// Build the unit tests, // Build the binary to $(TARGET_OUT_DATA_NATIVE_TESTS)/$(LOCAL_MODULE) // to integrate with auto-test framework. cc_test { name: "libgui_test", test_suites: ["device-tests"], clang: true, cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", ], srcs: [ "BufferItemConsumer_test.cpp", "BufferQueue_test.cpp", "CpuConsumer_test.cpp", "EndToEndNativeInputTest.cpp", "DisplayedContentSampling_test.cpp", "FillBuffer.cpp", "GLTest.cpp", "IGraphicBufferProducer_test.cpp", "Malicious.cpp", "MultiTextureConsumer_test.cpp", "RegionSampling_test.cpp", "StreamSplitter_test.cpp", "SurfaceTextureClient_test.cpp", "SurfaceTextureFBO_test.cpp", "SurfaceTextureGLThreadToGL_test.cpp", "SurfaceTextureGLToGL_test.cpp", "SurfaceTextureGL_test.cpp", "SurfaceTextureMultiContextGL_test.cpp", "Surface_test.cpp", "TextureRenderer.cpp", ], shared_libs: [ "android.hardware.configstore@1.0", "android.hardware.configstore-utils", "libbase", "liblog", "libEGL", "libGLESv1_CM", "libGLESv2", "libbinder", "libcutils", "libgui", "libhidlbase", "libhidltransport", "libinput", "libui", "libutils", "libnativewindow" ], } // Build a separate binary to $(TARGET_OUT_DATA_NATIVE_TESTS)/$(LOCAL_MODULE) // This test has a main method, and requires a separate binary to be built. // To add move tests like this, just add additional cc_test statements, // as opposed to adding more source files to this one. cc_test { name: "SurfaceParcelable_test", test_suites: ["device-tests"], clang: true, cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", ], srcs: [ "SurfaceParcelable_test.cpp", ], shared_libs: [ "liblog", "libbinder", "libcutils", "libgui", "libui", "libutils", "libbufferhubqueue", // TODO(b/70046255): Remove these once BufferHub is integrated into libgui. "libpdx_default_transport", ], header_libs: [ "libdvr_headers", ], } cc_test { name: "SamplingDemo", clang: true, cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", ], srcs: [ "SamplingDemo.cpp", ], shared_libs: [ "libbinder", "libcutils", "libgui", "liblog", "libui", "libutils", ] }