SkPoint Reference === ---
struct SkPoint {

    SkScalar fX;
    SkScalar fY;

    static constexpr SkPoint Make(SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
    SkScalar x() const;
    SkScalar y() const;
    bool isZero() const;
    void set(SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
    void iset(int32_t x, int32_t y);
    void iset(const SkIPoint& p);
    void setAbs(const SkPoint& pt);
    static void Offset(SkPoint points[], int count, const SkVector& offset);
    static void Offset(SkPoint points[], int count, SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy);
    void offset(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy);
    SkScalar length() const;
    SkScalar distanceToOrigin() const;
    bool normalize();
    bool setNormalize(SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
    bool setLength(SkScalar length);
    bool setLength(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkScalar length);
    void scale(SkScalar scale, SkPoint* dst) const;
    void scale(SkScalar value);
    void negate();
    SkPoint operator-() const;
    void operator+=(const SkVector& v);
    void operator-=(const SkVector& v);
    SkPoint operator*(SkScalar scale) const;
    SkPoint& operator*=(SkScalar scale);
    bool isFinite() const;
    bool equals(SkScalar x, SkScalar y) const;
    friend bool operator==(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b);
    friend bool operator!=(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b);
    friend SkVector operator-(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b);
    friend SkPoint operator+(const SkPoint& a, const SkVector& b);
    static SkScalar Length(SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
    static SkScalar Normalize(SkVector* vec);
    static SkScalar Distance(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b);
    static SkScalar DotProduct(const SkVector& a, const SkVector& b);
    static SkScalar CrossProduct(const SkVector& a, const SkVector& b);
    SkScalar cross(const SkVector& vec) const;
    SkScalar dot(const SkVector& vec) const;

SkPoint holds two 32-bit floating point coordinates.
Type Member Description
SkScalar fX x-axis value used by both Point and Vector. May contain any value, including infinities and NaN.
SkScalar fY y-axis value used by both Point and Vector. May contain any value, including infinities and NaN.
static constexpr SkPoint Make(SkScalar x, SkScalar y)
Sets fX to x, fY to y. Used both to set SkPoint and vector. ### Parameters
x SkScalar x-axis value of constructed SkPoint or vector
y SkScalar y-axis value of constructed SkPoint or vector
### Return Value SkPoint (x, y) ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ all equal ~~~~
### See Also set() iset() SkIPoint::Make ---
SkScalar x()const
Returns x-axis value of SkPoint or vector. ### Return Value fX ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pt1.fX == pt1.x() ~~~~
### See Also y() SkIPoint::x() ---
SkScalar y()const
Returns y-axis value of SkPoint or vector. ### Return Value fY ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pt1.fY == pt1.y() ~~~~
### See Also x() SkIPoint::y() ---
bool isZero()const
Returns true if fX and fY are both zero. ### Return Value true if fX is zero and fY is zero ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pt.fX=+0 pt.fY=-0 pt.isZero() == true ~~~~
### See Also isFinite SkIPoint::isZero ---
void set(SkScalar x, SkScalar y)
Sets fX to x and fY to y. ### Parameters
x new value for fX
y new value for fY
### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pt1 == pt2 ~~~~
### See Also iset() Make ---
void iset(int32_t x, int32_t y)
Sets fX to x and fY to y, promoting integers to SkScalar values. Assigning a large integer value directly to fX or fY may cause a compiler error, triggered by narrowing conversion of int to SkScalar. This safely casts x and y to avoid the error. ### Parameters
x new value for fX
y new value for fY
### Example
### See Also set Make SkIPoint::set ---
void iset(const SkIPoint& p)
Sets fX to p.fX and fY to p.fY, promoting integers to SkScalar values. Assigning an SkIPoint containing a large integer value directly to fX or fY may cause a compiler error, triggered by narrowing conversion of int to SkScalar. This safely casts p.fX and p.fY to avoid the error. ### Parameters
p SkIPoint members promoted to SkScalar
### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ iPt: -2147483647, 2147483647 fPt: -2.14748e+09, 2.14748e+09 ~~~~
### See Also set Make SkIPoint::set ---
void setAbs(const SkPoint& pt)
Sets fX to absolute value of pt.fX; and fY to absolute value of pt.fY. ### Parameters
pt members providing magnitude for fX and fY
### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pt: 0, -0 abs: 0, 0 pt: -1, -2 abs: 1, 2 pt: inf, -inf abs: inf, inf pt: nan, -nan abs: nan, nan ~~~~
### See Also set Make negate ---
static void Offset(SkPoint points[], int count, const SkVector& offset)
Adds offset to each SkPoint in points array with count entries. ### Parameters
points SkPoint array
count entries in array
offset vector added to points
### Example
### See Also offset operator+=(const SkVector& v) ---
static void Offset(SkPoint points[], int count, SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy)
Adds offset (dx, dy) to each SkPoint in points array of length count. ### Parameters
points SkPoint array
count entries in array
dx added to fX in points
dy added to fY in points
### Example
### See Also offset operator+=(const SkVector& v) ---
void offset(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy)
Adds offset (dx, dy) to SkPoint. ### Parameters
dx added to fX
dy added to fY
### Example
### See Also Offset operator+=(const SkVector& v) ---
SkScalar length()const
Returns the Euclidean distance from origin, computed as: sqrt(fX * fX + fY * fY) . ### Return Value straight-line distance to origin ### Example
### See Also distanceToOrigin Length setLength Distance ---
SkScalar distanceToOrigin()const
Returns the Euclidean distance from origin, computed as: sqrt(fX * fX + fY * fY) . ### Return Value straight-line distance to origin ### Example
### See Also length Length setLength Distance ---
bool normalize()
Scales (fX, fY) so that length() returns one, while preserving ratio of fX to fY, if possible. If prior length is nearly zero, sets vector to (0, 0) and returns false; otherwise returns true. ### Return Value true if former length is not zero or nearly zero ### Example
### See Also Normalize setLength length Length ---
bool setNormalize(SkScalar x, SkScalar y)
Sets vector to (x, y) scaled so length() returns one, and so that (fX, fY) is proportional to (x, y). If (x, y) length is nearly zero, sets vector to (0, 0) and returns false; otherwise returns true. ### Parameters
x proportional value for fX
y proportional value for fY
### Return Value true if (x, y) length is not zero or nearly zero ### Example
### See Also normalize setLength ---
bool setLength(SkScalar length)
Scales vector so that distanceToOrigin() returns length, if possible. If former length is nearly zero, sets vector to (0, 0) and return false; otherwise returns true. ### Parameters
length straight-line distance to origin
### Return Value true if former length is not zero or nearly zero ### Example
### See Also length Length setNormalize setAbs ---
bool setLength(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkScalar length)
Sets vector to (x, y) scaled to length, if possible. If former length is nearly zero, sets vector to (0, 0) and return false; otherwise returns true. ### Parameters
x proportional value for fX
y proportional value for fY
length straight-line distance to origin
### Return Value true if (x, y) length is not zero or nearly zero ### Example
### See Also length Length setNormalize setAbs ---
void scale(SkScalar scale, SkPoint* dst)const
Sets dst to SkPoint times scale. dst may be SkPoint to modify SkPoint in place. ### Parameters
scale factor to multiply SkPoint by
dst storage for scaled SkPoint
### Example
### See Also operator*(SkScalar scale) const operator*=(SkScalar scale) setLength ---
void scale(SkScalar value)
Scales SkPoint in place by scale. ### Parameters
value factor to multiply SkPoint by
### Example
### See Also operator*(SkScalar scale) const operator*=(SkScalar scale) setLength ---
void negate()
Changes the sign of fX and fY. ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pt: 0, -0 negate: -0, 0 pt: -1, -2 negate: 1, 2 pt: inf, -inf negate: -inf, inf pt: nan, -nan negate: -nan, nan ~~~~
### See Also operator-() const setAbs ---
SkPoint operator-()const
Returns SkPoint changing the signs of fX and fY. ### Return Value SkPoint as (-fX, -fY) ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pt: 0, -0 negate: -0, 0 pt: -1, -2 negate: 1, 2 pt: inf, -inf negate: -inf, inf pt: nan, -nan negate: -nan, nan ~~~~
### See Also negate operator-(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b) operator-=(const SkVector& v) SkIPoint::operator-() const ---
void operator+=(const SkVector& v)
Adds Vector v to Point. Sets Point to: (fX + v.fX, fY + v.fY). ### Parameters
v Vector to add
### Example
### See Also offset() operator+(const SkPoint& a, const SkVector& b) SkIPoint::operator+=(const SkIVector& v) ---
void operator-=(const SkVector& v)
Subtracts Vector v from Point. Sets Point to: (fX - v.fX, fY - v.fY). ### Parameters
v Vector to subtract
### Example
### See Also offset() operator-(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b) SkIPoint::operator-=(const SkIVector& v) ---
SkPoint operator*(SkScalar scale)const
Returns SkPoint multiplied by scale. ### Parameters
scale scalar to multiply by
### Return Value SkPoint as (fX * scale, fY * scale) ### Example
### See Also operator*=(SkScalar scale) scale() setLength setNormalize ---
SkPoint& operator*=(SkScalar scale)
Multiplies Point by scale. Sets Point to: (fX * scale, fY * scale). ### Parameters
scale Scalar to multiply by
### Return Value reference to Point ### Example
### See Also operator*(SkScalar scale) const scale() setLength setNormalize ---
bool isFinite()const
Returns true if both fX and fY are measurable values. ### Return Value true for values other than infinities and NaN ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pt: 0, -0 finite: true pt: -1, -2 finite: true pt: inf, 1 finite: false pt: nan, -1 finite: false ~~~~
### See Also SkRect::isFinite SkPath::isFinite ---
bool equals(SkScalar x, SkScalar y)const
Returns true if SkPoint is equivalent to SkPoint constructed from (x, y). ### Parameters
x value compared with fX
y value compared with fY
### Return Value true if SkPoint equals (x, y) ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pt: 0, -0 == pt pt: -1, -2 == pt pt: inf, 1 == pt pt: nan, -1 != pt ~~~~
### See Also operator==(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b) ---
bool operator==(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b)
Returns true if a is equivalent to b. ### Parameters
a SkPoint to compare
b SkPoint to compare
### Return Value true if a.fX == b.fX and a.fY == b.fY ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pt: 0, -0 == pt pt: -1, -2 == pt pt: inf, 1 == pt pt: nan, -1 != pt ~~~~
### See Also equals() operator!=(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b) ---
bool operator!=(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b)
Returns true if a is not equivalent to b. ### Parameters
a SkPoint to compare
b SkPoint to compare
### Return Value true if a.fX != b.fX or a.fY != b.fY ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pt: 0, -0 == pt pt: -1, -2 == pt pt: inf, 1 == pt pt: nan, -1 != pt ~~~~
### See Also operator==(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b) equals() ---
SkVector operator-(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b)
Returns Vector from b to a, computed as (a.fX - b.fX, a.fY - b.fY). Can also be used to subtract Vector from Point, returning Point. Can also be used to subtract Vector from Vector, returning Vector. ### Parameters
a Point to subtract from
b Point to subtract
### Return Value Vector from b to a ### Example
### See Also operator-=(const SkVector& v) offset() ---
SkPoint operator+(const SkPoint& a, const SkVector& b)
Returns Point resulting from Point a offset by Vector b, computed as: (a.fX + b.fX, a.fY + b.fY). Can also be used to offset Point b by Vector a, returning Point. Can also be used to add Vector to Vector, returning Vector. ### Parameters
a Point or Vector to add to
b Point or Vector to add
### Return Value Point equal to a offset by b ### Example
### See Also operator+=(const SkVector& v) offset() ---
static SkScalar Length(SkScalar x, SkScalar y)
Returns the Euclidean distance from origin, computed as: sqrt(x * x + y * y) . ### Parameters
x component of length
y component of length
### Return Value straight-line distance to origin ### Example
### See Also length() Distance setLength ---
static SkScalar Normalize(SkVector* vec)
Scales (vec->fX, vec->fY) so that length() returns one, while preserving ratio of vec->fX to vec->fY, if possible. If original length is nearly zero, sets vec to (0, 0) and returns zero; otherwise, returns length of vec before vec is scaled. Returned prior length may be SK_ScalarInfinity if it can not be represented by SkScalar. Note that normalize() is faster if prior length is not required. ### Parameters
vec normalized to unit length
### Return Value original vec length ### Example
### See Also normalize() setLength Length ---
static SkScalar Distance(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b)
Returns the Euclidean distance between a and b. ### Parameters
a line end point
b line end point
### Return Value straight-line distance from a to b ### Example
### See Also length() setLength ---
static SkScalar DotProduct(const SkVector& a, const SkVector& b)
Returns the dot product of vector a and vector b. ### Parameters
a left side of dot product
b right side of dot product
### Return Value product of input magnitudes and cosine of the angle between them ### Example
### See Also dot CrossProduct ---
static SkScalar CrossProduct(const SkVector& a, const SkVector& b)
Returns the cross product of vector a and vector b. a and b form three-dimensional vectors with z-axis value equal to zero. The cross product is a three-dimensional vector with x-axis and y-axis values equal to zero. The cross product z-axis component is returned. ### Parameters
a left side of cross product
b right side of cross product
### Return Value area spanned by vectors signed by angle direction ### Example
### See Also cross DotProduct ---
SkScalar cross(const SkVector& vec)const
Returns the cross product of vector and vec. Vector and vec form three-dimensional vectors with z-axis value equal to zero. The cross product is a three-dimensional vector with x-axis and y-axis values equal to zero. The cross product z-axis component is returned. ### Parameters
vec right side of cross product
### Return Value area spanned by vectors signed by angle direction ### Example
### See Also CrossProduct dot ---
SkScalar dot(const SkVector& vec)const
Returns the dot product of vector and vector vec. ### Parameters
vec right side of dot product
### Return Value product of input magnitudes and cosine of the angle between them ### Example
### See Also DotProduct cross ---
    typedef SkPoint SkVector;
SkVector provides an alternative name for SkPoint. SkVector and SkPoint can be used interchangeably for all purposes.