typeattribute runas_app coredomain; app_domain(runas_app) untrusted_app_domain(runas_app) net_domain(runas_app) bluetooth_domain(runas_app) # The ability to call exec() on files in the apps home directories # when using run-as on a debuggable app. Used to run lldb/ndk-gdb/simpleperf, # which are copied to the apps home directories. allow runas_app app_data_file:file execute_no_trans; # Allow lldb/ndk-gdb/simpleperf to read maps of debuggable app processes. r_dir_file(runas_app, untrusted_app_all) # Allow lldb/ndk-gdb/simpleperf to ptrace attach to debuggable app processes. allow runas_app untrusted_app_all:process { ptrace signal sigstop }; allow runas_app untrusted_app_all:unix_stream_socket connectto;