T1: entry: ;T1: catchret from undef to label %next ;T1: ; CHECK1: CatchReturnInst needs to be provided a CatchPad ;T1: next: ;T1: unreachable ;T1: } ;T2: define void @f() { ;T2: entry: ;T2: %x = cleanuppad within none [] ;T2: ; catchret's first operand's operator must be catchpad ;T2: catchret from %x to label %entry ;T2: ; CHECK2: CatchReturnInst needs to be provided a CatchPad ;T2: } ;T3: define void @f() { ;T3: entry: ;T3: cleanupret from undef unwind label %next ;T3: ; CHECK3: CleanupReturnInst needs to be provided a CleanupPad ;T3: next: ;T3: unreachable ;T3: } ;T4: define void @f() { ;T4: entry: ;T4: %cs = catchswitch within none [label %next] unwind to caller ;T4: next: ;T4: %x = catchpad within %cs [] ;T4: ; cleanupret first operand's operator must be cleanuppad ;T4: cleanupret from %x unwind to caller ;T4: ; CHECK4: CleanupReturnInst needs to be provided a CleanupPad ;T4: } ;T5: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T5: entry: ;T5: ret void ;T5: switch: ;T5: %cs = catchswitch within none [label %catch] unwind to caller ;T5: catch: ;T5: catchpad within %cs [] ;T5: unreachable ;T5: bogus: ;T5: cleanuppad within %cs [] ;T5: ; CHECK5: CleanupPadInst has an invalid parent ;T5: unreachable ;T5: } ;T6: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T6: entry: ;T6: ret void ;T6: switch1: ;T6: %cs1 = catchswitch within none [label %catch1] unwind label %catch2 ;T6: ; CHECK6: Block containg CatchPadInst must be jumped to only by its catchswitch ;T6: catch1: ;T6: catchpad within %cs1 [] ;T6: unreachable ;T6: switch2: ;T6: %cs2 = catchswitch within none [label %catch2] unwind to caller ;T6: catch2: ;T6: catchpad within %cs2 [] ;T6: unreachable ;T6: } ;T7: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T7: entry: ;T7: ret void ;T7: switch1: ;T7: %cs1 = catchswitch within none [label %catch1] unwind to caller ;T7: catch1: ;T7: catchpad within %cs1 [] ;T7: unreachable ;T7: switch2: ;T7: %cs2 = catchswitch within %cs1 [label %catch2] unwind to caller ;T7: ; CHECK7: CatchSwitchInst has an invalid parent ;T7: catch2: ;T7: catchpad within %cs2 [] ;T7: unreachable ;T7: } ;T8: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T8: entry: ;T8: ret void ;T8: switch1: ;T8: %cs1 = catchswitch within none [ label %switch1 ] unwind to caller ;T8: ; CHECK8: CatchSwitchInst handlers must be catchpads ;T8: } ;T9: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T9: entry: ;T9: ret void ;T9: cleanup: ;T9: %cp = cleanuppad within none [] ;T9: invoke void @g() [ "funclet"(token %cp) ] ;T9: to label %exit unwind label %cleanup ;T9: ; CHECK9: EH pad cannot handle exceptions raised within it ;T9: ; CHECK9-NEXT: %cp = cleanuppad within none [] ;T9: ; CHECK9-NEXT: invoke void @g() [ "funclet"(token %cp) ] ;T9: exit: ;T9: ret void ;T9: } ;T10: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T10: entry: ;T10: ret void ;T10: cleanup1: ;T10: %cp1 = cleanuppad within none [] ;T10: unreachable ;T10: switch: ;T10: %cs = catchswitch within %cp1 [label %catch] unwind to caller ;T10: catch: ;T10: %catchp1 = catchpad within %cs [i32 1] ;T10: unreachable ;T10: cleanup2: ;T10: %cp2 = cleanuppad within %catchp1 [] ;T10: unreachable ;T10: cleanup3: ;T10: %cp3 = cleanuppad within %cp2 [] ;T10: cleanupret from %cp3 unwind label %switch ;T10: ; CHECK10: EH pad cannot handle exceptions raised within it ;T10: ; CHECK10-NEXT: %cs = catchswitch within %cp1 [label %catch] unwind to caller ;T10: ; CHECK10-NEXT: cleanupret from %cp3 unwind label %switch ;T10: } ;T11: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T11: entry: ;T11: ret void ;T11: cleanup1: ;T11: %cp1 = cleanuppad within none [] ;T11: unreachable ;T11: cleanup2: ;T11: %cp2 = cleanuppad within %cp1 [] ;T11: unreachable ;T11: switch: ;T11: %cs = catchswitch within none [label %catch] unwind label %cleanup2 ;T11: ; CHECK11: A single unwind edge may only enter one EH pad ;T11: ; CHECK11-NEXT: %cs = catchswitch within none [label %catch] unwind label %cleanup2 ;T11: catch: ;T11: catchpad within %cs [i32 1] ;T11: unreachable ;T11: } ;T12: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T12: entry: ;T12: ret void ;T12: cleanup: ;T12: %cp = cleanuppad within none [] ;T12: cleanupret from %cp unwind label %switch ;T12: ; CHECK12: A cleanupret must exit its cleanup ;T12: ; CHECK12-NEXT: cleanupret from %cp unwind label %switch ;T12: switch: ;T12: %cs = catchswitch within %cp [label %catch] unwind to caller ;T12: catch: ;T12: catchpad within %cs [i32 1] ;T12: unreachable ;T12: } ;T13: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T13: entry: ;T13: ret void ;T13: switch: ;T13: %cs = catchswitch within none [label %catch] unwind label %switch ;T13: ; CHECK13: EH pad cannot handle exceptions raised within it ;T13: ; CHECK13-NEXT: %cs = catchswitch within none [label %catch] unwind label %switch ;T13: catch: ;T13: catchpad within %cs [i32 0] ;T13: unreachable ;T13: } ;T14: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T14: entry: ;T14: ret void ;T14: cleanup: ;T14: %cp = cleanuppad within none [] ;T14: unreachable ;T14: left: ;T14: cleanupret from %cp unwind label %switch ;T14: right: ;T14: cleanupret from %cp unwind to caller ;T14: ; CHECK14: Unwind edges out of a funclet pad must have the same unwind dest ;T14: ; CHECK14-NEXT: %cp = cleanuppad within none [] ;T14: ; CHECK14-NEXT: cleanupret from %cp unwind label %switch ;T14: ; CHECK14-NEXT: cleanupret from %cp unwind to caller ;T14: switch: ;T14: %cs = catchswitch within none [label %catch] unwind to caller ;T14: catch: ;T14: catchpad within %cs [i32 1] ;T14: unreachable ;T14: } ;T15: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T15: entry: ;T15: ret void ;T15: switch: ;T15: %cs = catchswitch within none [label %catch] unwind to caller ;T15: catch: ;T15: %catch.pad = catchpad within %cs [i32 1] ;T15: invoke void @g() [ "funclet"(token %catch.pad) ] ;T15: to label %unreachable unwind label %target1 ;T15: unreachable: ;T15: unreachable ;T15: target1: ;T15: cleanuppad within none [] ;T15: unreachable ;T15: target2: ;T15: cleanuppad within none [] ;T15: unreachable ;T15: nested.1: ;T15: %nested.pad.1 = cleanuppad within %catch.pad [] ;T15: unreachable ;T15: nested.2: ;T15: %nested.pad.2 = cleanuppad within %nested.pad.1 [] ;T15: cleanupret from %nested.pad.2 unwind label %target2 ;T15: ; CHECK15: Unwind edges out of a funclet pad must have the same unwind dest ;T15: ; CHECK15-NEXT: %catch.pad = catchpad within %cs [i32 1] ;T15: ; CHECK15-NEXT: cleanupret from %nested.pad.2 unwind label %target2 ;T15: ; CHECK15-NEXT: invoke void @g() [ "funclet"(token %catch.pad) ] ;T15: ; CHECK15-NEXT: to label %unreachable unwind label %target1 ;T15: } ;T16: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T16: entry: ;T16: ret void ;T16: switch: ;T16: %cs = catchswitch within none [label %catch] unwind to caller ;T16: catch: ;T16: %catch.pad = catchpad within %cs [i32 1] ;T16: invoke void @g() [ "funclet"(token %catch.pad) ] ;T16: to label %unreachable unwind label %target1 ;T16: ; CHECK16: Unwind edges out of a catch must have the same unwind dest as the parent catchswitch ;T16: ; CHECK16-NEXT: %catch.pad = catchpad within %cs [i32 1] ;T16: ; CHECK16-NEXT: invoke void @g() [ "funclet"(token %catch.pad) ] ;T16: ; CHECK16-NEXT: to label %unreachable unwind label %target1 ;T16: ; CHECK16-NEXT: %cs = catchswitch within none [label %catch] unwind to caller ;T16: unreachable: ;T16: unreachable ;T16: target1: ;T16: cleanuppad within none [] ;T16: unreachable ;T16: } ;T17: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T17: entry: ;T17: ret void ;T17: switch: ;T17: %cs = catchswitch within none [label %catch] unwind label %target1 ;T17: catch: ;T17: %catch.pad = catchpad within %cs [i32 1] ;T17: invoke void @g() [ "funclet"(token %catch.pad) ] ;T17: to label %unreachable unwind label %target2 ;T17: ; CHECK17: Unwind edges out of a catch must have the same unwind dest as the parent catchswitch ;T17: ; CHECK17-NEXT: %catch.pad = catchpad within %cs [i32 1] ;T17: ; CHECK17-NEXT: invoke void @g() [ "funclet"(token %catch.pad) ] ;T17: ; CHECK17-NEXT: to label %unreachable unwind label %target2 ;T17: ; CHECK17-NEXT: %cs = catchswitch within none [label %catch] unwind label %target1 ;T17: unreachable: ;T17: unreachable ;T17: target1: ;T17: cleanuppad within none [] ;T17: unreachable ;T17: target2: ;T17: cleanuppad within none [] ;T17: unreachable ;T17: } ;T18: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T18: entry: ;T18: invoke void @g() ;T18: to label %invoke.cont unwind label %left ;T18: invoke.cont: ;T18: invoke void @g() ;T18: to label %unreachable unwind label %right ;T18: left: ;T18: %cp.left = cleanuppad within none [] ;T18: invoke void @g() [ "funclet"(token %cp.left) ] ;T18: to label %unreachable unwind label %right ;T18: right: ;T18: %cp.right = cleanuppad within none [] ;T18: invoke void @g() [ "funclet"(token %cp.right) ] ;T18: to label %unreachable unwind label %left ;T18: ; CHECK18: EH pads can't handle each other's exceptions ;T18: ; CHECK18-NEXT: %cp.left = cleanuppad within none [] ;T18: ; CHECK18-NEXT: invoke void @g() [ "funclet"(token %cp.left) ] ;T18: ; CHECK18-NEXT: to label %unreachable unwind label %right ;T18: ; CHECK18-NEXT: %cp.right = cleanuppad within none [] ;T18: ; CHECK18-NEXT: invoke void @g() [ "funclet"(token %cp.right) ] ;T18: ; CHECK18-NEXT: to label %unreachable unwind label %left ;T18: unreachable: ;T18: unreachable ;T18: } ;T19: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T19: entry: ;T19: ret void ;T19: red: ;T19: %redpad = cleanuppad within none [] ;T19: unreachable ;T19: red.inner: ;T19: %innerpad = cleanuppad within %redpad [] ;T19: invoke void @g() [ "funclet"(token %innerpad) ] ;T19: to label %unreachable unwind label %green ;T19: green: ;T19: %greenswitch = catchswitch within none [label %catch] unwind label %blue ;T19: catch: ;T19: catchpad within %greenswitch [i32 42] ;T19: unreachable ;T19: blue: ;T19: %bluepad = cleanuppad within none [] ;T19: cleanupret from %bluepad unwind label %red ;T19: ; CHECK19: EH pads can't handle each other's exceptions ;T19: ; CHECK19-NEXT: %redpad = cleanuppad within none [] ;T19: ; CHECK19-NEXT: invoke void @g() [ "funclet"(token %innerpad) ] ;T19: ; CHECK19-NEXT: to label %unreachable unwind label %green ;T19: ; CHECK19-NEXT: %greenswitch = catchswitch within none [label %catch] unwind label %blue ;T19: ; CHECK19-NEXT: %bluepad = cleanuppad within none [] ;T19: ; CHECK19-NEXT: cleanupret from %bluepad unwind label %red ;T19: unreachable: ;T19: unreachable ;T19: } ;T20: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T20: entry: ;T20: ret void ;T20: switch: ;T20: %cs = catchswitch within none [label %catch] unwind label %catch ;T20: ; CHECK20: Catchswitch cannot unwind to one of its catchpads ;T20: ; CHECK20-NEXT: %cs = catchswitch within none [label %catch] unwind label %catch ;T20: ; CHECK20-NEXT: %cp = catchpad within %cs [i32 4] ;T20: catch: ;T20: %cp = catchpad within %cs [i32 4] ;T20: unreachable ;T20: } ;T21: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T21: entry: ;T21: ret void ;T21: switch: ;T21: %cs = catchswitch within none [label %catch1] unwind label %catch2 ;T21: ; CHECK21: Catchswitch cannot unwind to one of its catchpads ;T21: ; CHECK21-NEXT: %cs = catchswitch within none [label %catch1] unwind label %catch2 ;T21: ; CHECK21-NEXT: %cp2 = catchpad within %cs [i32 2] ;T21: catch1: ;T21: %cp1 = catchpad within %cs [i32 1] ;T21: unreachable ;T21: catch2: ;T21: %cp2 = catchpad within %cs [i32 2] ;T21: unreachable ;T21: } ;T22: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T22: invoke void @g() ;T22: to label %merge unwind label %cleanup ;T22: ;T22: cleanup: ;T22: %outer = cleanuppad within none [] ;T22: invoke void @g() [ "funclet"(token %outer) ] ;T22: to label %merge unwind label %merge ;T22: ; CHECK22: The unwind destination does not have an exception handling instruction! ;T22: ; CHECK22: invoke void @g() [ "funclet"(token %outer) ] ;T22: ; CHECK22: to label %merge unwind label %merge ;T22: ;T22: merge: ;T22: unreachable ;T22: } ;T23: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T23: invoke void @g() ;T23: to label %exit unwind label %pad ;T23: ;T23: pad: ;T23: %outer = catchpad within %outer [] ;T23: ; CHECK23: CatchPadInst needs to be directly nested in a CatchSwitchInst. ;T23: ; CHECK23: %outer = catchpad within %outer [] ;T23: unreachable ;T23: ;T23: exit: ;T23: unreachable ;T23: } ;T24: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T24: invoke void @g() ;T24: to label %exit unwind label %pad ;T24: ; CHECK24: A single unwind edge may only enter one EH pad ;T24: ; CHECK24: invoke void @g() ;T24: ; CHECK24: to label %exit unwind label %pad ;T24: ;T24: pad: ;T24: %outer = cleanuppad within %outer [] ;T24: ; CHECK24: FuncletPadInst must not be nested within itself ;T24: ; CHECK24: %outer = cleanuppad within %outer [] ;T24: unreachable ;T24: ;T24: exit: ;T24: unreachable ;T24: } ;T25: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T25: entry: ;T25: unreachable ;T25: ;T25: catch.dispatch: ;T25: %cs = catchswitch within %cp2 [label %catch] unwind label %ehcleanup ;T25: ; CHECK25: EH pad jumps through a cycle of pads ;T25: ; CHECK25: %cs = catchswitch within %cp2 [label %catch] unwind label %ehcleanup ;T25: ;T25: catch: ;T25: %cp2 = catchpad within %cs [i8* null, i32 64, i8* null] ;T25: unreachable ;T25: ;T25: ehcleanup: ;T25: %cp3 = cleanuppad within none [] ;T25: cleanupret from %cp3 unwind to caller ;T25: } ;T26: define void @f() personality void ()* @g { ;T26: entry: ;T26: ret void ;T26: ;T26: ehcleanup: ;T26: cleanuppad within none [] ;T26: cleanupret from none unwind label %ehcleanup ;T26: ; CHECK26: A cleanupret must exit its cleanup ;T26: ; CHECK26: cleanupret from none unwind label %ehcleanup ;T26: ; CHECK26: CleanupReturnInst needs to be provided a CleanupPad ;T26: ; CHECK26: cleanupret from none unwind label %ehcleanup ;T26: ; CHECK26: token none ;T26: }