# # Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # $(1): List of target native files to copy. # $(2): Copy destination directory. # Evaluates to a list of ":"-separated pairs src:dst. define target-native-copy-pairs $(foreach m,$(1),\ $(eval _built_files := $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUILT_INSTALLED)\ $(ALL_MODULES.$(m)$(TARGET_2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX).BUILT_INSTALLED)))\ $(eval _module_class_folder := $($(strip MODULE_CLASS_$(word 1, $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).CLASS)\ $(ALL_MODULES.$(m)$(TARGET_2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX).CLASS))))))\ $(foreach i, $(_built_files),\ $(eval bui_ins := $(subst :,$(space),$(i)))\ $(eval ins := $(word 2,$(bui_ins)))\ $(if $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_ROOT)/%,$(ins)),\ $(eval bui := $(word 1,$(bui_ins)))\ $(if $(filter $(_module_class_folder), nativetest benchmarktest),\ $(eval module_class_folder_stem := $(_module_class_folder)$(findstring 64, $(patsubst $(PRODUCT_OUT)/%,%,$(ins)))),\ $(eval module_class_folder_stem := $(_module_class_folder)))\ $(eval my_copy_dest := $(patsubst data/%,DATA/%,\ $(patsubst testcases/%,DATA/$(module_class_folder_stem)/%,\ $(patsubst testcases/$(m)/$(TARGET_ARCH)/%,DATA/$(module_class_folder_stem)/$(m)/%,\ $(patsubst testcases/$(m)/$(TARGET_2ND_ARCH)/%,DATA/$(module_class_folder_stem)/$(m)/%,\ $(patsubst system/%,DATA/%,\ $(patsubst $(PRODUCT_OUT)/%,%,$(ins))))))))\ $(bui):$(2)/$(my_copy_dest)))) endef # $(1): List of host native files to copy. # $(2): Copy destination directory. # Evaluates to a list of ":"-separated pairs src:dst. define host-native-copy-pairs $(foreach m,$(1),\ $(eval _built_files := $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUILT_INSTALLED)\ $(ALL_MODULES.$(m)$(HOST_2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX).BUILT_INSTALLED)))\ $(foreach i, $(_built_files),\ $(eval bui_ins := $(subst :,$(space),$(i)))\ $(eval ins := $(word 2,$(bui_ins)))\ $(if $(filter $(HOST_OUT)/% $(HOST_CROSS_OUT)/%,$(ins)),\ $(eval bui := $(word 1,$(bui_ins)))\ $(eval my_copy_dest := $(patsubst $(HOST_OUT)/%,%,\ $(patsubst $(HOST_CROSS_OUT)/%,%,$(ins))))\ $(bui):$(2)/host/$(my_copy_dest)))) endef # $(1): The path to the lsdump. # $(2): The path to the output dump. define lsdump-to-dump $(2) : $(1) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/extract_lsdump @echo "Generate:" $(notdir $(2)) @mkdir -p $(dir $(2)) @rm -f $(2) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/extract_lsdump $(1) $(2) endef # $(1): The target tuple. e.g., arm:arm:armv7-a-neon:32 # $(2): The output directory. e.g., $(VTS_TESTCASES_OUT)/vts/testcases/vndk/golden. # Evaluates to a list of destination files. (i.e. suitable for dependency list) define create-vndk-abi-dump-from-target $(strip \ $(eval target_tuple := $(subst :, ,$(1))) \ $(eval primary_arch := $(word 1, $(target_tuple))) \ $(eval arch := $(word 2, $(target_tuple))) \ $(eval arch_variant := $(word 3, $(target_tuple))) \ $(eval binder_bitness := $(word 4, $(target_tuple))) \ $(eval target_arch_variant := \ $(arch)$(if $(filter $(arch_variant),$(arch)),,_$(arch_variant))) \ $(eval lsdump_dir := \ prebuilts/abi-dumps/vndk/$(PLATFORM_VNDK_VERSION)/$(binder_bitness)/$(target_arch_variant)/source-based) \ $(if $(wildcard $(lsdump_dir)),\ $(eval lsdump_names := \ $(call find-files-in-subdirs,$(lsdump_dir),"*.lsdump" -and -type f,.)) \ $(eval abi_dump_dir := \ $(2)/$(PLATFORM_VNDK_VERSION)/binder$(binder_bitness)/$(primary_arch)/$(if $(findstring 64,$(arch)),lib64,lib)) \ $(foreach f,$(lsdump_names),\ $(eval copy_src := $(lsdump_dir)/$(f)) \ $(eval copy_dst := $(abi_dump_dir)/$(f:%.lsdump=%.dump)) \ $(eval $(call lsdump-to-dump,$(copy_src),$(copy_dst))) \ $(copy_dst)))) endef