; Test 32-bit atomic minimum and maximum. Here we match the z10 versions, ; which can't use LOCR. ; ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=s390x-linux-gnu -mcpu=z10 | FileCheck %s ; Check signed minium. define i32 @f1(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f1: ; CHECK: l %r2, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: j [[LOOP:\.[^:]*]] ; CHECK: [[BB1:\.[^:]*]]: ; CHECK: cs %r2, [[NEW:%r[0-9]+]], 0(%r3) ; CHECK: ber %r14 ; CHECK: [[LOOP]]: ; CHECK: lr [[NEW]], %r2 ; CHECK: crjle %r2, %r4, [[KEEP:\..*]] ; CHECK: lr [[NEW]], %r4 ; CHECK: j [[BB1]] %res = atomicrmw min i32 *%src, i32 %b seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check signed maximum. define i32 @f2(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f2: ; CHECK: l %r2, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: j [[LOOP:\.[^:]*]] ; CHECK: [[BB1:\.[^:]*]]: ; CHECK: cs %r2, [[NEW:%r[0-9]+]], 0(%r3) ; CHECK: ber %r14 ; CHECK: [[LOOP]]: ; CHECK: lr [[NEW]], %r2 ; CHECK: crjhe %r2, %r4, [[KEEP:\..*]] ; CHECK: lr [[NEW]], %r4 ; CHECK: j [[BB1]] %res = atomicrmw max i32 *%src, i32 %b seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check unsigned minimum. define i32 @f3(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f3: ; CHECK: l %r2, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: j [[LOOP:\.[^:]*]] ; CHECK: [[BB1:\.[^:]*]]: ; CHECK: cs %r2, [[NEW:%r[0-9]+]], 0(%r3) ; CHECK: ber %r14 ; CHECK: [[LOOP]]: ; CHECK: lr [[NEW]], %r2 ; CHECK: clrjle %r2, %r4, [[KEEP:\..*]] ; CHECK: lr [[NEW]], %r4 ; CHECK: j [[BB1]] %res = atomicrmw umin i32 *%src, i32 %b seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check unsigned maximum. define i32 @f4(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f4: ; CHECK: l %r2, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: j [[LOOP:\.[^:]*]] ; CHECK: [[BB1:\.[^:]*]]: ; CHECK: cs %r2, [[NEW:%r[0-9]+]], 0(%r3) ; CHECK: ber %r14 ; CHECK: [[LOOP]]: ; CHECK: lr [[NEW]], %r2 ; CHECK: clrjhe %r2, %r4, [[KEEP:\..*]] ; CHECK: lr [[NEW]], %r4 ; CHECK: j [[BB1]] %res = atomicrmw umax i32 *%src, i32 %b seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check the high end of the aligned CS range. define i32 @f5(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f5: ; CHECK: l %r2, 4092(%r3) ; CHECK: cs %r2, {{%r[0-9]+}}, 4092(%r3) ; CHECK: ber %r14 %ptr = getelementptr i32, i32 *%src, i64 1023 %res = atomicrmw min i32 *%ptr, i32 %b seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check the next word up, which requires CSY. define i32 @f6(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f6: ; CHECK: ly %r2, 4096(%r3) ; CHECK: csy %r2, {{%r[0-9]+}}, 4096(%r3) ; CHECK: ber %r14 %ptr = getelementptr i32, i32 *%src, i64 1024 %res = atomicrmw min i32 *%ptr, i32 %b seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check the high end of the aligned CSY range. define i32 @f7(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f7: ; CHECK: ly %r2, 524284(%r3) ; CHECK: csy %r2, {{%r[0-9]+}}, 524284(%r3) ; CHECK: ber %r14 %ptr = getelementptr i32, i32 *%src, i64 131071 %res = atomicrmw min i32 *%ptr, i32 %b seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check the next word up, which needs separate address logic. define i32 @f8(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f8: ; CHECK: agfi %r3, 524288 ; CHECK: l %r2, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: cs %r2, {{%r[0-9]+}}, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: ber %r14 %ptr = getelementptr i32, i32 *%src, i64 131072 %res = atomicrmw min i32 *%ptr, i32 %b seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check the high end of the negative aligned CSY range. define i32 @f9(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f9: ; CHECK: ly %r2, -4(%r3) ; CHECK: csy %r2, {{%r[0-9]+}}, -4(%r3) ; CHECK: ber %r14 %ptr = getelementptr i32, i32 *%src, i64 -1 %res = atomicrmw min i32 *%ptr, i32 %b seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check the low end of the CSY range. define i32 @f10(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f10: ; CHECK: ly %r2, -524288(%r3) ; CHECK: csy %r2, {{%r[0-9]+}}, -524288(%r3) ; CHECK: ber %r14 %ptr = getelementptr i32, i32 *%src, i64 -131072 %res = atomicrmw min i32 *%ptr, i32 %b seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check the next word down, which needs separate address logic. define i32 @f11(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f11: ; CHECK: agfi %r3, -524292 ; CHECK: l %r2, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: cs %r2, {{%r[0-9]+}}, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: ber %r14 %ptr = getelementptr i32, i32 *%src, i64 -131073 %res = atomicrmw min i32 *%ptr, i32 %b seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check that indexed addresses are not allowed. define i32 @f12(i32 %dummy, i64 %base, i64 %index, i32 %b) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f12: ; CHECK: agr %r3, %r4 ; CHECK: l %r2, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: cs %r2, {{%r[0-9]+}}, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: ber %r14 %add = add i64 %base, %index %ptr = inttoptr i64 %add to i32 * %res = atomicrmw min i32 *%ptr, i32 %b seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check that constants are handled. define i32 @f13(i32 %dummy, i32 *%ptr) { ; CHECK-LABEL: f13: ; CHECK: lhi [[LIMIT:%r[0-9]+]], 42 ; CHECK: j [[LOOP:\.[^:]*]] ; CHECK: [[BB1:\.[^:]*]]: ; CHECK: cs %r2, [[NEW:%r[0-9]+]], 0(%r3) ; CHECK: ber %r14 ; CHECK: [[LOOP]]: ; CHECK: lr [[NEW]], %r2 ; CHECK: crjle %r2, [[LIMIT]], [[KEEP:\..*]] ; CHECK: lhi [[NEW]], 42 ; CHECK: j [[BB1]] %res = atomicrmw min i32 *%ptr, i32 42 seq_cst ret i32 %res }