### ### Untrusted_app_25 ### ### This file defines the rules for untrusted apps running with ### targetSdkVersion <= 25. ### ### Apps are labeled based on mac_permissions.xml (maps signer and ### optionally package name to seinfo value) and seapp_contexts (maps UID ### and optionally seinfo value to domain for process and type for data ### directory). The untrusted_app domain is the default assignment in ### seapp_contexts for any app with UID between APP_AID (10000) ### and AID_ISOLATED_START (99000) if the app has no specific seinfo ### value as determined from mac_permissions.xml. In current AOSP, this ### domain is assigned to all non-system apps as well as to any system apps ### that are not signed by the platform key. To move ### a system app into a specific domain, add a signer entry for it to ### mac_permissions.xml and assign it one of the pre-existing seinfo values ### or define and use a new seinfo value in both mac_permissions.xml and ### seapp_contexts. ### typeattribute untrusted_app_25 coredomain; app_domain(untrusted_app_25) untrusted_app_domain(untrusted_app_25) net_domain(untrusted_app_25) bluetooth_domain(untrusted_app_25) # Allow the allocation and use of ptys # Used by: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jackpal.androidterm create_pty(untrusted_app_25) # b/34115651 - net.dns* properties read # This will go away in a future Android release get_prop(untrusted_app_25, net_dns_prop) # b/35917228 - /proc/misc access # This will go away in a future Android release allow untrusted_app_25 proc_misc:file r_file_perms; # Access to /proc/tty/drivers, to allow apps to determine if they # are running in an emulated environment. # b/33214085 b/33814662 b/33791054 b/33211769 # https://github.com/strazzere/anti-emulator/blob/master/AntiEmulator/src/diff/strazzere/anti/emulator/FindEmulator.java # This will go away in a future Android release allow untrusted_app_25 proc_tty_drivers:file r_file_perms;