The usbdescriptors_ files contain raw USB descriptors from the Google USB-C to 3.5mm adapter, with different loads connected to the 3.5mm jack. usbdescriptors_nothing.bin: - The descriptors when the jack is disconnected. usbdescriptors_headphones.bin: - The descriptors when the jack is connected to 32-ohm headphones, no microphone. The relevant output terminal is: bDescriptorSubtype 3 (OUTPUT_TERMINAL) bTerminalID 15 wTerminalType 0x0302 Headphones usbdescriptors_lineout.bin: - The descriptors when the jack is connected to a PC line-in jack. The relevant output terminal is: bDescriptorSubtype 3 (OUTPUT_TERMINAL) bTerminalID 15 wTerminalType 0x0603 Line Connector usbdescriptors_headset.bin: - The descriptors when a headset with microphone and low-impedance headphones are connected. The relevant input terminal is: bDescriptorSubtype 2 (INPUT_TERMINAL) bTerminalID 1 wTerminalType 0x0201 Microphone The relevant output terminal is: bDescriptorSubtype 3 (OUTPUT_TERMINAL) bTerminalID 15 wTerminalType 0x0302 Headphones