Lines Matching refs:libc
9 (such as libc) and executables (such as node) and provide static tracing
44 $ tplist -l c # list probes in libc
45 /lib64/ libc:setjmp
46 /lib64/ libc:longjmp
47 /lib64/ libc:longjmp_target
48 /lib64/ libc:memory_arena_reuse_free_list
49 /lib64/ libc:memory_heap_new
97 libc:memory_malloc_retry [sema 0x0]
98 location #0 /lib64/ 0x835c0
100 location #1 /lib64/ 0x83778
102 location #2 /lib64/ 0x85a50
104 libc:memory_realloc_retry [sema 0x0]
105 location #0 /lib64/ 0x84b90
108 location #1 /lib64/ 0x85cf0
111 libc:memory_calloc_retry [sema 0x0]
112 location #0 /lib64/ 0x850f0