; The PDB committed to the repo does not seem to be recognized by older ; versions of DIA SDK, so we xfail the test temporarily until we can ; figure out how to get a PDB that makes all versions of MSVC happy. ; RUN: llvm-pdbutil pretty -injected-sources -injected-source-content \ ; RUN: %p/Inputs/InjectedSource.pdb | FileCheck %s ; RUN: llvm-pdbutil pretty -injected-sources -injected-source-content \ ; RUN: %p/Inputs/ClassLayoutTest.pdb | FileCheck --check-prefix=NEGATIVE %s ; CHECK: ---INJECTED SOURCES--- ; CHECK: c.natvis (140 bytes): obj=, vname=c.natvis, crc=334478030, compression=None ; CHECK-NEXT: ; CHECK-NEXT: ; CHECK-NEXT: ; CHECK: a.natvis (140 bytes): obj=, vname=a.natvis, crc=334478030, compression=None ; CHECK-NEXT: ; CHECK-NEXT: ; CHECK-NEXT: ; CHECK: b.natvis (294 bytes): obj=, vname=b.natvis, crc=2059731902, compression=None ; CHECK-NEXT: ; CHECK-NEXT: ; CHECK-NEXT: ; CHECK-NEXT: Third test ; CHECK-NEXT: ; CHECK-NEXT: ; CHECK-NEXT: Fourth test ; CHECK-NEXT: ; CHECK-NEXT: ; NEGATIVE: ---INJECTED SOURCES--- ; NEGATIVE-NEXT: There are no injected sources.