// RUN: llvm-objdump -d -m -no-show-raw-insn -full-leading-addr -print-imm-hex %p/Inputs/hello.obj.macho-x86_64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=OBJ // RUN: llvm-objdump -d -m -no-show-raw-insn -full-leading-addr -print-imm-hex %p/Inputs/hello.exe.macho-x86_64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=EXE // RUN: llvm-objdump -d -m -no-show-raw-insn -full-leading-addr -print-imm-hex %p/Inputs/ObjC.obj.macho-x86_64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ObjC-OBJ // RUN: llvm-objdump -d -m -no-show-raw-insn -full-leading-addr -print-imm-hex %p/Inputs/ObjC.exe.macho-x86_64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ObjC-EXE // RUN: llvm-objdump -d -m -no-show-raw-insn -full-leading-addr -print-imm-hex %p/Inputs/hello_cpp.exe.macho-x86_64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CXX-EXE // RUN: llvm-objdump -d -m -no-show-raw-insn -full-leading-addr -print-imm-hex %p/Inputs/hello.obj.macho-i386 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=i386-OBJ // RUN: llvm-objdump -d -m -no-show-raw-insn -full-leading-addr -print-imm-hex %p/Inputs/hello.exe.macho-i386 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=i386-EXE // RUN: llvm-objdump -d -m -no-show-raw-insn -full-leading-addr -print-imm-hex -no-symbolic-operands %p/Inputs/hello.obj.macho-x86_64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=NO-SYM-OPS-OBJ // RUN: llvm-objdump -d -m -no-show-raw-insn -full-leading-addr -print-imm-hex -no-symbolic-operands %p/Inputs/hello.exe.macho-x86_64 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=NO-SYM-OPS-EXE OBJ: 0000000000000008 leaq L_.str(%rip), %rax ## literal pool for: "Hello world\n" OBJ: 0000000000000026 callq _printf EXE: 0000000100000f38 leaq 0x4f(%rip), %rax ## literal pool for: "Hello world\n" EXE: 0000000100000f56 callq 0x100000f6c ## symbol stub for: _printf ObjC-OBJ: 0000000000000008 leaq 0xb1(%rip), %rax ## Objc cfstring ref: @"The current date and time is: %@" ObjC-OBJ: 0000000000000016 movq 0x4b(%rip), %rcx ## Objc class ref: NSObject ObjC-OBJ: 000000000000001d movq 0x64(%rip), %rsi ## Objc selector ref: new ObjC-OBJ: 0000000000000034 movq 0x35(%rip), %rax ## Objc class ref: NSDate ObjC-OBJ: 000000000000003b movq 0x4e(%rip), %rsi ## Objc selector ref: date ObjC-EXE: 0000000100000ee8 leaq 0x159(%rip), %rax ## Objc cfstring ref: @"The current date and time is: %@" ObjC-EXE: 0000000100000ef6 movq 0x13b(%rip), %rcx ## Objc class ref: _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSObject ObjC-EXE: 0000000100000efd movq 0x124(%rip), %rsi ## Objc selector ref: new ObjC-EXE: 0000000100000f0b callq 0x100000f4a ## Objc message: +[NSObject new] ObjC-EXE: 0000000100000f14 movq 0x125(%rip), %rax ## Objc class ref: _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSDate ObjC-EXE: 0000000100000f1b movq 0x10e(%rip), %rsi ## Objc selector ref: date ObjC-EXE: 0000000100000f25 callq 0x100000f4a ## Objc message: +[NSDate date] ObjC-EXE: 0000000100000f33 callq 0x100000f44 ## symbol stub for: _NSLog CXX-EXE: 00000001000014cb callq __ZNSt3__116__pad_and_outputIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEENS_19ostreambuf_iteratorIT_T0_EES6_PKS4_S8_S8_RNS_8ios_baseES4_ ## std::__1::ostreambuf_iterator > std::__1::__pad_and_output >(std::__1::ostreambuf_iterator >, char const*, char const*, char const*, std::__1::ios_base&, char) i386-OBJ: 0000002f calll _printf i386-EXE: 00001f6f calll 0x1f84 ## symbol stub for: _printf NO-SYM-OPS-OBJ: 0000000000000008 leaq (%rip), %rax NO-SYM-OPS-OBJ: 0000000000000026 callq 0x2b NO-SYM-OPS-EXE: 0000000100000f38 leaq 0x4f(%rip), %rax NO-SYM-OPS-EXE: 0000000100000f56 callq 0x100000f6c