"Zoom a window to maximum height." import re import sys from idlelib import macosx class ZoomHeight: def __init__(self, editwin): self.editwin = editwin def zoom_height_event(self, event=None): top = self.editwin.top zoomed = zoom_height(top) menu_status = 'Restore' if zoomed else 'Zoom' self.editwin.update_menu_label(menu='options', index='* Height', label=f'{menu_status} Height') return "break" def zoom_height(top): geom = top.wm_geometry() m = re.match(r"(\d+)x(\d+)\+(-?\d+)\+(-?\d+)", geom) if not m: top.bell() return width, height, x, y = map(int, m.groups()) newheight = top.winfo_screenheight() if sys.platform == 'win32': newy = 0 newheight = newheight - 72 elif macosx.isAquaTk(): # The '88' below is a magic number that avoids placing the bottom # of the window below the panel on my machine. I don't know how # to calculate the correct value for this with tkinter. newy = 22 newheight = newheight - newy - 88 else: #newy = 24 newy = 0 #newheight = newheight - 96 newheight = newheight - 88 if height >= newheight: newgeom = "" else: newgeom = "%dx%d+%d+%d" % (width, newheight, x, newy) top.wm_geometry(newgeom) return newgeom != "" if __name__ == "__main__": from unittest import main main('idlelib.idle_test.test_zoomheight', verbosity=2, exit=False) # Add htest?