; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i686-apple-darwin10 -fast-isel -fast-isel-abort=1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X32 ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-apple-darwin10 -fast-isel -fast-isel-abort=1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X64 define i8 @test1(i8 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test1: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movb {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %al ; X32-NEXT: andb $1, %al ; X32-NEXT: negb %al ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test1: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: andb $1, %dil ; X64-NEXT: negb %dil ; X64-NEXT: movl %edi, %eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %z = trunc i8 %x to i1 %u = sext i1 %z to i8 ret i8 %u } define i16 @test2(i16 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test2: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movzwl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: andb $1, %al ; X32-NEXT: negb %al ; X32-NEXT: movsbl %al, %eax ; X32-NEXT: ## kill: def $ax killed $ax killed $eax ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test2: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: andb $1, %dil ; X64-NEXT: negb %dil ; X64-NEXT: movsbl %dil, %eax ; X64-NEXT: ## kill: def $ax killed $ax killed $eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %z = trunc i16 %x to i1 %u = sext i1 %z to i16 ret i16 %u } define i32 @test3(i32 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test3: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: andb $1, %al ; X32-NEXT: negb %al ; X32-NEXT: movsbl %al, %eax ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test3: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: andb $1, %dil ; X64-NEXT: negb %dil ; X64-NEXT: movsbl %dil, %eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %z = trunc i32 %x to i1 %u = sext i1 %z to i32 ret i32 %u } define i32 @test4(i32 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test4: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: andb $1, %al ; X32-NEXT: negb %al ; X32-NEXT: movsbl %al, %eax ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test4: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: andb $1, %dil ; X64-NEXT: negb %dil ; X64-NEXT: movsbl %dil, %eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %z = trunc i32 %x to i1 %u = sext i1 %z to i32 ret i32 %u } define i8 @test5(i8 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test5: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movb {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %al ; X32-NEXT: andb $1, %al ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test5: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: andb $1, %dil ; X64-NEXT: movl %edi, %eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %z = trunc i8 %x to i1 %u = zext i1 %z to i8 ret i8 %u } define i16 @test6(i16 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test6: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movzwl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: andb $1, %al ; X32-NEXT: movzbl %al, %eax ; X32-NEXT: ## kill: def $ax killed $ax killed $eax ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test6: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: andb $1, %dil ; X64-NEXT: movzbl %dil, %eax ; X64-NEXT: ## kill: def $ax killed $ax killed $eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %z = trunc i16 %x to i1 %u = zext i1 %z to i16 ret i16 %u } define i32 @test7(i32 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test7: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: andb $1, %al ; X32-NEXT: movzbl %al, %eax ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test7: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: andb $1, %dil ; X64-NEXT: movzbl %dil, %eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %z = trunc i32 %x to i1 %u = zext i1 %z to i32 ret i32 %u } define i32 @test8(i32 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test8: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: andb $1, %al ; X32-NEXT: movzbl %al, %eax ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test8: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: andb $1, %dil ; X64-NEXT: movzbl %dil, %eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %z = trunc i32 %x to i1 %u = zext i1 %z to i32 ret i32 %u } define i16 @test9(i8 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test9: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movsbl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: ## kill: def $ax killed $ax killed $eax ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test9: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: movsbl %dil, %eax ; X64-NEXT: ## kill: def $ax killed $ax killed $eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %u = sext i8 %x to i16 ret i16 %u } define i32 @test10(i8 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test10: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movsbl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test10: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: movsbl %dil, %eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %u = sext i8 %x to i32 ret i32 %u } define i64 @test11(i8 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test11: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movsbl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: movl %eax, %edx ; X32-NEXT: sarl $31, %edx ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test11: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: movsbq %dil, %rax ; X64-NEXT: retq %u = sext i8 %x to i64 ret i64 %u } define i16 @test12(i8 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test12: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movzbl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: ## kill: def $ax killed $ax killed $eax ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test12: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: movzbl %dil, %eax ; X64-NEXT: ## kill: def $ax killed $ax killed $eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %u = zext i8 %x to i16 ret i16 %u } define i32 @test13(i8 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test13: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movzbl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test13: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: movzbl %dil, %eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %u = zext i8 %x to i32 ret i32 %u } define i64 @test14(i8 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test14: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movzbl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: xorl %edx, %edx ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test14: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: movzbl %dil, %eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %u = zext i8 %x to i64 ret i64 %u } define i32 @test15(i16 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test15: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movswl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test15: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: movswl %di, %eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %u = sext i16 %x to i32 ret i32 %u } define i64 @test16(i16 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test16: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movswl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: movl %eax, %edx ; X32-NEXT: sarl $31, %edx ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test16: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: movswq %di, %rax ; X64-NEXT: retq %u = sext i16 %x to i64 ret i64 %u } define i32 @test17(i16 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test17: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movzwl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test17: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: movzwl %di, %eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %u = zext i16 %x to i32 ret i32 %u } define i64 @test18(i16 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test18: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movzwl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: xorl %edx, %edx ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test18: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: movzwl %di, %eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %u = zext i16 %x to i64 ret i64 %u } define i64 @test19(i32 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test19: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: movl %eax, %edx ; X32-NEXT: sarl $31, %edx ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test19: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: movslq %edi, %rax ; X64-NEXT: retq %u = sext i32 %x to i64 ret i64 %u } define i64 @test20(i32 %x) nounwind { ; X32-LABEL: test20: ; X32: ## %bb.0: ; X32-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: xorl %edx, %edx ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: test20: ; X64: ## %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: movl %edi, %eax ; X64-NEXT: retq %u = zext i32 %x to i64 ret i64 %u }