; Tests the branch optimizations under O2 (against a lack of ; optimizations under Om1). ; RUN: %if --need=target_X8632 --command %p2i --filetype=obj --disassemble \ ; RUN: --target x8632 -i %s --args -O2 -allow-externally-defined-symbols \ ; RUN: | %if --need=target_X8632 --command FileCheck --check-prefix=O2 %s ; RUN: %if --need=target_X8632 --command %p2i --filetype=obj --disassemble \ ; RUN: --target x8632 -i %s --args -Om1 -allow-externally-defined-symbols \ ; RUN: | %if --need=target_X8632 --command FileCheck --check-prefix=OM1 %s ; RUN: %if --need=target_ARM32_dump \ ; RUN: --command %p2i --filetype=obj \ ; RUN: --disassemble --target arm32 -i %s --args -O2 \ ; RUN: -allow-externally-defined-symbols \ ; RUN: | %if --need=target_ARM32_dump \ ; RUN: --command FileCheck --check-prefix ARM32O2 %s ; RUN: %if --need=target_ARM32 \ ; RUN: --command %p2i --filetype=obj \ ; RUN: --disassemble --target arm32 -i %s --args -Om1 \ ; RUN: -allow-externally-defined-symbols \ ; RUN: | %if --need=target_ARM32 \ ; RUN: --command FileCheck \ ; RUN: --check-prefix ARM32OM1 %s ; RUN: %if --need=target_MIPS32 --need=allow_dump \ ; RUN: --command %p2i --filetype=asm --assemble \ ; RUN: --disassemble --target mips32 -i %s --args -O2 \ ; RUN: -allow-externally-defined-symbols \ ; RUN: | %if --need=target_MIPS32 --need=allow_dump \ ; RUN: --command FileCheck --check-prefix MIPS32O2 %s ; RUN: %if --need=target_MIPS32 --need=allow_dump \ ; RUN: --command %p2i --filetype=asm --assemble \ ; RUN: --disassemble --target mips32 -i %s --args -Om1 \ ; RUN: -allow-externally-defined-symbols \ ; RUN: | %if --need=target_MIPS32 --need=allow_dump \ ; RUN: --command FileCheck \ ; RUN: --check-prefix MIPS32OM1 %s declare void @dummy() ; An unconditional branch to the next block should be removed. define internal void @testUncondToNextBlock() { entry: call void @dummy() br label %next next: call void @dummy() ret void } ; O2-LABEL: testUncondToNextBlock ; O2: call ; There will be nops for bundle align to end (for NaCl), but there should ; not be a branch. ; O2-NOT: j ; O2: call ; OM1-LABEL: testUncondToNextBlock ; OM1: call ; OM1-NEXT: jmp ; OM1: call ; ARM32O2-LABEL: testUncondToNextBlock ; ARM32O2: bl {{.*}} dummy ; ARM32O2-NEXT: bl {{.*}} dummy ; ARM32OM1-LABEL: testUncondToNextBlock ; ARM32OM1: bl {{.*}} dummy ; ARM32OM1-NEXT: b ; ARM32OM1-NEXT: bl {{.*}} dummy ; MIPS32O2-LABEL: testUncondToNextBlock ; MIPS32O2: jal {{.*}} dummy ; MIPS32O2-NEXT: nop ; MIPS32O2-LABEL: <.LtestUncondToNextBlock$next>: ; MIPS32O2-NEXT: jal {{.*}} dummy ; MIPS32O2-NEXT: nop ; MIPS32OM1-LABEL: testUncondToNextBlock ; MIPS32OM1: jal {{.*}} dummy ; MIPS32OM1-NEXT: nop ; MIPS32OM1-NEXT: b {{.*}} <.LtestUncondToNextBlock$next> ; MIPS32OM1-NEXT: nop ; MIPS32OM1-LABEL: <.LtestUncondToNextBlock$next>: ; MIPS32OM1-NEXT: jal {{.*}} dummy ; MIPS32OM1-NEXT: nop ; For a conditional branch with a fallthrough to the next block, the ; fallthrough branch should be removed. define internal void @testCondFallthroughToNextBlock(i32 %arg) { entry: %cmp = icmp sge i32 %arg, 123 br i1 %cmp, label %target, label %fallthrough fallthrough: call void @dummy() ret void target: call void @dummy() ret void } ; O2-LABEL: testCondFallthroughToNextBlock ; O2: cmp {{.*}},0x7b ; O2-NEXT: jge ; O2-NOT: j ; O2: call ; O2: ret ; O2: call ; O2: ret ; OM1-LABEL: testCondFallthroughToNextBlock ; OM1: cmp {{.*}},0x7b ; OM1: setge ; OM1: cmp ; OM1: jne ; OM1: jmp ; OM1: call ; OM1: ret ; OM1: call ; OM1: ret ; ARM32O2-LABEL: testCondFallthroughToNextBlock ; ARM32O2: cmp {{.*}}, #123 ; ARM32O2-NEXT: bge ; ARM32O2-NEXT: bl ; ARM32O2: bx lr ; ARM32O2: bl ; ARM32O2: bx lr ; ARM32OM1-LABEL: testCondFallthroughToNextBlock ; ARM32OM1: mov {{.*}}, #0 ; ARM32OM1: cmp {{.*}}, #123 ; ARM32OM1: movge {{.*}}, #1 ; ARM32OM1: tst {{.*}}, #1 ; ARM32OM1: bne ; ARM32OM1: b ; ARM32OM1: bl ; ARM32OM1: bx lr ; ARM32OM1: bl ; ARM32OM1: bx lr ; MIPS32O2-LABEL: testCondFallthroughToNextBlock ; MIPS32O2: li {{.*}},123 ; MIPS32O2: slt {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} ; MIPS32O2: beqz ; MIPS32O2: nop ; MIPS32O2: .LtestCondFallthroughToNextBlock$fallthrough ; MIPS32O2: jal {{.*}} dummy ; MIPS32O2: nop ; MIPS32O2: jr ; MIPS32O2: nop ; MIPS32O2: .LtestCondFallthroughToNextBlock$target ; MIPS32O2: jal {{.*}} dummy ; MIPS32O2: nop ; MIPS32O2: jr ; MIPS32O2: nop ; MIPS32OM1-LABEL: testCondFallthroughToNextBlock ; MIPS32OM1: li {{.*}},123 ; MIPS32OM1: slt {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} ; MIPS32OM1: xori {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} ; MIPS32OM1: beqz ; MIPS32OM1: nop ; MIPS32OM1: b ; MIPS32OM1: nop ; MIPS32OM1: .LtestCondFallthroughToNextBlock$fallthrough ; MIPS32OM1: jal {{.*}} dummy ; MIPS32OM1: nop ; MIPS32OM1: jr ; MIPS32OM1: nop ; MIPS32OM1: .LtestCondFallthroughToNextBlock$target ; MIPS32OM1: jal {{.*}} dummy ; MIPS32OM1: nop ; MIPS32OM1: jr ; MIPS32OM1: nop ; For a conditional branch with the next block as the target and a ; different block as the fallthrough, the branch condition should be ; inverted, the fallthrough block changed to the target, and the ; branch to the next block removed. define internal void @testCondTargetNextBlock(i32 %arg) { entry: %cmp = icmp sge i32 %arg, 123 br i1 %cmp, label %fallthrough, label %target fallthrough: call void @dummy() ret void target: call void @dummy() ret void } ; O2-LABEL: testCondTargetNextBlock ; O2: cmp {{.*}},0x7b ; O2-NEXT: jl ; O2-NOT: j ; O2: call ; O2: ret ; O2: call ; O2: ret ; OM1-LABEL: testCondTargetNextBlock ; OM1: cmp {{.*}},0x7b ; OM1: setge ; OM1: cmp ; OM1: jne ; OM1: jmp ; OM1: call ; OM1: ret ; OM1: call ; OM1: ret ; Note that compare and branch folding isn't implemented yet ; (compared to x86-32). ; ARM32O2-LABEL: testCondTargetNextBlock ; ARM32O2: cmp {{.*}}, #123 ; ARM32O2-NEXT: blt ; ARM32O2-NEXT: bl ; ARM32O2: bx lr ; ARM32O2: bl ; ARM32O2: bx lr ; ARM32OM1-LABEL: testCondTargetNextBlock ; ARM32OM1: cmp {{.*}}, #123 ; ARM32OM1: movge {{.*}}, #1 ; ARM32OM1: tst {{.*}}, #1 ; ARM32OM1: bne ; ARM32OM1: b ; ARM32OM1: bl ; ARM32OM1: bx lr ; ARM32OM1: bl ; ARM32OM1: bx lr ; MIPS32O2-LABEL: testCondTargetNextBlock ; MIPS32O2: li {{.*}},123 ; MIPS32O2: slt {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} ; MIPS32O2: bnez ; MIPS32O2: nop ; MIPS32O2: .LtestCondTargetNextBlock$fallthrough ; MIPS32O2: jal {{.*}} dummy ; MIPS32O2: nop ; MIPS32O2: jr ; MIPS32O2: nop ; MIPS32O2: .LtestCondTargetNextBlock$target ; MIPS32O2: jal {{.*}} dummy ; MIPS32O2: nop ; MIPS32O2: jr ; MIPS32O2: nop ; MIPS32OM1-LABEL: testCondTargetNextBlock ; MIPS32OM1: li {{.*}},123 ; MIPS32OM1: slt {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} ; MIPS32OM1: xori {{.*}},{{.*}},{{.*}} ; MIPS32OM1: beqz ; MIPS32OM1: nop ; MIPS32OM1: b ; MIPS32OM1: nop ; MIPS32OM1: .LtestCondTargetNextBlock$fallthrough ; MIPS32OM1: jal {{.*}} dummy ; MIPS32OM1: nop ; MIPS32OM1: jr ; MIPS32OM1: nop ; MIPS32OM1: .LtestCondTargetNextBlock$target ; MIPS32OM1: jal {{.*}} dummy ; MIPS32OM1: nop ; MIPS32OM1: jr ; MIPS32OM1: nop ; Unconditional branches to the block after a contracted block should be ; removed. define internal void @testUncondToBlockAfterContract() { entry: call void @dummy() br label %target contract: br label %target target: call void @dummy() ret void } ; O2-LABEL: testUncondToBlockAfterContract ; O2: call ; There will be nops for bundle align to end (for NaCl), but there should ; not be a branch. ; O2-NOT: j ; O2: call ; OM1-LABEL: testUncondToBlockAfterContract ; OM1: call ; OM1-NEXT: jmp ; OM1: call ; ARM32O2-LABEL: testUncondToBlockAfterContract ; ARM32O2: bl {{.*}} dummy ; ARM32O2-NEXT: bl {{.*}} dummy ; ARM32OM1-LABEL: testUncondToBlockAfterContract ; ARM32OM1: bl {{.*}} dummy ; ARM32OM1-NEXT: b ; ARM32OM1-NEXT: bl {{.*}} dummy ; MIPS32O2-LABEL: testUncondToBlockAfterContract ; MIPS32O2: jal {{.*}} dummy ; MIPS32O2: .LtestUncondToBlockAfterContract$target ; MIPS32OM1-LABEL: testUncondToBlockAfterContract ; MIPS32OM1: jal {{.*}} dummy ; MIPS32OM1: b ; MIPS32OM1: .LtestUncondToBlockAfterContract$target