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3   <!ELEMENT thresholds (threshold)+>
5 <!ELEMENT threshold (description,levels)>
6 <!ATTLIST threshold xmlns CDATA #FIXED '' alias NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
15 Threshold Maps for Ordered Posterized Dither
17 Each "<threshold>" element defines the map name, description, and an array
18 of "levels" used to provide the threshold map for ordered dithering and
21 The "alias" attribute provides a backward compatible name for this threshold
24 The description is a english description of what the threshold map achieves
27 The map itself is a rectangular array of integers or threshold "levels"
32 Each of the "levels" integer values (each value representing the threshold
37 The "divisor" not only defines the upper limit and threshold divisor for each
38 "level" but also the total number of pseudo-levels the threshold mapping
46 "divisor-2" dither patterns (as defined by the threshold map) between each of
56 Minimal Dither and Non-Dither Threshold Maps
58 <threshold map="threshold" alias="1x1">
59 <description>Threshold 1x1 (non-dither)</description>
63 </threshold>
65 <threshold map="checks" alias="2x1">
71 </threshold>
76 <threshold map="o2x2" alias="2x2">
82 </threshold>
84 <threshold map="o3x3" alias="3x3">
91 </threshold>
93 <threshold map="o4x4" alias="4x4">
105 </threshold>
107 <threshold map="o8x8" alias="8x8">
120 </threshold>
129 pattern at the 50% threshold level, before forming negated circles,
130 as it approached the other threshold extereme.
132 <threshold map="h4x4a" alias="4x1">
140 </threshold>
142 <threshold map="h6x6a" alias="6x1">
152 </threshold>
154 <threshold map="h8x8a" alias="8x1">
166 </threshold>
176 pattern at the 50% threshold level, before forming negated circles,
177 as it approached the other threshold extereme.
179 <threshold map="h4x4o">
187 </threshold>
189 <threshold map="h6x6o">
199 </threshold>
201 <threshold map="h8x8o">
213 </threshold>
215 <threshold map="h16x16o">
240 </threshold>
247 Rather than producing a diamond 50% threshold pattern, these
253 areas of highly varying intensity. Threshold dither patterns
257 <threshold map="c5x5b" alias="c5x5">
266 </threshold>
269 <threshold map="c5x5w">
278 </threshold>
280 <threshold map="c6x6b" alias="c6x6">
290 </threshold>
292 <threshold map="c6x6w">
302 </threshold>
304 <threshold map="c7x7b" alias="c7x7">
315 </threshold>
318 <threshold map="c7x7w">
329 </threshold>