; RUN: llc -mtriple=armv7-linux-gnueabihf %s -o - | FileCheck %s ; [2 x i64] should be contiguous when split (e.g. we shouldn't try to align all ; i32 components to 64 bits). Also makes sure i64 based types are properly ; aligned on the stack. define i64 @test_i64_contiguous_on_stack([8 x double], float, i32 %in, [2 x i64] %arg) nounwind { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_i64_contiguous_on_stack: ; CHECK-DAG: ldr [[LO0:r[0-9]+]], [sp, #8] ; CHECK-DAG: ldr [[HI0:r[0-9]+]], [sp, #12] ; CHECK-DAG: ldr [[LO1:r[0-9]+]], [sp, #16] ; CHECK-DAG: ldr [[HI1:r[0-9]+]], [sp, #20] ; CHECK: adds r0, [[LO0]], [[LO1]] ; CHECK: adc r1, [[HI0]], [[HI1]] %val1 = extractvalue [2 x i64] %arg, 0 %val2 = extractvalue [2 x i64] %arg, 1 %sum = add i64 %val1, %val2 ret i64 %sum } ; [2 x i64] should try to use looks for 4 regs, not 8 (which might happen if the ; i64 -> i32, i32 split wasn't handled correctly). define i64 @test_2xi64_uses_4_regs([8 x double], float, [2 x i64] %arg) nounwind { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_2xi64_uses_4_regs: ; CHECK-DAG: mov r0, r2 ; CHECK-DAG: mov r1, r3 %val = extractvalue [2 x i64] %arg, 1 ret i64 %val } ; An aggregate should be able to split between registers and stack if there is ; nothing else on the stack. define i32 @test_aggregates_split([8 x double], i32, [4 x i32] %arg) nounwind { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_aggregates_split: ; CHECK: ldr [[VAL3:r[0-9]+]], [sp] ; CHECK: add r0, r1, [[VAL3]] %val0 = extractvalue [4 x i32] %arg, 0 %val3 = extractvalue [4 x i32] %arg, 3 %sum = add i32 %val0, %val3 ret i32 %sum } ; If an aggregate has to be moved entirely onto the stack, nothing should be ; able to use r0-r3 any more. Also checks that [2 x i64] properly aligned when ; it uses regs. define i32 @test_no_int_backfilling([8 x double], float, i32, [2 x i64], i32 %arg) nounwind { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_no_int_backfilling: ; CHECK: ldr r0, [sp, #24] ret i32 %arg } ; Even if the argument was successfully allocated as reg block, there should be ; no backfillig to r1. define i32 @test_no_int_backfilling_regsonly(i32, [1 x i64], i32 %arg) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_no_int_backfilling_regsonly: ; CHECK: ldr r0, [sp] ret i32 %arg } ; If an aggregate has to be moved entirely onto the stack, nothing should be ; able to use r0-r3 any more. define float @test_no_float_backfilling([7 x double], [4 x i32], i32, [4 x double], float %arg) nounwind { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_no_float_backfilling: ; CHECK: vldr s0, [sp, #40] ret float %arg } ; They're a bit pointless, but types like [N x i8] should work as well. define i8 @test_i8_in_regs(i32, [3 x i8] %arg) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_i8_in_regs: ; CHECK: add r0, r1, r3 %val0 = extractvalue [3 x i8] %arg, 0 %val2 = extractvalue [3 x i8] %arg, 2 %sum = add i8 %val0, %val2 ret i8 %sum } define i16 @test_i16_split(i32, i32, [3 x i16] %arg) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_i16_split: ; CHECK: ldrh [[VAL2:r[0-9]+]], [sp] ; CHECK: add r0, r2, [[VAL2]] %val0 = extractvalue [3 x i16] %arg, 0 %val2 = extractvalue [3 x i16] %arg, 2 %sum = add i16 %val0, %val2 ret i16 %sum } ; Beware: on the stack each i16 still gets a 32-bit slot, the array is not ; packed. define i16 @test_i16_forced_stack([8 x double], double, i32, i32, [3 x i16] %arg) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_i16_forced_stack: ; CHECK-DAG: ldrh [[VAL0:r[0-9]+]], [sp, #8] ; CHECK-DAG: ldrh [[VAL2:r[0-9]+]], [sp, #16] ; CHECK: add r0, [[VAL0]], [[VAL2]] %val0 = extractvalue [3 x i16] %arg, 0 %val2 = extractvalue [3 x i16] %arg, 2 %sum = add i16 %val0, %val2 ret i16 %sum } ; [2 x <4 x i32>] should be aligned only on a 64-bit boundary and contiguous. ; None of the two <4 x i32> elements should introduce any padding to 128 bits. define i32 @test_4xi32_64bit_aligned_and_contiguous([8 x double], float, [2 x <4 x i32>] %arg) nounwind { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_4xi32_64bit_aligned_and_contiguous: ; CHECK-DAG: ldr [[VAL0_0:r[0-9]+]], [sp, #8] ; CHECK-DAG: ldr [[VAL1_0:r[0-9]+]], [sp, #24] ; CHECK: add r0, [[VAL0_0]], [[VAL1_0]] %val0 = extractvalue [2 x <4 x i32>] %arg, 0 %val0_0 = extractelement <4 x i32> %val0, i32 0 %val1 = extractvalue [2 x <4 x i32>] %arg, 1 %val1_0 = extractelement <4 x i32> %val1, i32 0 %sum = add i32 %val0_0, %val1_0 ret i32 %sum }