# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================= """Library for constructing a training loop, suitable for TPUs.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops from tensorflow.python.tpu import tensor_tracer from tensorflow.python.tpu import tpu_function from tensorflow.python.tpu import xla def while_loop(condition, body, inputs=None, infeed_queue=None, name=None): """Builds a training loop for TPUs. The set of loop-carried tensors corresponds to `inputs`. Both `condition` and `body` take the current value of the loop-carried tensors. 'body' additionally takes a tuple of infeed from infeed_queue if infeed_queue is not None. `condition` must return a single boolean value that determines whether iteration continues. `body` must return an updated list of values for the loop-carried tensors. Args: condition: a Python function that builds the loop condition. body: a Python function that builds the loop body. inputs: a list of initial values passed into the training loop, or None (equivalent to an empty list). infeed_queue: if not None, the infeed queue from which to append a tuple of arguments as inputs to condition. name: (Deprecated) Does nothing. Returns: The final values of the loop-carried tensors. Raises: TypeError: if body or condition has the wrong signature. """ del name # Converts inputs to Tensors. inputs = [] if inputs is None else [ops.convert_to_tensor(x) for x in inputs] input_types = [x.dtype for x in inputs] input_arity = len(inputs) body_arg_error = xla.check_function_argument_count( body, input_arity, infeed_queue) if body_arg_error is not None: if infeed_queue is None: raise TypeError( "Supplied loop body function cannot be called with the specified " "inputs. You specified %d inputs: %s, but the loop body needs %s" % ( input_arity, str([i.name for i in inputs]), body_arg_error)) else: raise TypeError( "Supplied loop body function cannot be called with the specified " "inputs. You specified %d inputs: %s and %d additional inputs from " "infeed, but the computation needs %s" % (input_arity, str( [i.name for i in inputs]), infeed_queue.number_of_tuple_elements, body_arg_error)) condition_arg_error = xla.check_function_argument_count( condition, input_arity, None) if condition_arg_error is not None: if infeed_queue is None: raise TypeError( "Supplied loop condition function cannot be called with the " "specified inputs. You specified %d inputs: %s, but the loop " "condition needs %s" % (input_arity, str([i.name for i in inputs]), condition_arg_error)) else: raise TypeError( "Supplied loop condition function cannot be called with the " "specified inputs. You specified %d inputs: %s, but the loop " "condition needs %s. Note that infeed is not passed to the loop " "condition." % (input_arity, str([i.name for i in inputs]), condition_arg_error)) def condition_wrapper(*inputs): # Discards the dummy output added for arity-0 loops. if input_arity == 0: inputs = [] return condition(*inputs) def body_wrapper(*inputs): """Wrapper around `body` that handles infeed queues and control deps.""" inputs = list(inputs) # Discards the dummy output added for arity-0 loops. if input_arity == 0: inputs = [] # Runs `body` with the dequeue_ops appended. if infeed_queue: number_of_shards = tpu_function.get_tpu_context().number_of_shards if number_of_shards is None: raise ValueError("Can't build training loop with infeed when there is " "no tpu_shard_context. Are you building a loop or " "graph directly rather than from inside tpu.rewrite, " "tpu.batch_parallel, tpu.shard, or tpu.replicate?") infeed_queue.set_number_of_shards(number_of_shards) dequeue_ops = [d for d in infeed_queue.generate_dequeue_op()] else: dequeue_ops = [] outputs = body(*(inputs + dequeue_ops)) # If the computation only returned one value, make it a tuple. if not isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)): outputs = (outputs,) outputs = [ o if isinstance(o, ops.Operation) else ops.convert_to_tensor(o) for o in outputs ] # Separates the returned Operations and Tensors. output_operations = [o for o in outputs if isinstance(o, ops.Operation)] output_tensors = [o for o in outputs if not isinstance(o, ops.Operation)] if outputs != output_tensors + output_operations: raise ValueError( "TPU training loop body must return zero or more Tensor values " "followed by zero or more Operations.") output_types = [op.dtype for op in output_tensors] if input_types != output_types: raise TypeError( "Mismatch between input types and output types for training loop " "body: {} vs {}".format(input_types, output_types)) # Add the dequeue operations to output_operations to ensure they are run # by the loop, even if the programmer's loop body does not use them. output_operations += dequeue_ops # Add a dummy output, if needed. if not output_tensors: output_tensors = array_ops.constant(0) if output_operations: # TODO(phawkins): in principle this is too restrictive since it serializes # the training loop steps. In practice it does not matter since this loop # will be compiled by XLA. output_tensors = control_flow_ops.tuple(output_tensors, control_inputs=output_operations) if tensor_tracer.TensorTracer.is_enabled(): num_replicas = tpu_function.get_tpu_context().number_of_shards if num_replicas is None: num_replicas = 1 tt = tensor_tracer.TensorTracer() output_tensors = tt.trace_tpu(ops.get_default_graph(), output_tensors, None, num_replicas) return output_tensors # If the body has arity 0, add a dummy loop-carried value to which we can add # control dependencies from any side-effecting operations. if input_arity == 0: inputs = [array_ops.constant(0)] return control_flow_ops.while_loop( condition_wrapper, body_wrapper, inputs, name="", parallel_iterations=1) def repeat(n, body, inputs=None, infeed_queue=None, name=None): """Builds a training loop that executes a fixed number of iterations. The set of loop-carried tensors correspond to `inputs`. `body` must be a function that takes and returns the values of the loop-carried tensors. Args: n: the number of loop iterations body: a Python function that builds the loop body. inputs: a list of initial values passed into the training loop or None (equivalent to an empty list). infeed_queue: if not None, the infeed queue from which to append a tuple of arguments as inputs to condition. name: (Deprecated) Does nothing. Returns: The final values of the loop-carried tensors. Raises: ValueError: if there is a type error. """ def _convert_to_list(xs): if not isinstance(xs, (list, tuple)): return [xs] else: return list(xs) def cond(i, *args): del args return i < n def body_wrapper(i, *args): return [i + 1] + _convert_to_list(body(*args)) inputs = [0] if inputs is None else [0] + _convert_to_list(inputs) outputs = while_loop( cond, body_wrapper, inputs=inputs, infeed_queue=infeed_queue, name=name) outputs = _convert_to_list(outputs) if len(outputs) == 1: # Returns the Op rather than an empty list. return outputs[0].op else: return outputs[1:]