Coverage-Area: Signals Area-Code: sig /* This document lists the items that will be tested for POSIX signals. Item to Test Status ========================================================== || Definitions DONE || || Behavior see table below || || Functionality see table below || || Stress see table below || ========================================================== The signal functions that will be tested as well as the priority to the POSIX Test Suite creators are listed below. Columns are: Function - function name Tag - tag that applies to the function in the POSIX spec Complexity - POSIX test suite owners' intuitions at complexity of the function as well as complexity required to create a test suite (subjective) Recommended? - set to "NO" if the POSIX spec recomments using *other* functions instead of this one going forward; set to "YES" otherwise Priority - POSIX test suite owners' intuitions at priorities of these functions (subjective) Behavior? - Has a behavior test been created? Set to DONE if finished. Set to tester's name if in progress. Blank items are open. Functional? - Has a functional test been created? Set to DONE if finished. Set to tester's name if in progress. Blank items are open. Stress? - Has a stress test been created? Set to DONE if finished. Set to tester's name if in progress. Blank items are open. */ //Function Complete? Pri //============================================================================= bsd_signal WONT LOW kill YES HIGH killpg YES HIGH pthread_kill YES MED pthread_sigmask YES MED raise YES HIGH sigaction YES HIGH sigaddset YES MED sigaltstack YES LOW sigdelset YES MED sigemptyset YES MED sigfillset YES MED sighold YES MED sigignore YES MED siginterrupt WONT LOW sigismember YES MED sigpause YES MED sigpending YES MED sigprocmask YES MED sigqueue YES LOW sigrelse YES MED sigsuspend YES MED sigtimedwait YES LOW sigwait YES MED sigwaitinfo YES LOW signal YES MED sigset YES LOW /* Items left to prioritize: - Any additional information listed in the POSIX System Interfaces document on signals (Namely, any requirements in section 2.4.). - Any functional requirements listed in the POSIX Base Definitions document. (ex. Testing that each signal listed in the POSIX Base Definitions document functionally performs in the manner in which that document specifies.) */ Maintainer: Salwan Searty Contributor: Rusty Lynch Contributor: Rolla Selbak Contributor: Julie Fleischer