// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import * as d3 from "d3" import {layoutNodeGraph} from "./graph-layout.js" import {MAX_RANK_SENTINEL} from "./constants.js" import {GNode, nodeToStr, isNodeInitiallyVisible} from "./node.js" import {NODE_INPUT_WIDTH, MINIMUM_NODE_OUTPUT_APPROACH} from "./node.js" import {DEFAULT_NODE_BUBBLE_RADIUS} from "./node.js" import {Edge, edgeToStr} from "./edge.js" import {View, PhaseView} from "./view.js" import {MySelection} from "./selection.js" import {partial, alignUp} from "./util.js" function nodeToStringKey(n) { return "" + n.id; } interface GraphState { showTypes: boolean; selection: MySelection; mouseDownNode: any; justDragged: boolean, justScaleTransGraph: boolean, lastKeyDown: number, hideDead: boolean } export class GraphView extends View implements PhaseView { divElement: d3.Selection; svg: d3.Selection; showPhaseByName: (string) => void; state: GraphState; nodes: Array; edges: Array; selectionHandler: NodeSelectionHandler; graphElement: d3.Selection; visibleNodes: d3.Selection; visibleEdges: d3.Selection; minGraphX: number; maxGraphX: number; minGraphY: number; maxGraphY: number; width: number; height: number; maxGraphNodeX: number; drag: d3.DragBehavior; panZoom: d3.ZoomBehavior; nodeMap: Array; visibleBubbles: d3.Selection; transitionTimout: number; createViewElement() { const pane = document.createElement('div'); pane.setAttribute('id', "graph"); return pane; } constructor(id, broker, showPhaseByName: (string) => void) { super(id); var graph = this; this.showPhaseByName = showPhaseByName; this.divElement = d3.select(this.divNode); const svg = this.divElement.append("svg").attr('version', '1.1') .attr("width", "100%") .attr("height", "100%"); svg.on("click", function (d) { graph.selectionHandler.clear(); }); graph.svg = svg; graph.nodes = []; graph.edges = []; graph.minGraphX = 0; graph.maxGraphX = 1; graph.minGraphY = 0; graph.maxGraphY = 1; graph.state = { selection: null, mouseDownNode: null, justDragged: false, justScaleTransGraph: false, lastKeyDown: -1, showTypes: false, hideDead: false }; this.selectionHandler = { clear: function () { graph.state.selection.clear(); broker.broadcastClear(this); graph.updateGraphVisibility(); }, select: function (nodes, selected) { let locations = []; for (const node of nodes) { if (node.sourcePosition) { locations.push(node.sourcePosition); } if (node.origin && node.origin.bytecodePosition) { locations.push({ bytecodePosition: node.origin.bytecodePosition }); } } graph.state.selection.select(nodes, selected); broker.broadcastSourcePositionSelect(this, locations, selected); graph.updateGraphVisibility(); }, brokeredNodeSelect: function (locations, selected) { let selection = graph.nodes .filter(function (n) { return locations.has(nodeToStringKey(n)) && (!graph.state.hideDead || n.isLive()); }); graph.state.selection.select(selection, selected); // Update edge visibility based on selection. graph.nodes.forEach((n) => { if (graph.state.selection.isSelected(n)) n.visible = true; }); graph.edges.forEach(function (e) { e.visible = e.visible || (graph.state.selection.isSelected(e.source) && graph.state.selection.isSelected(e.target)); }); graph.updateGraphVisibility(); }, brokeredClear: function () { graph.state.selection.clear(); graph.updateGraphVisibility(); } }; broker.addNodeHandler(this.selectionHandler); graph.state.selection = new MySelection(nodeToStringKey); const defs = svg.append('svg:defs'); defs.append('svg:marker') .attr('id', 'end-arrow') .attr('viewBox', '0 -4 8 8') .attr('refX', 2) .attr('markerWidth', 2.5) .attr('markerHeight', 2.5) .attr('orient', 'auto') .append('svg:path') .attr('d', 'M0,-4L8,0L0,4'); this.graphElement = svg.append("g"); graph.visibleEdges = this.graphElement.append("g"); graph.visibleNodes = this.graphElement.append("g"); graph.drag = d3.drag() .on("drag", function (d) { d.x += d3.event.dx; d.y += d3.event.dy; graph.updateGraphVisibility(); }); d3.select("#layout").on("click", partial(this.layoutAction, graph)); d3.select("#show-all").on("click", partial(this.showAllAction, graph)); d3.select("#toggle-hide-dead").on("click", partial(this.toggleHideDead, graph)); d3.select("#hide-unselected").on("click", partial(this.hideUnselectedAction, graph)); d3.select("#hide-selected").on("click", partial(this.hideSelectedAction, graph)); d3.select("#zoom-selection").on("click", partial(this.zoomSelectionAction, graph)); d3.select("#toggle-types").on("click", partial(this.toggleTypesAction, graph)); // listen for key events d3.select(window).on("keydown", function (e) { graph.svgKeyDown.call(graph); }).on("keyup", function () { graph.svgKeyUp.call(graph); }); function zoomed() { if (d3.event.shiftKey) return false; graph.graphElement.attr("transform", d3.event.transform); } const zoomSvg = d3.zoom() .scaleExtent([0.2, 40]) .on("zoom", zoomed) .on("start", function () { if (d3.event.shiftKey) return; d3.select('body').style("cursor", "move"); }) .on("end", function () { d3.select('body').style("cursor", "auto"); }); svg.call(zoomSvg).on("dblclick.zoom", null); graph.panZoom = zoomSvg; } static get selectedClass() { return "selected"; } static get rectClass() { return "nodeStyle"; } static get activeEditId() { return "active-editing"; } static get nodeRadius() { return 50; } getNodeHeight(d): number { if (this.state.showTypes) { return d.normalheight + d.labelbbox.height; } else { return d.normalheight; } } getEdgeFrontier(nodes, inEdges, edgeFilter) { let frontier = new Set(); for (const n of nodes) { var edges = inEdges ? n.inputs : n.outputs; var edgeNumber = 0; edges.forEach(function (edge) { if (edgeFilter == undefined || edgeFilter(edge, edgeNumber)) { frontier.add(edge); } ++edgeNumber; }); } return frontier; } getNodeFrontier(nodes, inEdges, edgeFilter) { let graph = this; var frontier = new Set(); var newState = true; var edgeFrontier = graph.getEdgeFrontier(nodes, inEdges, edgeFilter); // Control key toggles edges rather than just turning them on if (d3.event.ctrlKey) { edgeFrontier.forEach(function (edge) { if (edge.visible) { newState = false; } }); } edgeFrontier.forEach(function (edge) { edge.visible = newState; if (newState) { var node = inEdges ? edge.source : edge.target; node.visible = true; frontier.add(node); } }); graph.updateGraphVisibility(); if (newState) { return frontier; } else { return undefined; } } initializeContent(data, rememberedSelection) { this.createGraph(data, rememberedSelection); if (rememberedSelection != null) { this.attachSelection(rememberedSelection); this.connectVisibleSelectedNodes(); this.viewSelection(); } else { this.viewWholeGraph(); } } deleteContent() { if (this.visibleNodes) { this.nodes = []; this.edges = []; this.nodeMap = []; this.updateGraphVisibility(); } }; measureText(text) { const textMeasure = document.getElementById('text-measure') as SVGTSpanElement; textMeasure.textContent = text; return { width: textMeasure.getBBox().width, height: textMeasure.getBBox().height, }; } createGraph(data, rememberedSelection) { var g = this; g.nodes = []; g.nodeMap = []; data.nodes.forEach(function (n, i) { n.__proto__ = GNode.prototype; n.visible = false; n.x = 0; n.y = 0; if (typeof n.pos === "number") { // Backwards compatibility. n.sourcePosition = { scriptOffset: n.pos, inliningId: -1 }; } n.rank = MAX_RANK_SENTINEL; n.inputs = []; n.outputs = []; n.rpo = -1; n.outputApproach = MINIMUM_NODE_OUTPUT_APPROACH; n.cfg = n.control; g.nodeMap[n.id] = n; n.displayLabel = n.getDisplayLabel(); n.labelbbox = g.measureText(n.displayLabel); n.typebbox = g.measureText(n.getDisplayType()); var innerwidth = Math.max(n.labelbbox.width, n.typebbox.width); n.width = alignUp(innerwidth + NODE_INPUT_WIDTH * 2, NODE_INPUT_WIDTH); var innerheight = Math.max(n.labelbbox.height, n.typebbox.height); n.normalheight = innerheight + 20; g.nodes.push(n); }); g.edges = []; data.edges.forEach(function (e, i) { var t = g.nodeMap[e.target]; var s = g.nodeMap[e.source]; var newEdge = new Edge(t, e.index, s, e.type); t.inputs.push(newEdge); s.outputs.push(newEdge); g.edges.push(newEdge); if (e.type == 'control') { s.cfg = true; } }); g.nodes.forEach(function (n, i) { n.visible = isNodeInitiallyVisible(n) && (!g.state.hideDead || n.isLive()); if (rememberedSelection != undefined) { if (rememberedSelection.has(nodeToStringKey(n))) { n.visible = true; } } }); g.updateGraphVisibility(); g.layoutGraph(); g.updateGraphVisibility(); g.viewWholeGraph(); } connectVisibleSelectedNodes() { var graph = this; for (const n of graph.state.selection) { n.inputs.forEach(function (edge) { if (edge.source.visible && edge.target.visible) { edge.visible = true; } }); n.outputs.forEach(function (edge) { if (edge.source.visible && edge.target.visible) { edge.visible = true; } }); } } updateInputAndOutputBubbles() { var g = this; var s = g.visibleBubbles; s.classed("filledBubbleStyle", function (c) { var components = this.id.split(','); if (components[0] == "ib") { var edge = g.nodeMap[components[3]].inputs[components[2]]; return edge.isVisible(); } else { return g.nodeMap[components[1]].areAnyOutputsVisible() == 2; } }).classed("halfFilledBubbleStyle", function (c) { var components = this.id.split(','); if (components[0] == "ib") { var edge = g.nodeMap[components[3]].inputs[components[2]]; return false; } else { return g.nodeMap[components[1]].areAnyOutputsVisible() == 1; } }).classed("bubbleStyle", function (c) { var components = this.id.split(','); if (components[0] == "ib") { var edge = g.nodeMap[components[3]].inputs[components[2]]; return !edge.isVisible(); } else { return g.nodeMap[components[1]].areAnyOutputsVisible() == 0; } }); s.each(function (c) { var components = this.id.split(','); if (components[0] == "ob") { var from = g.nodeMap[components[1]]; var x = from.getOutputX(); var y = g.getNodeHeight(from) + DEFAULT_NODE_BUBBLE_RADIUS; var transform = "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")"; this.setAttribute('transform', transform); } }); } attachSelection(s) { const graph = this; if (!(s instanceof Set)) return; graph.selectionHandler.clear(); const selected = graph.nodes.filter((n) => s.has(graph.state.selection.stringKey(n)) && (!graph.state.hideDead || n.isLive())); graph.selectionHandler.select(selected, true); } detachSelection() { return this.state.selection.detachSelection(); } selectAllNodes() { var graph = this; if (!d3.event.shiftKey) { graph.state.selection.clear(); } const allVisibleNodes = graph.nodes.filter((n) => n.visible); graph.state.selection.select(allVisibleNodes, true); graph.updateGraphVisibility(); } layoutAction(graph) { graph.updateGraphVisibility(); graph.layoutGraph(); graph.updateGraphVisibility(); graph.viewWholeGraph(); } showAllAction(graph) { graph.nodes.forEach(function (n) { n.visible = !graph.state.hideDead || n.isLive(); }); graph.edges.forEach(function (e) { e.visible = !graph.state.hideDead || (e.source.isLive() && e.target.isLive()); }); graph.updateGraphVisibility(); graph.viewWholeGraph(); } toggleHideDead(graph) { graph.state.hideDead = !graph.state.hideDead; if (graph.state.hideDead) graph.hideDead(); var element = document.getElementById('toggle-hide-dead'); element.classList.toggle('button-input-toggled', graph.state.hideDead); } hideDead() { const graph = this; graph.nodes.filter(function (n) { if (!n.isLive()) { n.visible = false; graph.state.selection.select([n], false); } }) graph.updateGraphVisibility(); } hideUnselectedAction(graph) { graph.nodes.forEach(function (n) { if (!graph.state.selection.isSelected(n)) { n.visible = false; } }); graph.updateGraphVisibility(); } hideSelectedAction(graph) { graph.nodes.forEach(function (n) { if (graph.state.selection.isSelected(n)) { n.visible = false; } }); graph.selectionHandler.clear(); } zoomSelectionAction(graph) { graph.viewSelection(); } toggleTypesAction(graph) { graph.toggleTypes(); } searchInputAction(searchBar, e: KeyboardEvent) { const graph = this; if (e.keyCode == 13) { graph.selectionHandler.clear(); var query = searchBar.value; window.sessionStorage.setItem("lastSearch", query); if (query.length == 0) return; var reg = new RegExp(query); var filterFunction = function (n) { return (reg.exec(n.getDisplayLabel()) != null || (graph.state.showTypes && reg.exec(n.getDisplayType())) || (reg.exec(n.getTitle())) || reg.exec(n.opcode) != null); }; const selection = graph.nodes.filter( function (n, i) { if ((e.ctrlKey || n.visible) && filterFunction(n)) { if (e.ctrlKey) n.visible = true; return true; } return false; }); graph.selectionHandler.select(selection, true); graph.connectVisibleSelectedNodes(); graph.updateGraphVisibility(); searchBar.blur(); graph.viewSelection(); } e.stopPropagation(); } svgKeyDown() { var state = this.state; var graph = this; // Don't handle key press repetition if (state.lastKeyDown !== -1) return; var showSelectionFrontierNodes = function (inEdges, filter, select) { var frontier = graph.getNodeFrontier(state.selection, inEdges, filter); if (frontier != undefined && frontier.size) { if (select) { if (!d3.event.shiftKey) { state.selection.clear(); } state.selection.select(frontier, true); } graph.updateGraphVisibility(); } allowRepetition = false; } var allowRepetition = true; var eventHandled = true; // unless the below switch defaults switch (d3.event.keyCode) { case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: // '1'-'9' showSelectionFrontierNodes(true, (edge, index) => { return index == (d3.event.keyCode - 49); }, false); break; case 97: case 98: case 99: case 100: case 101: case 102: case 103: case 104: case 105: // 'numpad 1'-'numpad 9' showSelectionFrontierNodes(true, (edge, index) => { return index == (d3.event.keyCode - 97); }, false); break; case 67: // 'c' showSelectionFrontierNodes(d3.event.altKey, (edge, index) => { return edge.type == 'control'; }, true); break; case 69: // 'e' showSelectionFrontierNodes(d3.event.altKey, (edge, index) => { return edge.type == 'effect'; }, true); break; case 79: // 'o' showSelectionFrontierNodes(false, undefined, false); break; case 73: // 'i' showSelectionFrontierNodes(true, undefined, false); break; case 65: // 'a' graph.selectAllNodes(); allowRepetition = false; break; case 38: case 40: { showSelectionFrontierNodes(d3.event.keyCode == 38, undefined, true); break; } case 82: // 'r' if (!d3.event.ctrlKey) { this.layoutAction(this); } else { eventHandled = false; } break; case 83: // 's' graph.selectOrigins(); break; case 191: // '/' document.getElementById("search-input").focus(); break; default: eventHandled = false; break; } if (eventHandled) { d3.event.preventDefault(); } if (!allowRepetition) { state.lastKeyDown = d3.event.keyCode; } } svgKeyUp() { this.state.lastKeyDown = -1 }; layoutGraph() { layoutNodeGraph(this); } selectOrigins() { const state = this.state; const origins = []; let phase = null; for (const n of state.selection) { if (n.origin) { const node = this.nodeMap[n.origin.nodeId]; origins.push(node); phase = n.origin.phase; } } if (origins.length) { state.selection.clear(); state.selection.select(origins, true); if (phase) { this.showPhaseByName(phase); } } } // call to propagate changes to graph updateGraphVisibility() { let graph = this; let state = graph.state; var filteredEdges = graph.edges.filter(function (e) { return e.isVisible(); }); const selEdges = graph.visibleEdges.selectAll("path").data(filteredEdges, edgeToStr); // remove old links selEdges.exit().remove(); // add new paths selEdges.enter() .append('path') .style('marker-end', 'url(#end-arrow)') .classed('hidden', function (e) { return !e.isVisible(); }) .attr("id", function (edge) { return "e," + edge.stringID(); }) .on("click", function (edge) { d3.event.stopPropagation(); if (!d3.event.shiftKey) { graph.selectionHandler.clear(); } graph.selectionHandler.select([edge.source, edge.target], true); }) .attr("adjacentToHover", "false"); // Set the correct styles on all of the paths selEdges.classed('value', function (e) { return e.type == 'value' || e.type == 'context'; }).classed('control', function (e) { return e.type == 'control'; }).classed('effect', function (e) { return e.type == 'effect'; }).classed('frame-state', function (e) { return e.type == 'frame-state'; }).attr('stroke-dasharray', function (e) { if (e.type == 'frame-state') return "10,10"; return (e.type == 'effect') ? "5,5" : ""; }); // select existing nodes const filteredNodes = graph.nodes.filter(n => n.visible); const allNodes = graph.visibleNodes.selectAll("g"); const selNodes = allNodes.data(filteredNodes, nodeToStr); // remove old nodes selNodes.exit().remove(); // add new nodes var newGs = selNodes.enter() .append("g"); newGs.classed("turbonode", function (n) { return true; }) .classed("control", function (n) { return n.isControl(); }) .classed("live", function (n) { return n.isLive(); }) .classed("dead", function (n) { return !n.isLive(); }) .classed("javascript", function (n) { return n.isJavaScript(); }) .classed("input", function (n) { return n.isInput(); }) .classed("simplified", function (n) { return n.isSimplified(); }) .classed("machine", function (n) { return n.isMachine(); }) .on('mouseenter', function (node) { const visibleEdges = graph.visibleEdges.selectAll('path'); const adjInputEdges = visibleEdges.filter(e => { return e.target === node; }); const adjOutputEdges = visibleEdges.filter(e => { return e.source === node; }); adjInputEdges.attr('relToHover', "input"); adjOutputEdges.attr('relToHover', "output"); const adjInputNodes = adjInputEdges.data().map(e => e.source); const visibleNodes = graph.visibleNodes.selectAll("g"); const input = visibleNodes.data(adjInputNodes, nodeToStr) .attr('relToHover', "input"); const adjOutputNodes = adjOutputEdges.data().map(e => e.target); const output = visibleNodes.data(adjOutputNodes, nodeToStr) .attr('relToHover', "output"); graph.updateGraphVisibility(); }) .on('mouseleave', function (node) { const visibleEdges = graph.visibleEdges.selectAll('path'); const adjEdges = visibleEdges.filter(e => { return e.target === node || e.source === node; }); adjEdges.attr('relToHover', "none"); const adjNodes = adjEdges.data().map(e => e.target).concat(adjEdges.data().map(e => e.source)); const visibleNodes = graph.visibleNodes.selectAll("g"); const nodes = visibleNodes.data(adjNodes, nodeToStr) .attr('relToHover', "none"); graph.updateGraphVisibility(); }) .on("click", (d) => { if (!d3.event.shiftKey) graph.selectionHandler.clear(); graph.selectionHandler.select([d], undefined); d3.event.stopPropagation(); }) .call(graph.drag) newGs.append("rect") .attr("rx", 10) .attr("ry", 10) .attr('width', function (d) { return d.getTotalNodeWidth(); }) .attr('height', function (d) { return graph.getNodeHeight(d); }) function appendInputAndOutputBubbles(g, d) { for (var i = 0; i < d.inputs.length; ++i) { var x = d.getInputX(i); var y = -DEFAULT_NODE_BUBBLE_RADIUS; var s = g.append('circle') .classed("filledBubbleStyle", function (c) { return d.inputs[i].isVisible(); }) .classed("bubbleStyle", function (c) { return !d.inputs[i].isVisible(); }) .attr("id", "ib," + d.inputs[i].stringID()) .attr("r", DEFAULT_NODE_BUBBLE_RADIUS) .attr("transform", function (d) { return "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")"; }) .on("click", function (d) { var components = this.id.split(','); var node = graph.nodeMap[components[3]]; var edge = node.inputs[components[2]]; var visible = !edge.isVisible(); node.setInputVisibility(components[2], visible); d3.event.stopPropagation(); graph.updateGraphVisibility(); }); } if (d.outputs.length != 0) { var x = d.getOutputX(); var y = graph.getNodeHeight(d) + DEFAULT_NODE_BUBBLE_RADIUS; var s = g.append('circle') .classed("filledBubbleStyle", function (c) { return d.areAnyOutputsVisible() == 2; }) .classed("halFilledBubbleStyle", function (c) { return d.areAnyOutputsVisible() == 1; }) .classed("bubbleStyle", function (c) { return d.areAnyOutputsVisible() == 0; }) .attr("id", "ob," + d.id) .attr("r", DEFAULT_NODE_BUBBLE_RADIUS) .attr("transform", function (d) { return "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")"; }) .on("click", function (d) { d.setOutputVisibility(d.areAnyOutputsVisible() == 0); d3.event.stopPropagation(); graph.updateGraphVisibility(); }); } } newGs.each(function (d) { appendInputAndOutputBubbles(d3.select(this), d); }); newGs.each(function (d) { d3.select(this).append("text") .classed("label", true) .attr("text-anchor", "right") .attr("dx", 5) .attr("dy", 5) .append('tspan') .text(function (l) { return d.getDisplayLabel(); }) .append("title") .text(function (l) { return d.getTitle(); }) if (d.type != undefined) { d3.select(this).append("text") .classed("label", true) .classed("type", true) .attr("text-anchor", "right") .attr("dx", 5) .attr("dy", d.labelbbox.height + 5) .append('tspan') .text(function (l) { return d.getDisplayType(); }) .append("title") .text(function (l) { return d.getType(); }) } }); const newAndOldNodes = newGs.merge(selNodes); newAndOldNodes.select('.type').each(function (d) { this.setAttribute('visibility', graph.state.showTypes ? 'visible' : 'hidden'); }); newAndOldNodes .classed("selected", function (n) { if (state.selection.isSelected(n)) return true; return false; }) .attr("transform", function (d) { return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"; }) .select('rect') .attr('height', function (d) { return graph.getNodeHeight(d); }); graph.visibleBubbles = d3.selectAll('circle'); graph.updateInputAndOutputBubbles(); graph.maxGraphX = graph.maxGraphNodeX; selEdges.attr("d", function (edge) { return edge.generatePath(graph); }); } getSvgViewDimensions() { return [this.container.clientWidth, this.container.clientHeight]; } getSvgExtent(): [[number, number], [number, number]] { return [[0, 0], [this.container.clientWidth, this.container.clientHeight]]; } minScale() { const graph = this; const dimensions = this.getSvgViewDimensions(); const minXScale = dimensions[0] / (2 * graph.width); const minYScale = dimensions[1] / (2 * graph.height); const minScale = Math.min(minXScale, minYScale); this.panZoom.scaleExtent([minScale, 40]); return minScale; } onresize() { const trans = d3.zoomTransform(this.svg.node()); const ctrans = this.panZoom.constrain()(trans, this.getSvgExtent(), this.panZoom.translateExtent()) this.panZoom.transform(this.svg, ctrans) } toggleTypes() { var graph = this; graph.state.showTypes = !graph.state.showTypes; var element = document.getElementById('toggle-types'); element.classList.toggle('button-input-toggled', graph.state.showTypes); graph.updateGraphVisibility(); } viewSelection() { var graph = this; var minX, maxX, minY, maxY; var hasSelection = false; graph.visibleNodes.selectAll("g").each(function (n) { if (graph.state.selection.isSelected(n)) { hasSelection = true; minX = minX ? Math.min(minX, n.x) : n.x; maxX = maxX ? Math.max(maxX, n.x + n.getTotalNodeWidth()) : n.x + n.getTotalNodeWidth(); minY = minY ? Math.min(minY, n.y) : n.y; maxY = maxY ? Math.max(maxY, n.y + graph.getNodeHeight(n)) : n.y + graph.getNodeHeight(n); } }); if (hasSelection) { graph.viewGraphRegion(minX - NODE_INPUT_WIDTH, minY - 60, maxX + NODE_INPUT_WIDTH, maxY + 60, true); } } viewGraphRegion(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, transition) { const [width, height] = this.getSvgViewDimensions(); const dx = maxX - minX; const dy = maxY - minY; const x = (minX + maxX) / 2; const y = (minY + maxY) / 2; const scale = Math.min(width / (1.1 * dx), height / (1.1 * dy)); const transform = d3.zoomIdentity.translate(1500, 100).scale(0.75); this.svg .transition().duration(300).call(this.panZoom.translateTo, x, y) .transition().duration(300).call(this.panZoom.scaleTo, scale) .transition().duration(300).call(this.panZoom.translateTo, x, y); } viewWholeGraph() { this.panZoom.scaleTo(this.svg, 0); this.panZoom.translateTo(this.svg, this.minGraphX + this.width / 2, this.minGraphY + this.height / 2) } }