#!/bin/bash set -e DIR=$(mktemp -d out/perfetto.XXXXXX) function cleanup { rm -rf "$DIR" echo "Deleted temp working directory $DIR" } #trap cleanup EXIT function is_mac { ! test -d /proc return $? } tools/gn gen $DIR --args='is_clang=true is_debug=false' tools/ninja -C $DIR trace_to_text if which shasum; then NEW_SHA=$(shasum $DIR/trace_to_text | cut -f1 -d' ') # Mac OS else NEW_SHA=$(sha1sum $DIR/trace_to_text | cut -f1 -d' ') # Linux fi if is_mac; then platform=mac else platform=linux fi name=trace_to_text-$platform-$NEW_SHA gsutil cp $DIR/trace_to_text gs://perfetto/$name gsutil cp $DIR/trace_to_text gs://chromium-telemetry/binary_dependencies/$name gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://perfetto/$name gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://chromium-telemetry/binary_dependencies/$name echo 'Now run the following command to update tools/traceconv:' echo "sed \"s/'$platform': '[^']*',/'$platform': '$NEW_SHA',/\" --in-place tools/traceconv"