; Test for a subtle bug when computing analyses during inlining and mutating ; the SCC structure. Without care, this can fail to invalidate analyses. ; ; RUN: opt < %s -passes='cgscc(inline,function(verify))' -debug-pass-manager -S 2>&1 | FileCheck %s ; First we check that the passes run in the way we expect. Otherwise this test ; may stop testing anything. ; ; CHECK-LABEL: Starting llvm::Module pass manager run. ; CHECK: Running pass: InlinerPass on (test1_f, test1_g, test1_h) ; CHECK: Running analysis: FunctionAnalysisManagerCGSCCProxy on (test1_f, test1_g, test1_h) ; CHECK: Running analysis: DominatorTreeAnalysis on test1_f ; CHECK: Running analysis: DominatorTreeAnalysis on test1_g ; CHECK: Invalidating all non-preserved analyses for: (test1_f) ; CHECK: Invalidating all non-preserved analyses for: test1_f ; CHECK: Invalidating analysis: DominatorTreeAnalysis on test1_f ; CHECK: Invalidating analysis: LoopAnalysis on test1_f ; CHECK: Invalidating analysis: BranchProbabilityAnalysis on test1_f ; CHECK: Invalidating analysis: BlockFrequencyAnalysis on test1_f ; CHECK: Invalidating all non-preserved analyses for: (test1_g, test1_h) ; CHECK: Invalidating all non-preserved analyses for: test1_g ; CHECK: Invalidating analysis: DominatorTreeAnalysis on test1_g ; CHECK: Invalidating analysis: LoopAnalysis on test1_g ; CHECK: Invalidating analysis: BranchProbabilityAnalysis on test1_g ; CHECK: Invalidating analysis: BlockFrequencyAnalysis on test1_g ; CHECK: Invalidating all non-preserved analyses for: test1_h ; CHECK: Invalidating analysis: DominatorTreeAnalysis on test1_h ; CHECK: Invalidating analysis: LoopAnalysis on test1_h ; CHECK: Invalidating analysis: BranchProbabilityAnalysis on test1_h ; CHECK: Invalidating analysis: BlockFrequencyAnalysis on test1_h ; CHECK-NOT: Invalidating analysis: ; CHECK: Starting llvm::Function pass manager run. ; CHECK-NEXT: Running pass: DominatorTreeVerifierPass on test1_g ; CHECK-NEXT: Running analysis: DominatorTreeAnalysis on test1_g ; CHECK-NEXT: Finished llvm::Function pass manager run. ; CHECK-NEXT: Starting llvm::Function pass manager run. ; CHECK-NEXT: Running pass: DominatorTreeVerifierPass on test1_h ; CHECK-NEXT: Running analysis: DominatorTreeAnalysis on test1_h ; CHECK-NEXT: Finished llvm::Function pass manager run. ; CHECK-NOT: Invalidating analysis: ; CHECK: Running pass: DominatorTreeVerifierPass on test1_f ; CHECK-NEXT: Running analysis: DominatorTreeAnalysis on test1_f ; An external function used to control branches. declare i1 @flag() ; CHECK-LABEL: declare i1 @flag() ; The utility function with interesting control flow that gets inlined below to ; perturb the dominator tree. define internal void @callee() { entry: %ptr = alloca i8 %flag = call i1 @flag() br i1 %flag, label %then, label %else then: store volatile i8 42, i8* %ptr br label %return else: store volatile i8 -42, i8* %ptr br label %return return: ret void } ; The 'test1_' prefixed functions work to carefully test that incrementally ; reducing an SCC in the inliner cannot accidentially leave stale function ; analysis results due to failing to invalidate them for all the functions. ; The inliner visits this last function. It can't actually break any cycles ; here, but because we visit this function we compute fresh analyses for it. ; These analyses are then invalidated when we inline callee disrupting the ; CFG, and it is important that they be freed. define void @test1_h() { ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test1_h() entry: call void @test1_g() ; CHECK: call void @test1_g() ; Pull interesting CFG into this function. call void @callee() ; CHECK-NOT: call void @callee() ret void ; CHECK: ret void } ; We visit this function second and here we inline the edge to 'test1_f' ; separating it into its own SCC. The current SCC is now just 'test1_g' and ; 'test1_h'. define void @test1_g() { ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test1_g() entry: ; This edge gets inlined away. call void @test1_f() ; CHECK-NOT: call void @test1_f() ; CHECK: call void @test1_g() ; We force this edge to survive inlining. call void @test1_h() noinline ; CHECK: call void @test1_h() ; Pull interesting CFG into this function. call void @callee() ; CHECK-NOT: call void @callee() ret void ; CHECK: ret void } ; We visit this function first in the inliner, and while we inline callee ; perturbing the CFG, we don't inline anything else and the SCC structure ; remains in tact. define void @test1_f() { ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test1_f() entry: ; We force this edge to survive inlining. call void @test1_g() noinline ; CHECK: call void @test1_g() ; Pull interesting CFG into this function. call void @callee() ; CHECK-NOT: call void @callee() ret void ; CHECK: ret void } ; The 'test2_' prefixed code works to carefully trigger forming an SCC with ; a dominator tree for one of the functions but not the other and without even ; a function analysis manager proxy for the SCC that things get merged into. ; Without proper handling when updating the call graph this will find a stale ; dominator tree. @test2_global = external global i32, align 4 define void @test2_hoge(i1 (i32*)* %arg) { ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test2_hoge( bb: %tmp2 = call zeroext i1 %arg(i32* @test2_global) ; CHECK: call zeroext i1 %arg( br label %bb3 bb3: %tmp5 = call zeroext i1 %arg(i32* @test2_global) ; CHECK: call zeroext i1 %arg( br i1 %tmp5, label %bb3, label %bb6 bb6: ret void } define zeroext i1 @test2_widget(i32* %arg) { ; CHECK-LABEL: define zeroext i1 @test2_widget( bb: %tmp1 = alloca i8, align 1 %tmp2 = alloca i32, align 4 call void @test2_quux() ; CHECK-NOT: call ; ; CHECK: call zeroext i1 @test2_widget(i32* @test2_global) ; CHECK-NEXT: br label %[[NEW_BB:.*]] ; ; CHECK: [[NEW_BB]]: ; CHECK-NEXT: call zeroext i1 @test2_widget(i32* @test2_global) ; ; CHECK: {{.*}}: call void @test2_hoge.1(i32* %arg) ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @test2_hoge.1( %tmp4 = call zeroext i1 @test2_barney(i32* %tmp2) %tmp5 = zext i1 %tmp4 to i32 store i32 %tmp5, i32* %tmp2, align 4 %tmp6 = call zeroext i1 @test2_barney(i32* null) call void @test2_ham(i8* %tmp1) ; CHECK: call void @test2_ham( call void @test2_quux() ; CHECK-NOT: call ; ; CHECK: call zeroext i1 @test2_widget(i32* @test2_global) ; CHECK-NEXT: br label %[[NEW_BB:.*]] ; ; CHECK: [[NEW_BB]]: ; CHECK-NEXT: call zeroext i1 @test2_widget(i32* @test2_global) ; ; CHECK: {{.*}}: ret i1 true ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 true } define internal void @test2_quux() { ; CHECK-NOT: @test2_quux bb: call void @test2_hoge(i1 (i32*)* @test2_widget) ret void } declare void @test2_hoge.1(i32*) declare zeroext i1 @test2_barney(i32*) declare void @test2_ham(i8*)