; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_test_checks.py ; RUN: opt < %s -aggressive-instcombine -S | FileCheck %s ; PR37098 - https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37098 define i32 @anyset_two_bit_mask(i32 %x) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @anyset_two_bit_mask( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = and i32 [[X:%.*]], 9 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = icmp ne i32 [[TMP1]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = zext i1 [[TMP2]] to i32 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[TMP3]] ; %s = lshr i32 %x, 3 %o = or i32 %s, %x %r = and i32 %o, 1 ret i32 %r } define i32 @anyset_four_bit_mask(i32 %x) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @anyset_four_bit_mask( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = and i32 [[X:%.*]], 297 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = icmp ne i32 [[TMP1]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = zext i1 [[TMP2]] to i32 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[TMP3]] ; %t1 = lshr i32 %x, 3 %t2 = lshr i32 %x, 5 %t3 = lshr i32 %x, 8 %o1 = or i32 %t1, %x %o2 = or i32 %t2, %t3 %o3 = or i32 %o1, %o2 %r = and i32 %o3, 1 ret i32 %r } ; We're not testing the LSB here, so all of the 'or' operands are shifts. define i32 @anyset_three_bit_mask_all_shifted_bits(i32 %x) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @anyset_three_bit_mask_all_shifted_bits( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = and i32 [[X:%.*]], 296 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = icmp ne i32 [[TMP1]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = zext i1 [[TMP2]] to i32 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[TMP3]] ; %t1 = lshr i32 %x, 3 %t2 = lshr i32 %x, 5 %t3 = lshr i32 %x, 8 %o2 = or i32 %t2, %t3 %o3 = or i32 %t1, %o2 %r = and i32 %o3, 1 ret i32 %r } ; Recognize the 'and' sibling pattern (all-bits-set). The 'and 1' may not be at the end. define i32 @allset_two_bit_mask(i32 %x) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @allset_two_bit_mask( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = and i32 [[X:%.*]], 129 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[TMP1]], 129 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = zext i1 [[TMP2]] to i32 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[TMP3]] ; %s = lshr i32 %x, 7 %o = and i32 %s, %x %r = and i32 %o, 1 ret i32 %r } define i64 @allset_four_bit_mask(i64 %x) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @allset_four_bit_mask( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = and i64 [[X:%.*]], 30 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[TMP1]], 30 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = zext i1 [[TMP2]] to i64 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i64 [[TMP3]] ; %t1 = lshr i64 %x, 1 %t2 = lshr i64 %x, 2 %t3 = lshr i64 %x, 3 %t4 = lshr i64 %x, 4 %a1 = and i64 %t4, 1 %a2 = and i64 %t2, %a1 %a3 = and i64 %a2, %t1 %r = and i64 %a3, %t3 ret i64 %r } declare void @use(i32) ; negative test - extra use means the transform would increase instruction count define i32 @allset_two_bit_mask_multiuse(i32 %x) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @allset_two_bit_mask_multiuse( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[S:%.*]] = lshr i32 [[X:%.*]], 7 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[O:%.*]] = and i32 [[S]], [[X]] ; CHECK-NEXT: [[R:%.*]] = and i32 [[O]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @use(i32 [[O]]) ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[R]] ; %s = lshr i32 %x, 7 %o = and i32 %s, %x %r = and i32 %o, 1 call void @use(i32 %o) ret i32 %r } ; negative test - missing 'and 1' mask, so more than the low bit is used here define i8 @allset_three_bit_mask_no_and1(i8 %x) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @allset_three_bit_mask_no_and1( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[T1:%.*]] = lshr i8 [[X:%.*]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[T2:%.*]] = lshr i8 [[X]], 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[T3:%.*]] = lshr i8 [[X]], 3 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[A2:%.*]] = and i8 [[T1]], [[T2]] ; CHECK-NEXT: [[R:%.*]] = and i8 [[A2]], [[T3]] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i8 [[R]] ; %t1 = lshr i8 %x, 1 %t2 = lshr i8 %x, 2 %t3 = lshr i8 %x, 3 %a2 = and i8 %t1, %t2 %r = and i8 %a2, %t3 ret i8 %r } ; This test demonstrates that the transform can be large. If the implementation ; is slow or explosive (stack overflow due to recursion), it should be made efficient. define i64 @allset_40_bit_mask(i64 %x) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @allset_40_bit_mask( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = and i64 [[X:%.*]], 2199023255550 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[TMP1]], 2199023255550 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = zext i1 [[TMP2]] to i64 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i64 [[TMP3]] ; %t1 = lshr i64 %x, 1 %t2 = lshr i64 %x, 2 %t3 = lshr i64 %x, 3 %t4 = lshr i64 %x, 4 %t5 = lshr i64 %x, 5 %t6 = lshr i64 %x, 6 %t7 = lshr i64 %x, 7 %t8 = lshr i64 %x, 8 %t9 = lshr i64 %x, 9 %t10 = lshr i64 %x, 10 %t11 = lshr i64 %x, 11 %t12 = lshr i64 %x, 12 %t13 = lshr i64 %x, 13 %t14 = lshr i64 %x, 14 %t15 = lshr i64 %x, 15 %t16 = lshr i64 %x, 16 %t17 = lshr i64 %x, 17 %t18 = lshr i64 %x, 18 %t19 = lshr i64 %x, 19 %t20 = lshr i64 %x, 20 %t21 = lshr i64 %x, 21 %t22 = lshr i64 %x, 22 %t23 = lshr i64 %x, 23 %t24 = lshr i64 %x, 24 %t25 = lshr i64 %x, 25 %t26 = lshr i64 %x, 26 %t27 = lshr i64 %x, 27 %t28 = lshr i64 %x, 28 %t29 = lshr i64 %x, 29 %t30 = lshr i64 %x, 30 %t31 = lshr i64 %x, 31 %t32 = lshr i64 %x, 32 %t33 = lshr i64 %x, 33 %t34 = lshr i64 %x, 34 %t35 = lshr i64 %x, 35 %t36 = lshr i64 %x, 36 %t37 = lshr i64 %x, 37 %t38 = lshr i64 %x, 38 %t39 = lshr i64 %x, 39 %t40 = lshr i64 %x, 40 %a1 = and i64 %t1, 1 %a2 = and i64 %t2, %a1 %a3 = and i64 %t3, %a2 %a4 = and i64 %t4, %a3 %a5 = and i64 %t5, %a4 %a6 = and i64 %t6, %a5 %a7 = and i64 %t7, %a6 %a8 = and i64 %t8, %a7 %a9 = and i64 %t9, %a8 %a10 = and i64 %t10, %a9 %a11 = and i64 %t11, %a10 %a12 = and i64 %t12, %a11 %a13 = and i64 %t13, %a12 %a14 = and i64 %t14, %a13 %a15 = and i64 %t15, %a14 %a16 = and i64 %t16, %a15 %a17 = and i64 %t17, %a16 %a18 = and i64 %t18, %a17 %a19 = and i64 %t19, %a18 %a20 = and i64 %t20, %a19 %a21 = and i64 %t21, %a20 %a22 = and i64 %t22, %a21 %a23 = and i64 %t23, %a22 %a24 = and i64 %t24, %a23 %a25 = and i64 %t25, %a24 %a26 = and i64 %t26, %a25 %a27 = and i64 %t27, %a26 %a28 = and i64 %t28, %a27 %a29 = and i64 %t29, %a28 %a30 = and i64 %t30, %a29 %a31 = and i64 %t31, %a30 %a32 = and i64 %t32, %a31 %a33 = and i64 %t33, %a32 %a34 = and i64 %t34, %a33 %a35 = and i64 %t35, %a34 %a36 = and i64 %t36, %a35 %a37 = and i64 %t37, %a36 %a38 = and i64 %t38, %a37 %a39 = and i64 %t39, %a38 %a40 = and i64 %t40, %a39 ret i64 %a40 } ; Verify that unsimplified code doesn't crash: ; https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37446 define i32 @PR37446(i32 %x) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @PR37446( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[SHR:%.*]] = lshr i32 1, 33 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%.*]] = and i32 [[SHR]], 15 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND1:%.*]] = and i32 [[AND]], [[X:%.*]] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[AND1]] ; %shr = lshr i32 1, 33 %and = and i32 %shr, 15 %and1 = and i32 %and, %x ret i32 %and1 }