Lines Matching defs:spatialDec_struct
302 struct spatialDec_struct { struct
304 errInt; /* Field to store internal errors.
306 int staticDecScale; /* static scale of decoder */
309 int samplingFreq; /* [Hz] */
310 CFG_LEVEL decoderLevel; /* 0..5 */
311 CFG_EXTENT decoderMode;
312 CFG_BINAURAL binauralMode;
316 int numComplexProcessingBands;
318 int treeConfig; /* TREE_5151 = 5151, TREE_5152 = 5152, TREE_525 = 525, defined
321 int numInputChannels; /* 1 (M) or 2 (L,R) */
322 int numOutputChannels; /* 6 for 3/2.1 (FL,FR,FC,LF,BL,BR) */
323 int numOttBoxes; /* number of ott boxes */
324 int numM2rows;
326 int numOutputChannelsAT; /* Number of output channels after arbitrary tree
329 int quantMode; /* QUANT_FINE, QUANT_EBQ1, QUANT_EBQ2, defined in sac_bitdec.h
331 int arbitraryDownmix; /* (arbitraryDownmix != 0) 1 arbitrary downmix data
333 int residualCoding; /* (residualCoding != 0) => residual coding data present
335 UCHAR nrResidualFrame;
336 UCHAR nrArbDownmixResidualFrame;
337 FDK_BITSTREAM **hResidualBitstreams;
338 int tempShapeConfig; /* */
339 int decorrType; /* Indicates to use PS or none PS decorrelator. */
340 int decorrConfig; /* chosen decorrelator */
341 int envQuantMode; /* quantization mode of envelope reshaping data */
343 FIXP_DBL clipProtectGain__FDK; /* global gain for upmix */
344 char clipProtectGainSF__FDK; /* global gain for upmix */
348 int numDirektSignals; /* needed for W, Number of direkt signals 515 -> 1 525
350 int wStartResidualIdx; /* Where to start read residuals for W, = 0 for 515, =
352 int numDecorSignals; /* needed for W, Number of residual and decorrelated
354 int numVChannels; /* direct signals + decorelator signals */
355 int numXChannels; /* direct input signals + TTT-residuals */
357 int timeSlots; /* length of spatial frame in QMF samples */
358 int curTimeSlot; /* pointer to the current time slot used for hyperframing */
359 int prevTimeSlot; /* */
360 int curPs;
361 int frameLength; /* number of output waveform samples/channel/frame */
362 UPMIXTYPE upmixType;
363 int partiallyComplex;
364 int useFDreverb;
366 int bShareDelayWithSBR;
368 int tp_hybBandBorder; /* Hybrid band indicating the HP filter cut-off. */
371 int qmfBands;
372 int hybridBands;
373 const SCHAR *kernels; /* Mapping hybrid band to parameter band. */
375 int TsdTs; /**< TSD QMF slot counter 0<= ts < numSlots */
377 int *param2hyb; /* Mapping parameter bands to hybrid bands */
378 int kernels_width[MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS]; /* Mapping parmeter band to hybrid
382 int residualSamplingFreq;
383 UCHAR residualPresent[MAX_NUM_OTT + MAX_NUM_TTT];
384 UCHAR residualBands[MAX_NUM_OTT + MAX_NUM_TTT]; /* 0, if no residual data
386 UCHAR residualQMFBands[MAX_NUM_OTT + MAX_NUM_TTT]; /* needed for optimized
390 int arbdmxFramesPerSpatialFrame;
391 int arbdmxUpdQMF;
393 int numParameterBands; /* Number of parameter bands 40, 28, 20, 14, 10, ...
395 int bitstreamParameterBands;
396 int *numOttBands; /* number of bands for each ott, is != numParameterBands for
400 UCHAR extendFrame;
401 UCHAR numParameterSetsPrev;
403 int *smgTime;
404 UCHAR **smgData;
410 SCHAR **ottCLDidxPrev;
411 SCHAR **ottICCidxPrev;
412 SCHAR **arbdmxGainIdxPrev;
413 SCHAR **ottIPDidxPrev;
414 SCHAR ***outIdxData; /* is this really persistent memory ? */
417 SCHAR **cmpOttCLDidxPrev;
418 SCHAR **cmpOttICCidxPrev;
419 SCHAR ***ottICCdiffidx;
420 SCHAR **cmpOttIPDidxPrev;
423 SCHAR **cmpArbdmxGainIdxPrev;
425 SCHAR ***ottCLD__FDK;
426 SCHAR ***ottICC__FDK;
428 SCHAR ***arbdmxGain__FDK; /* Holds the artistic downmix correction index.*/
430 FIXP_DBL *arbdmxAlpha__FDK;
431 FIXP_DBL *arbdmxAlphaPrev__FDK;
433 UCHAR stereoConfigIndex;
434 int highRateMode;
436 int phaseCoding;
438 SCHAR ***ottIPD__FDK;
444 int numOttBandsIPD;
447 FIXP_DBL ***M2Real__FDK;
448 FIXP_DBL ***M2Imag__FDK;
449 FIXP_DBL ***M2RealPrev__FDK;
450 FIXP_DBL ***M2ImagPrev__FDK;
453 FIXP_DBL ***qmfInputRealDelayBuffer__FDK;
454 FIXP_DBL ***qmfInputImagDelayBuffer__FDK;
456 int pc_filterdelay; /* additional delay to align HQ with LP before hybird
458 int qmfInputDelayBufPos;
459 FIXP_DBL **qmfInputReal__FDK;
460 FIXP_DBL **qmfInputImag__FDK;
462 FIXP_DBL **hybInputReal__FDK;
463 FIXP_DBL **hybInputImag__FDK;
465 FIXP_DBL **binInputReverb;
467 FIXP_DBL binGain, reverbGain;
468 FIXP_DBL binCenterGain, reverbCenterGain;
472 FIXP_DBL ***qmfResidualReal__FDK;
473 FIXP_DBL ***qmfResidualImag__FDK;
475 FIXP_DBL **hybResidualReal__FDK;
476 FIXP_DBL **hybResidualImag__FDK;
478 int qmfOutputRealDryDelayBufPos;
479 FIXP_DBL ***qmfOutputRealDryDelayBuffer__FDK;
480 FIXP_DBL ***qmfOutputImagDryFilterBuffer__FDK;
481 FIXP_DBL *qmfOutputImagDryFilterBufferBase__FDK;
485 FIXP_DBL **wReal__FDK;
486 FIXP_DBL **wImag__FDK;
489 FIXP_DBL **hybOutputRealDry__FDK;
490 FIXP_DBL **hybOutputImagDry__FDK;
491 FIXP_DBL **hybOutputRealWet__FDK;
492 FIXP_DBL **hybOutputImagWet__FDK;
493 PCM_MPS *timeOut__FDK;
498 *hybridAnalysis; /*!< pointer Analysis hybrid filterbank array. */
500 *hybridSynthesis; /*!< pointer Synthesis hybrid filterbank array. */
502 pHybridAnaStatesLFdmx; /*!< pointer to analysis hybrid filter states LF */
504 pHybridAnaStatesHFdmx; /*!< pointer to analysis hybrid filter states HF */
506 pHybridAnaStatesLFres; /*!< pointer to analysis hybrid filter states LF */
508 pHybridAnaStatesHFres; /*!< pointer to analysis hybrid filter states HF */
510 DECORR_DEC *apDecor; /*!< pointer decorrelator array. */
511 FIXP_DBL **pDecorBufferCplx;
535 static inline int GetProcBand(spatialDec_struct *self, int qs) { in GetProcBand() argument