; RUN: %lli -jit-kind=orc-mcjit %s ; This test is intended to verify that a function weakly defined in ; JITted code, and strongly defined in the main executable, can be ; correctly resolved when called from elsewhere in JITted code. ; This test makes the assumption that the lli executable in compiled ; to export symbols (e.g. --export-dynamic), and that is actually does ; contain the symbol LLVMInitializeCodeGen. (Note that this function ; is not actually called by the test. The test simply verifes that ; the reference can be resolved without relocation errors.) define linkonce_odr void @LLVMInitializeCodeGen() { entry: ret void } define void @test() { entry: call void @LLVMInitializeCodeGen() ret void } define i32 @main() { entry: ret i32 0 }